On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison
<geoff.hutchi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thoughts? Concerns? Something I've missed?
> Oh, I forgot color schemes and custom colors. My feeling is that can fall to 
> "nice to have for v2.1"?
I have some time this next couple of weeks to take a stab at some
pieces. I think the critical and nice to have may vary a little
depending on person. I will make a new release soon (0.8) as I would
like to get more people testing stuff. Selection and residues, along
with some rendering features seem most critical to me (we have stick
but it has a rendering bug I need to dig into). I would like to expose
the transfer function editor from VTK, and finish off the volume
rendering piece but would put that firmly in nice to have.

This has languished more than I would like, so apologies from me for
not having as much time as I had hoped. There are some great features
in there, but UI polish is needed to make it more accessible. It is
orders of magnitude faster loading initial data, and rendering it, for
large systems, but the interface is missing some key pieces (some
already fixed) which led to me delaying 0.8.

I think your list is a good yard stick, and just like with 1.0 we will
possibly wait too long, but know it when we see it. I had hoped to
have it a year ago, and am determined to make it happen. I think a
test run on Qt 5 deployment will be valuable (it was working for me on
Mac and Windows when I tried it last time.

I am blown away by over 600,000 downloads since our first release of
Avogadro, and over 400 citations of our paper. I want to get some
momentum going again, and hope we have even more ideas to put into a
Google Summer of Code proposal next year.



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