[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-03-18 Thread Phil Leigh

I can confirm that the later Linn Brilliant SMPS's are indeed very very

Certainly later versions of the 5103, Kairn and Karik were noticeably
improved over the earlier ones.

SMPS is clearly not empirically bad - but it would appear that good
ones are neither common or cheap.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-03-18 Thread mlihl

My speakers are DIY using very revealing Aurum Cantons
G2si ribbon tweeters and paper midrange woofers. I can
definitely hear differences between tweaked and untweaked
CD players but through my previous speakers (BW N804),
I was unable to do so. Audible differences between setups
have mostly occured in higher frequencies but they were
slight. This was confirmed by several non-audiophile visitors
at my home, too. My ribbons are extremely sensitive. I think
our hearing works perfectly fine. Maybe it's just the top
end of our speakers that masks those slight differences.
I know this doesn't directly relate to switching supplies
vs linear ones but I'm sure we're all able to hear differences
when there are some. With the BW's I wouldn't have bothered
upgrading my source.

I guess the conclusion is try *ANYTHING* before you spend
money and see for yourself if it does make a difference.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread Skunk

)p( Wrote: 
 Why, the ceo of slimdevices has told on the forum that he does not
 believe it affects the sound quality of the sb output. Why should they
 sell something they do not believe in?

The CEO doesn't have a revealing enough system to know the difference.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-18 Thread mgraves

Mine is minimalist system for my home office. The SB3 feeds a pair of
Behringer Truth B2031A active powered, bi-amped nearfield monitors.

I'm thinking of adding a pair of matching Behringer 2092 powered



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Indeed I did.  I would appreciate an apology, too.  This isn't a  flame;
I'm just completely confused as to why you would attack a stranger with
all this sarcasm and snootiness.  Of course, you're not the kind to
take or accept an olive branch, and you're certainly not the kind to


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

SB3-Bel Canto Pre2-Rane DEQ60L-Sunfire 300-Harbeth Monitor 40s on
Skylan stands.

That's about it.  I've toyed around with two or three DACs and thought
the Lavry the best of them.  However, the more I listened for
differences and the more I listened to the SB3 alone...the more I found
it very satisfying and quite enough for me. The operative phrase here
is, of course, for me.

All cables by Blue Jeans Cables of Seattle.  Terrific people, fair
prices, solid products.  Again, YMMV.

I get a kick out of the tiny SB3, alone atop my cabinet (other
components hidden away) in the middle of my rather huge (for me)
Harbeths.  With stands, that's 150lbs per speaker.  The SB3 is simply a
wonderful device.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2006-03-18 Thread CarlOtto

Thank's for the Big Ben tip - but now I've already bought or ordered
most components for the media server so I'm sort of stuck with that.
And then of course I'll get a convenient way of watching those .avi
files that are such a nightmare to re-code for burning DVD's.

Anyway the dCS gear; I got in at a good price for the Delius + Purcell.
Second hand purchase, ok that was a lot of money but still much below
half the new price.

My previous equipment was all Linn (Karik + Numerik etc). I got the
Delius first. When I switched in that - it was as if a new window into
my CD's had opened. I expected a small-ish improvement, but it wasn't.
I heard a lot of things I had never heard before, more bass, better
imaging. Also a very annoying drift - like when you hear a very
distinct instrument, say the triangle - playing and slightly moving
from left to right. We know darn well that the guy isn't moving. That
all disappeared with the dCS.

Then I switched in the Purcell - that was a smaller improvement (when
using CD's) but more with SB3 as source (probably because it re-clocks
the signal very accurately, nearly as good as a central clock). The CD
is clocked from the DAC so that's probably why that sounds a little bit

I did some switch in / switch out tests with the Purcell and there was
a difference, big enough so I wouldn't be without it now. The music
widened with the Purcell. Example: Listening to three male voices
singing, standing close together on the scene - with the Purcell I
could clearly locate each individual. Without, they were all in the
same spot, making it more difficult to follow the plot. There were more
differences, more subtle better sound

The dCS setup improves HUGHELY on CD's - and it works well for SACD's
too. But the fact is that a good CD recording sounds almost as good as
a SACD. I now hear much more difference between good and bad CD's than
I ever did before.

