[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Apple iPod HI-FI No Threat to SB!

2006-03-01 Thread tomsi42

crooner Wrote: 
 He has achieved success by entering the audio arena instead of
 concetrating his efforts into positioning the Macintosh as the world
 personal computer standard. In a sense he conceded defeat to his
 archrival Bill Gates...

It's when Apple stopped competing wil Bill  Co that their second time
of success started!

In addition, Apple has concentrated on making stylish products that
works together...

Me, I like linux for the freedom of choice it gives me.


SqueezeBox2, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Apple iPod HI-FI No Threat to SB!

2006-03-01 Thread bludragon

why didn't they have a slot for the ipod, and a display you can read
from a distance.  That would have been worth making.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Apple iPod HI-FI No Threat to SB!

2006-03-01 Thread dangerous_dom

Worst Apple product ever? Apples say this redefines the home stereo
system. I don't think so.

Firstly, it's fugly, but maybe thats just me.
Secondly, whats new about this? Third party manufactures (Bose for
example) have been making these for ages (years?).
Thirdly, It's a useful partner for existing stereo, but does not even
come close to replacing or redefining the home stereo. Most people will
still want a decent proper amp/speaker setup, perhaps with a Squeezebox
or a Cambridge Audio music server type device if they want to avoid

More Apple spin and hype. Are they turning into Sony?

Looks like a crap cheap speaker thats fallen over.

That said, i am sure they will sell like hot cakes.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 + MF X-DAC v3?

2006-03-01 Thread sjalloq

Oh well, I'll hopefully be able to let you know what I think of the X-10
as I've got a mate in the US who's going to mail me a new one.  I
couldn't find any new in the UK but managed to find one in the US.  And
they're going for nearly new prices on eBay anyway.

Looking forward to it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-03-01 Thread agentsmith

I was actually thinking about posting a message to the Audioasylum Hi
Res forum but did not want to start a Jihad.

I have close to 80 SACDs myself, but since the purchase of an SB2 I
have not hadly been listening to my SACD collection.

The main thing is access, I now have access to most of my music through
the SB2, and the sound is good enough for me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-03-01 Thread agentsmith

agentsmith Wrote: 
 I was actually thinking about posting a message to the Audioasylum Hi
 Res forum but did not want to start a Jihad.
 I have close to 80 SACDs myself, but since the purchase of an SB2 I
 have not hadly been listening to my SACD collection.
 The main thing is access, I now have access to most of my music through
 the SB2, and the sound is good enough for me.

On second thought, nobody is killing SACD, both the SACD and DVD-A HD
formats never really lived.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] volume control question - digital or analogue?

2006-03-01 Thread opaqueice

I have a question about the effect on audio quality of the squeezebox 3
digital volume control.  

My system will consist of a SB3 - DAC AH (a 16-bit non-oversampling
DAC) - Odyssey power amp.  I'm not going to use a preamp, as I want
the cleanest possible signal path and the SB will be the only source.

I haven't bought the amp yet, and I have a choice to make - Klaus over
at Odyssey Audio can either fit it with a passive volume control (for
an additional $150 or so), or leave it as a pure power amp.  So I'm
wondering whether it's better to use the digital volume control on the
SB and forgo the volume knob on the amp, or whether instead I should
disable the digital volume on the SB and use the modified amp.

All else being equal, I'd rather not have the volume control added to
the amp, both for the extra $$ and because I prefer simplicity (not to
mention there won't be a remote control, and I'm lazy!).

Any suggestions?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2006-03-01 Thread gobikey

rajacat Wrote: 
 How does it sound? I'm interested in either the Paradisea or the
 Renaissance II from MHDTlabs to work in conjunction with the SB3.

i will write something thorough once i do some blind tests and get some
outside input.  

right at first, with no warm-up or break-in, i didn't notice much
difference from my pioneer cdp's output.  i *may* have heard a slight
change in clarity, but it could possibly have been my imagination.  i
still haven't been able to do blind tests.  

now, i have let it play for a good 24h, and i've quickly listened to
the difference of my SB3, CDPlayer, and the Paradisea.  after warming
up, the Paradisea gives a stronger sound than the SB3 and CDP.  the
voices sound slightly more present and natural and less tinny and like
they're behind a curtain.  the stereo is a little wider, giving space
between individual sounds.  

i haven't tested with flac in a silent room with the same cables yet,
but i plan to later this week, blind, with the help of a friend.  

i'll also recieve an audioquest vdm-5 spdif soon to compare with the
bluejeans cable.



krell kav-400xi integrated amp
vienna acoustics 'beethoven' speakers
audioquest diamondback interconnects
diy acoustic room treatment
flac with accuraterip

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: volume control question - digital or analogue?

