[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-24 Thread Jenks

perhaps its the sand in the ears


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-03 Thread Jenks

I am not hoping for or expecting anyone to believe in burn in - the
issue is not a religious one.  But I hope there is enough here to
caution about making hasty judgements about the sound of any component
- regardless of what it is that burns in.  That's all...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-02 Thread Jenks

You won't believe this one either, but if you disturb any burned in
cable it will go through a very quick version of burn in. The effect is
small but repeatable in tests I have done - removing the cable, coiling
it up, uncoiling it and plugging it back in.  I don't profess to
understand it, but the listener subject, not knowing in which cycle it
was done could often identify some change in the sound - mainly in the
sound becoming a bit pinched and less spacious (the opposite of more
open).  I don't expect people to believe it because it is at first
unbelievable, but I know a number of no-bullshit experienced
audiophiles who find this uncontroversial.  The effect in these
circumstances is small.  But removing a cable for a couple of weeks,
replacing it with an identical cable for those two weeks, and then
reinserting the original cable results in a burn in period of about two
days - compared with a new cable wich can take more like two weeks
(playing music for say 6 hours a day).  I find it hard to understand
how it can be the conductors and have played around with naked
conductors and it does seem burn in is either not there or less
pronounced, but haven't done enough experiments to verify that.  I
guess I didn't see how that knowledge would be useful.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-02 Thread Jenks

Compared with what Tom - I hear you like it, but do you mind if I ask
what your reference is?  I want to consider the Transporter, but if its
at the level of say a SB3/Benchmark I would pass.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-02 Thread Jenks

Sorry WSlam, our posts crossed - I was of course referring to your
earlier post. Thanks for the clarification - exactly what I wanted to
know.  Seems like I will probably be placing that order when I get paid
for my Genelecs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-02 Thread Jenks

Yes there simply are no facts.  All we have is models of the world that
we choose to use, to uncomplicate things, as you say - but as soon as
we stop challenging our models we stop learning anything new.  People
don't like that kind of ambiguity, but if you embrace it you are closer
to the universe's secrets.  If there is anything I have learned in this
life it is that answers do not lie at the extremes, no matter how
convenient that would be.  The best answer is usually found in the
middle somewhere.

I ripped the board out of a SB2, modified it a lot, stuck it in a box
with a DAC board and some linear power supplies and it sounds fab - as
good as anything I have had or borrowed.

But I think with the TP I could ditch my preamp too so may be the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-02 Thread Jenks

I understand the point.  What any individual is most comfortable with -
facts/theory/ambiguity/chaos will depend on what brain type they are I
guess.  But there are times when it seems to me it is useful to treat
something as a fact and sometimes when it is not.  For example we might
treat the following as a fact 'aspirin relieves headaches'.  It might
not be true for everybody or every headache, but it is a useful truth
for the vast majority of people when they have a headache.  But when a
Copernicus postulates that the facts fit better with the outrageous
idea that the earth revolves around the sun, the so-called fact that
everyone accepts the sun revolves around earth, is not so useful.  Its
useful to know that jumping from the 26th floor will almost definitely
kill you.  But its not so useful to be told a human cannot fly using
his self as the only power source.  Its useful to know increasing the
shunt capacitance will roll off high frequencies, but not so useful to
be told that changing a power cable cannot improve the sound of your
stereo system.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

OK, here goes again.  Brain burn in does not remotely explain it to me. 
If I put a new component in place and it sounds hideous and unmusical
for a week or two, how come when I go to an audiophile mate's place and
listen to his (burned in) system it sounds great?  How come my brain
doesn't need to burn in for his system but does with mine?  And to all
you placebo lovers, do I somehow expect that the shiny new $5000 preamp
will sound like rubbish when I get it home?  That certainly wasn't what
I was thinking when I flashed out my credit card.  And do I somehow
expect my friend's system to sound good?  I know you hate to think
there isn't anything you don't know about wires and electrons, but
that's a bit of a stretch don't you think?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

None of your explanations fit my experiences.  I don't intend to
document them here because I don't have to prove anything to you.  What
I am more interested in is your closed minds.  Primarily this is a forum
for people to express their experiences, not a forum for scientific
proof, so won't bother with that.  So far I haven't insulted your right
to express your opinions - instead mine have been subjected to your
condescending claims I must be deluded because you know more about
physics than I do.  Are you sure about that?

