Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

Far as the memory limit goes, I'm gonna quote people who know a lot more about the inner workings of FSX than me.1. FSX (GOld/hard copy) is a 32 bit application which means it's limited to...IIRC, 2.5 gigs of ram to use for everything. I believe, but don't quote me on this as I haven't found the video where it explains it, that Dovetail made the Steam edition a 64 bit executable, though a lot of people dispute this. The advantage of a 64 bit system is it can in theory use all the RAM in your computer.2. On the flip side. Dovetail are aggressively pushing DLC (I went to type that and my brain went hey, put ATC here) on everyone with the Steam store. Fortunatley it's optional and third party addons work fine with the FSX Steam Edition.3. I'd honestly suggest grabbing the FSND MD-83 by Alejandro Rojas if you want a free high quality MD-83. If you can find a cheap copy of Super 80 Professional I'd get that too...though intere
 stingly that locks out the keyboard controls and you ABSOLUTELY need to follow the checklists to get that plane goingdespite the fact that in two cases the real crews diudn't with fatal consequences. The sim version won't let you take off without the plane being configured rightand it won't let you pull the circuit breaker to silence that alarm hornthough after the Northwest 255 crash the FAA did change the rules.Sorry, been watching Mayday while typing this post. ActuallyI'm gonna go fire off an off topic post about that show.Okay. Back on topic now...#And to conclude the off topic-nessanyone care to shoot me an email and explain in depth how to the Steam client working with an NVDA install, it simply won't pick it up for me, click on that little email link and it should helpout, or hit me up on Skype, it's in the RoK topic, page 2.Okay back on topic:I have a list of must have
  addon aircraft I cribbed from a few friends, would anyone care to try them out (they're all free!) and tell us if they work with IYP?They are:FSND:Boeing 727McDonnell Douglas MD-83Saab (Can't remember the model name but it's a commuter plane)From Premier Aircraft Designs:Their DHC-6 Twin OtterTheir B1900C and B1900DTheir Embraer ENB-120From Just FLight (hold on...they do free planes)Their 757 that was released for free AGES ago. It's payware quality but they released it for free as part of a promotional deal. THen they released the addon packs for next to nothing. Also they released a Cesssena for free too a while back.Defualt FSX planes:The Lear 45The P-51 racersAnd lastlythe F-18 (or FA/18F or whatever it's called)Oh, one more.There's a military megapack out there of air force and navy planes, there's actually one for each branch
 , anyone care to take a peek at those, the AF one has everything from a C-5 that screams as it should, to a C-17 that has questionalbe texture quality, to scout and T-38 planes. (The scouts I believe aren't in the pack any more). It even has official governmental jets like a Gulfstream V and AF1)Navy pack hasyes...a Tomacat, and that's all I remember from itActually. If you want good quality free planes:Go onto Youtube. GO look for DerTebbers channel and go back through his video library, he used to do FSX plane and scenery spotlights, I dunno if he still does honestly but he did some fantastic planes and said himself he only does high quality stuff physics and model wise.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

@Simba: But the FSX SE comes with those horrifically bad DLC ideas and none of us kno with any certaintly if Dovetail are going to cut features out or change things at all, do we?Admittedly, FSX is the best flight sim out there regardless for accessibility with IYP right now...Like I said elsewhere I would love for somebody to put up a million bucks or a few million to make a proper sequel and accessible flight sim for that matter ya know?That being said...IYP is $60. Is there anywhere I can buy a legit version for cheaper than that?


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Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

I'm intriguedis this merelyt national teams or does it have county teams? Last good cricket game was Don Bradman cricket IMO. Loking forward to this one to see how it turns out.Cricket's an underapppreciated sport reallyask Douglas Adams.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

@LordLondon: I'm not entirely sure if you can get the gold edition to work on Win10. I had it on W7 but GFWL closed so I went and got the Steam version either way.Okay. TIme for a few freeware plane suggestions:Grab the DC-6B from the internets, it's a 1950s airliner that sounds incredible at full song. Same for the L:ockheed SUper Constellation (Connie), same timeframe, and it sounds great too.Also, for freeware planes look up DerTebbers channel on Youtube, he has videos about FSX freewaer planes and links to download them in the descriptions of the vids.Far as IYP vids goOrrin's channel has that covered.


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Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

This just keeps sounding better and better and better. I know what I'm doing first...the same thing I do on any online game, find my spot in the game and set up shop there!I'm definitely intrigued by this gameit's sounding pretty awesome actually...


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

1. Stteam client is horribly, horrifically awful for accessibility. Very few screenreaders work with the client itself which you launch games from.2. Yep they take Paypal IIRC.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

@Orrin:Are there any great freeware planes that work great with IYP? I know the payware does, but I'm on about the free aircraft that are out there, hoping some do.Also, isn't there a direct link to install FSX without clicking around on Steam?


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Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w

Good luck from me too, the reason I seemed flippant in my first post was I've dealt with big companies and publishers in the games industry and you need a metric shitload of cash or connections to even get noticed.Going the indie route is more feasible, plus you don't have to deal with a big publisher cancelling your game when it's nearly done or not releasing it or not even agreeing to make your game or permanently leaving it in development hell.


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Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for good game developers to develop us an accessible virtual w

Step 1: Get people who know how to work with X86 architecture, i.e. current gen consoles and PC codingit's basically the same code underneath it all2. Form a company3. Start up a crowd funding campaign4. Make the game5. Release for a reasonable say...%10 price and make sure it's worth that6. Maybe profitafter you take out overheads, costs, wages and so forth...TL:DR Making a game isn't cheap and most established devs are tied to big companies who honestly do not give a fuck about disabled gamers. You're honestly better off going the indie route and learning to code it yourself. Bonuses are you won't have a ton of wage bills to pay or company costs if it's merely you working on it.Seriouslyit may take forever but I shall just point to Peter Molyneux and Star Citizen for eternal game projects


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Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

Sosince I've been playing the trial vrsion non stop and listening to baseball documentaries over the past few days...1. Does anyone know if it's still possible to buy Bari Bari Baseball 3, the site itself only mentions the cost and has no buy button easily available. I would love to do a full season in the game honestly2. I've been fiddling with the trial version to correct the US team names and stadiums and tidy up  the English, would anyone be interested in a pack when/if I ever get the full version, I've tried to pattern the English aftetr announcers both past and presentwith a lot of Dave Neuhaus in there foy the guys who know who he was.Also, I wish they made other  games honestly, Japan has two of the best baseball games, for the mainstream folks there's Pro Yakoyou Spirits, there's Bari Bari 3 for us lot which honestly reminds me of PYS a hell of a lot with the general feel of the game, and then there'
 ;s PES. Though I despise Konami I admire PES. I would love an accessible PES type game, since I don't expect FIFA to ever be accessible at all really.Lastly. If I mod the game to have the correct team names, stadium names and stuff, am I able to play online with it or not? I'm guessing not since it isn'r original data. I'm decently okay at hitting but pitching sucks for me, I've yet to have a fight in the game too though the text is there, I assume you get hit by the balland having witnessed enough bench clearing brawls I can attes tthat really does happen in baseball...well, the US anyhow, seems any time somebody gets hit by a ball everyone goes all in for a fight. Screw it, MLB, just legalize fights in baseball. It works for ice hockey so why not in baseball, drop the batting GLOVES, FIGHT, AND THEN SIT OUT THE REST NEXT AT BAT OR TWO AND THERE YA GO. Sorted!


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Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

@SImba:I've had luckgetting the MLB games on the PSN store with a European account and it takes my card info so that's something to try, I got MLB 16 in the day one releases category when that came out.I don't see a buy button anywhere on the bari bari 3 page, am I on the right link with or is that not the right link, all it gives me is the trial download.I too want a modern accessible baseball game, and honestly I'm hoping somebody makes one, none of the major ones are, MLB: TS's menus aren't voiced, at least on the PS3, MLB 2k's not made any more and that wasn't easy to get through eitherI can send you my correctted BB3 files if you like with the real team names and stadiums and rosters? Just a thought. I have them updated for the trial version and I'm trying to update them to a 2016
  era instead of 2011/2012 when the game came out. Still the game's stupid fun.Yes. Pro Yakoyou Spirits (or similar) is what you're on about, I've not got a hold of it yet but it definitely seems fun and it seems, least from vieos, similar to the BB3 game in terms of atmosphere and gameplay.Also? Cubs? EhI'm okay with that. If you said Yankees I'd have to find you and teach you to root for the real best team in baseball, the Boston Red Sox!


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Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

Sure thing, add my skypedrakoselen...@yahoo.comI'I'm using the SAPI version since that's the one the devs say you can modify.


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Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari Baseball 3 questions

Think I added you.If notTry dracoselen...@yahoo.comAlsoyep, Clotheslining people is in this game as a thing in a fight. I'm impressed and amused by the translation. I almost don't want to touch it, it's awesome as it is. I feel like I need the Philly NHL team out there, not the Pilly baseball team if we're talking about fights...though correctly players do get tossed, I was wondering that.There's something satisfying about getting brushed back, punching out the opposing pitcher and then putting up 10 plus runs on that other team. Which is what I did earlier, just replace punch with clothesline and probably choke the pitcheryeah.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

Seems like you got video but Youtube's weird like that.Also redownloading FSX:SE now. Any suggestions for decent free/cheap planes? I got the Just Flight 757 when it was free plus the free plane packs they gave out, I want to try IYP with the FSND freeware MD-83 and 727 and the Saab propliner, and the DC-6B.Then again.I also just want to go off exploring with IYP and a few decent planes.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

There's a few addons that don't register keyboard inputs.Okay, having  ahuge fucking problem on my install. That motherfucking default Piper Cub. I can take off fine, fly fine but when I land it just inverts itself and of course, FSX eing FSX it resets itself immediately.So. Two quesitons.1. I've read it's a known bug with FSX and can't easily be fixed, so any suggestions for a J-3 Cub addon that's both worth it and works with IYP?2. How can I stop FSX insta-restarting my flight if I crash, can I have the plane crash but not reset the flight or not? I used to be able to do that but I can't remember if it's possible in FSX and Dovetail screws around with FSX:SE so much it's not even funny.