2006-03-01 Thread bludragon

Does the power amp (without volume control) have an input level adjust? 
If not I'd suggest using a passive volume control.  This could be as
simple as a (switchable) attenuator.

The reason for this is that if there is no attenuation between the sb
and the power amp you risk blowing your speakers if a user, software or
hardware error causes a full volume output from the DAC.

The cheap / simple and most likely very close to best audio quality
solution would be to make up an rca lead with an attenuator in the
poweramp end.  The attenuation should be set such that maximum sb
volume results in the highest level you ever want to listen at (which
should be within the power handling abilities of the amp+speakers).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: volume control question - digital or analogue?

2006-03-01 Thread opaqueice

Unmodified, the amp doesn't have any sort of level adjust - it's just a
pure power amplifier.

However, the amp is rated at either 110 or 150 watts/channel, depending
on which model I go with, and my speakers (BW CM4's) should be able to
handle either at maximum level with no danger.

That said, I'd prefer not to deafen myself and/or my neighbors...  and
I suppose this also means I may need to turn the SB down pretty far to
reach a reasonable volume level.  Does turning it down a lot increase
the negative effect on audio quality?  If so, maybe an attenuator plus
the SB volume control would be a good solution?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: volume control question - digital or analogue?

2006-03-01 Thread dwc

opaqueice Wrote: 
 I have a question about the effect on audio quality of the squeezebox 3
 digital volume control.  
 Any suggestions?

If you forgo the DAC, you can run the analog outs from the SB direct
into the amp. That is a great way to go as well as being the cheapest
way.  You make use of the preamp volume level feature of the SB3, which
you can fine tune to your desired listening max volume.

If you must use a DAC, then you give up that preamp volume control. 
The digital volume control doesn't work the same way, and it is not as
nice because of the noise floor of the DAC. 

Because you have to turn down the SB3's digital volume very low to
bring the sound to reasonable listening levels, any noise in the DAC
whatsoever becomes very loud in comparison.  In effect you are at the
mercy of the noise floor (blackness) of the DAC, and with my DAC direct
into my (500wpc) amp the hiss was audible.

If you have a DAC with an output attenuator you might be able to  avoid
this problem by lowering the DAC's output and raising the SB3's digital
volume. Or as suggested above install some external attenuators after
the DAC so that you don't have to run the digital volume control so
low.  Alternately, if you have the world's quietest DAC you might not
have an issue.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread benthos

Robster Wrote: 
 Also, Sony mp3 players don't actually play mp3's - you have to use
 SonicStage to convert all mp3's to Sony's proprietary format.  It's a
 major time-waster, and offers you, the consumer, no benefit whatsoever.
 Not true anymore, Sony's walkman use Atrac3 AND MP3 now . . . 

Are you absolutely certain about this?  I have an NW-E407, and it
doesn't play mp3's.. the mp3's that are loaded into SonicStage are
automatically converted to atrac when they're loaded onto the device -
which explains why it takes so infernally long to load them.  

How fast is the loading process with SonicStage now?  Has it changed at



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread nelamvr6

I recommend the iPod.

It doesn't support flac, but flac files are so large that they are not
practical for portable devices anyways. And frequently portable music
is listened to under conditions that are not conducive to he most
critical listening at any rate. If you absolutely must have lossless
iPod will support Apple Lossless.

Under most conditions where portable music is desired mp3's provide
more than adequate quality, especially if they are encoded right (VBR).
And the small size of mp3 files makes them more suitable to use on
portable devices.

The iPod has a few major advantages:

The user interface is beyond reproach Absolutely the best.

The sound quality is excellent. The iPod is one of the few portable
devices that can really drive a pair of headphones.