OK, that's it - and this is why I'm chasing the last bits with the SB3.
If I get it spot on, I don't even need to keep my CD's. In fact, I'm so
sure it will work, I'm already planning a sale over Ebay (and yes - of
course I will destroy the backup copies 24 hours after the CD is


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2006-03-18 Thread CarlOtto

...a major advantage to having a PC+soundcard is that with the dCS
equipment I can rip SACD's to hard disk. With the soundcard (Lynx Two)
I think I can only get a maximum of 96 kS/S on the digital inputs (not
entirely sure there) but it is still pretty good.
SB3 doesn't support this sample rate so for ripped SACD's I would need
some other program for playback - but I'm sure that can be arranged.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-18 Thread skvinson

SB2 (modified by Boulder Cables)
Odyssey HT3 (used with a switch so it also powers my front 3 speakers
for Home Theater)
Custom Rick Craig/Selah Audio 3-way Towers
Bluejeans Cables interconnects
DIY Cat-5 speaker cables

Sounds great.  Rick's speakers image so well, I gave up listening to
Pro Logic 2/Neo Music, etc.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-18 Thread CarlOtto

SB3 - dCS Purcell upsampler 44.1 - 192 - dCS Delius DAC - Linn
Klimax Chakra Twin (- Quad 989).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

For all the buzz generated by the latest Ultimate Power Supply built
by Bolder Cables company. I cannot believe anyone to be stupid enough
to pay $1000 for a power supply upgrade if they cannot hear the
improvement. I think it warrant at least a critical listening by
slimdevices staff to prove their point that the stock power supply is
good enough.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread P Floding

95bcwh Wrote: 
 For all the buzz generated by the latest Ultimate Power Supply built
 by Bolder Cables company. I cannot believe anyone to be stupid enough
 to pay $1000 for a power supply upgrade if they cannot hear the
 improvement. I think it warrant at least a critical listening by
 slimdevices staff to prove their point that the stock power supply is
 good enough.

How could they possibly prove such a thing?
Good enough in what sense?
I'm afraid I don't quite follow your reasoning!

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
 Indeed I did.  I would appreciate an apology, too.  This isn't a  flame;
 I'm just completely confused as to why you would attack a stranger with
 all this sarcasm and snootiness.  Of course, you're not the kind to
 take or accept an olive branch, and you're certainly not the kind to


After you send me foul mouth private emails and belittle my work, which
you know absolutely nothing about.

Not in this lifetime.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread snarlydwarf

boys, it's all about the music.

If your ears hear something someone else's don't that doesn't make
either of you right or wrong.

Maybe your equipment is better and shows subtle nuances.  Maybe it's
worse and amplifies flaws.  Maybe you listened to Led Zeppelin too loud
20 years ago and all the subtly is gone anyway and all you hear is the

Turn on some music, drink a beer, glass of wine, or cup of coffee and
get on with life.  Life's too damned short to spend it pissing each
other off.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Bless you.

As for Dan, apology indeed.   You owe me one.  You simply are not man
enough to own up to your poor behavior.  Belittle work about which I
know nothing?  Actually, I do know quite a bit.  What about what began
this whole thing?  You belitting me, for absolutely no reason other
than being upset for having been kicked off a reputable audio forum by
one of the major forces in audio criticism...point, set, match.  I'm


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread highdudgeon

Here's the thing:

Without verified blind tests, it is more or less impossible to get a
hold on these mods.  Think about it: the placebo effect works.  If it
works in medicine, it certainly works in audio, with the expectations
of eagar audiophiles multiplied by the money they have spent.  I've
been there and done it myself.

I keep reminding people of the Bay Area Audiophile Society blind test
of power cords -- judging between generic IEC cords and $1,000
audiophile cords, the hit rate hovered around 50%.  50%, of course, is
statistically meaningless.  In short, get a cheap cord, remember that
there are miles of power grid and house hold wire before your huge
audiophile cord, and call it good.  But that's me.