Are you also the sort of scientists that believe all competently
designed cables and amps sound the same?  That believe power cords
cannot affect the sound of a system, that vibration does not affect the
sound as it passes through electronics?

By the way, in answer to various questions - yes I have tried changing
cable direction, sometimes accidentally, tried taking a buring in item
to a friend's place, and if you knew my friend, you would realise
expecting my friend's sytem to always be made up of old components
would be an error.

As I say, you don't have to accept my reports of my experiences, and
nor do I have to provide double blind test documentation to prove
anything to you.  You express your opinion - I express mine.  That's as
much as I am going to do here.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Totally agree that people hear things differently.  The brain is
designed to decode sound to make sense of it - part of both our hunter
and survivor skills - and a lot of that work is done in the time or
phase domian.  I do a lot of my experimentation (nearly 100 documented
experiments on interconnect cable designs this year, and many not
documented) with myself as the listener.  But when I do the same
experiments on other listeners it is clear that others are more or less
sensitive to certain types phase distortions.  This is one of the
reasons why I think burn in is related to insulators and their
different dielectric properties, and the fact/belief that their
perfomance changes over a very long period when subjected to an
electrical field.  I recall my friend Ernie telling me of work he did
in the military many years ago on how to quickly burn in (not a phrase
he would choose, but in this context it is what he means) teflon
insulation.  Then again the military could have been suffering from
placebo effect or faulty intelligence at the time - it wouldn't be a


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Effect of cleaning up power?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

In my experience, dedicated lines, (use ceramic fuses by the way, all
else sounds markedly worse), and good power cords does the trick, and
no conditioner I have tried has done anything than make the sound worse
in that context.  Also, in that context replacing any single cord with a
stock cord is a big step backwards.  However this is in a 230V 50Hz
quarter acre block suburban neighbourhood.  Fiddling with a few ideas
on earths made no meaningful difference for me either.  I have heard
power conditioners improve things at a mate's appartment.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Whether designing, building, modifying or just buying, we all need
models that help us decide what to do.  You can say 'just listen', but
how do you listen to everything, or worse still as a designer, build
everything.  I can see in Sean's posts what some of his models are, and
they are different from some other designers.  If as a buyer your model
is 'I only listen to digital sources that have discrete outputs' then
you won't bother listening to the Transporter.  We all need to sift

What we should be careful about however is getting stuck in our
prevailing models.  If enough people I trust say the Transporter sounds
good, then I will happily discard my prejudices against AKM and NE5534s
and have a listen.  (That's just a hypothetical example by the way). 
Real scientists get excited when an opportunity to disprove their
models arises, don't they?

Sean has a model that believes clock sync cables don't matter - it
doesn't make him right, but it has plenty of validity and support.  But
equally if enough credible people say they hear a difference, then
perhaps its worth giving it a try.

We can't advance human knowledge without having those models (no group
of monkeys has ever actually typed even a paragraph of War  Peace),
but we can't advance human knowledge insisting our models are inviolate
either (eg. must have Black Gates, no coupling caps or ICs).

So I am still a bit of a sceptic myself about whether to buy a
Transporter, but saying it can't sound good because it uses cheap ICs
doesn't help me any. Hearing credible reports on its sound quality does
- keep em coming.  If you can indicate what you compared it to that
would be even better.  I hear the phrases - can get into the music more
- and say to myself 'now you are talking'.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Well yes that's cool...
dielectrics do degrade over time...through oxidation etc

Is that intended to be a put down or did you just misread my post?  The
military wanted to degrade the dielectric before use?

Since you are so dogmatic about it Phil, how many controlled
experiments on burn in have you performed?  I am interested in others
observations - not the closed minded application or your models to my
reality.  Dismissing my observations with your derisive closed mind is
not appreciated.