Build quality is excellent.

iTunes runs on Windows and Mac OS, there are third party solutions for
using the iPod on Linux.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread dem

Robster Wrote: 
 Itunes is better though, but I did not want to join to Isheep
 flock..never mind that those white headphones are a thief magnet!
As this is the Audiophile forum, allow me to make some unsubstantiated
assertions:  :-)

The stock iPod earphones *suck*, so if you choose an iPod be sure to
get something better.  And it doesn't have to be white.  However, I
haven't found earbuds I'm totally happy with yet.  Alas, wearing
Sennheiser HD-580s out of the house is somewhat awkward.

Simon, you won't be able to hear the difference between lossless and a
high-bitrate LAME-encoded MP3 on a portable device.  The issue is
convenience, as generating MP3 versions of your lossless files is an
extra step.

Personally, I rip all my music into FLAC files for use with the
Squeezebox, then generate MP3 versions to import into iTunes for use on
my iPods.  I love my iPods, one a 5th generation 60 GB, one a 4 GB

I used to use a Rio Karma, and it sounded great, but 20 GB just wasn't
enough space for my MP3 files, to say nothing of my FLAC files.  I
believe the iPod sounds better than the Karma, but I haven't done any
serious comparisons.

On the other hand, since I still have my Karma...  The Karma is the way
to go!  Buy mine!  :-)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread P Floding

dem Wrote: 
 Simon, you won't be able to hear the difference between lossless and a
 high-bitrate LAME-encoded MP3 on a portable device.

This depends on what you mean by high bitrate, what sort of music one
listens to, what portable device, what headphones are used, and the
listeners abilities.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread mrthreeplates

Why not consider a phone / audio player combo?  I always
have to have a phone and refuse to carry and/or deal
with the hassle of two devices.  I have
used both the treo 600 and 650 and love it.  I'm sure
there are lots of other alternatives phones as well.

On the plus side, you only have one device that does
a lot.  On the minus side, you have somewhat limited storage.

What I currently use:
Treo 650
Aeroplayer (free w/ogg decoder)
Seido 2-in-1 headset

I convert my bin/cue flac files on the fly to Ogg Vorbis
with some custom perl scripts that I wrote (using a very
handy utility called ACDIR which processes bin/cue files
nicely).  It takes about ~1 minute per CD to convert
the files and copy them to my SD card.   I do them in
batches so I don't really care how long it takes.

My 2GB SD card holds about 35 CDs worth of music (ogg at
quality setting of 4).  My Treo's battery lasts all day
long (8 hours of listening + phone use) with plenty of
juice left (30%).   I really couldn't ask for a better
device for me!




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread nelamvr6

dem Wrote: 
 As this is the Audiophile forum, allow me to make some unsubstantiated
 assertions:  :-)
 The stock iPod earphones *suck*, so if you choose an iPod be sure to
 get something better.  And it doesn't have to be white.  However, I
 haven't found earbuds I'm totally happy with yet.  Alas, wearing
 Sennheiser HD-580s out of the house is somewhat awkward.

Well that's certainly true. I used the stock ear buds for about two
seconds before I decided I needed better.

'Here's a link'
to the phones I'm using now. They are really excellent for portable
music. they do an excellent job at blocking outside sound and they're
really efficeint so the iPod has no problem driving them. They sound
great and they're comfortable.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread dem

nelamvr6 Wrote: 
 Well that's certainly true. I used the stock ear buds for about two
 seconds before I decided I needed better.
You're more discerning than I am.  I went for a whole 30 seconds.

I tried a pair of Etys years ago and didn't care for them.  I'm
currently using 'these' (http://tinyurl.com/meo6e), which need some EQ
to sound OK.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread nelamvr6

dem Wrote: 
 You're more discerning than I am.  I went for a whole 30 seconds.
 I tried a pair of Etys years ago and didn't care for them.  I'm
 currently using 'these' (http://tinyurl.com/meo6e), which need some EQ
 to sound OK.

The price on those compares favorably to the Etys too! 

Well, I like my Etys, and I can't afford to buy any more for the time
being. Maybe when I need to replace them I'll try the Ultimate Ears.

