Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I did promise an update on u2f-ing vps's, so here's what I know so far. My solokey can work with ssh, so if you're running your own show you had best go get yourself one, so that you can ditch the single-password ssh logins. They're as cheap as $20 which is more than can be said of the ubikey. Vultr, however, only supports ubikeys (stupid, stupid, stupid. They must be using a proprietary standard in addition to fido2). I can't speak for any other vps providers. This means that, while ssh is protected, nothing's stopping someone from brute forcing their way into your account, intercepting the 2f a sms message or worse, sim-swapping you, getting into the account and accessing the web terminal. All because it doesn't support the freaking solokey. But for crying out loud get at least one 2  a set up, along with multiple layers of security for your linux box. Or, more realistically, get  a reputable hosting provider, stop pretending to run a web hosting provider and stick to teamtalk.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Ask One and One. Even going through One and One themselves brought on a shady vibe, considering they were happy to offer a .com domain for a dollar, but they pray on people who will say yes to all their *extra* offerings. It is much better just to get a .com through namecheap usually for 9 bucks a year. Even if you're going through a good and reputable hosting provider, it's still a good idea to buy and manage your own domain anyway. A web hosting provider doesn't have to be a hack for users to get screwed out of their domain, the provider could just be down on their luck and have to close up shop either temprarily or permanently. The fact is, if they're the ones managing your domain you're shit out of luck as the domain doesn't actually belong to you according to the icann domain identity records. So you'll be almost unable to get that domain name back, because as far as a no one is to get in or out that doesn't match the records, iCANN protection doesn't mess around. It's actually for your own good, because if your first line of defense is your domain, then an imposter can't simply claim to be you and recover your domain account. On the other hand, managing your own domain guarantees you'll be able to hold onto it even if you have to switch hosting providers. Keep that in mind when you see bad reviews of namecheap, most of the bad reviews are from people who had their hosting provider set up their domain for them so they could just get on with running their site.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Just curious, why do people bother to create a web host to be hosted through another web host?What I mean is that dht's site is basically just hosted by 1and1, and so are all his customers so why bother?


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Just curious, why do people obther to create a web host to be hosted through another web host?What I mean is that dht's site is basically just hosted by 1and1, and so are all his customers so why bother?


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@34: They're r no mistakes in this post. i read it to times too be sure.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