Perhaps you come here to debate with people to continually reinforce
your comfort that you already know everything.  I don't.  I come here
to share experiences and views.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Like it!!  Did you need to vomit on the Transporter to get it to sound
better?  Sounds more like a soak test than burn in, but certainly novel
and something I have not tried.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

On one level I don't totally agree with you Highdudgeon.  Yes the
differences between speakers is vast, in terms of tonal flavour,
extension, dynamics, etc.  But I have heard very few speakers that
cannot be made to sound musical.  I cannot so easily say that of amps. 
In blind tests different speakers will be obvious and different amps
will be hard to pick, yes.  But over a period of a week, what can sound
like a small initial change between two amps can amount to a lot in
terms of whether I am enjoying the music.  So my point is I think
getting the right speaker for your room is really hard and really
important, but it doesn't necessarily require a lot of money.  Sadly
getting a musically fine amp can cost a lot of money.  My sense is I
must be able to adjust to the sound of speakers more easily than to the
sound of amps, even though the latter appear to be more accurate by any
conventional measurements.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

A kiwi and drive on the wrong side of the world.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggested amplifier for Transporter?

2006-11-01 Thread Jenks

Yes, I live in New Zealand (or middle earth to some), sorry about being
so cryptic when you are ridden with the flu.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-10-31 Thread Jenks

I am stunned to hear any experienced audiophile say they doubt burn in.
Every time I buy a new component it is more than obvious. Perhaps the
effects are a form of phase distortion some peoples' brains decode
better than others..  The burn in process is not always the same, but I
often find the first few seconds sound very like it will sound when
burnt in (particularly cables), then it quickly deteriorates getting
thin and opaque with sucked out bass.  This improves slowly then
switches over to lush and even gorgeous sounding, if rolled off, yet
dynamically constrained.  Then it opens up and gains dynamics and bass
extension to settle into its burned in state.  Sometimes there are wee
detours along the way, but the process is often as I describe above.  I
think the main reason is dialectrics in cables and capacitors forming
slowly, but that is at best just an informed guess.  I have been able
to compare burnt in versions with burning in versions of otherwise
identical cables to confirm I am not mad on this - at least to my
satisfaction - don't care about anyone else's.  I am just stunned
anyone with decent ears and a decent system has not heard it with new
cables or equipment, when I have heard it so consistently.  I am not
doubting you have good systems and good ears, but I don't give any
credence to the suggestion it is placebo.  Perhaps it is that we are
not all susceptible to the phase distortions created during burn in.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread Jenks

The Lavry DA10 will sound a bit soft in many systems and is a house
sound. Having owned both that and a Lavry Blue I wouldn't consider them
very similar except for that house sound.  And to suggest the DA10 comes
close to the Lavry Gold is not remotely like my experience of them -
more like wishful thinking.

The Lavry DA10 will definitely improve a standard SB3 in a good system,
but the better route is to open up the SB3 and do some tweaks.  I have
ripped the guts out of a SB2, modded the board a little, stuffed it in
a box with a Monica2 DAC board and stuffed a transformer and linear
supplies in there too and can't wait to hear if the Transporter can
match it - some very pricey CDPs I have tried haven't.

All of that is fitted in a 1U height, half rack width aluminium box
with a depth of 14 inches.  From a front view it is no bigger than a


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Digital Inputs

2006-10-12 Thread Jenks

If I have two other digital sources (other than the Transporter - which
I don't have, I have a Squeezebox) can I use the Transporter as a
preamp?  At this stage it appears to me the answer is 'no'.  When I
look at the Transporter's remote there doesn't appear to be any buttons
for source selection, but they could be in a menu somewhere right?  And
how come it has digital inputs if there is no way to select them?  If
the answer was 'yes' I could use it as a preamp, I would buy one for


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Dac for SB3 - Benchmark vs. Lavry vs. ...?

2006-06-16 Thread Jenks

I have a modded Zhaolu - all the available mods from Eddie Wu except the
clock upgrade, plus I upgraded the internal cabling, changed the
connectors and put in a proper IEC receptacle.

I also have a SB2 and SB3 that I have modded.  The mods in the SB2 are
- linear supply with voltage sensing, Blackgate 'big ass' cap, output
IC removed and bypassed with Auricaps, 5v filtration at input via
Blackgate (as large as I could fit in.