But either choice will be far superior to the stock buds, that much is
for sure!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread Robster

benthos Wrote: 
 Are you absolutely certain about this?  I have an NW-E407, and it
 doesn't play mp3's.. the mp3's that are loaded into SonicStage are
 automatically converted to atrac when they're loaded onto the device -
 which explains why it takes so infernally long to load them.  
 How fast is the loading process with SonicStage now?  Has it changed at

I'm 100% positive, there's an option in SS to transfer songs to a
portable player in the format they were imported or to convert to Atrac
as you transfer.
If you choose to transfer as imported, i.e. in mp3, then they transfer
in seconds.

SS is still a bit sluggish but a lot depends on your library size,
mines 10,000+ songs. 



So much music, so little time..

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread tomsi42

If you think the ipod buds are lousy, you should try the ones that comes
with the iAudio X5! 

I don't care much for earbuds, so I have bought a pair of Sennheiser
PX-200. I like the sound of them and they can be folded for transport.
Some people find the bass too light, but it's enough for me...


SqueezeBox2, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread dem

P Floding Wrote: 
 This depends on what you mean by high bitrate, what sort of music one
 listens to, what portable device, what headphones are used, and the
 listeners abilities.
The first person here who can demonstrate with an ABX program such as
'ABC/HR' (http://ff123.net/abchr/abchr.html) that they can hear the
difference between a WAV file and that same file encoded with lame -V 0
--vbr-new (using LAME 3.97 or later), wins a free Rio Karma!  Unless
Simon buys it from me first!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: volume control question - digital or analogue?

2006-03-01 Thread dwc

btw, I'm in the same boat, because I want to use a digital eq for room
correction.  This is preventing me from using the SB's analog outputs. 
Looks like I might check into some attenuators myself.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread dwc

iAudio X5 with Shure E4.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread P Floding

dem Wrote: 
 The first person here who can demonstrate with an ABX program such as
 'ABC/HR' (http://ff123.net/abchr/abchr.html) that they can hear the
 difference between a WAV file and that same file encoded with lame -V 0
 --vbr-new (using LAME 3.97 or later), wins a free Rio Karma!  Unless
 Simon buys it from me first!

What bitrate would those LAME options produce, BTW?

How good equipment am I allowed to use?

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-01 Thread tyler_durden

I wonder if the SB3 will sound better with mpingo disks?
Should they be put on the SB3 or on the computer?  Silly me, BOTH, of

I wonder if anyone makes a magical wireless signal enhancer that
reduces jitter of the transmitted signal to the SB3.  I'm sure someone
will, soon.

Stereophile is a joke.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-01 Thread JJZolx

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 I started a thread at the Stereophile forums (under digital sources)
 asking why haven't they reviewed the SB3 yet. Well, lo and behold,
 Stephen Mejias replied, and had this to say,
 Yes. A review sample arrived in our office just last week.
 I will wait with bated breath, as I'm sure will many of you.
Why?  Don't you already know what it sounds like?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-01 Thread crooner

And they also take forever to review products. Typically up to a year.
By the time the review comes out SB3 will be obsolete!


Squeezebox 3 with DIY Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC60 tube DAC
Pioneer SX-1980
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature
Vandersteen 2W

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SPDIF question - error correction and interconnect quality

2006-03-01 Thread randytsuch

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
 I don't think things are that simple: if you have a mismatch at both
 ends (which you probably will) the reflection will bounce back and
 forth along the cable as it decays.

What if I have 75 ohm BNC's at both ends, and have optimized the SB tx
circuit, and my dac rx circuit to make sure they are set at 75 ohms,
and don't create reflections.

Actually, I know there will always be some reflections, as nothing is
perfect, but I plan to do what I can to minimize the reflections.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread nelamvr6

radish Wrote: 
 Unless you don't like scratches. 

Only one model of the iPod is susceptible to scratching. I have had an
iPod for years and it is still not scratched.

 And if you don't like iTunes you're pretty stuck. No thanks. 

As I mentioned, there are third party solutions. 'Anapod explorer'
(http://www.redchairsoftware.com/anapod/) is one.

But iTunes is a great program that does what it is designed to do
without using a lot of resources.

 You also forgot the iPod's disadvantages:
 You're stuck with iTunes (did I mention this already?).