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Re: getting NHL 2004 to work under windows 10, is this somehow possible?

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting NHL 2004 to work under windows 10, is this somehow possible?

@SImba: I've been playing it since the NHL 2004 Rebuilt mod came out in about 5 years ago, it's pretty good. On my WIn7 PC I had IE9 on it and it worked fine with screen readers but I have a tweak for Win 10.IIRC the NHL Rebuilt and 96/96 mods are far more accessible interface wise as far as menus go. The downside is you can't do franchise mode.On that related notesare any other EA Sports titles accessible by the way?


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Re: getting NHL 2004 to work under windows 10, is this somehow possible?

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting NHL 2004 to work under windows 10, is this somehow possible?

It starts up under Win 10.Also, I've tested the NHL 2004 rebuilt mod and NHL 96/97 rebuilt mod (GO RED WINGS!),  it works with both new interfaces.Both those mods rebuild the game to be more accurate and it's all free. Give it a whirl. Both are accessible, and IIRC you don't need IE7 with the mods at all and the rebuilt interfaces.TL:DR Yes it works in W10 out of the box with patches, and even with the NHL Rebuilt mods too.


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Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

EH...I've done closed/private betas before, it's actually not fun at all. Usuall* (and this is generic due to agreements and such you usually have to sign stating you can't discuss specifics) you get told to test one specific thing and give feedback and you absolutely cannot under any circumstances, tell anyone what you're testing or even that you're a private beta tester for a game or bit of software.Of course. I'm generalizing due to NDAs and stuff (I've a feeling I'm still under one for the rest of the year actually.thanks SMS) but I know what it's like to be involved in a game's dev process and honestlyguysit's not glamorous or fun at all. Sure, the end result might be, BUT...think of it like this.If you were a chef, would you want to go out to a restaurant and deal with food all over again?In short: I'm inrigued by the public beta. I'm not clamoring for private beta acces
 s however simply because I know how much it takes to be a beta tester, you're expected to not just play the game, you are expected to actually give honest* feedback* If the dev actually listens to you or the company listensusually the bigger companies treat betas as glorified demos and evertying's usually feature complete.So, yeah, I'll wait for the public beta thanks, however long it takes.


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Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

Okay played two ames last night, feedback:1. Will be able to sim computer v computer?2. As said let us leave a ball or elect not to play t3. As well as aggressive and cautious batting strokes add in another mode. Aggressive, Cautious and Slog mode, Slog is...wellas it seems, go for it but good luck getting any good runs.4. More detail on the bowling delivery, was it a high bounce, was it a tough bounce, was it a hard delivery, was it a deliberate short run up or a slow jog, or and so forth. I got a trio of sixes off of a pace bowler but then clean bowled by a Yorker delivery after hitting all three sixes off of the last three Yrker deliveries. I was left wondering what was different about the fourth one.4. T20 with no English counties? I was hoping there'd be counties but I guess I can make those with the team maker right?5. At least for me Windows kept blocking the file as a virus once it was downloaded even though I knew it was cl
 ean, and saying Dropbox wasn't a trusted site.


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Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

Connor that's the right approach, but I was not singling you out. It's great people want to help out but when you got big companies openly letting people into betas who just want early access to show off a game in development to get views and stuffyou can understand why I'm cynical and jaded by it allbut again I wasn't singling you out it's grear you want to help out and I admire that, I just am frankly sick and tired of the trend of the games industry as a whole allowing people to either buy their way into betas, or being invited in to do press work and promote a game, instead of doing what a beta's for, finding problems and issues and submitting them so they can be fixed.


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Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

Autopilot landings. Pfft.Assuming various ship sizes/classes are in the gameI'm gonna also assume certain ships can't make planetfall, right?And, I can walk the entire length of my ship too, and poke around at everything?Man if the above are true this game is getting better and better. Roll on the dev builds for us guys.Also, anyone else getting an X series vibe? I am, and I'm loving it.So.


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Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New traelor for update to death match project alpha

Checked out the trailer and I'm cautiously optimistic. Not excitedyetbut optimistic.THen again I read about the universe mode and I am excited for that.but.question is, will we be able to have private servers for solo online plao or friends or clans or whatever to play on?


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Re: Tau Station, upcoming Science Fiction browser game with narrative

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tau Station, upcoming Science Fiction browser game with narrative

Seems interestingBUTI hope they change the name or they'll get Games Workshop lawyering them into oblivion...we all know how lawyer happy Games Workshop are...and Tau is a race in their WH40K series (and a bloody annoying one at that), so I'm hoping this stays online long enough and doesn't get forced to change its nameStill. Looks interesting though.


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Re: Tau Station, upcoming Science Fiction browser game with narrative

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tau Station, upcoming Science Fiction browser game with narrative

@Orrin:From what I have found Games Workshop already owns the Tau name and they arewellless than reasonable.I mean. They tiook down a book from Amazon called Spot the Space Marine simply because they claimed it infringed on their copyright. Which got pretty much the entire sci fi community to back the author and call for GW to back down. Games Workshop didn't exactly back down quietly though, and as they have Tau in their Warhammer 40k gamesyeah I can see this being a problem for Tau Station unless there's some sort of licensing deal in place which should, ideally be clearly dispalyed.I just don't want Games Workshop to find out about this and bring the legal hammer down on the idea, it sounds fantastic honestly, it sounds interesting, but I am simply worried there'll be legal issues.


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Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting microsoft fsx, but have some questions first.

Most of the addons work just fine with the unregistered or free version of FSUIPCIt's basically a way for the addons to talk to FSX at a very, very simple way of thinking about it.


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Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

So just to let you gys know the correct teams, stadiums and leagues are now in the mod with an updated and easier to understand menu system.Instead of practice game, it is now exhibition game for example, the interface has been redone to make it easier to understand.Also, the Expos have replaced the Astros. Which oddly enough makes the Expos scary good at the moment. Need some tweaking yo.Oh and you'll need the full version of this game to make full use of the mod, yes.For those of you who think the game is too easy, take a lower ranked team (Colorado, Minnesota, Oakland, Seattle) and don't use any of the power ups before a game. That makes it a lot harder than if you merely pick a good team and cruise.


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Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

Okay, Orioles  are nearly doneRed SOx next upThen the rest of the AL East, on to the Central, then the West and over to the NL.If anyone has suggestions for menu music besides an instrumental Take Me Out To The Ballgame and/or Tessie by the Dropkick Murphys (that HAS to be in due to MVP 05 ya know), let's hear it folksand no, soft spam music will not be an option. Sorry guys, I hear enough of that with certain other games...


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Thakur ishan wrote:Hi audio gamers!it is a long  time when I have written a post. so in this thread I don't know andray  and lord lundun so I cannot comment about their attitude in red spot. but I am saying what I can think about this topic. a developer of multiplayer should be an objective one. all people should be treated equally. and if someone is doing or creating obstacles in the path of social harmony he and she should be punished. ThanksIshan(Thakur)Sounds like a utopian idea honestly, it won't work for one very simple reason, humans are naturally biased. If you're an admin you'll unconciously treat people differently, that level 50 that has, say, played for hours on a server and  is on good terms with the admin? He'll get a warning for breaking a rule even if the general system is to ban for that rule, 
 for instance. If a big name comes on and plays they will get special treatment, it's not just limited to games, look at how celebrities or famous people get treated anywhere...and don't tell me the older players of a game, those who have been playing since the start get threated the same as the newest players, because they don't at all.I'm sorry but your idea of everyone being treated the same is simply that, an idea. It's a wonderful ideabut it sadly won't happen reallyas much as people want it to.Then agian FPSes in general have a pretty awful reputation among all types of gamers really, from the whiny I FUCKED YOUR MOM LOLOLOLOLOLKLOLOLOL FAGGOT kids on CoD (and how I hate those), to people on games likesayTitanfall  or more obscure shooters.BasicallyIt's the internet. People are some of the nastiest, bitchiest, meanest, vilest people you'll ever find online. Would any of these people act the sa
 me way to you if they met you in the street for instance?


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Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

This is a little project Simba and I are working on, inspired by other games with mods like MVP Baseball 2005 and NHL 2004We are aiming to make a 2016 total conversion for Bari Bari Baseball 3.The mod is primarily designed for season play, however it will work for exhibition or practice games too.Features list:Real life team names (50% complete, the Japanese teams are not translated fully yet)Real life stadium and park names (50% complete, again the Japanese stadiums and parks are not translated yet)2016 end of season rosters (0% completed)New sounds (0% complete)Improved SAPI commentary and better translation (0% complete)Mod notes:You won't be able to play internet games with this mod so keep an original copy around if you want to play online. The Astros are not included due to their switch to the American League in 2014. They are replaced by a fictional Expos lineup. Yes, we put the Expos bac
 k as an NL team so you can play with both them and hte Nationals. Look for one or two famous Expos in the lineup too.3. The mod is designed with a sense of (dark) humor because it's us doing it. That being said, it will shine through in the announcing, if you've ever listened to a real baseball game we are aiming for that ambience and style of announcing, instead of merely stating the pitching change, expect more detail.For example, here's a preview, and yes it is inspired by the classic World Series Baseball game:For a pitching switch:The skipper takes the ball from the pitcher and he steps off the mound.Some of these are repeats, repeated phrases, but if you note how many times common terms are repeated in a real baseball game, you'll be surprised.So when will it be done? When it's done of course.We are taking suggestions for things to discussand no, we are not making the Cubs overpowered JUST because th
 ey finally won a title...Expect  the smae core game just with a 2016 coat of paint and new and updated players, and yes, we will more than likely do an end of season update too. So, what do you guys think?


