Re: spam

2002-05-14 Thread christoph.wiedemann

proski Install a spam filter.  I use SpamAssassin.  You can download it from

Not everybody has the possibility to install a filter (i am not the system 

proski Please keep in mind that Automake developers don't have access to the 
proski mailing list administration.  They use what they have.  GNU cannot hire 
proski full-time mailing list administrator.  People in this list are software 
proski developers, not sysadmins, so it's not their guilt that the list is 
proski spam attack.

IMO it would help a lot, if only people were allowed to send messages to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], who subscribed to the list. No full time administrator is 
needed, in fact it would be easy to implement. 



2002-05-13 Thread christoph.wiedemann


i am going to leave this list because it is not acceptable to receive hundrets 
of spam mails through [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Feature request: meta files wildcards (once again)

2002-04-29 Thread christoph.wiedemann

It is common style to generate c/cpp source files from some meta-languages. 
Examples are lex, yacc, QT's moc, swig, and probably many other tools. AFAIK 
there is currently no way to handle such files in automake and the recommended 
way is to write scripts editing's to add seperate rules for each 
file to be generated. This looks really unsatisfying to me because these 
scripts depend on current automake versions (see recently threads concerning 
KDE's am_edit script) and writing these scripts requires much effort.

Though i have read some of the threads concerning wildcards in automake i once 
again suggest to integrate them into the automake stuff, because i believe that 
many developers would benefit from them. If i have a directory, which contains 
source files for exactly one executable / library, i do not want to list them 
redundantly in a (because i often forget to do so and the 
information is already there). I believe that most projeft structures are 
organised in that way and many people would like to list files using wildcards.

Best Regards,

Antwort: Re: Feature request: meta files wildcards (once again)

2002-04-29 Thread christoph.wiedemann

alex I think the recommended way is to add suffix rules to produce the built
alex sources, not edit the Makefile.ins.

But is this really portable ? I looked at automake 1.4 info pages, and it tells 
something about GNU make:

 Handling new file extensions

   It is sometimes useful to introduce a new implicit rule to handle a
 file type that Automake does not know about.  If this is done, you must
 notify GNU Make of the new suffixes.  This can be done by putting a list
 of new suffixes in the `SUFFIXES' variable.
For instance, currently Automake does not provide any Java support.
 If you wrote a macro to generate `.class' files from `.java' source
 files, you would also need to add these suffixes to the list:
  SUFFIXES = .java .class

The actual documentation at 
does not mention GNU make anymore ... So i am a bit confused now. 

alex IMHO wildcarding is a separate issue, independent of whether sources are
alex built or normal.

Yes and no. Take the example of QT's moc files. They have to be generated from 
.h files, 
if the class defined in the .h file does mention a Q_OBJECT macro. I would love 
to have 
something in my Makefiles which greps for the string Q_OBJECT in all .h files 
this directory
contains. For each file where this is found, the moc has to be started. I think 
this is not
possible at the current time without writing a script which edits the's (this is
what KDE Developers do).
Besides many developers want to use wildcarding as well even if they do or do 
not use
meta files.


Re: Feature request: meta files wildcards (once again)

2002-04-29 Thread christoph.wiedemann

alex Could you check if the automake 1.6.x docs make the same reference to
alex GNU make instead of just make when talking about suffix rules?

No, they don't. 
So this is enough if you have a special file type from which source files 
be generated. But the moc problem isn't solved (correct me if i am wrong).

Thank you,

Re: building/installing Python modules?

2002-04-26 Thread christoph.wiedemann

skip For example, if I have this chain of dependencies:
skip build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/
skipdepends on
skip build/temp.linux-i686-2.3/arraymodule.o
skipwhich depends on
skip Modules/arraymodule.c
skip (the locations of the .o and .so files are determined by distutils) and 
skip diddle some bits in arraymodule.c, neither .../arraymodule.o nor
skip / get rebuilt the next time I run make.  For the person
skip installing one time from source this isn't a significant problem, but can 
skip a nightmare for a developer, especially if something more global changes
skip like Includes/object.h...

On my system (linux 2.4, python 2.1.1), the dependency stuff works well. In 
fact in the above situation, 
one single 'python install' command would be enough. But i agree, that 
build support of distutils is limited to small extension modules (if you want 
to mix
extension modules with binary applications or build an application with embedded
python, the distutils support fails). However, for a python developer it has 
less effort to use distutils, because one does only has to learn _one_ language
(python) instead of 3 or 4 for the auto* stuff.

Re: BTW: This is not the last problem

2002-04-26 Thread christoph.wiedemann

Adriaan KDE has a lot of extra meta-files that need to be generated: moc files
Adriaan for Qt, kidl files (and from them _skel.cpp and _stub.h) for DCOP, and
Adriaan _signal.h files for DCOPSignals. These are typically not explicitly 
Adriaan in the Instead, we write

This seems to be a real problem of automake and is also related to the wildcard
discussion. In a normal makefile, one single rule would be enough to handle meta
files like the qt moc files, but in automake it is a pity to write a perl 
script with 100's 
of lines to edit the's just to give rules for generating each 
single moc file
from it's corresponding h file. Maybe it would be useful to handle meta files 
automake (i think this is already done for lex and yacc, maybe it is possible 
handle meta files more generally).


Re: building/installing Python modules?

2002-04-26 Thread christoph.wiedemann

skip Sure, if all you want to distribute is a few extension modules.  What 
skip if you want to distribute the library they wrap as well?  That's where the
skip auto*/libtool gang comes in (I hope - it's difficult enough for me to 
skip out how this works that I'm still pondering the benefits).  Distutils 
skip help there, and in that case, by eliminating I would be 
skip yet another configuration file format people have to know about.  (Forget
skip that it happens to be Python code.  You still have to know what calls to
skip make.)

OK, i agree with that. 

I thought of using the auto* tools for building python extensions a few months 
ago now, but since i was using swig, i did not know how to integrate the swig
meta files (*_wrap.c) into the auto* stuff - the way to write a script which 
the does not look practical to me. Now i have a patchwork, using
GNU make (to generate the meta files) together with distutils (build / install
the extensions). Very unsatisfying.


Re: BTW: This is not the last problem

2002-04-26 Thread christoph.wiedemann

Adriaan KDE has a lot of extra meta-files that need to be generated: moc files
Adriaan for Qt, kidl files (and from them _skel.cpp and _stub.h) for DCOP, and
Adriaan _signal.h files for DCOPSignals. These are typically not explicitly 
Adriaan in the Instead, we write

This seems to be a real problem of automake and is also related to the wildcard
discussion. In a normal makefile, one single rule would be enough to handle meta
files like the qt moc files, but in automake it is a pity to write a perl 
script with 100's 
of lines to edit the's just to give rules for generating each 
single moc file
from it's corresponding h file. Maybe it would be useful to handle meta files 
automake (i think this is already done for lex and yacc, maybe it is possible 
handle meta files more generally).


Re: building/installing Python modules?

2002-04-25 Thread christoph.wiedemann

Why don't you use the distutils module coming with python ? They provide a 
platform-independent building/installing mechanism of Python modules and 
