Re: advice

2015-09-08 Thread Bruno Ferreira
@ray I like the configurations that get installed with Manjaro Awesome
respin ( The initial
configuration may be too minimal. I don't know if you need to install
packages besides awesome to use this config. use the virtual machine first.

@alexander try searching for "awesome wm" instead of just "awesome"

Bruno Ferreira

2015-09-08 19:14 GMT+01:00 Alexander Tsepkov <>:

> Not sure what you want to hear. If you've expecting to hear a sales pitch
> on awesome, I don't think there is a need, you're installing a free wm, not
> buying a car, just test it in virtualbox first if you're worried. If you're
> asking about specific features of a modern wm, they're all there - some not
> through vm itself (for example I installed awesome on top of xfce and use
> thunar file manager, and several xfce widgets). It's been a while since I
> installed awesome, I didn't like the idea of tiling wms at first, but now
> got so used to it I installed hammerspoon on my OSX to emulate it.
> Awesome works fine out of the box, I don't remember if I had to do
> anything to get my dual-monitors working but xrandr drives that and I
> mapped windows+P to switch between display setups via bash script. One
> thing to note is that keyboard shortcuts weren't intuitive to me right away
> so I switched some around. The default theme is also pretty ugly, but
> replacing it with one of preset ones from github is pretty easy (
> It also doesn't come
> with a compositor at first (so no shadows or transparent windows you may be
> used to), but that's a good thing since it gives you more flexibility. I
> use compton as my compositor and really like it. Unless you plan to
> customize your look and feel, you don't really need much lua. There are
> available widgets like volume, networking, etc. you can plug in (and will
> need to do if your theme doesn't already come with them). My only pet peeve
> with awesome is it's name, try googling for anything regarding awesome and
> see how often the first page contains a relevant result.
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Ray Andrews <>
> wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>> I use xfce, it's fine, but I want something lighter.  All I really want
>> is the xfwm part of it, and even that window manager has its defects. I
>> have dual monitors, and I can't drag anything between monitors.  I hate
>> trying to configure things using those stupid pop up dialogue boxes.
>> I'd like text configuration files that I can edit, save, backup and
>> restore.
>> Awesome seems well spoken of.  What can you guys tell me?  I can't think
>> what to specifically ask.  It would be nice if it worked sensibly out of
>> the box.  I don't need fancy effects.  I want windows on screens that I
>> can resize, maximize, minimize, etc.  Nice if they snap to borders to
>> avoid wasted space.  Xfce gives normally six or so desktops than you can
>> change to, that's good.  The mouse has to work.  I need custom keyboard
>> shortcuts.  Basically nothing strange.  I don't want to have to spend
>> six months learning Lua.  I want a simple, predictable, configurable WM
>> that is usable but doesn't bother me with bells and whistles.
>> Advice?

Re: Execute command and wait until it's execution finishes

2015-08-10 Thread Bruno Ferreira
Hi Jayson,

Using pipes seems to me like a great way to do it, why don't you want to
use pipes?

2015-08-10 17:15 GMT+01:00 Jayson Willson

 Hello! I need the following: execute some command and go to the next
 command of the function only when the first command is finished.
 What I have now:

 awful.key({}, XF86AudioMute,
 function ()
 awful.util.spawn(amixer set Master toggle)

 Thus update_volume takes place earlier, than amixer set Master toggle
 finishes it's execution, and I do not get required result.

 One guy suggested using popen:
 function ()
 local f = io.popen(amixer set Master toggle)
 It works fine, but I wonder if there is a way to implement it without
 pipes. Could you please help me? Thank you.

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Re: Automatically open processes on startup

2014-10-05 Thread Bruno Ferreira
For the first problem try using spawn_with_shell instead of spawn and see
if it still crashes.

But if you want to do stuff with the program you started maybe you should
use spawn because if it succeeds it will return something you can use to
identify the process (

I only use spawn with shell, but that's for starting background programs,
not stuff that I then want to move to some other tag...

Maybe you can try checking your X logs find out why it crashes (no idea
where those are thou, ask google).

Bruno Ferreira

2014-10-05 14:42 GMT+01:00 Maytar Byle

 Thank you for answering!
 It doesn't fully solve the second problem though because in case i want 2
 tags with terminals in them then i cant make the seperation.
 and the first question still left unanswered.

 2014-10-05 16:17 GMT+03:00 David Sorkovsky

  Have you considered Rules?

 Default rc.lua – Note the firefox entry…

 -- {{{ Rules

 awful.rules.rules = {

 -- All clients will match this rule.

 { rule = { },

   properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,

  border_color = beautiful.border_normal,

  focus = true,

  keys = clientkeys,

  buttons = clientbuttons } },

 { rule = { class = MPlayer },

   properties = { floating = true } },

 { rule = { class = pinentry },

   properties = { floating = true } },

 { rule = { class = gimp },

   properties = { floating = true } },

 -- Set Firefox to always map on tags number 2 of screen 1.

 -- { rule = { class = Firefox },

 --   properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },



 *From:* Maytar Byle []
 *Sent:* Monday, 6 October 2014 12:06 AM
 *Subject:* Automatically open processes on startup


 I'm running awesome 3.4 and i wanted to add a feature that on startup - a
 list of processes will be loaded to their designated tags.

 For example: terminal will be loaded to the first tag, music player will
 be loaded to the fifth etc..

 The code i added to rc.lua goes like this:

 tag_apps = { { terminal, terminal } , { terminal } }

 for i = 1, #tag_apps do

 for j = 1, #tag_apps[i] do


 --awful.client.movetotag(i, c)



 teminal is the terminal command.

 My problems are those:

 1. spawn makes the xserver crash and i don't understand why.

 2. Even if it would work, how do i get the client object for the process
 i just opened so i can move it to the correct tag with movetotag?

 Thank you!