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Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bari Bari 3 2016 Total Conversion topic

You don't have to manually swing the bat at all, though it's a good trait to get the hang of Simba, I just mostly do mine with the auto batting and pitching mode and jump in for key games. Also, the mod will feature someinteresting menu music. Just a hintThink baseball music...and here may or may not be a few teams changed around by the way. We already mentioned why the Astros are missing.but keep an eye on the team may notice one o r two got changed around because they don't have real baseball teams.Also, would anyone care to explain just why Italy has a baseball team in the game by default


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Re: Introductions

2017-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introductions

Hi allI go by Drako. Or Scott, I dont' mind which one honestlybut I'm mostly found in Wales and I'm the sort of person who has been looking for audiogames for ages and finally, FINALLY found this place, and am impressed with the audio games side of gaming and how creative people are.I've been on a bit of a downloading spree so yeah, sorry site admins, it was probably me downloading games at 3am that broke everythingoops Seriously though, I'm picky about what I play, mostly simulators, for me and RPGs, I'm a big, big fantasy fan, and also an adventure game fan too and I like my game books too, somewhere I have on my computer a bunch of game books I scanned in and never did anything withand nope, not gonna share them, a) I boughht them and b) I'd rather not have book publishers hammering on my door with legal notices at
  all.That being saidI am currently ever so slightly addicted to Warsim from this site, it's like my gaming drug on my laptop for the momentgahwhy's it so freaking addicting and why does NVDA love to read out the worst bits first? >.<


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Re: FSX steam edition

2017-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: FSX steam edition

From memory the free flight mode is  either the second or third one down, I believe  if you launch it, it'll automatically go back to that menu next time but don't quote me on that, I haven't used FSX in a while honestly, I got frustrated with the things it doesn't do outside of highly scripted missions and its issues. I'm not even going to look at P3D, I  get  alot of people telling me oh yeah go get P3D.I would...butehthe licensing issue is the issue.I can't afford $500 or whatever it is now for a student licenseand legally LM can't sell it for entertainment purposes or home users due to an agreement iwth MS back int he day.So yeah, it's either FSX and its showrtcomings or older flight sims.Or X Plane but that has its own issuesThat being said, FSX is a pain in the tail to set up right, I used to use MCE and more often than not Multi Crew Experience would just bug out o
 n me on flights on a clean install,  or require me to restart FSX and MCE to picvk up a changed plane.I've looked at IYP but the $60 price is a red flag to me. Is it really worth it if I grab FSX from Steam downloads again, is it actually worth it if I'm just going to base myself out of one airport and go from there? THe issue I have with FSX is this:No matter what settings I use, I always get horrible frame rate drops in/around congested areas even on the lowest settings yet my machine blows the recommended specs out of the water. I've been told by a lot of people and sources it's a 32 bit program issue but ehnot buying that


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Are there any accessible racing games/city building gmaes out there?

2017-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Are there any accessible racing games/city building gmaes out there?

Does anyone know if there's accessible gamnes in the following genres:City builderRacing (either mangement or driving. I'm not bothered)I looked at Pitwall but that's not my thing, I tried going back to BATRacer, but that's run into a lot of legal issues the past few years and lost a ton of players, I've tried the audio only racing games but growing up on Papyrus's Indycar 1 and 2 it's just not the same.I#'m especially interested in an accessible city builder to be honest, I want something to replace my SimCity/Cities Skyline addiction that I can gt on my laptop and kick back without focusing on a screen and using my headphones.So...yeah. Anything out there? I'm hoping there is or I may have to go bug a few of the people I know to actually make a game. Yeah, like that'll go anywhere...I have my own personal issues with demanding people make games. It's a long, long story


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Re: Accessibility info on storefronts

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility info on storefronts

The issue with offfering people the ability to flag...anything really, is misuse. Look at Youtube for an example and the issue of false flagging there. Don't like somebody? Get all your subscribers to flag that person's stuff.It happens, and it will happen again with how people are if they don't like something.That's not to say that it isn't a nice idea, but I do think there needs to be a certain standard for blind gamers, deaf gamers, physically handicapped gamers and so forth, not just a single standard.I'll have to go look it up but I swear I read somewhere  that the US laws were changing in that regard.


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Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

But like I stated VR has been around since, in one form or another, 1990 at least with the infamous Nintendo Virtual Boy, a console that pretty much may have actually ironically contributed to blindness with its horrific red wire frame display. Either that or crippling migraines.The other issue with the VR tech sphere isthat.wellit's still an emerging technology at the moment. And yes, it's still emerging despite having two headsets on the market, one of which has had its sales partially blocked by a court ruling, which in effect means it's HTC or nothing now.But back to the point about Valve. Nobody ever seems to ask the important questions. I don't work for Valve. I have no desire to work full time in the games industry in any position and get paid for what is not a fun or glamorous job. I wonder why nobody ever actually goes on an AMA on Reddit and asks Gabe Newell 'Hey what are you doing to make Steam more accessible to blind/
 deaf/physically handicapped/etc gamers' instead of 'IS HALF LEIF THREE HAPPENIN???' questions. Journalists never seem to ask those either. I'm not expecting Valve to make changes off its own back (Remember for years you couldn't get refunds on games despite it being illegal in Europe, and their region locking is also coming under fire by EU lawmakers).but I hope that there's a big enough push at/on Valve to get them to notice and take action. Why? Steam sells business software and there's a hell of a lot more blind office workers than gamers, or at least what Steam considers a gamer.Think on that.Also, issue #2 with VR is.That oh yeah. It's not just expensive, the tech is clunky as all hell, and the hardware requirements are stupidly high as well, if you're going to shell out for VR you're gonna probably be better off shelling out a new PC and upgrading it constantly.Lastly...yeah, I would pers
 onally much rather havee a VA headset, as in Virtual Audio-reality, than VR. Why?'s far, far more useful. Yes, it's nice to in theory sit in a VR cinema and watch a movie, or listen to it. But it is far more useful to put on a headset andsaylisten to something where the sound is coming fromlet's say, straight behind you, on a device that's made for it specifically.


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Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

WellVR's been around since the Vitual Boy (and what a flop that was) so it's nothing new honestly, and with Oculus's recent legal troublesand HTC being backed by ValveI'm not sure a new startup is going to enter the arena any time soon.I'm not excited for this tech because once again, it's a fancy proof of concept demo. When the Oculous was first being shown off it had a demo of walking around in a doom 3 mapand people were blown away bythe idea of using your hands to pick stuff up, or open doors and stuff...and look where VR tech is now.As far as the Steam doesn't give a flying rat's ass about disabled gamers, true, and do a bit of reading @post 3, the US laws are ever so slowly changing in favor of disabled gamers. Though I expect Valve to do the very, veryleast they can to comply with the law and then do nothin else. I doubt even a legal challenge would get them to act.


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Re: New Online Platformer in the works

2017-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Online Platformer in the works

Sounds like LBP meeds Speedrunners meets a 2D exploration game to me, sounds intriguing assuming everything comes together perfectly


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Re: How can I get started playing eamon deluxe?

2017-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can I get started playing eamon deluxe?

So how easy is it to get Eamon working on a VM with NVDA for instance? I've always had issues getting VMs to run on my machines though, is there a preconfigured VM I can just extract and run and put Eamon on it and will my actual screen reader work on a VM?


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Re: Audio Games and Anti-virus

2017-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Games and Anti-virus

No issues here with Sophos and Malwarebytes, AVG on my othr machine I had to set a protected folder for my audiogames so they wouldn't get deleted, but Sophos works fine for AG honestly, and Norton has a reputation for, frankly, being shitty.


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Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

1. Shenmue 1 had beeping for its QTEs on the Dreamcast aages ago so it's not a new thing at all, but that had a sting in the tail in one particular QTE. (Spoiler: You had not hit anything to pass said QTE, completely going against what you had been doing the whole game), and the less time you had in a QTE the more it beeped faste.2. Just thowing this out there but wouldn't the TTS/beeping/etc have to be overlayed over any and all music or turn down the music volume to hear the TTS? Just thinking aloud here but if I couldn't hear the TTS over the music it would sort of defeat the point of it. That being saidpatten recognition.For a music based QTE for example, have each button assigned to a chord squenece and work those sequences what the horrifically bad Rambo rail shooter did, and give an upgrade to auto complete QTEs. Well.that's one way of getting around the issue honestly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

1. Shenmue 1 had beeping for its QTEs on the Dreamcast aages ago so it's not a new thing at all, but that had a sting in the tail in one particular QTE. (Spoiler: You had not hit anything to pass said QTE, completely going against what you had been doing the whole game), and the less time you had in a QTE the more it beeped faste.2. Just thowing this out there but wouldn't the TTS/beeping/etc have to be overlayed over any and all music or turn down the music volume to hear the TTS? Just thinking aloud here but if I couldn't hear the TTS over the music it would sort of defeat the point of it. That being saidpatten recognition.For a music based QTE for example, have each button assigned to a chord squenece and work those sequences what the horrifically bad Rambo rail shooter did, and give an upgrade to auto complete QTEs. Well.that's one way of getting around the issue honestly.EDIT: Just got this pointed out to m
 e:Why not pair up the audio with a rumble feature and give each buttom a specific rumble? That way even if the music is too loud there's a failsafe option


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

@Deng:How are you getting screen review mode to work with Steam, for me at least on my laptop, it doesn't work at all. Is there an addon I'm missing, I got OCR


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Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