The modified SB2 with analog outs beats the Zhaolu hands down -
primarily through very noticeably lower noise floor and better control
all over.  Note I connect the SB2 to the Zhaolu using vhaudio Pulsar

The modified SB2 beats the SB3 simply by having a better tonal balance
- the SB3 sounding brighter, whether from the digital  outs or the
analog outs.  The only meaningful difference in the mods is that I
can't fit the same 'big ass' cap in the SB3 as I can in the SB2.

Frankly I think you really need to spend more like USD2000 for a DAC to
better the modded SB2, amazing as that sounds.  I have had various DACs
in the system to verify that, such as the Lavry Blue, a couple of
Meridians, Benchmark, Stello (which I find sounds a little cool and
lacking tonal colour by the way), and a few others I am struggling to


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Will SB3 output impedence change?

2006-04-02 Thread Jenks

In fact the volume is attentuated digitally, before the DAC output and
so definitely no change to output impedence.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: So what is the audiophile approved firmware

2006-03-16 Thread Jenks

I'm not sure about this, but I think the attraction of v15 is because it
reversed absolute phase.  Now some of you may pooh-pooh the absolute
phase issue but in my experience people can have quite different levels
of tolerance to phase anomolies, and it is important to some.  And the
reason why some want to reverse the phase is that they have removed the
output IC in their Squeezebox, and are running directly from the DAC
chip, through a DC blocking cap to the RCA outputs - which also
reverses phase.  Therefore v15 gets them back to correct phase. 
However if the only high-res source you use is the SB you can always
simply reverse your speaker connections.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-03-16 Thread Jenks

FWIW, when I was using the SB1 via digital outs I found using a
regulated PS made the sound worse.  After reading the reports here
about bypassing the output IC and using the analog outs, I tried that
with my SB2, and later my SB3, and was very impressed.  I then tried an
inexpensive regulated PS and the sound was improved for sure.  I then
tried the linear regulated PS people have been recommending here I
found the sound was better again but not nearly as big a step as moving
away from the SMPS.  Exactly why this would be true is not terribly
interesting to me.  The sound changed in significant ways, mainly in
terms that I would associate with a lower noise floor and better
current delivery - fine detail resolution is improved and the
soundstage is more natural and is better defined and frequency
extension is better at both extremes.  In a well-set-up and resolving
system I would be surprised if the improvement in spaciousness of the
soundstage would not be startling - it certainly was for me.  But a
less resolving system that may be constrained by the practicalities of
a stereo system in a living area shared with a significant other may
not show much of a difference.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Part 2 of Enjoy the Music SqueezeBox review

2006-03-16 Thread Jenks

The 'reclocking' done by the Benchmark and the DA10 are radically
different.  The Benchmark uses an oversampling chip, which when it
resamples at a higher frequency, maps jitter to broadband noise and
changes the bits during the process.  The reduction in jitter is very
good and is cheaply achieved, but the bits are not the same as the
source.  Other DACs use the same method with the same chip, such as the
Bel Canto, and others use much more computational power to do it even
better such as the Audio Aero.  The Lavry is a very different matter. 
Dan has many times expressed concern about oversampling and makes the
point that making chips work at higher frequencies than are necessary
just means we get worse sound because working faster means the chip
becomes less accurate (analogous to typing faster means more typos). 
Some people like the sound of upsampling and it might just be that they
like the sound of the jitter reduction achieved cheaply with a
resampling chip.

The Lavry (and a number of other high-end DACs) use what I would call
reclocking (I would call what the Benchmark does resampling, but you
could argue reclocking occurs at the same time when resampling).  The
Lavry allows the incoming stream to fill up a buffer and the Lavry then
extracts (reclocks) the data in that buffer using its own clock.  This
method of reducing jitter can be more expensive to implement for any
targeted level of jitter reduction, but it has the advantage of being
bit-perfect right up to the DAC (which the Benchmark isn't).  FWIW I
have owned but a Benchmark DAC1 and a Lavry Blue, but not a Lavry DA10.
The Lavry Blue is more expensive than the Benchmark and was clearly
superior.  But I don't know that I could put it down to jitter
differences.  I would probably put it down to Dan's skill at voicing
the sound of digital gear and the fact he had more budget to play with.
But if its true that the Lavry DA10 can match the sound of the Lavry
Blue, then it is a massive bargain.  Sell your Benchmark's now while
they still get good prices - particularly if you find the sound of the
Benchmark to be a bit thin and fatiguing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 uncontrolled full scale output bug - still a concern?

