[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado sr60, sr80 or something else

2006-12-23 Thread mkozlows

Fifer;164448 Wrote: 
 I've owned a pair of SR-80s for 3 or 4 years now and they are excellent
 headphones. I also own Sennheiser HD-650s. The HD-650s are better
 phones, but not 3x better and they cost 3x as much. 

Although it's worth noting that the HD-580s are available (at Amazon at
least) for $125, and they're 90% of the HD-650s.  This is an absolutely
stunning bargain, really.

That said, I wouldn't recommend those to the original poster, because
they're going to need an amp to be driven by most portable players (an
iRiver player made them sound okay; an iPod couldn't get them to
satisfactory volume at max settings; both would have benefited
enormously from an amp), and they leak sound like crazy.

But incredible comfort and sound quality matching that of $3K speakers
for $125 is still an attractive proposition.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Portable hi-fi

2006-12-17 Thread mkozlows

Evanus;162735 Wrote: 
 Hi. I'm curious, do any of you know of any portable (pocket) stereo
 player that can yield really precise and good sound?

Your best bet would be to take the player out of the equation entirely.
The iRiver H140 (which has been discontinued for a while) has a digital
output on it, from which you can go to an external DAC.  Put that
together with HeadRoom's Micro DAC/Amp combo, and you'll have a source
that's a worthy match for any headphone.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread mkozlows

Patrick Dixon;162604 Wrote: 
 I think you should definitely put that at the top of every post where
 you say that there is no (or an insignificant) difference between
 transports and DACs!
 It just goes to show how differently people listen to and hear music,
 and how unwise it is (IMO) to take advice from people re sound quality
 on internet fora.

Out of curiosity, have you done a blind test between lossless and
good-quality lossy music?  I'd've sworn that I could tell 192kbps MP3
from FLAC, but using the ABX Comparator in Foobar (with MP3s encoded
with LAME v2, which is about 190kbps), I was guessing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-13 Thread mkozlows

highdudgeon;162240 Wrote: 
 Hi -- I've been having some drop outs with albums ripped under AAC at
 320kbps.  Airport Extreme network, 802.11b/g, 100% signal strength.
 Am I better ripping at a lower rate?  Does it even matter, so long as
 it is above MP3?

You shouldn't be having network-related dropouts unless you have lots
of other network traffic (downloading something on a laptop, or the
like).  I routinely stream FLAC on a G network with no problem.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter reviews by owners please

2006-10-05 Thread mkozlows

flattop100;143154 Wrote: 
 Wait, no, that's wrong. TP seems a little louder. Mids are clearer and
 more present. Mid-bass on down is much smoother, and there's more of
 it. And WOW is it a lot punchier - much more in the way of low-end

If the Transporter actually IS a little louder, you'd expect the other
improvements to flow automatically, without any other benefit being


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread mkozlows

opaqueice;142809 Wrote: 
 So all this argument over science having a long way to go, etc.  is
 irrelevant to the main point, which is whether or not some or most of
 these mods are snake-oil.  That can be decided cleanly and definitively
 in a few minutes.  The fact that this is never done says a lot about the
 integrity of the industry.

Rather, the fact that it IS done (I've read on the internet blind tests
-- by people who were affirmatively looking to prove the positive -- of
audio cables, power cords, and amps, all of which came out negative),
but people buy the snake oil anyway, says a lot about the buying


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What should be the first upgrade?

2006-10-04 Thread mkozlows

jmourik;143094 Wrote: 
 That's kind of my problem... I -think- I want the outlaw 990/7125 + bw
 803s, but I can't go to a shop and listen to that combination. Of
 course I can listen to the 803s, but the outlaw is internet only. So I
 don't know really where to start. Shall I order the outlaw, and see how
 it works in my current system, then go for the 803s? Or get a
 transporter first, then the outlaw, or ...
 Decisions, decisions...

The speakers will completely overwhelm any other differences you might
have.  I say, find a pair of speakers you like, get them, and then find
stuff that works well with those speakers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Optimizing PC Sound

2006-09-29 Thread mkozlows

cliveb;140937 Wrote: 
 By the same reasoning, a Squeezebox is an external DAC with an Ethernet
 input, and it costs no more than the MicroDAC. Perhaps just buying
 another Squeezebox (and a $10 Ethernet hub if necessary) would be the
 simplest way of achieving equal sound quality.

But it doesn't have the same functionality.  A sound card (whether USB
or internal) can be used for listening to games, DRMed audio, movies,
or whatever other incidental sounds you might have.  The Squeezebox
can't do that.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread mkozlows

Pat Farrell;141120 Wrote: 
 To start with, tags in a music file have to follow whatever
 structure the files are in (unless, horrors, it is flat). What people 
 care about is relational data, who the players are, writers, etc. 
 Attempting to emulate a relational database in flat or hierarchical
 is at best a ton of wasted work. Good thing that relational databases 
 have been known technology for 30+ years.
 The trick is to make all the voodoo, selects, outer joins, etc. 
 invisible to the user.

