How to make eloquence do fun thingies!

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumArticles Room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


How to make eloquence do fun thingies!

So, if you ever wondered how your friend is going rah juarasuujasujasujsaujsajsjjasjasujusajusajuasujsausaujasujaujasujsaujasujas ahfl with eloquence, click here!.Your welcome!


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How to make eloquence do fun thingies!

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumArticles Room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


How to make eloquence do fun thingies!

So, if you ever wondered how your friend is going rah juarasuujasujasujsaujsajsjjasjasujusajusajuasujsausaujasujaujasujsaujasujas ahfl with eloquence, click here!.Your welcome!


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The real tk guide.

2019-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumArticles Room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


The real tk guide.

This will be a rough guide, written in like 20 minutes in school.This will be periodically updated, so watch for it.What is The Killer?The Killer is an online first person shooter. It has a large main map, a decently large playerbase, and quite a few items.I will not be covering keys, that is in the readme.Weapons.Fists: These do decent dammage, bypass shields, and can fire as fast as you can spam control. Overall pretty good weapons if you don't have anything else on hand.Knife: Decently fast, short range, good chanse to bypass shields, decent dammage, sounds painful as all hell. Not a vary good weapon, but still usable.Shotgun: Horrible range, horrible spread, decent dammage, slow, barely any shield dammage. The second worst weapon in my opinion. Capacity: 7.Sniper: Vary vary good weapon. About 150 range, vary good dammage, pretty good speed. Slows you down. Good weapon for bringing down someone's shields before you close. Capacity: 2.Glock: Overall probably the best weapon if you don't have ammo for the ml7 or frnt. Pretty fast, decent dammage, pretty good shield dammage. I think the capacity is 20, witch doesn't make any sense.ML7: The best weapon in my opinion. Makes mince meat of anyone without shields. Extremely fast, 20-30 range, good shield dammage. Capacity: 25.Sword: Pretty good actually. 8 tile range, 3 tile spread, about 4000 dammage per hit, fires about once per second.FRNTAssaultRifle: Second best. Fires about as fast as you can press control. Good range, good dammage, best on shields. Capacity: 30.Crossbow: Vary good for long range anoyance. About 75 range, good dammage, good shield dammage. Capacity: 35 I believe.Flamethrower: Absolute! worst! weapon! ever! Does like 100 dammage, fires once a second, about 10 tile range, does like 10 shield dammage, no spread. Don't use it. Capacity: 13 for some unknown reason. Seriously, I think whoever made this weapon was high on every drug amagineable when they made this.ML420HuntingRifle: Pretty good, sniper is better. About 200 range, 4000 dammage. Capacity: 1.ItemsAll the items are pretty self explanitory.Strategies.Here, I will detail some of my favorite strategies.Keep in mind, I think I am one of the best players in the game, amassing around 3,000 kills, and maybe 500 deaths total.Strategys you should almost always use:Switcheroo: Frnt there shields to oblivian, then let'em have ya ml7. Works like a charm.Let fly: Grenades are vary good for displacement. If someone is aproaching, toss a grenade. They have about 100 tile range, and once they hit a player, they will explode in about 3 seconds in a 15 tile radius, dealing pretty good dammage.Fox2: I think I got the number rong, but that was a reference to tdv, when a missile is launched. Missiles are good. Even if they always get interscepted, they're good for keeping your oponent on there toes. And if they do hit, they do a lot of dammage! They take about a second to fire.Other strategies: These are good for certain circumstances.Coward!: Warp boxes are your friend. If someone is running, you can usually use a warp box to catch up with them. That, or tanks...Take cover!: Tank artillerys hurhrhrhrhrhrhhrhrhrhrhrhhrhrrhrt. Like, a lot! They reach around 250 tiles, fire every 3 or 4 seconds, and do a lot of dammage! Tanks are a little clunky to maneuver, but that is something I excel at!Pincer: It;s not really a pincer, unless you have a teammate. Flanking around people is good. If this game had constant turning, this strat would be even better, but it doesn't, because the game doesn't actually use degrees! arrrgrgrgrg!ConclusionTk is fun, and I reccomend you play it!