@Aaron:Awareness is one thing. Actually getting big publishers to do anything is a whole other matter.Since people do not seem to get how this works.1. Publishers put up X money for a game, say $150 milion2. Publishers give the developer a release date3. Publishers can depending on the contract have a hell of a lot of control, they can demand features removed, cut for DLC or completely and utterly forgotten about.4. Also, point 3.1 really: Publishers have the final say in what goes into a game. 5. Publishers are the ones calling the shots for games. Even self published ones have devs acting as publishers. Also, I'd strongly suggest everyone who wants to go running to a developer and expeccts to talk to them, reads up on non disclosure agreements and what they entail.There's been games where the publisher has said one thing and behind closed doors got features scrapped for various reasonsAlso, @OP:Don't e
 xpect the devs to reveal anything. They are usually under an NDA, which is a legally binding document that means, IN SIMPLE TERMS, since people seem to think developers can and will share everything...It basically means they cannot talk about things they are not allowed to. Usually development stuff. For mine, I can't actually discuss the specifics of the SMS NDA, but in a broad sense it was 'Do not talk about anything that isn't publically released with press/public/non dev team members'So, even if you get through to a developer, I for one doubt they will be able to tell you anything. Chris Roberts knows what he's doing and (FWIW) NDas are common in the tech sector. Also, given it's a legally binding contract, the penalties for breaking them are severe. I.e. taken to court, drummed out of the gaming industry and so forth.Just keep that in mind. Also, NDAs do expire after a period of years, but I will put money on the fact that all 
 of Star Citizen's devs are under NDAs to prevent them discussing internal developer stuff with non developers or rivals.In short: Devs can't talk about stuff if they signed an NDA


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Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

@Aaron:Awareness is one thing. Actually getting big publishers to do anything is a whole other matter.Since people do not seem to get how this works.1. Publishers put up X money for a game, say $150 milion2. Publishers give the developer a release date3. Publishers can depending on the contract have a hell of a lot of control, they can demand features removed, cut for DLC or completely and utterly forgotten about.4. Also, point 3.1 really: Publishers have the final say in what goes into a game. There's been games where the publisher has said one thing and behind closed doors got features scrapped for various reasonsAlso, @OP:Don't expect the devs to reveal anything. They are usually under an NDA, which is a legally binding document that means, IN SIMPLE TERMS, since people seem to think developers can and will share everything...It basically means they cannot talk about things they are not allowed to. Usually
  development stuff. For mine, I can't actually discuss the specifics of the SMS NDA, but in a broad sense it was 'Do not talk about anything that isn't publically released with press/public/non dev team members'So, even if you get through to a developer, I for one doubt they will be able to tell you anything. Chris Roberts knows what he's doing and (FWIW) NDas are common in the tech sector. Also, given it's a legally binding contract, the penalties for breaking them are severe. I.e. taken to court, drummed out of the gaming industry and so forth.Just keep that in mind. Also, NDAs do expire after a period of years, but I will put money on the fact that all of Star Citizen's devs are under NDAs to prevent them discussing internal developer stuff with non developers or rivals.In short: Devs can't talk about stuff if they signed an NDA


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

@66:UI did.Basically, if you were in the first person mode you'd hear the defense shouting if it was a run or pass play, and (depending on if you had a decent sound setup mind), you'd hear the footsteps of the defenders near you. It was depending on if you had a great sound system, BUT if you didit worked well.Well...worked as well as a 2004 PS2 era game could, which was amazingly well. There's vids on Youtube about it


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

@ENot an EA game, but the old first person football in NFL 2k5 had a similar system with arrows and sounds from the side when you were controlling a player.Actually, that mode was stupidly accessible really. And that's a 2004 PS2 game that has great sound design...not that I ever expect EA  to nail accessibility fully mind


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

Hey OP if you are invovled with the team, then you'd remember the (badly implementedd) Kinect voice controls.Now I'm not saying you or the team had anything to do with that, BUT.something like that voice recognition stufff could work very well.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

Addolis wrote:One more thing I would like to add, is  a lot of the aspects of the game are very visual. For example when introducing the starting lineups, the game doesn't really do that.  I love the way that the buffalo bills radio network does it, at least introducing the main starters for both sides.  Also, during the superbowl game, I think the game should have a more elaborate start and ending.  There should be a cointoss, and there should be an introduction  done by the head ref during the game. After the game is over, there should be interviews for the wining coach, and reactions from the players.The coaches interviews should take place during the games period, but that is just me.!Thanks so much for reaching out!Watching the old ones the NFL put on Youtube they actually do go through the teams, or at least did (I'm talking Elway's era her
 e), in the 97 one they went through the entire starting offense for both teams, and even introduced both coaches last so that's something that could work and I do believe the commentary does at least mention the QB a bit on an opening offensive possession. That being said, eAccessible, I would ove for you to get together with the team at Tiburon and honestlyand I KNOW this is a long shot, but..I would love for you guys to invite blind gamers to the presss/Youtuber gatherings you guys do.Every year you EA guys invite big Youtubers to help hype up the game, now, eAccessible, I don't begrudge that, I know how marketing works.but...and I have a sneaking suspicion you're under an NDA here, but at least pitch the idea to your team/higher ups that you guys say 'Alright, this time we are going to invite blind gamers/disabled gamers to the offices to sit down with the devs and get their feedback playing X build of the game or Y build and really listen to th
 em', instead of inviting big Youtubers out there who, being blunt, are just there as marketing mouthpieces and not disabled in any way.Being even more blunt, why would somebody likesay...QJB give a fuck about accessible modes? Much as I like the guy, he's not disabled, he's not blind, he has no idea what blind gamers go through honestly, IMHO you EA guys need to sit down with blind and disabled gamers and really let them go through every facet of the game while it's in development frankly.EDIT: I remember Madden 07 had little mini cut scnes after a game with interviews BUT those were canned animations with no sound or anything.As much as I think it'd be neat, what purpose would it really serve? I mean you'd end up skipping it after a few times anyhow.first few times


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Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

2017-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

@Iron:MIssing a responseNo because  won't let us add accesible features. Or this:No,  culture doesn't recognized disabled gamers. (I ran into that last one from -O devs oddly enough)Or, my new favorite meme:No because we don't have enough cash/time/manpower/all of the aboveOr.No,  won't allow it.THat last one is pretty common if you deal with publishers. Until we get more traction and a bigger recognition, then publishers will just ignore us.Oh and when we get that recognition, they will parade accessibility features on the store pages as marketing tools.


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Re: truck simulation games

2017-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: truck simulation games

You may want to get a hold of SCS Software and explain about this to them and see what they can do to make ETS2 and ATS accessible, I know for a fact both games are being worked on, so it's worth loking into it and checking in with them, I believe they listen to feedback.


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Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

2017-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

hanif wrote:I think soni will never be interested to improve accessibility to the PS4.if the TTS only supports the amazon video or netflix, that means if soni did improve TTS, it will only improve it for that app or other TV or video apps. but hopefully in the future, soni will improve more accessibility and expand the use of the TTS outside the US and supports all hardware models.Until the US lawmakers force them to, or the UK or Aussie or Chinese or whoever else force them to act that is.Sidenote, is the TTS avaiable in Canadian PS4s or not, they have different standards there, so I'm not sure if the TTS is blocked there or not.


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

I've got -nodwrite and -silent in the shortcut field but if I hit the screen review buttons then numpad 7 and 9 it merely goes straight to the top or bottom.Shame, since I got given a pair of free codes to work with a dev to make a game more accessible, which requires me to use Steam unfortunatelyso I really wanna figure out the screen review since the OCR I use is all sorts of screwed up but nothing else works for Steam.


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Re: When rights organisations go crazy.

2017-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When rights organisations go crazy.

@Slender:As in, their rip offs/parodies (though that's a VERY generous definition becausde I doubt Ninty gave the legal okay for a parody) games of...well the freeing Pokemon one springs to mind.Also the service animal thing, I have a friend who has an emotional support dog for reasons that I won't go into, I'll call her Alice for the purposes of this...Alice has had people physically try to take her dogs (six of them, five are her pets) away because it is 'cruel to animals' and 'not what nature intended'I..have no wordsI just suggest anyone who wants to read up on the hypocrisy of PETA/RSPCA and so forth reads up on accredited and peer reviewed's horrifying the stuff they do. Oh and, heard the story of PETA 'activists' assaulting people wearing real, or fake fur. Do I agree with wearing fur? Not entirely but if I was...say...stuck in the wilds of Montana or Canada and I had to skin a wolf
  to stay warm, I'd do it.Also, funny how PETA has more of an issue with fur, than with leather, ain't it?


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Re: SimCity BuildIt Cheats, Hacks, Tips, Guide

2017-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SimCity BuildIt Cheats, Hacks, Tips, Guide

Wellno, such a game isn't as easy as you think if you want everything done welland I mean in depth


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Re: The Best NBA 2K18 Advice You Will Read

2017-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best NBA 2K18 Advice You Will Read

Best advice?Don't buy it and wait for reviews and honest, unpaid reviews.Or, go play the PS3 gen games, those were accessible with memorization and training. PSP ones too, actually been getting into those on vacation and they are fun. Seriously, how is a PSP game more fun than a full retail PS4 gen game, anyhow?


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Re: Recommended Audiogames for Newbies

2017-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recommended Audiogames for Newbies

If you are on Windows, get the talking DOSBOX and follow the setup guides.And quite probably get addicted to Eamon Deluxe.Actually most of the stuff in that is pretty decent and a good place to start for a newbie.


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Re: formular one game

2017-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: formular one game

BATRacer is probably the clsest thing you're looking for.It's browser based and the races are run every so often, but as far as actual driving games go, If you have a sighted friend, get them to set up rfactor for you, the first one runs on everything, and set all the assists to the highest level, it will auto steer, brake, never spin the wheels or lock the brakes.I'd still say BATRacer though, closest thing that you're after, you run in your own team or somebody else's and everyone is a real player. I can't remember offhand how accessible it is honestly butI used to play it ages ago.