They're r no mistakes in this post. i read it to times too be sure.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I agree with Jack, Defender, ETC.I don't feel anymore inclined to donate after I read your post, than I did before. Besides the... intersting title, I don't have any reason I'd donate to you, even without the DDOS (which, definitely hasn't helped). And even besides that, I agree in some part with Defender, specifically when they commented on non-English speaking people, speaking English (technically writing, but you get the idea).I hate to be the grammar Nazi here, and I'm not saying that this should determan friendships or that you should judge people on this harshly, but it doesn't exactly give me hope that several sentences on your website either don't begin with a capital letter, or end with punctuation, because these are the fundimental rules of English and, by the way, English isn't the only language to do this (as I'm sure you're all aware).Look, I don't think myself better or that I matter more, just because I can speak, write, read, comprehend English to a level where my sentences may be more grammatically correct or have fewer spelling mistakes than people I've seen. Definitely not! But when this is all I have to go off, well...Also, congrats to yiu if you fighnd a speling misstaik inn this poaste.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@defender: You're absolutely right, his business is anthing but registered.1. Is that the best name you can come up with? I'm not gonna remember that when plugging a good hosting provider to anyone needing a site migration.2. Even if he was at the age of majority in this country and he tried to register dht studios, it would likely result in his being met with a cease and desist from whoever owns a dht studios - looking up dht studios business records resulted in a page that didn't do much beyond greeting me with an annoyingly inaccessible captcha, but I got enough of the search result preview to know that someone, somewhere, owns dht studios and it is a very different company than what Dennis has.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Dennis wrote:@jack: I know that you are, I dont know why but anyway, Angry curently. But well, you should not complain /talk About anything that you dont really know. But hey! Keep doing it, it will be funny and amusing to see you continuing this...Yeah, please don't take this the wrong way, but that pretty much cleared any potential thoughts of donating at this point. If you didn't know that before it's ok to just admit it, but to claim that I'm talking about something I don't know is laughable at best. I don't see you working professionally on site management in the field. You are probably trying your hand at something you want to do. And you know what, that is perfectly ok. But for the love of all that's good practice on your own toys first before you throw your site out into the world. Were you doing more than just tt hosting, i.e. accepting payments, I don't think you realize how serious a ddos attack or worse could potentially be for your server. You can't just cry for money at that point if it's clear you didn't make the effort and got attacked only months into the game, funding is tight for many here and based on your response it certainly isn't gonna come out of my pay I'm afraid.You say your host has ddos protection. Ok, any host can just say they do, but:1. I traced your domain to freenom and a tk registrar. I highly doubt a free .tk is going to have ddos protection that's actually effective - sorry, but .tk's left the common-web a long time ago.2. If your hosting provider is anything like the one at, it's snakeoil marketing at best. They claim to be many things they're not. Trust me. There is no web host that can claim they're behind a cdn without telling you which one, claim they're the world's first and only provider to use clustered compute power, and yet be free and easy for kids just to deploy and claim they have their own hosting provider. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. Don't believe me? Look at jennios's site - it says the exact, same, thing. This is just One and One hosting trying to gain some revenue/increase their userbase by allowing people to become fly-by-night hosting providers with a system they claim to provide. One and One is known for massive upselling, i.e. if you just get a domain through them, they will milk you dry with tempting offers to increase your SEO score, and, of all things, list you in the yellow pages (bullshit). I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot poll after our nasty run-in with them on the Punchback server. Yes, we all admitted and owned up to that mistake, and asking for the community's money after that blunder was certainly not *my* first initial thought.Any web hoster or service provider worth their salt should at least know how to either lock down their environment or find a reputable provider that can. One and One is not reputable by any means, sleazy at best, downright shady at worst. I listed qs-hosting as a provider that actually does! provide ssl certificates through letsencrypt, and they go through Stackpath as their cdn of choice. Certainly does the job, and does it well. You cannot get any better for $5 a month for the 10gb tier, and as if that isn't enough they've got 24/7 support (they aren't kidding about that, by the way0. And these people actually know what they're doing.My point? Acting like the know-it-all is not going to work on someone who has credentials. I certainly don't claim to know all either, but I certainly know enough to keep a site safe. You should take this as a learning experience now while you can, seeing as you're running a free service with minimal data collection and it isn't serious if that gets leaked, as of now.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Dennis wrote:@jack: I know that you are, I dont know why but anyway, Angry curently. But well, you should not complain /talk About anything that you dont really know. But hey! Keep doing it, it will be funny and amusing to see you continuing this...Yeah, please don't take this the wrong way, but that pretty much cleared any potential thoughts of donating at this point. If you didn't know that before it's ok to just admit it, but to claim that I'm talking about something I don't know is laughable at best. I don't see you working professionally on site management in the field. You are probably trying your hand at something you want to do. And you know what, that is perfectly ok. But for the love of all that's good practice on your own toys first before you throw your site out into the world. Were you doing more than just tt hosting, i.e. accepting payments, I don't think you realize how serious a ddos attack or worse could potentially be for your server. You can't just cry for money at that point if it's clear you didn't make the effort and got attacked only months into the game, funding is tight for many here and based on your response it certainly isn't gonna come out of my pay I'm afraid.You say your host has ddos protection. Ok, any host can just say they do, but:1. I traced your domain to freenom and a tk registrar. I highly doubt a free .tk is going to have ddos protection that's actually effective - sorry, but .tk's left the common-web a long time ago.2. If your hosting provider is anything like the one at, it's snakeoil marketing at best. They claim to be many things they're not. Trust me. There is no web host that can claim they're behind a cdn without telling you which one, claim they're the world's first and only provider to use clustered compute power, and yet be free and easy for kids just to deploy and claim they have their own hosting provider. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. Don't believe me? Look at jennios's site - it says the exact, same, thing. This is just One and One hosting trying to gain some revenue/increase their userbase by allowing people to become puppet hosting providers with a system they claim to provide. One and One is known for massive upselling, i.e. if you just get a domain through them, they will milk you dry with tempting offers to increase your SEO score, and, of all things, list you in the yellow pages (bullshit). I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot poll after our nasty run-in with them on the Punchback server. Yes, we all admitted and owned up to that mistake, and asking for the community's money after that blunder was certainly not *my* first initial thought.Any web hoster or service provider worth their salt should at least know how to either lock down their environment or find a reputable provider that can. One and One is not reputable by any means, sleazy at best, downright shady at worst. I listed qs-hosting as a provider that actually does! provide ssl certificates through letsencrypt, and they go through Stackpath as their cdn of choice. Certainly does the job, and does it well. You cannot get any better for $5 a month for the 10gb tier, and as if that isn't enough they've got 24/7 support (they aren't kidding about that, by the way0. And these people actually know what they're doing.My point? Acting like the know-it-all is not going to work on someone who has credentials. I certainly don't claim to know all either, but I certainly know enough to keep a site safe. You should take this as a learning experience now while you can, seeing as you're running a free service with minimal data collection and it isn't serious if that gets leaked, as of now.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Dennis wrote:@jack: I know that you are, I dont know why but anyway, Angry curently. But well, you should not complain /talk About anything that you dont really know. But hey! Keep doing it, it will be funny and amusing to see you continuing this...Yeah, please don't take this the wrong way, but that pretty much cleared any potential thoughts of donating at this point. If you didn't know that before it's ok to just admit it, but to claim that I'm talking about something I don't know is laughable at best. I don't see you working professionally on site management in the field. You are probably trying your hand at something you want to do. And you know what, that is perfectly ok. But for the love of all that's good practice on your own toys first before you throw your site out into the world. Were you doing more than just tt hosting, i.e. accepting payments, I don't think you realize how serious a ddos attack or worse could potentially be for your server. You can't just cry for money at that point if it's clear you didn't make the effort and got attacked only months into the game, funding is tight for many here and based on your response it certainly isn't gonna come out of my pay I'm afraid.You say your host has ddos protection. Ok, any host can just say they do, but:1. I traced your domain to freenom and a tk registrar. I highly doubt a free .tk is going to have ddos protection that's actually effective - sorry, but .tk's left the common-web a long time ago.2. If your hosting provider is anything like the one at, it's snakeoil marketing at best. They claim to be many things they're not. Trust me. There is no web host that can claim they're behind a cdn without telling you which one, claim they're the world's first and only provider to use clustered compute power, and yet be free and easy for kids just to deploy and claim they have their own hosting provider. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. Don't believe me? Look at jennios's site - it says the exact, same, thing. This is just One and One hosting trying to gain some revenue/increase their userbase by allowing people to become puppet hosting providers with a system they claim to provide. One and One is known for massive upselling, i.e. if you just get a domain through them, they will milk you dry with tempting offers to increase your SEO score, and, of all things, list you in the yellow pages (bullshit). I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot poll after our nasty run-in with them on the Punchback server. Yes, we all admitted and owned up to that mistake, and asking for the community's money after that blunder was certainly not *my* first initial thought.Any web hoster or service provider worth their salt should at least know how to either lock down their environment or find a reputable provider that can. One and One is not reputable by any means, sleazy at best, downright shady at worst. I listed qs-hosting as a provider that actually does! provide ssl certificates through letsencrypt, and they go through Stackpath as their cdn of choice. Certainly does the job, and does it well. You cannot get any better for $5 a month for the 10gb tier, and as if that isn't enough they've got 24/7 support (they aren't kidding about that, by the way0. And these people actually know what they're doing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Dennis wrote:@jack: I know that you are, I dont know why but anyway, Angry curently. But well, you should not complain /talk About anything that you dont really know. But hey! Keep doing it, it will be funny and amusing to see you continuing this...Yeah, please don't take this the wrong way, but that pretty much cleared any potential thoughts of donating at this point. If you didn't know that before it's ok to just admit it, but to claim that I'm talking about something I don't know is laughable at best. I don't see you working professionally on site management in the field. You are probably trying your hand at something you want to do. And you know what, that is perfectly ok. But for the love of all that's good practice on your own toys first before you throw your site out into the world. Were you doing more than just tt hosting, i.e. accepting payments, I don't think you realize how serious a ddos attack or worse could potentially be for your server. You can't just cry for money at that point if it's clear you didn't make the effort and got attacked only months into the game, funding is tight for many here and based on your reasponse it certainly isn't gonna come out of my pay I'm afraid.You say your host has ddos protection. Ok, any host can just say they do, but:1. I traced your domain to freenom and a tk registrar. I highly doubt a free .tk is going to have ddos protection that's actually effective - sorry, but .tk's left the common-web a long time ago.2. If your hosting provider is anything like the one at, it's snakeoil marketing at best. They claim to be many things they're not. Trust me. There is no web host that can claim they're behind a cdn without telling you which one, claim they're the world's first and only provider to use clustered compute power, and yet be free and easy for kids to just to deploy and claim they have their own hosting provider. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. Don't believe me? Look at jennios's site - it says the exact, same, thing. This is just One and One hosting trying to gain some revenue/increase their userbase by allowing people to become puppet hosting providers with a system they claim to provide. One and One is known for massive upselling, i.e. if you just get a domain through them, they will milk you dry with tempting offers to increase your SEO score, and, of all things, list you in the yellow pages (bullshit). I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot poll after our runin with them on the Punchback server. Yes, we all admitted and owned up to that mistake, and asking for the community's money after that blunder was certainly not *my* first initial thought.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