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Road to Rage: Clocktower Map Guide (In Progress)

2021-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumArticles Room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Road to Rage: Clocktower Map Guide (In Progress)

ClocktowerI wrote this guide, at least the first draft of it in the middle of school, because I had nothing better to do, and I found myself getting increasingly good at the Clocktower map as my friends and I played it quite a bit. I decided that it might be interesting actually compiling my finding s in a little guide of sorts, so… here you go!Clocktower is my favorite map in base RTR. It offers a really linear design that still lets you get the drop on people, is compromised of narrow hallways and wide open spaces alike, and offers really high item spawn rates so anyone can get back on there feet really easy. Clocktower is a map where the powerful, are only powerful as long as they can lock down both northern rooms and they have vast amounts of health.Map DescriptionFrom south to north:The southern most room of the map is a small room with two fountains in it. Doors connect several small, rectangular rooms leading north. These can be decent places to lay in wait for someone, because if you squeeze into the corner, especially of the door that they are coming in, there radar usually won’t pick you up. This is useful if you want to ambush someone, or even just hide from them.Generally in the center of the map is what is labeled as “The Beep Room” by my friends and I. It is a slightly larger room with several beeping items that are shootable. Upon being shot, they release a beeping countdown which ends in a piercing shriek of a sound. I don’t really recommend fighting in here because it’s very easy to get confused by all the sounds.To the north of this room is a longer hallway. As you proceed north, the walls close in, forcing you to walk in the center of the hallway. This is a nice spot to catch someone from behind because If they are near the beginning or middle o the hallway, they don’t have time to really get out. The end of the hallway marks the only room change that doesn’t have a door in it.This room is the best source of items. It’s roughly rectangular, with it being longer along the east west axis. Items spawn incredibly quickly and it’s wide openness makes it a great place for spray and pray weapons. The hallway we mentioned before marks the southwest corner, while a door in the northwest faces it, marking the entry to the 2 by 2 laundry room with a shootable laundry machine, at least, that’s what we think it is. In the center of the southern wall is a short carpet hallway, with a door in the west wall near the south.This door leads into a mirrored hallway in the northwestern corner of another large metal room with a great item spawn. It is very rare for someone to spawn here, so it’s a good place to camp. In the southwest corner is a door that leads back into the hallway in front of “The Beep Room”, making a neat little rectangle of exits.As you can see, the map is quite simply lain out, it’s just a matter of remembering where exits are and ow long it takes to get to them.StrategiesWhen running north through “The Beep Room”, often times I’ll hold “D” as well to quickly run out of the “Beep Room” door and quickly into the Metal Room’s. I’ll almost always use the northern door to ambush people in the main northern room, or even just because I’m able to check both rooms for items if I take that path. I use a similar trailing technique to pop out of the door to the main northern room, and jump as soon as the door opens to try and evade any incoming fire. I will usually start moving towards the northeastern corner because that offers a good sense of stability and is a good place to spray if multiple people are there. Be careful not to get caught in corners of these rooms, especially if you’re not facing a direct 90 degree angle, because you may not be able to dive out the way before you get pumped full of lead.Also, if you have breathing room or other people are occupied, try running south through the entire map. A lot of items will start to pile up in those rooms as other people don’t try to go south. Usually by the time you get back, there will be more items in the Northern rooms waiting for you.One on OneWhen I’m alone on a server, I’ll usually camp out in the two northern rooms. Often times, they will come to you knowing that you hold the best resource in the game.3 PlayersA lot of times with 3 players you can allow the other two players to fight over a room while you sneak off south to get more items and take down the remaining one. Also, if all three of you are in a room together, they start fighting and you have a good spray weapon, you can try and stay in corners and shoot them both as they fight, just remember to keep moving so they are more concerned with the player actively engaging them.More Than 3 PlayersI haven’t played verry much with more than 3 players, but a lot of strategies still apply. Thankfully, it’s a lot more chaotic, and thus it’s very easy to stay on the sidelines and kill steal if you’re not very well