
I just got this random error that occured without any kind of trigger:
Oops, an error happened!
/usr/share/lua/5.3/lgi/component.lua:302: bad arg #2 to 'element'
(Pango.Layout expected, got userdata)

This happened many hours after I booted up; I haven't restarted awesome by
itself today for any reason, and I haven't changed any config settings

I'm using Arch but I haven't updated very recently; I'll update and see if
that prevents this from happening again.

The only thing that I can think of that might have caused this error is
that I've suspended/resuspended a lot today, which sometimes causes
problems like the taskwarrior server quitting and failing to restart.

This error itself doesn't seemed to have broken anything.

In the future, would it be better to send info about bugs like this to
https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues , or is this mailing list just
as good?

Thank you,

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