Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

As regards Danny's comment's about the supreme commander title, to be honest either I just have a thicker skin than most for this sort of thing or I didn't particularly notice, plus I remember the online game Gothador in which the game's creators put in their own character class, omnilord and left "omnilord was here" marks all around the maps, quite aside from having the automated character creation email labled "plee to omnilord hoof master" and "Hoofmaster allows your encarnation in the world", compared to that most everything is fairly low key, heck I have a custom title on this board myself . While a tutorial for Cosmic rage on the activities would be nice, especially on some of the less useful commands, i will say for the most part activities and the activity help files were fairly self explanetory, it was just unus
 ual commands that I had trouble with, also to be fair I actually found promethius far more difficult in this respect (for example making you need to go and find a certain console somewhere before you could even use in game chat). Certainly I've seen far worse games for complexity myself and I enjoy complex games, however I would appreciate it if perhaps the existing activities in the game recieved some tweaks, eg, variations in how you do them, unexpected missions or quests associated with npcs for them, and perhaps some establishment of the commands, - boats particularly I found somewhat confusing though that might now be fixed. Lets not turn this into a "get at cosmic rage" topic however. Oddly enough ironcross, I really had trouble with the tutorial in empire mud when i tried, mostly because I kept finding tasks I was told I couldn't do. I probably ought to give the game another try since that is one which definitely needs a db page. <
 /p>For great tutorials though, Avalon has probably one of the best I've ever seen, indeed it takes the form of a mini set of quests, it's just a shame after finishing these I sort of got a bit confused, heck most of the hacknslash fantasy muds tend to have very awesome tutorials with their quest code in place as well as progressions of stuff to do, it's generally the crafting muds that have a harder time.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

hi guys.I've actually slept, since I posted this and am now struggling not to laugh.I actually have the biggest grin on my face right now.I'd like to just address these one by one:Firstly, actually yeah. Lesson learned, don't read logs at 3 in the morning. snicker. So amused.Secondly, The ego thing?can I just. *tries to hide amusement*I'm sorry I dunno, just every time I read an ego post I start laughing.. because it's so true.Though, on the twat side of things  I'm no longer Supreme commander smith, as it got on my nerves.Majorly so.I am toning down ego, or trying to at least.In terms of the log, I think the reason it ticked me off so much was the hole direct insult to my person.I'm not overly fussed if they insult the game, like I said in the logs, people dislike it but they t
 ried it, and I respect that.What got me was coders who I've never even worked with commenting on my skill set?Either way, I'm in the boat of having slept on it, I now agree that posting this thread was not the best of ideas.Either way though, I thank each one of you for your comments and whatnot.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

@Nathan whether or not   this file is correct that doesn't matter toomuch and I'm afraid I do agree with jayde here over all. There are no comments or criticisms here that required you to make a massive public protest, particularly since these comments occurred on another game.While I appreciate that you are concerned about people's opinions, the best thing you can do is ask people how to make Cosmic rage better and implement those suggestions, not take notice of a few people's random opinions which in the end come down to either A, I just don't like cosmic rage because I don't, or B, the coding from the game was probably maybe perhaps from somewhere else at some point,  really the amount of random speculation and wild accusations about where what mud coding came from where or whom I've seen is quite ridiculous and it's better not to be embroiled in it (we've had several actual major forum bans on that subject). So, treat this as the tempest in the teacup it is, and move on. Now, on to suggestions. amerikranian mentions a tutorial. I am not sure what "the empire" he is talking about (empire mud?), but a tutorial does help, indeed I would strongly suggest having tutorials for each activitiy, ie, npcs who give the player tasks such as go and buy hunting gear and then sell stuff. Your help system is particularly good, but tutorials that give you tasks to do are always fun, plus it's not always clear (I recall boats particularly being quite problematic in cosmos due to command confusions though it is possible they are fixed). This would also help at lower levels to advance players through the less fun bits of experience. Btw, I do need to get back to Cosmic rage and make a db page for it, but i want to be clear on all the unique things it does liek activities and such.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