This website doesn't even have an ssl certificate. lol.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@nidza, I ment poste 7 again, he told me he is not the one i'm talking about, how could he proof, and also, I have logs if he is the one i'm talking about


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@Defender he's only 15. LMAO.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@DennisPathetically unprofessional response to Jack.How old are you anyway?  And is your business even registered?Also, how are English speaking customers supposed to get proper support if you can't communicate well in their language.There is nothing wrong with learning how to host things or offering to help others, but don't pretend you are something more than you are, because when something bad happens you will be treated as such.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

LOL. 17, yeah yeah yeah, don't talk about things you don't know about @Jack. Says the 15 year old who probably hasn't even experienced full puberty, much less even finished secondary education.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@18 Wait, you're gonna donate to a guy who didn't respond to simple requests? Feh, sounds like a waste of money to me.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : john_weed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I agree with socheat


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@17, Jack angry at you? Come on man, he just told where to get a better ddos protection, and that's all. I don't see Jack does something unacceptable here.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I will assume you meant post 6 since that is your post, but regardless it doesn't proove anything. I can say meatbag hosts clones and he is proud of it, but until or unless I provide a link which you host, either here or to the mods, all I am doing is bringing up useless drama for no reason.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@nidza check poste7


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@19 aren't you the one who is supposed to proove that he has clones on his site or something like that?


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@17 who are you refurring to? Just curious.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@16 I wont really call that is a proof: but if you're not the guy I was talking about, really sorryI dont want to start drama here


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : john_weed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Hi, Dennis.I remembered a topic of you way back ago, where you were offering free tt servers.I've just acquired mine on your service, but now it is no longer working, the main page is but the server is not.Also, I just kindly asked for the abilitation of the sharing tt system, with no previous answer. You just told me all my user accounts were going to be wiped, but no other messages and you suddenly stopped replying.I am going to try donating as it's the first time I am donating to a project that is not in my country, but please get in touch, or, at least answer me.*I do not want to start any flame wars in here. It was just something I wanted to address up and nothing more*.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dennis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@jack: I know that you are, I dont know why but anyway, Angry curently. But well, you should not complain /talk About anything that you dont really know. But hey! Keep doing it, it will be funny and amusing to see you continuing this...