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

I'm still happy this is a thing but I don't expect the big dogs to use it. I expect the indie devs to use it however. I'm expecting this to initially at least, be the preserve of indie devs who care about more than just numbers and sales units.


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

@Simba: The Know have stated it's 32gb of internal storage but a game can take up to 30gb.Yeah. No. Not interested. I like the premise of the Switch honestly, I like the idea of taking a console on the go. If I could somehow get a PS3/4 or X360/XB1 built into a case where I could open it and play after plugging in the system I'd rather do that honestly.I've seen teardowns of the Switch that state it is indeed horrbly underpowered for what it is, but then again I've also heard reports that it struggles to run certain games at 30 fps (though again, translation may not be accurate and I'm having a hard time believing that). I was interested by the idea and the premise on the reveal trailer, sure, I'll admit, I was intrigued BUTnow the thing's out and after looking at Digital Foundry's teardown of the thing, I'm not impressed at all...


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

I don't see the Switch being a huge success really. Being cynical, Nintendo  got lucky with the Wii at the right time, the Wii U flopped spectacularly and then thisnahI'm still not sold on the idea of it really.Well no, the idea is fine, it's nice, butya know.the lineup seems dire. Yes, there's Zelda, BOTW but.aside from that the other launch titles seem pretty okay at best going by reviews and chatter about it, with Zelda the undisputed king of the lineup. Which is, unfortunately awful given you have to get the games seperately. Now I didn't catch on a livestream don by the Know (Rooster Teeth guys) if you can use discs but they did make a big point about how you download games from Ninty's servers, so I'm guessing you buy and download games now, a la Steam or Virtual Shop on the Wii U.I never actually got on with the Wii U, the idea seemed nice but  it was just too clunky to my way of thinking. When a
  Wiimote works better than a tablet type controllleryou know you got issues. Hell I still play Animal Crossing City Folk on my Wii and that game is stupidly fun


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Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

Gonna try this out now, if I can get a few of my original PS2 discs to work on this I'll be excited.PSX ones too and N64 games too. Gimme my Smash Bros already gah...hat game is oddly fun.Now if only the rom pack links work, butI can easily get games for the older systems, it's the PS2 era I run into issues with file sizes


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

I got to try one the other day andhonestlynot impressive for a few reasons1. Lack of decent games currently. Oh there's Zelda, sure, butya knownah. Not feeling it.There's a few others but it feels like the Wii launch all over again when that had a few titles but that had something that was at the time new, novel and innovative. The Switchdoesn't. Beside, the whole take it anywhere feature, nah...and if I wanted that I could rig up aconsole to a TV and turn it on.2. HardwareMaybe it was the fact I was screwing around with it but the hardware itself didn't feel impressive. I mean, okay, I'm used to my top of the line laptop, and mid range desktop and PS3/X360 (borrowed that is) but hey, the hardware felt like it wasn't doing nything incredible for me personally. Sure, Zelda ran smoothly just felt workmanlike, asif it was going oh here you go, gameplay, instead of jumping up and grabbing my attenti
 on.3. Pricing:What were they trying to do?Also, thanks for that tech support page link. That is pure awesome. I don't know which is funnier, the actual one or the parody ones that have been floating around onlineyet the actual one is pretty much a parody  of itself by now.


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

The problem with Stainless is MtG is a licensed game and that carries a complex agreement with it.In extremely simple terms, a  licensing agreement may be something like this:You can use my book setting in your game but you can't use my characters or my plotlines.Of course, this being's a lot more complex than that, and licensing agreements are for the most part, usually legal fights between companies, and pretty much everyone involved has an NDA on them so they can't explain the specifics.In shorteven if Stainless wanted to add in TTS they do have to go through WotC first and then wait on their response. Which takes time.


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

For me I just get the app ID and do a ton of batch files for the games I want to playI.e..c:\steam\steam.exe -applaunch XXThat would launch the game with the numbers. How to get the AppID? Go to the store, pick a game (let's say a CoG one) and in the address bar, note the numbers. Put that in after -applaunchShould work.I'll probably pick up GttT when I got more money, spent $120 or so on the complete CoG bundle and impressed so far. I didn't know you could remotely install Steam games without having to go to the client now though so that's a thing I guess, I can set it to download and install games without having to go and fight with said client.Here's my custom Steam launch string.Put this after your steam.exe in the shortcut-login username password -nodwrite -silentThe -silent one, means it won't bring up the window and after that, you can just bring up Run and do the -applaunch thi
 ng to play games without going through  the client.I wish somebody could release make a lighttweight client that is simply a login to check if you have the games in question in your account and nothing more. I mean, the whole -silent thing works wonderfully honestly and I got the games I wanted (CoG, Skullgirls etc) on my laptop then put Steam in offline mode, soproblem mostly solved.Speaking of CoG stuff, I want them to add more of their stuff to Steam honestlybut are there any similar games that are NVDA compatible, i.e. text/choose your own adventure type games?


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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

I'm liking Deathless here, it's got a tone that clicks with me.Also, Congress Wolf is awesome, Empirion too. I swear I posted about it before but I can't figure out if my post went through or not.Affairs of the Court's another good one too, though I do an initial run with my choices, then go for one style, and another and so forth until I max out one stat per playthrough and note the changes.Either wayCongress Wolf is making me throw aside my usual strategy and focus on 'Alright what won't I do to get my candidate elected huh?'Also.yeah, buying the whole bundle was so worth it, I'm finding more games I like on the Steam bundle


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Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Steam NVDA compatible games

So since I finally got Steam working pretty well.Which games absolutely, 100% work with NVDA? I was going to pick up the entire $120 CoG bundle as I love their stuff but before I do, are they actually set up to work well with NVDA at all or not? I don't wanna waste $120 on a ton of games that won't work with NVDA honestly.Also, other games that work perfectly with NVDA would very much be appreciated.Sitenote: Nvidia can get out of my Google results...seriouslyI was looking for the format to get Steam to login with NVDA and Google was trying to sell me a GTX 1080...>.< Thanks a lot Google, I like the computer I got, it may not be an ultra powerful hurr durr PC MASTAH RACE LOLZ machine, but it does the job I need it to so.


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

Isn't Grail to the Thief finally on there too?I may just go and spend a metric ton of money on hthe entire CoG bundle, then grab Blind Legend, and grab GttT and Skullgirls if I ever get my pad working again...I'll assume keyboard controls are awful, right?Admittedly, never even considered Skullgirls, is it a fighting game or what? I know nothing about itManaged to get the Smugglers games working again which is good.Okay running into an issue here, I followed the guide in the articles room but for whatever reason whenever I open up a game now it brings up a hidden window which basically says allow this game to proceed, and for whatever reason NVDA and OCR won't pick this window up at all.


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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2017-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

I'm just gonna necro  this thread and point out Slammed is an awesome little game if you're into wrestling at all.The thing that piledrove it home (hey, this post is gonna be full of wrestling punsthem's the ropes) was one choice in a chapter after a match. Now, I made a heel character as I usually root for the heel types in wrestling, butone choice in particular managed to solidify that status. I've heard in real life (and I know somebody who had met wrestlers when they are in hotels) that you shouldn't bug wrestlers about stuff.and this one choice made me actually stop and think, wait, hang on, do I really want to break character here and do something that my on screen character wouldn't do? I mean, it's easy to screw over a booker if you want a bigger shot at a new promotion.but.That one choice in an early chapter after a matchgot me thinking a lot about the way my character is. I went for the promos 
 above all else. Then mat work. Yes, I basically made Brett Hart, lol...I'm fully expecting my guy to go get screwed over once the game kicks it up a notch.That was all in the free content and I've run into an issue.How exactly do I buy the games from the site? I wouldn't mind paying the $6 for Slammed as I feel it's well worth it for the engaging story and stuffbutcan I use Paypal to get the games or not? I can't seem to find a way.Also,  other game suggestions for those of you who are interested...Congress Wolf is fantastic, political intrigue.Empirion is also good too, I had a moment of satisfaction at riling up one certain character by going behind their back and asking another character to chip in given they were an expert on that subjectI'm a sneaky bastard in Empirion. I just felt bad my bike got totaled in the early bit of the free content.Also, I've been enjoying Pendragon Rising wh
 ich is fantastic.Just wish I could use PayPal to get the games honestly and I don't get the login system at all, it keeps saying I've registered every time I log in. So no idea there.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

I remember NCAA had the one button mode, but does Madden still have that mode in or was it removed again? EA has a nice history of cutting out modes and features and then bringing them back a few years later as a new feature...It's not Madden but the original Had Coach and IIRC Head Coach 09 on PS3 had voice controls in the games themselves. How it worked was you had a category nameLike[Blue] First and TenThen you'd have a list, so to call the XZ Slants you'd say Blue 4 Go and that'd send in the play call.Could something similar be looked into for the playbook system?I came back to Madden with M17, franchise mode is good but I wouldn't mind accessible menus and the draft/scouting/depth charts are a pain in the ass to sift through.Also, given we won't see another NCAA gameI'd take the features from that game, the coach mode for instance, I didn' find if that was already in or not.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

Fired up NCAA 14 to see how well I remember the playbooks. Pretty good as it turns out, I set my ganeplay up with coach mode so I just pick the plays.So, if that was improved in Madden...yes, yes please. That being said I'd prefer, in a fantasy world, an NCAA football game as it's constantly new players and challenges.Stillif Madden is made more accessible...yes, I'd try the EA Access version at least.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

So, having gone through an entire game in NFL Head Coach and 09...Outside of the voice control, the rest of the game is menu driven audible support.GG, EA. GG. You had one nice idea...


