Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

They seemingly reverted it recently, or at least I stopped having to double tap on voice input, go, numbers / simbles / letters etc. Try updating your app.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : st . mc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

well, I thought this is a talkback problem! could someone tell me what is the last version of gboard that does not have this issue?I had to use talkback for a while after flashing crdroidsA11 on my phone, the way typing worked there just frustrated me and I switched back to commentary as soon as I could.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

10, what are your concerns as regards commentary? I stopped using it as my daily driver a while ago for various reasons, but it's certainly a viable option and stable enough to be used on a primary device.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

Not updates to your OS, to the app. Go to the GBoard page on the play store, and click uninstall. It will ask you if you want to uninstall all updates to the app, click okay.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

@8: you need a lot of practice, that's all.@9: well, then I'll be stuck in android 9, plus I'd have everything in my phone deleted and my keyboard will just upgrade sometime in the future, so why bother?Anyway, I now can almost ignore the problems, the tb back button gesture helps a lot, believe I don't think I'll get android 11 on this huawei device soon, I'll just have to stick to these gestures...or maybe I should learn to use commentary? But then, this is my main phone so...


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

I had the same problem with GBoard. I know this isn't ideal, but if you uninstall all updates and go back to the stock version that came on your phone, everything should be back to normal.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

@7, I could never write as fast as even a sighted individual. Not with a touchscreen. I'm still unable to, sadly. I'm not sure if its just the fact that I'm still unused to the transition or not.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

@6: yeah, I feel that performance penalty too. Previously, I could write roughly the same speed as with an iOS keyboard. After a time, you just kind of know where a letter is to such an extent that you tapp almost directly on it, no need for flailing around. So, I could sometimes write as fast as a sighted, but those times are gone, since everything I posted in post 1 is severely impacting my typing speed.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

One thing I don't really like about this update is the swipe-typing -- or, rather, the forcing of the feature. Like its kinda nice but its slowed me down quite a bit, and the change was rather jarring. I had no chance to decide whether I wanted it, and I can't open the settings (I changed my keyboard size to tall and so the settings thing has vanished, and there's no open features menu anywhere on the keyboard now). I don't think the swipe typing feature is actually something in Gboard, because I tried switching my keyboard to MS SwiftKey and I still get it. I've also been experiencing ghost gestures; I'll put my phone down -- face up or down -- and when I open the lock screen sometimes it'll just start randomly tapping things, and its resulted in some close calls (like nearly calling 911 by accident when I was trying to reboot it to fix the gesture problem once because it was particularly bad at that point). I've absolutely no idea why this is happening, because it wasn't doing this 2-3 months ago, and its incredibly irritating. My phone is only a year old so I shouldn't be experiencing technical death yet, especially because I had a Moto GForce for 3 years and never suffered these problems (ever). I was stuck on Android seven then, but if this was a case of the HW getting old I should've suffered it on that device of all devices because that was two years older than my Pixel is.So yeah, I've turned this post into a rant Sorry 'bout that. But I like the swipe typing, I just really wish I had been given a choice on whether I actually wanted it. Granted, even with swipe typing I still suffer imperfect typing and I'm by no means fast at it using a touchscreen like I am with a keyboard (that will probably come with time though... Idk).


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

Hello,yes, ideally the quickest way to get the back button on phones with a navigation bar is Talkback's gesture to swipe down and then left.What I like? A couple things. You can focus a letter, then double tap it quickly as many times as you would like to insert it, instead of finding it over and over. For letters this isn't as useful, but where this is the most useful is when you are deleting multiple letters at once.Also, when I moved to iOS as my primary device, I was really not a fan of having to double tap done / enter buttons but being allowed to lift my finger to insert anything else. However, now I actually understand why that's so. It happened to me multiple times that I was looking for something below the keyboard. I accidentally touch done, and even though I slide my finger away from the keyboard, the button still gets activated. This can happen with any letter of course, but with letters you simply backspace it, while you might not always be able to undo a submitted form. Of course, in an ideal world this would all be configurable, and being that this is Android, that might very well be the case in the future.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