@Nathan whether or not   this file is correct that doesn't matter toomuch and I'm afraid I do agree with jayde here over all. There are no comments or criticisms here that required you to make a massive public protest, particularly since these comments occurred on another game.While I appreciate that you are concerned about people's opinions, the best thing you can do is ask people how to make Cosmic rage better and implement those suggestions, not take notice of a few people's random opinions which in the end come down to either A, I just don't like cosmic rage because I don't, or B, the coding from the game was probably maybe perhaps from somewhere else at some point,  really the amount of random speculation and wild accusations about where what mud coding came from where or whom I've seen is quite ridiculous and it's better not to be embroiled in it (we've had several actual major forum bans on that subject). So, treat this as the tempest in the teacup it is, and move on. Now, on to suggestions. amerikranian mentions a tutorial. I am not sure what "the empire" he is talking about (empire mud?), but a tutorial does help, indeed I would strongly suggest having tutorials for each activitiy, ie, npcs who give the player tasks such as go and buy hunting gear and then sell stuff. Your help system is particularly good, but tutorials that give you tasks to do are always fun, plus it's not always clear (I recall boats particularly being quite problematic in cosmos due to command confusions though it is possible they are fixed). This would also help at lower levels to advance players through the less fun bits of experience. Btw, I do need to get back to Cosmos and make a db page for it, but i want to be clear on all the unique things it does liek activities and such.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

@9 man I gotta tell you, you're writing style needs some improvements. I don't usually like to post stuff like this but it bugs the crap out of me, start thinking of maybe using some punctuation so it doesn't sound like ratta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta tatta. Also, ofcause is not a word. It's of course.@13 I agree with everything you said, especially about the supreme thing it sounds quite childish and make ya look like a twat, Dardar, sorry but it does. Not saying that was your intent, but it was a turnoff for me..


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Dark, I meant empire mud. The tutorial is massive and took me from 2 to 4h to do. I didn't spam newbie with: "what is this, how do I do this," for the most part. In CR I had to ask a lot/read a lot of help files and by the time I learn basic stuff I was like screw this. sorry if this will be harsh, but CR's tutorial is crap.  It only teaches you how to pick up/drop things.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

I'd like to add my 2 sence here if everyone doesn't mined, having red the chatlog myself. I won't get involved in the moo vs other moo fight, i've seen enough and been in enough to know the outcome, but before we all take shots at each other, lets all get out the sheet music and play the past simphany for a minute, in otherwords, lets remember what's happened in the past when protests like these have been made. In all cases, including myself, all of these past things have completely backfired, with usually the game responding to the crittisism the most ending up in a pile of ashes. Perhaps that'd be the gratest threat to any online game is how public we all tend to make things get. This is a fact of online games mainstreem, audio, text, it doesn't matter. If we're going to all go online, all of us are gonna have to learn to tuffin up to crittisism weather it be constructive or destructive, telling people that they should only focus on constr
 uctive crittisism isn't good enough, and that's simply a downside we all have to cope with when we have more advanced games like the quality we're getting now. With that in mined, i've red the log and quite frankly can't really see what makes it so afensive that its worthy enough posting here. I've had neggitive comments like that directed at me before, and while they've stung a little now their just comments i'll make jokes out of just for fun. Besides, their just games. Products people produce for the entertainment of other people and themselves, their's nothing rong if someone were to express to their friend this game is stupid. And if it is rong, then we all must be hipicrits because i'm betting everyone of us, including me has said that about a mainstreem game or audio game at somepoint. Is it polite to say your opinion with out providing any constructive crittisism, maybe not, but its better than not saying anything at all and 
 being forced to hold it in. And holding it in is what brings out the kind of mentality that leads to over sensitivity and by extention logs being posted like this publicly. With all that in mined, I will state a thing that drove me away from cosmic rage as a player. You mentioned your ego in the log, and yes, i've seen this on the game. The problem I have, as a player, is that, the last time I played, it was all over the game. On the logon screen, in the first part of creation if memory serves me correct, and in the announcements. If i'm not being clear enough its constantly mentioning yourself by name, and in the case of announcements, having a supreme title in the front. Like supreme sdf commander for example. To me as a player, that sends a message to me that your trying to state that your better than everyone else, but it also comes off as looking extremely pretentious. And i'm not saying having a lil bit of ego's bad, or that hyping things up a little's
  bad, i'm only saying that maybe you should consider toning things down, just a little bit as aposed to adding more and more features.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

