And then you link it to your computer at home so you don't have to drive to the 
airfield because the DI/launch robot has placed your glider on the grid, with 
it's onboard camera and computer and fly the thing from home. If you have a mid 
air no-one gets hurt apart from those whom the bits fall on the ground.

Hang on! wait up! why would you even need a glider? Have a virtual one. You 
could play Condor. No a/c req'd, no airfield req'd, no club m'ship req'd, no 
GFA req'd. You can still wear beige though and a floppy hat.

Although I guess some-one would complain about how to handicap their computer 
system so they win all the time.

Me, I'd rather go gliding...

Warning, my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek for those with no sense of 

>Once you have the electronics for the attitude instrumentation you also have 
>most of an autopilot, you only need the servos to make one. With modern 
>LiFePO4 batteries the electrical power isn't a problem. The Duckhawk already 
>has electrically actuated flaps which means it is easy to organise *never* 
>being in the wrong flap setting.

>So thermalling becomes a matter of pushing the "left"or "right" button and the 
>glider smoothly rolls into a co-ordinated left or right turn at 40 degrees of 
>bank angle at the optimum lift coefficient for minimum sink. You will have a 
>button to roll off  the bank to straight flight and this could be used for 
>centering. The ball would be in the middle the whole time so you'll need 
>footrests as you won't have your feet on the pedals. 

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