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

@Aaron:Short version:Contact Stainless's legal team and let them take it from there.Longer version:Start by talking to Stainless's legal team and see where that gets you, ask if they can contact WotC's legal team and send as much proof of why TTS would be useful and why blind gamers should be included as well, and also cite the GDC talks in your arguments too to provide proof this is something WotC need to consider for their games*Even if WotC say no, they aren't including TTS, it's something and you'll have at least gone through the proper channels and got a response from the right people. Also, legal teams re a hell of alot more powerful than one single person who is going to a dev and saying hey, this is needed because X and Y and Z, whereas if you make a compelling argument to a legal team that's working with either Stainless or MtGyou'll at least put the idea there that the TTS is needed.*As
 suming they make any more MtG games that is* #2: That being said don't expect a quick or cheap reply. You might have to start shelling out cash for dealing with legal teams.


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

Hang on, aren't the MTG devs Stainless Steel games, a totally different company though? I swear I remember that from a review of the newest MTG games.


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Re: "game accessibility is happening"

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "game accessibility is happening"

IMO the title should be changed to probably happening.For what it's worth, I think blind gamers as a whole need somebody like TotalBiscuit to champion the cause  or Jim Sterling, somebody with that caliber of audience, who can get the message out and get through to the developers and publishers.After all, developers can be playing with the tools all they want but if a big publisher tells them to removesay...TTS from a game or lose their funding, the devs have to play along. WHen I worked on the pCARS title that came out in 2015, as soon as Namco/Bandai came on board they were exterting pressure and cut features the team had worked on for months and cut things out to be DLC for instance.All publishers care about is money. If blind or disabled gaming as a whole, come to be a bigger revenue stream, then it may get noticed, it needs to pass a certain critical threshold to get on the big companies radar.What I don't want to happen is compa
 nies parading around how accessible their games are to blind gamers. That to my mind would come off as pandering or, putting it another way, infantilising the fact disabled gamers of all kinds are no different than other gamers.


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Re: Decker, does anyone know it?

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Decker, does anyone know it?

Is this the same game from the late 90s?If so, it's slightlyvery.interesting and oddly compelling.I came across it on abandonware sites aaages ago and played the hell out of it since it was fun.On a related note...anybody want to try Street Hacker and report back how accessible that game is?


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

Okay I'm definitely intriguedI now am seriously considering getting an XXB1 now...and I've always been a Sony guy but nowunless Sony does something similar for a European spec PS4.nah. I may just give MS a shot. After all I can hook it all up to my MS account and go from here. Simples.


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

I've been interested in it for a while but having heard about sporadic issues as well as the launch lineupI'll wait on it honestly. There's merely something about it that I can't put my finger on honestly.but the ideea on paper sounds neat buthow accessible is it? Knowing Ninty, not very.Then again.if anyone made an accessible Animal Crossing for the Switch or Animal Crossing type gamewellthere goes my weeks at a time


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Re: Mason Sets UltraPower Free!

2017-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mason Sets UltraPower Free!

@Aaron:Exactly. IMO this is a good thing for people who want to expand and build on a solid base for their own game. It's sort of like having an Unreal or Source engine type codebase, reliable and there, it's merely up to people to figure out what they want to add to it.That, and make it stand out from the crowd. Oh and on the subject of 'zomg its a clone'. Mobile gaming, anyone?


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

Figured it out...Now, folks, you feel like convincing me to get Skulllgirls 2?


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Re: When rights organisations go crazy.

2017-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When rights organisations go crazy.

PETA are on my shit list for a lot of reasons. This is meely the latest one. Oh and they were up in arms over games where any animal gets hurt, despite the fact thatwait for itthey are not real animals!IwhatPETAwha/huh.II think I need stronger things in my coffee before rereading that again. PETA are just complete and utter hypocrites at the end of the day, they claim tobe about ethical treatment of animals yet they are completely hypocritical on so many things.Oh and they (and this is only allegations mind you) have been allegedly targeting disabled people and trying to forcibly remove service animals from said people. The sooner PETA disappear, the betterI doubt Ninty will do anything, if anything they should lawyer up and smack PETA around for their blatant copyright trolling.


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Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

2017-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

Exodus wrote:this is my opinion also. I think sony are doing the bare minimum here, to insure they aren't in breech of regulations. Their lack of regard for countries outside the US is the biggest reason that leads me to believe this, as well as the way they've blocked the TTS. If your outside the US, they just don't care. More accurately, they don't have to care. There are no regulations that say they do have to care.I'll have to find the link again but isn't the TTS a hardware thing and not a software thing or am I getting it conufsed with the PS3 when that was briefly backwards compatibl.I'm agreeing with Simba and that other guy...IMO Sony ar only doing what they absolutely have to, by law, to avoid bad PR. If the US law called for full accessiblity and UK and Euopean laws (thanks Brexit...) called for different standards I have a feeling Sony would simply p
 ush out the bare minimum they could legally get away with. As for the EA thing, while devs may want change, they are not high up enough to affect real change, or to say to the other higher ups, 'Look, let's make this accessible but not market the shit out of it', EA has a history of..shall we sayinteresting marketing tactics and I fully believe, having played EA games as far back as the early 90s on the 16 bit consolesthat they would market accessiblity as a big back of the box feature to tick off corporate boxes.Something just seems extremely off about this to me, extremely, extremely bare bones and as if they are using it, again, as a tool to point at and say look, we are following your guidelines, now you can't come after us.Is it right? No. But it's business, it may (and none of us have access to the costs) cost less to simply give accessibity lip service and get away with doing the bare minimum rather than go all in for what is, fan
 kly, a tiny, tiny subset of gamers.Side note: Whoever mentioned Roku and Sling boxes, thank you. I spent two hours earlier pretty much insisting the Roku had speech and was told it didn't. Now I can go explain exactly where to find said speech stuff.


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Re: Desafio mortal is operational.

2017-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Desafio mortal is operational.

I'm hammering every key on the keyboard here after diggint out the file on a memeory stick...So...yeah. I would appreciate tutoriing in this. And from a Brazilian friend I got told this gem of advice:Trust nobody on the streets and fight for your life.


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Re: my personal experience on the rs games administration team

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my personal experience on the rs games administration team

@42:Agreed, and for what it's worth the average* mainstream reviewer tends to pick apart and tear apart a game, and focuses on one or two things they don't like.I've had this argument with people in the industry as a whole with some notable big nams on both the critical and development side and  the critics can at times, be extremely, extremely unforgiving and brutal.If you put work out there, be it art, music, games, books, movies, whatever, you're going to get feedback, be it good, or bad, take the feedback and learn from it and improve your work to get better instead of saying 'Oh this community is not nice, I won't make games for this community'. Instead learn from it and what you can improve on. Easier said than done.Also, back t the reviewers thing, I've had discussions with a few people from Eurogamer and PA (ddly enough) and got an insight into how they review and it's personal opinion, but I did
  point them to a few audiogames and in private correspondence both tore the audiogames apart as simple, cheap and lazy games, if that's the sort of feedback a mainstream reviewer is going to give audiogames, I feel that audiogames should as a whole, be pushing forward and pushing the boundaries and having something that's worth taking to PAX, taking to EGX, to conventions as the absolute technical gold standard, the very, very best of original ideas (so no Manaman or Nintendo's lawyers may be at the convention and shut that down), and something that mainstream reviewers will play and think oh, this is great, I didn't know this was a thing, rather than oh games for the blind, I'll give this  6 out of pity for thembecause that last bit happens, there's reviewers who give gams pity scores.I'd also like to point out thatno, mainstream devs aren't immune to the drama either. I'll go get the link to a developer meltdown'
 ;s section in a minute and point you to a few high strung game makers who spectacularly imploded


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Any good Linux audiogames/Wine Q

2017-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Any good Linux audiogames/Wine Q

Simple question...Is there any list of Linux audiogames out there floating around, I did a quick Google and the answer was not many, aside from GttT which I keep meaning to get, then get sidetracked by other things...Just hoping things had moved on from 2015 when the general consensus was nope not really worth it for audiogaming on Linux.Also, did they ever sort WINE not working with screenreaders yet or no?


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Re: BSC games not working with windows 10

2017-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BSC games not working with windows 10

I'd suggest getting VMWare and a WinXP VHD with a screenreader (there's a topic on hte forum, IIRC just google VMWare screenreader audiogames and you'll find it), and open that in VMWare, download your games and load them up. Most* of the stuff works in VMWare, 3D acceleration though is a different beast.