A centralized database is a fine implementation choice for a particular
player, enabling various sorts, filters, and views of the data.  Which
is why almost all programs, from iTunes to WMP to Slim to Foobar, use a
database internally.

But a database is a TERRIBLE place to use as the primary storage for a
file's metadata.  It's difficult to use with multiple applications,
it's a single point of failure that can wipe out all metadata, and it
means that files copied off somewhere else lose all their metadata.

Metadata belongs in tags, and players that use metadata should build
internal database caches of the metadata.  Which is, fortunately
enough, exactly the current situation.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread mkozlows

Pat Farrell;141143 Wrote: 
 We are not talking about a particular player we are talking about
 SlimServer which is a music libary.

SlimServer is a single application.  Anything you put into SlimServer's
database won't be available for all the other apps that you use to play
your music, or all the other devices to which you sync it.  That's fine
for metadata you don't really care about in a primary fashion, I suppose
-- if it's only useful to SlimServer, it's just as well that only
SlimServer know about it -- but definitely not how you'd want to handle
Artist/Title/Genre stuff.

 You are correct that moving files makes it harder to track the 
 descriptive data, but it is by no means all that hard.

I don't believe you understood what I was saying.  Any time you copy
files in a way that's not aware of the database -- by using a regular
file copy in Windows Explorer, an FTP upload, a BitTorrent thing,
whatever -- the metadata doesn't go along for the ride, and is lost. 
This is one of the well-known problems with centralized metadata
stores, and one of the reason that in-file metadata is standard for
essentially all types of files these days.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread mkozlows

Pat Farrell;141161 Wrote: 
 The relational database is critical to what I want to do.
 I frankly don't understand what your objection is, I am not suggesting
 that I (or Slim) force you to do it my way. I just want the ability to
 do it the right way.

I was just confused by your using the shorthand of the right way to
mean the right way, assuming you never use any other software or
devices, and never move or copy your files.

Carry on.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-28 Thread mkozlows

Pat Farrell;140597 Wrote: 
 Right, Amazon only has mass market stuff.
 A lot of 'classical' CDs are lucky to sell as many as 10,000 copies, 
 which doesn't even count for Amazon. AllMusic has many more, but I
 like their navigation to find them.

Amazon actually has more CD covers than you think.  The key is to
search for Classical Music instead of Music.  Apparently, Classical
isn't a subset of music, it's an entirely different thing.  I spent a
few frustrating hours updating my album art in Windows Media Player
before I realized that I was misusing Amazon.

(And someone earlier in the thread asked how cover art was embedded. 
In most metadata schemes, it's possible to put the cover art directly
into a tag in the audio file.  Adding cover art to WMA via WMP puts the
tag in and creates the jpg in the folder.)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-15 Thread mkozlows

joncourage;136621 Wrote: 
 What I don't really understand is a Class D award after JA saying that
 he could barely tell the difference from a component that (I'm
 guessing) got a Class A or B.

The class-to-dollars correlation is shockingly high in Stereophile.  
The Transporter should be a shoo-in for at least Class B; if they make
a $10K ultra-luxe version, it's got Class A written all over it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using Transporter with DVD-A, SACD, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc

2006-09-14 Thread mkozlows

jeffluckett;134726 Wrote: 
 That's very true. But even if they were to devise a PERFECT digital
 protection scheme, there's always the analog hole which is nearly
 impossible to plug.  Someone with a bit of know-how could very easily
 capture the analog signals (by tapping into the speaker-outs if need
 be) and simply remaster a distribution.  
 Granted, there will be some quality loss, but if done carefully, most
 people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

That's true for audio, for now.  But it's already not true for video: 
Anyone making an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disc can set the flag that prevents
analog from seeing a resolution higher than 640x480.There doesn't
appear to be any concerted movement to eliminate analog connections in
audio, for a number of good reasons, but it's not impossible in


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter power supply access

2006-08-23 Thread mkozlows

jacobdp Wrote: 
 I'm thinking of getting the HeadRoom Micro Amp with the desktop
 electronics module. The AC adapter they provide appears to be a fairly
 standard wall-wart

It's not.  The brick hanging in the middle of the cord is substantially
larger than a normal wall-wart, about the size of the Micro Amp itself.

Up until I got an Xbox 360, I thought it was pretty much the largest
power brick I'd see...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help: Headphones The Choices!

2006-08-14 Thread mkozlows

Kobe Wrote: 
 I prefer Circum-aural or In-ear canal headphones, so im leaning towards
 E3c's or HD485's.

I wouldn't by IEMs for a main headphone.  They're more comfortable than
you'd think, but not so comfortable you want to wear them for
significant lengths of time in a daily basis.  If you're going to be in
noisy environments that you want to tune out (airplanes, say), they're
indispensable; but for regular life, they're not entirely comfortable. 

Plus, while the sound quality is amazing compared to earbuds, it's not
as good as an excellent circumaural headphone.  Nor is it as consistent
-- minor positioning differences during insertion (or as they shift
around as you move) can radically change the sound.