@2: I can't do that in the near future, I got too accustomed to the keyboard in over the 5 years I am on android.@3: on my phone at least, the back button is on a kind of bar or something, so that when clicking it or going in that area, I seemn to be able to access only three buttons, back, home and recents. If I want to access anything else, I must click somewhere above that area, it kind of spans about two fingers or so from the bottom of the screen.Just to avoid further trubbles, should I just use the tb gesture for back in stead of using the back button that's on a weird bar like I described?btw, you said you like some of the changes. What exactly do you like? DK why, but I really feel it as a yet another unsuccessfull wripoff from some of the iOS keyboard features, and even those not that good imho.btw, I tryed swiftkey, but I really feel it's even more horible than this gboard update.after all, I couldn't find any reason for why they did this update. Can you guys?


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

Hello,fortunately, hiding a keyboard on Android is way simpler and better than it is on iOS. Simply press the back key. Instead of going back a screen, if the keyboard is active it will hide it, and you should be able to move through the interface as usual.For your granularity problem, that's just an inconsistency they didn't think of. I have noticed this too and can't offer any help other than hiding the keyboard, moving the cursor, then double tapping the field again to type, which of course should not be the case. As the previous poster also said, you could switch the keyboard too. I actually like some of these changes, but they need polishing.


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Re: the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dongargon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the horible gboard update

Hi.Switch your default keyboard.


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the horible gboard update

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


the horible gboard update

hy there!I have a pretty horible problem with my android keyboard of choice, gboard. So, the story is a bit long to tell it all here, but suffice it to say that all these problems started after an android update afew weeks ago. To make things clear, we aren't talking an update to android 11, but just a regular android 10 security update...or so the phone told me.The truth is, I later discovered, the android keyboard was updated as well. As you already know from the topic title, I didn't like the update very much, here's why.The short version of it is, I feel much like it's trying to copy the iPhone, but as always, not very successful, just a mess for accessibility users...or am I doing something wrong here?first, now we get that swipe typing from iOS, but at a terible cost: once the keyboard is displayed, we can't easely get out of it. So, remember in earlyer versions of gboard, where when you flicked left and right, the focus would change to the next and previous element in relation to that edit field? well, surprise, now you're locked in that keyboard. The only way I found to get out of it is to either disable and then enable your screen, or switch to the number keyboard, then back to letters. Once you do that, you're set in the edit field and, as long as you don't start typing again, can move through the interface as normal.another way I found to describe this issue is something like this(relevant for mac users only):when you are in an edit field, vo allows to start interacting with the edit field, even though it's not strictly required just for normal typing, but let's just say you are doing some text corections or whatever that require you to arrow through the text at letter or word level.Anyway, once you start interacting, you can't change the vo cursor to any other controll unless you stop interacting, obviously, with vo+shift+up. problem with gboard is something like the keyboard was that interactable edit field from mac OS, but once you start interacting, you can't return to the main view, because you hear the sound like you can't stop interacting anymore since you're at the top or something. So, what could be the solution now? yeah, basically like that horid keyboard from the iPhone but now to, though it is not a very big problem, again like in iOS, the backspace, numbers/letters, enter, and DK of others, all require to be tapped twice in order to work properly. Again, this is not a huge problem, just an inconvenience, though a pretty big one.last but not least, the mother of all accessibility bugs on all keyboards in, I guess tb now views a key as a simple button or something, so when going in character or word granularity to view what I typed, it tryes to spell the letter or button I am currently on in stead of looking at the edit box. For example, when I am on the A key and in character granularety, it just spels A, not whatever I have in my edit box at the moment. Get the problem yet? Another example. when on the shift, backspace or enter key, when in word or char mode, the same thing happens, I am going through "Enter", "Backspace", or "Shift" in stead of the actual content I put in the edit field.I guess this is why, when I press space after completing a word, tb doesn't say that word, just space, as if everything I'm doing is finding buttons with explore by touch and clicking them, not using a virtual keyboard.Any ideas, opinions, thoughts to share? you are more than welcome to vent about it if you have the same problems, or to try to offer a fix. Either way, I am curious what will you guys come up with to solve this issue.P.s: Because of this, I use a physical bluetooth keyboard to write almost anything, so you can imagine how it feels.


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