@Nathan whether or not   correct then I'm afraid I do agree with jayde here. There are no comments or criticisms here that required you to make a massive public protest, particularly since these comments occurred on another game.While I appreciate that you are concerned about people's opinions, the best thing you can do is ask people how to make Cosmic rage better and implement those suggestions, not take notice of a few people's random opinions which in the end come down to either A, I just don't like cosmic rage because I don't, or B, the coding from the game was probably maybe perhaps from somewhere else at some point,  really the amount of random speculation and wild accusations about where what mud coding came from where or whom I've seen is quite ridiculous and it's better not to be embroiled in it (we've had several actual major forum bans on that subject). So, treat this as the tempest in the teacup it is,
  and move on. Now, on to suggestions. amerikranian mentions a tutorial. I am not sure what "the empire" he is talking about (empire mud?), but a tutorial does help, indeed I would strongly suggest having tutorials for each activitiy, ie, npcs who give the player tasks such as go and buy hunting gear and then sell stuff. Your help system is particularly good, but tutorials that give you tasks to do are always fun, plus it's not always clear (I recall boats particularly being quite problematic in cosmos due to command confusions though it is possible they are fixed). This would also help at lower levels to advance players through the less fun bits of experience. Btw, I do need to get back to Cosmos and make a db page for it, but i want to be clear on all the unique things it does liek activities and such.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Lol. People still think Miriani stole code from SC? I'd really like to see the proof of that one. People talk but never back that one up with any sort of proof.Also for those of us who don't play there, is the output of @version different on Prometheus? There was no comparison, just Cosmic Rage's @version.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

@Dardar:  1. sharing this may not have been such a good idea. From what it sounds like, the people chatting over Prometheus were simply trolling or, perhaps, just complaining about something they didn't like about your game. See, the way I view it is like this, because I'm a Christian. The God of the bible, in my opinion, is capable of meeting all my desires, and he's a just and merciful God who would save anyone who wanted that. This is just my belief though, but it doesn't please everybody, in other words either people don't believe it or it just plane makes them angry. My point? Not even God can please everybody, so you'll never succeed if you try going that route.2. Defending yourself. This is not necessary in the way you just tried, because again, it's a bunch of trolls, and from what it sounds like there are... ahem... 2 of them? With only comments about how your game sucks and no proof that you've done anything wrong.
  Plus, you said it yourself. You have 40 odd players at this point, and that's actually a pretty good number for a 4 month old text game.3. This whole thing kind of makes you appear childish. I'm not being rude here, but it kind of does. It comes off as "Hey! He is being mean to me! I'm going to go tell on him!" if you know what I mean.  So honestly dude, it's not really worth it. In fact if you were to have kept this to yourself and closest friends, maybe 4 people woulld've known about it all, and the majority would've forgot it happened by the very next day. Trust me, this isn't some conspiracy to bring down CR.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Hi to behonest I am not surprised.At sonnar we strive for quality, yet there are those people saying this is bad, this is crap, your stuff is total shit, etc.We almost immediately discount these requests the reason is simply because A single person or group of person's opinion is fine but unless there is more than 1 of you ie 12 of you 20 of you, I don't know 6 of you then its not worth investigating, we can not afford to investigate and solve every issue we will try to do that where we can with evidence ofcause, however we can't cater to every player on the plannet and thats the way it has to bee.There are a lot of good vibes from a lot of the base here, some people choose to bitch and moan.Even if the complaints are justified if only 1 or 2 people we just can't solve them because the group is to small and the dataset is to small to go on.Ofcause if someone sends us evidence like I did with an issue some time ago we will try to se
 e if we can reproduce it but its unknown if we can fix it all.A few people said the tutorial was simple, the games were boring and a few other things.Initially some of this stuff was left because it was to hard to solve, in some cases not enough means we can't sort everything.On the other hand all complaints are logged.We do know for example that the sound could be improved for instance and will try to do so when we can.We also know the games right now are really boring, but small they are right now and these are time wasters betwene our bigger projects.And for a startup like us, its down to funding.For those on other threads, its not that easy being a company and a new one like ours, well.Take out licencing, voice work, the sounds, the hardware for testing, the net fees, the website or sites and who knows what else we have to handle and thats a lot, its why we are going with this kickstarter, the funds we have are fine but we nee
 d more.And when it quits the esperimental stages, initial funding we have may or may not stick, its possible that will eventually go, so we do need to push for something.Its interesting that most of the issues have tailed off for now.Bottem line is you can't solve everything or make them better for all.Realitysoftware tried to do that and look what happened to them!