There are so many things that can be improved in theory or by numbers. 
So often, though, these differences make no audible difference.  An amp
with a published THD of .05% is not worse than one with .008% (just to
name two amps I've owned in the last year or so).

And then, of course, comes the law of diminishing returns.  Sure, lots
of things make subtle differences, and sometimes nice subtle
differences...but, are they worth it?

That is where the die-hard hobbiest or perfectionist diverges from
other audiophiles.   I recently ditched a very excellent DAC because,
really, I'm very happy with the SB3 as it is, I've had transporting
experiences listening to music through it, and I'd rather spent the
extra grand somewhere else (like tickets to see live music, for one).

Peter Lyngdorf (of TacT audio) pulled aside a well-known American
reviewer and brought his ear to within an inch of a tweeter.  Sure
enough, there was a tiny bit of hiss.  This hiss, it happens, is what a
$600 or so power supply upgrade to his unit would remove.

If it is important to you, well, grand.  Others might choose

As if you can't tell...I'm from the objectivist camp...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 Breakin?

2006-03-18 Thread jonathan . penrose

I recently setup 2 SB3's. One at the office and one at home.

The one at the office, using variable rate WMP, is a big improvement
over the older Denon CD transport.

However, I've been a little disappointed with the results at home (so
far). Using lossless WMP, the sound through the analog output through
my Anthem AVM2 (Analog Passthrough) is MUCH worse than running it
through the DAC on the Anthem - sound stage is elevated several feet,
transparency is diminished and clarity is reduced.

Previously, I preferred the direct analog feed from my Philips
Multiplayer to the digital results from the Anthem - slightly better
realism on percussion and strings.

I was hoping to experience better results from the SB3 analog.

The convenience is great and I (surprisingly) love the Internet radio
feature, but I'm hoping the sound WILL improve with break in

Incidentally, I'm using a PS Audio HCA2 for amplification connected to
Vandersteen Model 5 speakers.

Anyone else with a similar experience?




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Which Codec/Bit Rate!?!?

2006-03-18 Thread tf8252

Thank you all for your input!

I'll let you know what I decide.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

P Floding Wrote: 
 How could they possibly prove such a thing?
 Good enough in what sense?
 I'm afraid I don't quite follow your reasoning!

So far, people who has listen to the Squeezebox with BOTH the upgraded
power supply and the stock power supply all concluded that the upgraded
power supply is way better. Now, whether the extend of improvement
justifies the extra $1000 it's entirely up to individuals.

On the other side of the fence, I have read that Slimdevices (and some
Squeezebox dealers) claimed that the power supply upgrade is not
necessary. But I have not read that they have actually do an A/B
comparison between the stock power supply and the upgraded one. So, all
I'm asking is, when you make a claim that the upgrade is unnecessary,
you have to be very specific in what you mean, is it:

(1) The upgrade is unnecessary because there's no improvement in sound

(2) The upgrade is unnecessary because the price is too much to justify
the improvement.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread snarlydwarf

$1000 for an upgraded power supply?

That thing better do something more special than put out 5v.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread Pat Farrell
snarlydwarf wrote:
 $1000 for an upgraded power supply?
 That thing better do something more special than put out 5v.

Yeah, I thought you guys were talking about spending between $5 and $30
on this project. which is low enough, if it is not clear it works,
who cares!

Clearly a $1000 power supply has lots of tubes.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

snarlydwarf Wrote: 
 $1000 for an upgraded power supply?
 That thing better do something more special than put out 5v.

Yep, I'm not one of them, but those who spent these kind of money
typically have spent over $3k to $10k buying a CD player. What they now
claimed is that with the modification (including power supply), which
will cost a total of $1500 (including the squeezebox), the SB now sound
as good as the $3k-$10k CD players. Hence to them it's money well


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread dean blackketter

mauidan  highdudgeon:

Take your conversation off the public forum.


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