On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison
<geoff.hutchi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Happy New Year!
> I'm looking into forum options (e.g., Discourse vs. Biostar). Seems like both 
> can import mbox archives, so I think a key question would be setting up the 
> Docker instance for Discourse, which can be deployed to Digital Ocean easily. 
> So I sent a message to Digital Ocean asking if they have deals for open 
> source projects - my current web host doesn't support Docker.

We talked about Discourse at a session during the GSoC mentor summit
last year, and it sounds like a number of communities have had great
results. From what they said you can use it as a mailing list
replacement if desired, but it has a number of options that they made
use of. I was hoping to look into this more soon as it sounds like it
is maturing really well.
> I'm also curious about an alternative to Launchpad for translations. Bazaar 
> doesn't support submodules, so the automatic git import-and-export is broken 
> for v.1.x (and also for v2).
> Two alternatives are Transifex (https://www.transifex.com) and Pootle 
> (http://pootle.translatehouse.org)
> Both are open source and used by different projects (Discourse is translated 
> using Transifex):
> http://www.worddelights.com/blog/gnome-outreach-program-for-women/translation-management-tools-transifex-pootle-and-launchpad-a-comparison-of-features
> * Transifex: Fedora, Tor, VLC
> * Pootle: LXDE, LibreOffice
> I'd be open to other suggestions - particularly if they natively support Qt's 
> .ts files (Launchpad still doesn't.)
Yeah, it would be great to look at translations for v2, although we
don't really need to worry about submodule support for v2. The libs
and app repositories have no submodules, they are within the
openchemistry superbuild repo that gathers them. I personally prefer
that method, it keeps third party code in a higher level module, that
looks more like system libraries. Still, very much open to looking at
new approaches for translation.

Happy New Year.



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