Re: Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

2019-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

And this, in a nutshell, is the main thing that drives me away from dell computers. I got one for school, plug my headphones in to take notes in a lecture, and my eloquence is suddenly brodcasted to the hole class. I ended up having someone click headphones, and stereo for me in the dialog, but that's only because i didn't have admin on that computer, and the IT wouldn't uninstall the damn driver.


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Re: Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

2019-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

I'd recommend just removing the realtek driver... damn thing's not worth the hassle. Just us the generic HD audio driver.


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Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

2019-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Realtech Audio drivers 7.1: Not what I want!

So I just got my new computer, a Dell Precision 3520. I tried plugging my headphones into the headphone jack, but JAWS would only come out of the speakers. Instead, I ended up using my USB headphones, which worked perfectly. However, now that I figured out how to get the Realtech Audio drivers into headphones mode, everything is in 7.1, not in stereo. Is there a reason for this?


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Re: what I want

2014-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hello I would like to way in on this topic. I know how it feels to not be able to drive or do stuff like a sighted person. When I was in my last year of high school pretty much everyone turned on me. They dont really want to do anything with me because I cant see. People that I thought were my friends were not. Oh but they can do stuff with my sister who has a car and a job. Its fucking stupid I know that I have to do all this extra shit just to live a normal life. The fact Im still waiting for vocational rehab to find me a job. I would say on FB to all my friends I would ask why they ignore me and stuff like that. Im blind but not stupid Im a pretty cool guy I hang on the inter net not in real life with people very rarely do I ever hang with people from my own high school. Im 19 and I should be out partying with friends or going to movies with girls or getting a date. But no Im sitting hear at a computer reading stuff about Linux and the 
 asterisk phone system and home automation when I could be out getting wasted with friends. My parents are glad that I havent lost my Vcard or the fact that I havent knocked up a girl. But some times I want to be able to feel what my friends are feeling and do stuff with them and not have them forget who I was.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

@brad: I agree, the trouble with those attractions is things happen very quickly. Im not sure if somethign can be booked in advance or not, whether theyd somehow adapt the script a little to still keep the emersion but give you time to explore, or a guide, or something.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hi.That, would be awesome. Ive kind of got past that stage of wantingto go out and so on. Oh sure, I wanted to as a teen but now, its like i cant be bothered anymore.Im happy though and thats all that matters to me. 


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Re: what I want

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hi,Ive got the hot cup, its rather cool, so Im guessing ill have to just keep tring it and keep adjusting it until I dont get burned haha. Although, the drinks arent really for me, as I prefer cold drinks.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

I generally prefer cold drinks as well but there are times when a hot chocolate is nice, as well as making tea/coffee for visitors, or even things like instant mashed potato where you just want the hot water.Just wait a second before you reach for the cup after its finished because there is a release of pressure when its done and it can catch you unawares if youre not careful.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hey.@dark.Just to let you know ,you have quite a big gap in your post.As for wanting things. Well, Ive always wanted to go on those rides where people grab you and scare the crap out of you, for no reason what so ever, what do you mean its part of the ride, its totally unnatural, I say. Or a house where they do the same, well I do but I dont at the same time.Now lets say in the house, theres a woman, now this woman is quite insane, keeps walking around, touching your face, screens then! runs away! All we know when we walk into this room is, aaa! or, something like, Im pretty! Tell me Im pretty! Well that doesnt tell us much apart from, Oh crap, lets get outa here! But what we dont know is her clothes are torn, she has blood dripping from her face, her nose is disfigured and she has this crazed look in her eye. Id love to go to one of those places and be able to actually have a description o
 f the rooms, but doubt it will ever happen.SO as a blind person, wed miss out on quite a bit there.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hi,I had my times, especially in high school where it got to me so bad Id just come home, lock myself away and cry because I couldnt make friends while my brother was really popular. It has turned me into not such a sociable person, I get along with people but am perfectly content being left well alone. It is tough at times especially now, being a husband and a father and not being able to work to support my family. Also, it doesnt help that every time I see my Dad, a construction worker and pipe fitter, he reminds me how disappointed he is that I cant be working like he is. Id love too pops, I really would. Thats where Ive finally realized that lifes short and you might as well try and enjoy it the best you can, no matter how many times life kicks you in the teeth.Its not always fun and can be quite depressing being blind, but life does go on and good things always come to those who wait.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

hi ghost rider.I understand all what you feel because often felt the same in the past have a girlfriend?if so, does much sex with her and has many orgasms because it is the best we have in life ...if you do not have a girlfriend, you have to focus on you get one...try learning guitar for after youve done a lot of sex with her. play a ballad with love ...she will love it and will take you to the bed again more sex you make more orgasms youll have ...women and orgasms are the greatest luxury that life can give a man ...but never forget to treat as well as a queen ...never forget to always give a woman everything she gives to you...women, give us what they have most sacred ...your body ...this same sacred body, kills us depressions and makes us live away from depressions ...make sex not depressions...Courage my friend.this is the best advice I can give you ...


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Re: what I want

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

Hello,While we cant appreciate the beauty of a lot of things which I must admit is quite annoying, Ive come to accept that. There are things I can now watch, quite confidently, without description, and I allow my imagination to put things into context. If you really allow the imagination to open up, which believe me is hard to do, but if you can manage this, then it will show you things that a sighted person wouldnt even be able to see. People say that they dont like certain types of films due to the visual style, well the sound design lets my imagination bring things into scale and sometimes imagine them larger than life, and when that happens, well thats an awesome feeling.However, regarding Independence, well, thats where things get really tricky for me. Im getting there but its a very slow process, and I agree about the teachers from blind societies and such almost not taking into account our daily lives when asking u
 s to do thigns or practice. Well, my parents do try the best hey can, but its the teachers job to help me too, not just teach me once and edxpect me to remember, which is whats happening, especially with stuff like making hot drinks. Sometimes, I truly wonder if the societies are ready to teach us.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

I will say that I wholeheartedly agree with Nocturnus on this one. Most days I just get on with it and dont complain at all, as its my life and I believe you have to make the most of what you do have. However there certainly are those days when not being able to appreciate the things taken so much for granted like the view out a window or just going into a room and finding a friend/someone to talk to can really be frustrating. Independence is something that really gets my goat at times, as I currently do not have a mobility instructor, the one I did have couldnt see me on a regular basis so after she left I stopped for a while. Thank goodness for the my guide system over here. that is at least allowing me to practice routs around my local area more often, but I never feel as though I am nearly as independent at getting around as I would like to be.This is mainly a problem around my uni and the city as my point of origin h
 as changed several times over the past couple years, and while I could certainly learn the routs needed and am getting there on some of them again, it does frustrate me having to rely on people so much at the moment.This is compounded by the fact Im getting a guidedog at some point, but that could be a year or two away as the list is so long. I feel that would improve my confidence to just get up and walk around anywhere immensely.


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Re: what I want

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what I want

We all have times when this gets to us, I know I have. I also know that many blind societies are run by well meaning sighted people so they tend to lose touch with what is really needed.As for hot drinks, there are a lot of methods but I like the Brevil Hot Cup because it both boils and pours out the water where you just put the cup under the spout. Theres a dial to adjust the amount of water and you can either mark it or dial it in to your preferred cup size and leave it, assuming some idiot doesnt decide theyre only getting half a cup of tea which theyre not paying for anyway just because its an inch off the top of the mug. Grumble grumble.


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