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Hi.Seriously Nathan, you are bitching about the fact that some people talk shit about your game? You just create a TXT file and play the offended guy.You know, this might disrupt your happy and gratefull world theory, but, welcome to the real world, where everyone has an oppinion and we are allowed to say what ever we want about someone or something, like your game?So, what is your problem, would you also do that if someone reviews your game, and let's say, he doesn't like the game,do you also take the review and edit it to make you look good.If so, well, you should stop developing games, because if you can't cope with the fact that people will make fun of your game or criticise it, well, stop developing.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Hi guys!@jadeYou'll be surprised to know I actually agree with a lot of the stuff you said there.I'd like it known that this was neither a bid for attention, nor a bid for come play my game, though it could have come across as that.This, to be honest, was me saying there are two sides to every story, heres my side.That being said, I'd like to address this point:3. You edited that log. It's a .txt file. Now, I'm not accusing you of lying, but all we as  ...True enough, its .txt and editted.Here is my logic:1. *** names is to protect the players involved.2. The editting is because it was maaajor spam. 3. Also the editting was to protect the players identity.That being said, I really do see your points.I think, to be honest, there is one main reason I posted  this, and that is so that something could be done.Sometimes, when main administrators, or key players a
 re offline, these things slip under the radar, then a rumour gets spread, then a lie gets told and it all just gets out of hand.This was my way of attempting to stop that.My way of saying hey, check this out, this is the truth here and now, thank ya very much.Either way I really do get your valid comments, though you read the log and have heard the story, which is my aim, rather than people forming an opinion.Awareness is power.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

People are talking, and there are always people who try to make drama, talk about things which they don't know anything about etc. The best thing you can do as a developer is to ignore all this. If people don't like the moo and if they won't come up with any suggestions on how to improve it, they can just leave... There are always people who are trying to make drama. Just don't care about it and care about the people who like the game...


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : patjk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

I'm in agreement with Jade here. Posting this is only going to increase the talk and make you look worse. I've seen your other topic as well about if your stuff has impacted people, and while that's a valid question, your answers will come with people emailing you and commenting on each game or thing you do. Those people dishing that out aren't going to go, oh, he gave his side, I was wrong. I'll stop. Not saying you should hold this in and never share it, but share it among friends that are close to you to get reassurance if you need it. Trying to grab for attention is never a good way to go. If something you do is great, people will keep coming. If something has been done before but has an original idea that people see outright, there may be some critics, but there could be people that like it. I understand you want to get noticed, but coming here and asking for validation from people only makes you come off seeming desperate.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Just a couple of things here.1. I refuse to get involved in who is right or wrong. I don't have the proof.2. I advise you, Nathan, to remember something. This is probably going to actually do you more harm than good. This is because...3. You edited that log. It's a .txt file. Now, I'm not accusing you of lying, but all we as outsiders have is said text file. For all we know, you wrote it out, left bits out, made people look worse. I mean hell, you did star out names after all. I'm playing devil's advocate here. What you're doing is trying too hard, and it's apt to blow up in your face.4. I think you've ultimately forgotten the sort of unwritten code of game development. If people don't like your game - and there will always, always be people who don't - your best defense is to make your game the best it can be. Let people talk, they're going to anyway. If people are disruptive on your game, try stealin
 g your players or hacking your files or anything, then deal with them as you see fit. But bringing this to our attention, to me at least, only makes me want to shy away from your game. It tells me a tale of a game dev who's either desperate for players, desperate for the positive opinions of others, or both. You may be neither of those things, and might be a truly stand-up guy, but the impression I'm getting is not a kind one based on this.Let me simplify this and put it very directly. Worry about the things you can fix, which includes your own game and the headaches you're going to have in making it better on a daily basis. Do not, by contrast, worry about people who are simply wrong about the facts, or who will see what they want to see no matter how much evidence you give them. They're probably not going to change their minds; the willfully ignorant rarely do. Forget them. And forget trying to convince us, a community who by and large probably don'
 t hold a great stake in the debate either way, of the truth of your stance or your arguments, or the offensive quality of some of the people who play a different mud. Hell, the conversation in question didn't even happen on your mud. Down that path lies misery.


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

hi there!What do you mean by tutorial?thanks!


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Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

Hi. I've read the logs and I agree with you, even if I don't play you're mud, or prom. Why? Because both of the MUDs are missing something. A good tutorial. Your mud has some of it, while prom doesn't.  Look at the empire, one of the best tutorials I've done.


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taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


taking moo rivalry a bit too far?

hello people.So some of you know me, some of you don't.I'm nathan smith, managing director of Nathan Tech.Four months ago, Nathan Tech went live with a new space based moo.Yesterday, half way through my halloween event a player contacted me with the following logs from a fellow game, prometheus moo.I was quite shocked when I read it, and have posted it for your reference below. … 6.txt?dl=1needless to say, this log left me rather offended, and for those interested, I have posted the output from our @version command, note this is the information on the database:The database was derived from a core created on May 17, 2004 at LambdaMOO for version 1.8.1w2 of the server.AS you can see, lambda core all the way.


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