On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Christian Herbig <c.her...@me.com> wrote:
> I sincerely hope this is a question that can easily be answered, but I cannot 
> at all figure out how to change the final installation directory from 
> /Applications/Avogadro.app to /Applications/MacPorts/Avogadro.app.  I have 
> tried multiple permutations on -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= , yet nothing seems to 
> change the final configuration from:
> set(Avogadro_INSTALL_PREFIX  "/Applications/Avogadro.app/Contents")
> set(Avogadro_INCLUDE_DIRS    "/Applications/Avogadro.app/Contents/include")
> set(Avogadro_LIBRARY_DIRS    "/Applications/Avogadro.app/Contents/lib")
> set(Avogadro_LIB_SUFFIX      "")
> set(Avogadro_PLUGIN_DIR      
> "/Applications/Avogadro.app/Contents/lib/avogadro/1_1")
> set(Avogadro_BIN_DIRS        “/Applications/Avogadro.app/Contents/bin")
> To be specific, I need to be able to do something like 
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${destroot}${applications_dir}
On the Mac we ended up hard wiring more than we perhaps should have to
make the default case work. I am not sure you can easily modify this
without modifying some of the CMake code, it is indeed a bug in the
way we wrote out CMakeLists.txt file. I have a lot of that figured out
now in newer build systems. I will see if I can find time to go back
and apply it to Avogadro 1, but I am not sure when I will have time.


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