No, you're not, as I mentioned above.

 Supports just 3 formats. Where's WMA? Vorbis? FLAC?

Why on earth would you want to use WMA? I could not care less about
Vorbis, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, flac is (IMO) totally
impractical for mobile use no matter what portable device you prefer.

 Distinct lack of advanced features - where's the real EQ? Where's the
 on-the-fly playlists?
 No gapless playback. Deal breaker for me. When a $400 DAP can't do
 something a $20 portable CD player can, we have a problem.

If you want to carry around a big bulky device that will only play a
cd's worth of music then you have my blessing.

No doubt iPod won't meet everyone's expectations, but I don't really
see anything in your list of objections that would sway me, and I stand
by my recommendation.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread joncourage

So, thought a quick poll of what amplification and speakers folks are
using with their SB's might prove interesting

I'll get started:

Amp:Red Wine Clari-T

Speakers:Amphion Argon

Speaker cables:Audioquest, bi-wired


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread rkeeney

dwc Wrote: 
 iAudio X5 with Shure E4.

I eagerly awaited the release last year of the iAudio x5 and have not
been disppointed.  I have the 30GB version.  I think they now have a
60GB out (look at NewEgg.com)  Plays OGGs and FLACS.  Single files are
not gapless but I don't find that too irritating except for a few live
albums which I'll probably convert to FLACs anyway.

They don't waste any money on cheap headphones so just buy some good
ones.  I use Shure E3s and really like them, especially on noisy

There was no way I was going to buy an iPod, I guess I'm too much of an
iconoclast (my wife would just say I'm grumpy).



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread jonheal

PSB Stratus Bronze speakers
ADCOM GFA-525 Amplifier
Home-assembled speaker cables


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

jonheal's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2133
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread IndyDan

Onkyo TX-NR800
Infinity Beta Towers and Bookshelves
Velodyne 12 Sub.
It Rocks with the SB!


IndyDan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2066
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread linuxtx

Amp: Rotel RB-991 (
Speakers: BW Nautilus 804 ( http://tinyurl.com/p2meh )

Amp: Corda Aria ( http://www.meier-audio.homepage.t-online.de/aria.htm
Headphones: AKG K701 ( http://tinyurl.com/f585v )


linuxtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4169
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread mrfantasy

New amp:  Denon AVR-3805 (usually in 5 channel stereo mode--plays L and
R channels in both front and rear speakers, a L+R mix in the center)
Speakers:  Klipsch Quintet IIs with a KSW10 subwoofer (recently
replaced the amp--the old one had significant high frequency distortion
that caused buzzing)
Speaker wires:  Electronics store 14 gauge copper specials.  Rears are
some sort of cheap Monster Cables.



mrfantasy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1127
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread agentsmith

My humble system:

Amp: Naim Nait 5i
Speakers: Harbeth LS3/5A, Celestion A-1

Itching to replace speakers with Focal.JMLab 1007 Be or Anthony Gallo
Nucleus Reference 3. Any suggestions?


agentsmith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1838
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread zooropa320

6 weeks ago I started a thread asking how I could improve my system by
spending $1000.  Well, I just put together a new system and the only
component I kept was my Denon 3802 as a pre-amp.  I also just spent
$800 on cables alone so that will give you some perspective on how far
I've come (or gone into debt) in the past 6 weeks.  Here's the

SB3 - Benchmark DAC1 - Denon 3802 (can bypass this using the DAC1 as
a pre-amp) - Classe DR-15 Mono Blocks (1100 wpc @ 4ohms in mono mode!)
- Magnepan MG 3.5Rs  a REL Strata III.