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dennis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@meatbag: Look at my Website. You wont find any single clone up there. @all: yep, I have some type of DDos protection, provided from my hoster, but it dont works… Well, and I already put a ssh key on my Server users, and I disabled root Login. Still ist weird…But I am not About discussing the security of my Servers, since that is not the Topics Content.So I only wanted to anounce that donating Thing, not more...


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

By the way, whatever carbon copy service you're using to provide web hosting markets itself on lies/misinformation that need straightening out.Our hosting platform is the only one in the world to automatically enable SSL HTTPS protection on every domain name. This means all websites on our servers have https protection for added security and better Search Engine rankings!Let's break this wrote:Our hosting platform is the only one in the world to automatically enable SSL HTTPS protection on every domain name.I doubt it. Either way, that's bad for transparency; what certificate authority is it used? It doesn't help if you don't know because it's supposedly been wrote:This means all websites on our servers have https protection for added security and better Search Engine rankings!Um, no. I mean, true, not ssl'ing your site can't help your search engine rankings (quite the opposite in fact) but some rando who manages to automatically get their site encrypted is not going to automagically appear at the top of the search engine rankings. SEO is a totally different ballpark here, wrote:We use a powerful cluster of web servers that are all interconnected to act as one giant super computer. This technology is years ahead of most other hosting companies.Right. It's called a cdn. And five'll get you ten that it is barely seconds ahead of the cdn's that came before this. Speaking of, this carbon copy claims to go through a company, but never discloses what that company is. Red flag much?So, yeah. Leave it to the pros. That's all there is to it.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Most vps providers have a ddos protection, sometimes at an extra cost, but hey, it's worth it if you just wanna get it out of the way, right? Certainly better that than nothing at all.Socheat's absolutely correct - Cloudflare does have ddos protection, essentially free for personal websites. And if you don't know how to set that up but act like you run the show then I really wouldn't trust you with my data anyway. Might as well learn that lesson now while you can, you're lucky you weren't running anything that collected sensitive data or you could've been in major trouble, and odds are people wouldn't even have money to spare to help you climb out of the rut, or a working means to pay with it it in the first place. And by that point, you'll *really* have a reason to ask for you money, but, not unlike boy who cried wolf, no one's coming to your aid since we've heard it all before over a problem that could have been very, very, easily solved.Now to go look up these whois records.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Most vps providers have a ddos protection, sometimes at an extra cost, but hey, it's worth it if you just wanna get it out of the way, right? Certainly better that than nothing at all.Socheat's absolutely correct - Cloudflare does have ddos protection, essentially free for personal websites. And if you don't know how to set that up but act like you run the show then I really wouldn't trust you with my data anyway. Might as well learn that lesson now while you can, you're lucky you weren't running anything that collected sensitive data or you could've been in major trouble, and odds are people wouldn't even have money to spare to help you climb out of the rut, or a working means to pay with it it in the first place.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

cloudflare does have a solid ddos protection, you could sign up for that.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Aren't DOS attacks like, really easy to avoid if you have the right protection? This is coming from someone who doesn't know much about this stuff.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

lmao, lmao, lmfao, really, this topic is gonna unravel like a roll of yarn.  Meatbag so many troubles you cause.


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

@7@8, show me anything to proof that he is not the one i'm talking about, and i'll apolegise right a way


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Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