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Re: Recommended Audiogames for Newbies

2017-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recommended Audiogames for Newbies

Top 10 you say?Alright: In no order:Talking DOSBox (on the forums), it gives you a lot of accessible and fun DOS games in  ascreenreader ready DOSBOX that is both free, and (fairly) easy to set up and run.Crazy PartyPaladin Of The Skies if you're into turn based RPG gamingTerraformers, it's on the site, freeware and works very well with it voicing itself. Plus it's a (for the time) great production and never entirely too frustratingCastaways: Small scale town builder that is fun until you work out the optimal strategy for each levelLunimals. If you want to go crazy figuring out a gamehere you goEamon Deluxe (in the talking DOSBox package), is fun and addictive.Park Boss, take RC2/Theme Park and put it on a grid, and give it a learning curve.Top Speed 3. A lightweight competent racing game that lets you make your own cars and tracks to race on or with too. Consider that
  mainstream racers struggle with this yet TS3 has it out of the boxAnd finally3D Velocity Open Source. Full fledged 3D combat flight sim. It happens to be kind of awesome, really.Hope those help, those are my suggestionns.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

Guitarman wrote:Hello.No I'm sorry to say there are no mainstream racing games. This is because you have to see everything to drive and get around properly. The closest you can get are the topspeed games mach1 racing, and km2000 although I have no idea where you would find that one.Hth,Actually as I said in post #6, that's not true.Digging through my collection I found the following:1. CART Precision Racing has assists that either keep you on track, or on the specific racing line. Which can in fact cause you to spin out and wreck if you're overtaking another car and the assist snaps you back to the line.2. Nascar Racing 2003 has a similar assist but that more just keeps you turning into the corners, fom then on it's all up to you to actually not hit the wall but the tracks are wide enough to the point where you can learn them quickly.3. Factor 
 1/2, Automobelista, GSC and GSC 2013/Xtreme/whatever else Reiza are calling their games all have an auto steering mode you get by going into the game, and setting the steering assist to high, that sters the car for you a la Cart Precision Racing. The difference here is it's actually done very well in that you can steer and pull out to pass people and it won't snap you into them.4. Various dag racing sims have sorted the problem by the fact that drag racing uses a consistent tree and drag cars are loud, and it's a straight line so if you can get the reactions down, you're set. I know of at least one legally blind driver in real life who holds an NHRA competition license. I also know from a former friend a legally blind driver can in certain regions gain an SCCA and NHRA license by proving they are safe, competent drivers. Yes, I was amazed by that too but I looked into it and it's actually accurate. More reasons to sart liking drag racing again
 5. Another one I found digging through my box of older games...why is it older gamesthe Monster Truck Madness series by Microsoft circa mid 90s, was actually the prdecessor to CPR up there in #1 and had the same assists.6. Geoff Crammond's fantastic Grand Prix series, all the way from 1-4 has a ton of assists built in. I'll list them here.Auto brakes, auto gears, self correcting spins, no damage, racing line, suggested gear, traction control and launch control.Okay the last two were only ever in GP4, but the biggest one is that on keyboard, the games all have a subtle steering assist for you to factor in. I grew up playing F1GP/GP2/3 and GP4 and those are some of the best sims around for accessible racing for F1. Forget the current Codies ones, they are awful for racing anyhow.So, Guitarman, those are merely some examples, there are accessible racing sims out there if you know what to search for, it's easy to find accessible racing s
 ims. I personally still, with barely any sight here, run NR2003 on a semi regular basis and I have rF1 installed on my other PC with a PS3 pad to run laps in and race the AI. Same with GP2/3/4 on my laptop in DOSBox and WINE here, they all are accessible. You just gotta learn the menus and memorize them. Each of the games I've mentioned here is fully playable once you learn the quirks of each game and you can still buy most of them.rF1 has a free trial, CPR/MTM 1 and 2 have fee trials, GP1 and 2 are abandonware, 3 is sold for about $5, 4 is easy to get a hold of on sale, the drag racing games are harder to find but worth it if you're into a fun series of games, NR2003 is one you absolutely have to pirate sadly unless you want to spend upwards of $350 on eBay for a copy then get people insisting you sell it them.FWIW I've been a lifelong sim racer for 29 years and I know for a fact racing sims are accessible, you just need to think outside the box and do 
 not listen to the hardcore crowd.@OP: Start with the ones I mention here, see if you like any of those games and if you do, most of them are actually decently good to play.Oh, one more and it's an older game, but as I said in post #6: Grab the Indycar Series game from demo on PC and give that a go too  I forgot that had a  demo until I wrote this post, I remembered it thinking what games have demos.So, yeah, there are a ton of racing games that are accessible if you set them up right. rF1 you just go into the race or session and hit F1 three times, F3 three times then you're set with auto steerigng and braking. Problem, solved. Works the same for Reizaj's games. The only issue is the menus, you'll have to get help to get on track but once you do that, it's a case of remember where you clicked, then click there and get on track.Okay this post went on longer than I anticipated.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

To add to my posts 6 and 7...Cart Precision Racing also has auto accelerate and brake features.The ISI sims 9rFactor 1/2, Automobelista by Reiza) all have auto steer and brake built in as standard.F1 2000 and F1 Championship Season 200 have, if you enable all the driving assists, effective auto driving.I found several slot car racing games that are accessible on Steam. I mean, it's a slot car racing game and as long as you know the shape of the track, they are insanely easy to pick up and play.Drag racing, I acutally researched  it and discovered that the real sport is actually accessible, essentially the NHRA changed the lights system so now it makes a noise when a light comes on, so when the cars are staging it's a tone, then the lights come on, it's a tone. IIRC that's mandated in the NHRRA rulebook but I'm gonna go back to my mid 90s rulebooks too I got from TNN (yeah, I'm THAT guy) and see if there was anyt
 hing there. The games themselves are very easy to pick up and play with only minimal steering involved, you just hit the gas and hang on, the ones I played (the Valusoft NHRA  Drag Racing 2 titles) actually had a crew chief tell you when to move forward and when to shut the car off and so forth, IIRC the PS2 games do the same thing but I can't verify that.Also, the NR2003 title is actually very accessible due to the spotter/crew  chief system they got in place, the spotter will, like in a real race, tell you what's going on and where the other cars are around you,, plus the sound system is good enough to work out where they are just by sound.CART Precision Racing/MTM 1 and 2, I'm going through the help files for each on  Win98 VM and it says this for the steering helpIt either keeps you on the track, or the desired line. Side note: This does actually break hthe game at one track that MS never fixed sadly, actually steers yo
 ur car away from the track boundaries, the lines or walls, or on an oval stops you going off the tarmac. Which is insanely useful...the rFactor games as said above do have auto steering and by default, auto pit lane stff.Indycar Series and ICS 2003 have a spotter and crew chief too and it's similar tracks to NR2003, but the game is easier to pick up and play given both were originally PS2, plus the sound engine is strangely more detailed, i.e. you can hear when cars are coming up on you or you are fighting side by side with somebody.So yep, a ton of decent racing games out there to try out.Far as demos, try the last post by me for info, I don't have links but rF1 and Indycar Series do have demos, CPR and MTM 1 and 2 have demos or trials as they are called, I can't remember offhand if rFactor 2 has a demo, but Automobelista unfortuately does not as far as I know.That being said, all of those games are accessible once you set them up ri
 ght. I can personally attest to each being fully playable once you learn the menus and ins and outs of each game. I tend to leave them on one track and car selection so I can just get back into the race without messing with settings. There you go Diego, hope that helps any. Like I said, lifelong sim racer here.I'm crossing GP3/4 off the list because they don't play nice under Win10, and GP3 for some reason loves to crash on my system so I can't test how accessible it isbut if I get it working I will add it back on the list. From what I recall running it a few years ago, it was very, VERY playabl with barely any sight, you had to focus on what you were hearing though. GP4 changed that up however.Actually, I'd love an audio only rFactor 1/2 then. Now if only Tim Wheately would see value in such a title.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

@Guitarman: It's a case of finding out what engine a given game uses.rF1 and 2 and Automobelista I own (and rF2 is kind of a regretted purchase for various reasons), but all three are accessible and then some, all three are certainly playable with little or no sight with the assists cranked up.If you are going to do that though, turn off traction control, anti lock brakes and grab a pad that rumbles or vibrates, it'll let you know when your car is about ready to do something you're not wanting it to. Keep auto gears on, and have fun with the games.NR2003 isn't strictly auto steer, it's sort of a gentle nudge to kee keep you going into a corner, but here's the brilliance of it. It won't auto brake for you. It won't stop you spinning out and wrecking a bunch of cars if you make a mistake. Say I'm running at a plate track where the whole field is one big cluster and I dive to the inside of somebody, the steering won
 39;t suddenly snap me back tothe outside, instead if I don't ease up on the steering I'll go off the track and then the car physics will do things to the car that'll cause it to take a hard right back up the track, the tires will lose grip and I'll back it into the fence, just like a real 003 stock car would in that situation. And quite probably take out 10 or 12 cars in the process.There's some more examples from both games, I know both are playable on Win10 by the way and both can be grabbed for fee or in rF/AMS case, cheap. Rf2 thoughehnot so cheap.Either way, they are worth it even if the starting content in rFactor 1 is awful, boring, slow road cars that you upgrade to GT1 spec machinery via racing to earn credits (or cheating to get a ton of cash due to cheats the devs put in lol)The drag racing games? They are accessible too, I will illustrate with NHRA 2 Main Event since that's my drag game of choiceyou start off
  in the Arcade mode ready to go and ou just need to pull forward a tiny amount, then hold the brake and once you hear the other car go, hammert the gas, or if you can get good enough to count down the timing in your head I(it's .400 tree, i.e.. after staging, the lights come on 4/10 of a second after both cars are staged)) you'll get scarily good at it. Back in the online days, there were fully blind guys who showed up in a lobby and absolutely smoked the sighted competition in terms of reaction time...and that is half the fight in d rag race, real or virtual, whoever has a better reaction time nearly always wins.For NHGRA2: ME you'll have to run it under a WinXP VM but it's absolutely playable if you use an OCR addon to get around the simple menus.@Guitarman (again):Give the games a whirl, see if you get OCR to work with those games, I hesitantly crossed Inycar Series and ICS2003 of the list as they won't work. on my laptop or emulator 


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Re: Any good accessible voice controlled games?

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good accessible voice controlled games?