I'd recommend the HD-580.  They're phenomenal headphones, with sound
quality rivaling that of $3,000 speakers, and they're only $150.  These
are genuinely one of the best audio buys around.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox vs Xbox 360?

2006-05-04 Thread mkozlows

MUCHO Wrote: 
 I was explaining my new Squeezebox to my boss so he comes over to check
 it out.  Instead of buying a Squeezebox he decides to figure out how to
 stream music from his Xbox 360.
 If I'm using a digital out I would imagine there wouldn't be too much
 difference from using the Xbox360 vs the Squeezebox - unless I'm
 missing something?
 Anyone compared the two?  I'm considering selling the Squeezebox for a
 360 due to the additional utility but I'm not looking to sacrifice a
 lot of sound quality (Although I would be willing to sacrifice a

Possible reasons to stick with the SB:

1.  The Xbox 360 (I've read but not tested) resamples everything to

2.  The fan in the 360 is loud, for audio gear.  It's not running
full-speed when working as a Media Center Extender, but it's still
running loud enough to be irritating for music purposes.

3.  The 360's UI isn't as nice as the Squeezebox's, and not just
because you need the TV on to use the 360.  (I'm talking here about the
Media Center Extender version; the WMC version isn't better.)

The primary advantages to the 360 over the Squeezebox are that: 1) It
can play PFS DRMed tracks, and 2) it can do a LOT more than just play


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Headphone output

2006-04-18 Thread mkozlows

jacobdp Wrote: 
 I'm just trying to figure out when (if) it would be worth using an
 external headphone amp. Obviously the DAC and analog line outputs of
 the SB2/3 are supposed to be audiophile-grade, and there's been a lot
 of discussion on them here, but I haven't seen much talk of using the
 built-in headphone amp for a good listening setup. Is it designed to
 the same level?

Get an amp.  The headphone jack on the SB2 isn't bad, but it's not
great.  It can drive the demanding HD-650 headphones to moderately loud
volumes without much in the way of distortion; but the difference
between the SB2's headphone jack and the output of a HeadRoom Micro Amp
is huge, a genuine Wow moment if you've got the headphones to benefit
from it.

(For calibration of what I mean by huge:  I think cables make zero
impact, I think DACs in modern equipment make very little impact (I
couldn't tell a difference between the SB2 and the SB2 through a
Benchmark DAC-1), I think regular power amplifiers for speakers don't
make much of a difference once you've gotten above a certain base
quality level -- but I think speakers and headphones make a huge and
obvious difference, and that lossless compression sounds noticeably
better than 192kbps.)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 - Benchmark DAC-1 versus Analogue Out

2006-01-08 Thread mkozlows

rmasson Wrote: 
 In comparing the SB3 analogue to the SB3 digital via the DAC 1 there is
 one important note to make: The output level on the SB3 analogue is
 significantly higher then the DAC-1 so this needs to be adjusted for
 prior to doing any valid comparison. My current amp (PS-Audio GCC-100)
 allows you set the gain of each input so I made sure they were as close
 as possible before the comparison, although it is important to mention I
 had to do this by ear as I do not have the appropriate electronic
 measurement tools to be able to ensure they were within +-1dB (if any
 one does I would like to see if you get the same results). Once this
 was done, however, the differences become apparent. 

One thing that's interesting to do in those kinds of situations is to
do the initial test, then adjust the levels to equalize it (that is,
turn up the one you thought was worse by a titch), then listen some
more.  It's surprising how often the one that you think is better ends
up losing that title if you just titch up the volume on the other one.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2005-11-07 Thread mkozlows

highdudgeon Wrote: 
 I'm wondering how many people have done careful listening comparing the
 Squeezebox with and without a high-end external DAC?  IE, is there much
 benefit to be gained?  Little?  None at all?

I couldn't hear any difference at all between the Squeezebox
straight-up and running through a Benchmark DAC-1, and ended up
returning the DAC-1.  That was on my main system, Parasound
amplification to Paradigm Studio 100 speakers.

I _think_ that I can tell a difference between it straight-up and
running through the HeadRoom Micro DAC, but I wouldn't swear to that; I
didn't do anything like a rigorous comparison, because I knew that I was
keeping the Micro DAC no matter what (it has a USB input, and it's way
way better than the sound card in my computer, so I use it to listen to
music when at the computer) and didn't end up keeping it hooked up to
the SB.  Associated equipment on that was HeadRoom's Micro Amp driving
HD-650 headphones.

It's possible that my speaker system isn't good enough to reveal
differences between the built-in and an external DAC, so if you've got
a system that you've spent $20K on, you'll probably want to try it out
anyway.  But for the most part, I expect that differences between
competent modern DACs are going to be very very subtle.  At the very
least, if you decide to try a DAC out, make sure you can return it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Will an outboard dac be an improvment over my Anthem AVM20

2005-11-03 Thread mkozlows

The CAL has tubes, right?  If so, then it's clearly worse (in the
measurable fidelity sense) than both the Anthem and the SB2; but if you
like the tube thing, then get a tube DAC.

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