If he hosts clones, shame on him. If you don't, and if you don't know how to handle your security, then save your potential customers (and yourself) the hassle and just get a plan with a hosting provider, will ya? You'll probably pay no more than what you normally would on your vps. QS-Hosting's teamtalk server hosting capability is now public knowledge, and you can get it separate from a webhosting plan if you really want to. Though I'd go with their solid web-hosting myself, it doesn't get much better at the insanely reasonable pricing. Seriously. If you got ddos attacks but have been a long-time reputable service then the benefit of the doubt is in order, but sorry kid, the onus remains solely on you to remain secure. Use password hashing. Use an ssh key pair instead of a plain password. Get your non-root account sudo access as soon as you can, so that you can disable root login. And get youself a fido2/u2f key that can protect yourssh logins as well, because then no one can penetrate the server through the ssh protocol without having access to the physical key. And if your vps provider allows you to u2f your account I would, though with my solokey arriving in a day I have not yet had the means to check if the providers themselves allow you to u2f your account. I know Vultr allows single sign-on, so I would sure hope they'd have u2f support. I will definitely update this post with info on that as I find it, as I'll probably end up u2f-ing my ssh logins myself and by then I'll know for sure.But I digress. The point is, either stay secure or let others do it for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

If he hosts clones, shame on him. If you don't, and if you don't know how to handle your security, then save your potential customers (and yourself) the hassle and just get a plan with a hosting provider, will ya? You'll probably pay no more than what you normally would on your vps. Seriously. If you got ddos attacks but have been a long-time reputable service then the benefit of the doubt, but sorry kid, the onus remains solely on you to remain secure. Use password hashing. Use an ssh key pair instead of a plain password. Get your non-root account sudo access as soon as you can, so that you can disable root login. And get youself a fido2/u2f key that can protect yourssh logins as well, because then no one can penetrate the server through the ssh protocol without having access to the physical key. And if your vps provider allows you to u2f your account I would, though with my solokey arriving in a day I have not yet had the means to check if the providers themselves allow you to u2f your account. I know Vultr allows single sign-on, so I would sure hope they'd have u2f support. I will definitely update this post with info on that as I find it, as I'll probably end up u2f-ing my ssh logins myself and by then I'll know for sure.But I digress. Te point is, either stay secure or let others do it for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

If he hosts clones, shame on him. If he doesn't, and if you don't know how to handle your security, then save your potential customers (and yourself) the hassle and just get a plan with a hosting provider, will ya? You'll probably pay no more than what you normally would on your vps. Seriously. If you got ddos attacks but have been a long-time reputable service then the benefit of the doubt, but sorry kid, the onus remains solely on you to remain secure. Use password hashing. Use an ssh key pair instead of a plain password. Get your non-root account sudo access as soon as you can, so that you can disable root login. And get youself a fido2/u2f key that can protect yourssh logins as well, because then no one can penetrate the server through the ssh protocol without having access to the physical key. And if your vps provider allows you to u2f your account I would, though with my solokey arriving in a day I have not yet had the means to check if the providers themselves allow you to u2f your account. I know Vultr allows single sign-on, so I would sure hope they'd have u2f support. I will definitely update this post with info on that as I find it, as I'll probably end up u2f-ing my ssh logins myself and by then I'll know for sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

you are getting confused with a different denis, so stop that please meatbag.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

ug, not this againNo he does not host clones!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

just to let yall know, he runs clones, and he's proud of it, in moste games he admit thatso, does clones deserve donation?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

Hehehe, that certainly was catchy, for all the attention you hoped you wouldn't get.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I must admit that when I saw that title I was like OK then, I don't even know who the hell you are?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

nah, he runs teamtalk servers as well as far as I know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: you now can donate to me!

I have no idea what you're running, but if it's just http and https, sign up for Cloudflare and you can get DDOS protection for free.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

you now can donate to me!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dennis via Audiogames-reflector


you now can donate to me!

Hey there. So now you are able to donate for me and for my Server and work I am doing to Keep them alive. So if you wanna donate,just go to: and press h for the first heading. So I now have drawn this because my Servers were experiencing some quite anoying attacks and DDos trys over the last couple of days, so sorry for a Maybe Server downtime. Now I think I have stabilized the Thing, but it costed me a lot. So if you wanna donate to help me Keep my Projects running, feel free to do so.I dont post this Topic to get Attention, only I wanna notice this, to Maybe atrackt some Donators, but for all others: feel free to ignore this post.thanks.greetings,Dennis


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