I have TCAO and got stuck on one point when I couldn't figure out what to do, even the developer's advice didn't seem to work.@5: EndWar shouldif I recall it right, have some voice commands in the menus? I managed to get VA working with TDV which is hilariously awesome, I ccan just say what I want to do now and it (hopefully) does it. Then again I also set VA up to work with MKXturns out that's a lot more interesting than I first thoughand then I even tried with Dark Souls II and got destroyed. Which is nothing new in that gameI'm wondering if I could try it with GTAV now and actually somehow get that game fully voice controlled. There's a thought...@SLJ: hat looks sweet but no iphone here, if they ever bring it out for Droid or PC I'll be sure to snag it. TCAE was mentioned up there by me since it was my inspiration for making the topic to see if any other good voice controlled games exist. Also thanks, I now
  picked up a copy of Lifeline.Looked into Bot Colony more and that's a pretty neat idea, you either type your conversation or speak directly to the bots. It's also amusingly brilliant with its recognition.I said this:Jimmy, go to the coffee table.(Which is a part of the intro tutorial by the way so no spoilers, it expicitly tells you to say that and leads tyou through the opening part of the game)I got the bot saying this:Jenny gay to the cucoo kibble.Ihave no idea how or why it thought I said thatbut if I'm controlling a gay robot that's into bird foodand I need it for a quest, hey, fine by me lol


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Re: Hunter X

2017-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hunter X

Site's accessible for me with Orca here and it seems interesting. I expected it to be another generic online game but it actually appears to have some depth to it, but no idea if the game itself is accessible or not and I'm not gonna find out


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Any good accessible voice controlled games?

2017-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Any good accessible voice controlled games?

As the title saysare there any? EndWar is perfectly playable by voice alone but...there any others that are accessible and playable just with voice?I was looking for one last night and wasn't entirely sure honestly.


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Re: The rapidly changing landscape of accessibility for blind gamers

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rapidly changing landscape of accessibility for blind gamers



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Re: can a blind person play flight gear?

2017-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can a blind person play flight gear?

I forget which version it is but there was a version of FG that was mostly accessible, but that was about 5 or 6 years ago.HOWEVER, FG is open source, so there is nothing stopping us from making it accessible at alll now, is there? @Orrin: It's not a joke, it as several aircraft, and flight models programmed in and it has several features FSX doesn't have by default. That, and it's free, and is, as said, open no reason somebody couldn't take a shot at making a version accessible realy.


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Re: bgt games and antivirus programs!

2017-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt games and antivirus programs!

FWIW I have run into isssues with games, and I'm talking mainstream AAA games triggering certain anti malware/virus scanners based on heuristics detection. No idea why either, but the advice in that case isdrum roll pleaseDisable your AV entirely and leave it off when you have the game installed.Personally I just made an exception for my Steam folder at the time and that sorted it.Oddly enough on my other Windows machine, BGT doesn't tirgger either Sophos or MBAM, but Typing of the Dead triggers both every time, yet by the same toekn I have had Warsim of all things trigger my AV on my windows boxyet Crazy Party doesn't, so for me at least, it seems hit and miss based on heuristics alone.@Aaron: Agreed, and they are trying to predict and predict and yet they can't reliably predict malware at all, it still needs updating to fight off a malware infection.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

Yes.Most* gMotor engine games (rFactor 1, 2, Automobelista and so forth) are perfectly accessible once you're behind the wheel.NASCAR 2003 is once you learn the menus and crank up the steering assist. I regularly run the plate tracks (Daytona/Talladega) with solely the spotter guiding me. NASCAR 2003 is actually fairly accessible since it has a very, very good physics engine and detailed sound and force feedback, for instance when you're pitting you always first get told limit's 45 keep it at 4500,  or the pit speed limit then if you get close to it you'll get told hey, watch that speed, then you'll be told once you get to your pit you're too far forward/right/l.eft/backwards/etc, and the spotter will tell you if there's cars around you.Not that it helps. I've had the AI dive inside of me on ovals and wreck me for the simple fact I had just pitted and got destroyed...but...that happens in the real sport too.F
 WIW ,you will prrobably have to pirate NR2003 honestly since it selsl for...and I am not making this up, $250+ on eBay.Also, track down a copy of the Grand Prix 2/3 games, those on keyboard are accessible with auto braking/gears/etc and auto steering for keyboard players (at least I always thought that)Lastly, the drag racing games are accessible, it's been said real drag racers don't watch the lights, they go by instinct. Plus it's simply a straight line from A to B.So, yes, there are games out there that are accessible. Shoot me a PM and I can guide oyu through NR2003 and getting it configured, and setting up the rFactor engined stuff also, I can pretty much do rF1 from memory given I' put hours into it.Oh, one more titleTry a few of the mainstream rally games, they are accessible by the sheer nature of having a co driver who reads out pace notes. Just don't start with Dirt Rally if you want to not hate the genre...Al
 so, the old on PC Indycar Series game from 2002 and its PS2 sequel have a spotter and crew chief, fully narrated intros by the now retired Bob Jenkins, and fully narrated grids and such. Plus they are oddly fun to play too if you got a PS2 or emulator laying around.So that should get you started.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

Sure:NASCAR Racing 2003 Season: PCrFactor 1/2/Automobelista: PCIndyCar Series: PC, PS2IndyCar Series 2005: PS2NHRA Drag Racing 2 Man Event: PCNHRA Drag Racing COuntdown to the Championship: PSCART Precision Racing: PC (Win 95/98/XP, will not run on modern systems easily)IHRA Drag Racing: PC, PS2 (another drag game made by the guys who do Skyrim)Since it got mentioned up thereBurnout Paradise: PC, X360, PS3F1GP (or World Circuit)/Grand Prix 2/3/3 Season 2000/4: PCColin McRae Rally: PC/ PS1  (it is actually accessible due to the co driver, oddly enough, get the original and not the HD version)That's the ones I can think of off the top of my head right now.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

Unless something changed in a patch Burnout Paradise's menus were not easily accessible, and the font they used, I mean, I liked the look of it on PS3 but as far as OCR goes.yeesh, horrifically bad for OCR. Still, crazily fun game though but hey DJ Atomica got old, faaast.I fired up IndyCar Series last night for a quick run and will give my thoughts below:1. It IS playable since you can gauge things by ear. For instance: Your car has a rev limiter that cuts in at the top of the RPM range and efffectively makes the car bounce off the rev limiter, letting you know you're losing power and all important spd. You also have a spotter that lets you know what and where and when cars are around you, even if it butchers driver names. Jyafonni, (That is how it pronounces Giaffone. It's pronounced Jia-foe-knee by the way). Still, the spotter is actually very very good in that it's accurate and will tell you when the race is going green, there&
 #039;s a caution flag out and so forth. What I didn't test, was if it told you to pit. Then again, you usually pit every caution anyway in a longer race unless you're doing some crazy strategy run.2. Track modeling:This is one of the game's hidden strengths. Mainstream publications and sites trashed the game for how it looked, it is after all a PS2 era game, but in terms of the feel of the tracks, you can hear the car bottoming out on the track and going over the bumps, and once you know which track is which, and you've got a few pointers about tracksyeah, you'll get a feel for how far you can push a track or where you need to back off nand so forth. Each track is about 90% accurate to the 2002 IRL season. Personal grudges against that series aside, the tracks are 90% acccurate in terms of width and signage (though that's not really important), it is really?), but the area where they screwed ups ie every single pit lane is the same ani
 mation for a pit stop.Track and car slection:Each track has its own unique video that plays in the background of the menu system with its own distinct audio track that plays, so you can easily work out which one you picked. The tracks follow the 2002 IRL calendar from Homestead (the old layout) to Texas and all the stops in between.Car wise, you have two full rosters, the 2002 regular season cars and a second roster that I'll explain in a minute.Oh and if you either use the code that unlocks all the cards, or do a specific thing that unlocks a certain card you get to make your own team and driver.Modes:There's quick race, single race, championship  Indy 500 (more on that in a moment and driving school.Quick race: This throws you into a random race with a random driver.Single Race: You get to customize everything, who you drive as, damage, fuel usage, track, number of opponents and so forthIndy 500: You 
 get an entire mode dedicated to the Indianapolis 500 and this is the last game aside from the sequel, to go and put an entire mode in that simulates the procedures with the Indy 500. 2002 Indy 500 controversy aside (read up on the finish of that race if you wawnna know more), you get a full field of 33 includeing the main guys, they guys who were slower and the guys who crashed out on lap 1. You get to go through the entire Indy 500 schedule.Driving School: Eddie Cheever, formerly of ABC/ESPN guides you through the arts of driving a 2002 spec IRL car. Everything from simply getting around the track safely to complex things are covered here.Final thoughts:Is the game worth it?Well.personal grudges against the US auto racing scene in particular aside.I'd say try the demo first off, it gives you two cars  to play as and Texas to race around and get the hang of it. The game's not perfect but it is an officiaially licensed Indycar game, 
 and those are few and far between. Plus it is stupidly accessible even by accident.Also it's actually fun running side by side at places like Fontana and inching ahead to take the lead. I may personally dislike the IRL's pack racing mentality as far as the real series went but it makes for an awesome feeling in a game.Downsides?For whatever reason the cars have no mirrors. You heard it right. The developers for whatever reason never put mirrors on the cars. Also, the physics are completely broken in other situations, you make contact and you're essentially going into orbit.Like I said give the demo a whirl, and see if you like the demo at least and if you do track down a copy of the full game, it's absolutely worth playing if you can get used to the demo. Bonus points if you manage to pull off the impossible and dominate with a horribly bad car and engine combo.


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Re: Racing games?

2017-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Racing games?

If you're gonna go get complete saves for NFS thoughGo for Underground 2 and the original Most Wanted, those two games are the best in the series I feel.


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What happened to the audiogame console?

2017-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


What happened to the audiogame console?

I vaguely remember something about an audiogame console.Did anything ever come of it and/or what's the latest on it? The one I'm referrirng to was discussed here before or aroujnd the time I registered and I remembered it while discussing games consoles just now, so I figured I'd ask and see what responses I get. It can't be worse than the Ouya can it...? (Sarcasm...the Ouya sucks. Also it can't be worse than the Wii and Wii U)So, anyone remember what I'm on about? I'm curious if it's actually a thing and not just an idea or a prototype, I vaguely remember something about orders but I can't remember if they were actually a thing or if it was just mentioned offhand.


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