2006-03-16 Thread Jenks

Its always difficult squinting as circuit boards but it seems to me that
both volume controls are digital - one affects the digital output level
and the other affects the digital level entering the DAC.  There might
be a variable shunt after the DAC chip but I can't find anything
between the DAC chip and the output jacks that looks like it might
control volume.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 Breakin?

2006-03-16 Thread Jenks

Yes it does take a while to break in and the power supply upgrade will
make a difference once it is broken in too.  However, if you are
prepared to mod the internals a little I reckon you can beat the Creek
DAC.  Take a look at the modding threads if you are interested at all
in that possibility.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2006-01-18 Thread Jenks

My darling wife keeps using my wire cutters to cut the dog's toe_nails,
so when I tried them they failed.  I will get some new ones.  I put in
some cheap DC blocking caps and removed the ones from the board - which
is what I should have domne in the first place, and the sound is much
better balanced.  With using the ones on the SB2 board leading edges
were emphasised and subtle inner detail and emotion were diminished. 
With the new caps the balance between leading edge and subtle detail is
much better.  I have ordered some Auricaps and expect that will improve
things further.  Does anyone know a place I can order a KE version of
the DAC chip?  I will probably have to find a techie that can change it
for me though.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2006-01-16 Thread Jenks

Hi Gary

Can you please comment on what I have just done.  I simply do not have
the equipment, let alone the experience, or even the eyesight, to play
too much with surface mount boards, so have figured out some simple
ways to go about it.

I have an SB2 but have housed it in a large enclosure together with a
high quality linear supply.

I have got my drill out and attacked the SB2 board - cutting three
links; between c7 and r37; between c39 and r39; and between the 5V
supply and R41.  

I am assuming that cutting the link between the power supply and r41
that I have disabled the output stage altogether and do not need to
remove it???

I have installed new output jacks, using the same ground connection as
the old ones, but connecting the hot to the downstream sides of c7 and
c39, thereby using those caps as my coupling caps.

Next stage is to get some better coupling caps and attach them at the
output jacks - at which time I will move the cables that feed the
output jacks, removing them from the downstream side of c7 and c39, and
soldering them to the upstream side of c7 and c39.  I may get the same
Blackgates that you have used.  However I have a lot more space at my
disposal - should I use a film cap instead?  My guess is the Blackgate
is plenty good enough (Rest of system is pretty good - Rowland Model
201 Monos driving Verity Parsifals, signal cabling is Jena Symphony).

Hope this makes sense.  My question comes from the fact I don't know
what I am doing and I have not really done it the same way you did.  My
question is - have I stuffed up?  Are there some downsides I cannot see?
I had a look at that DAC chip and frankly my eyes boggled at the idea
of soldering to one of those spindly and closely spaced legs off the
DAC chip, so chose the easier spot which was at the coupling caps.  I
cannot see me ever trying to replace it - way too scary.

Anyway it is working, and sounds pretty good to me.


Jenks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3413
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19822

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2006-01-16 Thread Jenks

I will have a go at disabling the output stage properly today and order
the caps.

I really appreciate the insights I got from this thread of yours.

I had been using a Meridian 568.2 as system preamp and to avoid the
external DAC too many boxes).  I had my eye on getting an Audio Aero
Prima DAC to replace the Meridian.  I have also tried several separate
DACs such as Northstar 24/192 (very average), Benchmark DAC1 (nice
sound but somehow missing something - mainly body), Lavry Blue (Very

Removing the Meridian and using the modded SB2 direct to the power amps
is better in many ways, and quite a surprise given my first impressions
of the analogue signal I got from my SB1.  I have had an SB2 for a
while now but had never listened to the analogue outputs.  Who would
believe a 200 dollar device could sound this immediate and musical?


Jenks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3413
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19822

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