My signature still shows my old system:


Audio gear: SB3 * Denon AVR-3802 * McIntosh MC-2120 * Paradigm Monitor
9s, CC-350, ADP-370s, PS-1200

Music server: Lian-Li PC-V2000B Case * Turbo-Cool 510 XE Power Supply *
Tyan Thunder K8S Pro Motherboard * 3Ware 9500S-8 SATA RAID Card * 2 X
AMD Opteron 240 1.4GHz CPUs * 2 X 512MB PC3200 Corsair CAS 3 DRAMs * 8
x 250GB SATA Hitachi drives in RAID 5

zooropa320's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3420
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21643

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] upgrade results? [was Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread Pat Farrell
zooropa320 wrote:
 spending $1000.  Well, I just put together a new system and the only
 component I kept was my Denon 3802 as a pre-amp.  I also just spent
 $800 on cables alone so that will give you some perspective on how far
 I've come (or gone into debt) in the past 6 weeks.  Here's the
 SB3 - Benchmark DAC1 - Denon 3802 (can bypass this using the DAC1 as
 a pre-amp) - Classe DR-15 Mono Blocks (1100 wpc @ 4ohms in mono mode!)
 - Magnepan MG 3.5Rs  a REL Strata III.

So how does it sound?
Are you in love?
Got more on your wishlist?


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-01 Thread dem

P Floding Wrote: 
 What bitrate would those LAME options produce, BTW?
 How good equipment am I allowed to use?
Those options would generate VBR files averaging about 245 kbps.

Use any equipment you like.  I find it helpful to use headphones with a
lot of high end, like Grados.

You can find links to various ABX programs 'here'

Your goal is to have the ABX program output a value of *p* which
indicates a small probability that you're just guessing correctly.  For
example, if after about 16 trials you have p  0.1, then there's a
greater than 90% chance that you weren't guessing and could really
discern a difference.



dem's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2504
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread zooropa320

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Do you really need the preamp? I'm just wondering if you're system would
 sound better without it. Have you tried a direct connection from the DAC
 to the amp?

This system is for music and HT so the Denon handles the audio/video
switching among sources.  I bought an extra pair of balanced cables to
go straight from the DAC to the amps when I have some dedicated
listening time.


Audio gear: SB3 * Denon AVR-3802 * McIntosh MC-2120 * Paradigm Monitor
9s, CC-350, ADP-370s, PS-1200

Music server: Lian-Li PC-V2000B Case * Turbo-Cool 510 XE Power Supply *
Tyan Thunder K8S Pro Motherboard * 3Ware 9500S-8 SATA RAID Card * 2 X
AMD Opteron 240 1.4GHz CPUs * 2 X 512MB PC3200 Corsair CAS 3 DRAMs * 8
x 250GB SATA Hitachi drives in RAID 5

zooropa320's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3420
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21643

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread ezkcdude

zooropa320 Wrote: 
 6 weeks ago I started a thread asking how I could improve my system by
 spending $1000.  Well, I just put together a new system and the only
 component I kept was my Denon 3802 as a pre-amp.  I also just spent
 $800 on cables alone so that will give you some perspective on how far
 I've come (or gone into debt) in the past 6 weeks.  Here's the
 SB3 - Benchmark DAC1 - Denon 3802 (can bypass this using the DAC1 as
 a pre-amp) - Classe DR-15 Mono Blocks (1100 wpc @ 4ohms in mono mode!)
 - Magnepan MG 3.5Rs  a REL Strata III.
 My signature still shows my old system:

Do you really need the preamp? I'm just wondering if you're system
would sound better without it. Have you tried a direct connection from
the DAC to the amp?


ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread Buckyg4

Amp:  McCormack DNA-1
Pre:  EE Minimax
Speakers: Paradigm Studio 100s


Buckyg4's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3389
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread Mike Anderson

SB2 digital out - Behringer DEQ2496 digital out - Benchmark DAC1 XLR
balanced out - Pathos Logos - Magnepan 1.6qr

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

Mike Anderson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1705
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SPDIF question - error correction and interconnect quality

2006-03-01 Thread konut

Rereading this thread convinces me that my money is better spent
upgrading the on board electronics of the SB3 rather than trying to
implement an external DAC. What are already very good circuits can be
improved to excellent with a relatively modest sum compared to the
added complexity and expense of an external solution with comparable
performance. Had Slim Devices chosen to target a more restricted (read
higher end) part of the market, I'm sure they would have come up with a
higher performance product as well.


konut's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1596
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21415

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-01 Thread dwc

Using a Panny XR-55 into Meadowlark Kestrel 2's in the living room
Using an Ampeg SVT 4-Pro into Alesis Monitor 2's in the bedroom
Using a Singlepower PPX3 into Senn HD-600 headphones


dwc's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1892
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21643

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