[Aus-soaring] Junior Life extension to 12,000 hrs

2016-12-19 Thread Justin Couch
Noticed the following news item on the PZL Swindik page about the 
Junior. Quick summary is life is now allowed to 12,000 hours and greatly 
reduced maintenance schedule - no more 50hrlys etc, and instead of 
1000hr surveys, it is now 1500 hrs. This will probably cause a temp 
conflict with AD403, but I expect that to get sorted out pretty quickly.


I've sent an email to PZL asking for the paperwork on behalf of my club 
last night. No response yet.

Justin Couch http://www.vlc.com.au/
Java 3D Graphics Informationhttp://www.j3d.org/
LinkedIn http://au.linkedin.com/in/justincouch/
G+   WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
 Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
 a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
 distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
 frames or one frame for many lights?"  -Subcomandante Marcos
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Re: [Aus-soaring] Skysight yesterday - Horsham GP

2016-12-19 Thread Brian Du Rieu
Hi Matthew,
Not sure what happened to SkySight yesterday but none of the cloud associated 
with the cold front/ trough that passed through Horsham around 5pm was 
displayed. Lots of high based Cu and Ci at altitude.
Best regards,Brian DuRieu
Ph.: 049-598 046

  From: Matthew Scutter 
 To: Tom & Kerrie Claffey  
Cc: Gliding Australia Forum ; Discussion of 
issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
 Sent: Saturday, 17 September 2016, 16:52
 Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] [gfaforum] DIana 2
The glider Ron is referring to, is the GP14 Velo http://www.gpgliders.com/ , 
which is still under construction as far as I know, and nothing to do with the 
Diana 2.
The Diana 2 is type certified, as of last year.
 13.5m Diana 2 "Versus" exists and is almost certainly the best 13.5m glider.
Beres Bogumił, the man behind the Diana 2 passed away earlier in the year.What 
happened after that is a bit murky, but my understanding is the assets were 
sold to SZD (there's multiple SZD's, it's confusing), who is once again 
producing the Diana 2, and *allegedly* producing one with a fuselage that has 
lower angle of attack on the ground, and an 18m stretch.

On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Tom & Kerrie Claffey  

Nope,The Versus (13.5M experimental version of Diana2) was flown by Stefano 
Giorgio who won the first 13.5M WGC in it. The glider Sebastian was going to 
fly, but they ran out of time, is a different, all new glider. Since then the 
13.5 M class is supposed to go electric self launch.I think the 15M Diana 2 is 
soon out of the WGC due to time from prototype to certification. (There is some 
limit)Having seen a few of them I would not own one, talk to Mak.
On Saturday, 17 September 2016, Ron Sanders  wrote:

Hey guys out there,
Anyone know what is happening with the Diana 2 these days??
Last i heard was  a 13.5 metre version was gonna be flown by Sebastian Kawa at 
some GP thing and it didn't make it.
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2016-12-19 Thread John Roake


The January 2017 issue will go in the mail on December 29 and should be with
subscribers early in the New Year.  The Digital version will be released on
January 4.
Our circulation continues to grow and the January issue breaks a lot of new
ground with some exceptional stories that will interest a wide range of
gliding enthusiasts.
€  Gliding¹s Best Kept Secret - The Jonker factory has just released  news
and photos  (December 12) of their totally new sailplane ­ the JS3.  A
project that has involved their design staff of 17 for the past 18 months.
It is a 15 metre sailplane that they hope will be competing in the worlds at
Benalla, Australia in January.  The factory confirms that they set out to
improve on the performance and Œflyability¹ of the Diana 2.  As we release
this news, the factory is negotiating with QANTAS to freight the sailplane
from South Africa to Australian to be in time for the Worlds that start on
January 12.  It will create a whole new interest in the event. Lots of
photos of it in our January issue, whilst our following issue (MARCH) will
contain the history of the planning and development of the JS3 over the past
18 months supported by a wide range of photos.  It is an Œexciting¹ subject!
€  The ever decreasing world soaring pilot numbers brought us to investigate
what our administrators (IGC) are doing about it. The answer is Œnothing¹.
Researching the last three annual meetings of the I.G.C. confirms what we
have always suspected ­ the IG.C. is only interested in the competition
group of pilots which is less than 2  per cent of the total pilot
population.  The organisation needs a major shake-up and we set out to
provide some ideas for them get their teeth into. But we are holding our
breath  . . . . .
€  Sebastian Kawa has been soaring in Russia. He joined some Russian soaring
pilots to explore the Caucasus  Mountains. His photos are unbelievable and
we give over 17 pages to Sebastian¹s diary of events and his outstanding
photos. This is new soaring territory and we are privileged to bring
subscribers this fascinating story. Flying a foreign glider in Russia is a
story on its own.
€  Gliding¹s Wings & Wheels has changed hands and when checking on their new
location, a story about the company¹s past reveals a fascinating path of
development. How it all started (in a back bedroom) to what it provides
today is news.  The new owner details the reason for a shift in location and
his own history as a very competent competition pilot.
€  Aldo Cernezzi examines the problems associated with a correctly performed
aero-tow. He has also provided an exceptional range of photos that clearly
shows the Vortex that exists between tug and sailplane.  The research that
was undertaken in France is all new stuff. This is accident prevention
€  And then there is the story about the Schempp-Hirth Arcus that has a much
larger jet fitted.  Makes it a self launcher and a cross country motor
glider.  (Would you believe, at a speed of 165 knots).  An American project
headed by philanthropist Dennis Tito.


€  NASA has released the results of a three year project to re-map the
world¹s aerial charts in 3D. These maps are going to make cross country
planning much easier and even easier for instructors seeking to inform new
pilots where to fly for the right conditions.


€ Paul Remde provides us with an update to his usual soaring product news.
There are a few new products on the market.

€  And motor giant VW has got involved in gliding  - In association with
Klaus Ohlmann, they have just finished making a video and a commercial
advertisement about their new VW ute launching  a 23 metre Antares sailplane
from the world¹s most dangerous airport  - Courchevel is in the French Alps.
Great reading!


€  NASA research wants in-flight folding wing aircraft designs in the
future. The space administration organisation has been researching the
concept for several years and concludes it is feasible and will provide
major increases in flight performance. More details in the current issue.


€ All this plus 30 other stories that will educate and inform.
As we have said before  - our best issue yet!
We hope you will join us.
OUR WEB PAGE ­ For printed or Digital issue use . . . .


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