[Axis2] Deploy Axis 2 on Simple Web Server

2006-05-19 Thread nancy


I want to use axis2 to implement web services also to implement
its client.But I dont want to use any application server like
tomcat/Jboss.I have created a server using simpleWeb Server api. Is it possible
to use axis 2 on my server

Unauthorized user

2006-05-19 Thread Amanda Murray
Hello everybody,I'm just trying to get to work the StockQuote example.But when I run it, I always get error 401 - unauthorized User 'null' not authenticatedlt; ...If I try it with the names from users.lst it doesn't work too.I've tried to find that topic on the list, but unfortunately the one post that seems to answer it won't load :(Thanks for your help,AmandaSMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell undkostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! http://f.web.de/?mc=021192

Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Thilina Gunarathne

Nice finding... Any comments from SOAP1.2 specialists... 
Anyway this content type needs to be fixed... 
Please log a Jira...


Content-Type: multipart/related;boundary=MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_26C55753A5E981E64A11479668765601;type=application/xop+xml;
start=0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED];start-info=application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8;action=""
This then presumably blows up on the server inside thejavax.mail.internet.ParameterListconstructor, since the action="" can't be parsed properly - resulting inthe not sohelpful SOAPEnvelope must contain a body element which is either first or
second childelement of the SOAPEnvelope a few levels up (masking the OMException with aInvalidContent Type Field in the Mime Message message),1) Is the action parameter supposed to have a value?
2) As other people presumably have this working, am I missing aconfiguration on the client side?My client look pretty much like this at the moment:EndpointReference target = new EndpointReference(url);
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient();Options options = new Options();options.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.ENABLE_MTOM,Constants.VALUE_TRUE);options.setSoapVersionURI(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI
);options.setTransportInProtocol(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP);options.setTo(target);serviceClient.setOptions(options);OMElement payload = getOMElement(messageContent);OMElement result = serviceClient.sendReceive
(payload);I haven't still had the chance to follow up where the other attachmentsvanish to... anyhelp would be appreciated. :)Kind regards,Timo-Original Message-From: Timo Ahokas [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 18 May 2006 14:07To: Axis UserSubject: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachmentsHi all,We are using Axis2 1.0 (client  server) and sending XML and
binary MTOM attachments to the server. The XML document and thefirst binary attachment are received without problems, but anyadditional attachments never reach the server (are not availablefrom the OMElement when the server-side code starts executing).
I'm sending roughly the following from the client:OMElementOMElement OMElement XML document (constructed via StAXOMBuilder.getDocumentElement()) /OMElement
/OMElementOMElement OMText Binary attachment 1 (via factory.createOMText(datahandler, true)) /OMText/OMElementOMElement OMText
 Binary attachment 2 /OMText/OMElementOMElement OMText Binary attachment n /OMText/OMElement/OMElementThis is sent out without problems from the client (as confirmed by
running through the Axis1 SoapMon proxy). The message on the wirelooks like fine, the first part of the multipart contains themessage (SOAP message with a XML payload and include referencesfor all the 1-n binary attachments) and each of the binary
attachments are included in separate parts of the message.But when the message reaches the server, only the first binarypart seems to be in the OMElement that the server has constructed.If I return that to the client, again looking at the wire
representation, only the first binary attachment is in place.Also (possibly related to how the message is constructed), if I tryto set SOAP version to 1.2 on the client(options.setSoapVersionURI(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI
)),I get the following error on the server side:2006-05-18 13:30:11,108 [ERROR][http-80-Processor24][org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/voxsurf].[AxisServlet]]:Servlet.service
() for servlet AxisServlet threw exception org.apache.axiom.om.OMException: SOAPEnvelope must contain a body element which iseither first or second child element of the SOAPEnvelope.atorg.apache.axiom.soap.impl.llom.SOAPEnvelopeImpl.getBody
atorg.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.createFaultMessageContext(AxisEngine.java:183)atorg.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.handleFault(AxisServlet.java:168)at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost
(AxisServlet.java:153)at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:763)...But looking at the messages sent over the wire, only the soapenvis different, and both messages start otherwise similarly:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope
 soapenv:Header/ soapenv:Body ... body contentIs there something fundamentally wrong in our approach for sending themultiple binary attachments in the single message? Has someone been able to
do something similar using Axis2 1.0? Are there any debug flags etcI could enable to see what happens when the message from the wire isbeing processed?Kind regards,Timo Ahokas
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problem installing sample one with IBM Websphere Application Server 5.1 and IBM Rational Software Architect

2006-05-19 Thread michel.lequim
Title: problem installing sample one with IBM Websphere Application Server 5.1 and IBM Rational Software Architect 


I have tried to work with axis 2.0 in a WebSphere environment and I get some trouble. 

Could you please help me to find what's happening ? 

Here is my problem: 

I have tried to install axis 2 in a servlet contained like explained in the installation guide. 

I use Rational Software Architect to deploy on a test WebSphere application Server 5.1.

Like usual I have imported the war file and encapsulated in an ear, then I have published it to 

the WAS 5.1. Then I have typed the url to see if all is working, in the validate screen all is correct except this: 

Examining Version Service

There was a problem of examine Version service , may be the service not available or some thing has gone wrong. But this does not mean system does not working ! Try to upload a some other service
and check to see whether it is working. 

I have also tried to test the version webservice but I got:

Available services

Faulty Services


and when clicking I got:

Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.namespace.QName: method (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V not found at org.apache.ws.java2wsdl.utils.TypeTable.populateSimpleTypes(TypeTable.java:38) at org.apache.ws.java2wsdl.utils.TypeTable.(TypeTable.java:33) at org.apache.ws.java2wsdl.SchemaGenerator.(SchemaGenerator.java:48) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils.fillAxisService(Utils.java:209) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.ServiceBuilder.populateService(ServiceBuilder.java:149) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.ArchiveReader.buildServiceGroup(ArchiveReader.java:76) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.ArchiveReader.processServiceGroup(ArchiveReader.java:118) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine.doDeploy(DeploymentEngine.java:620) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.WSInfoList.update(WSInfoList.java:195) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.RepositoryListener.update(RepositoryListener.java:207) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.RepositoryListener.checkServices(RepositoryListener.java:155) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine.loadServices(DeploymentEngine.java:91) at org.apache.axis2.deployment.WarBasedAxisConfigurator.loadServices(WarBasedAxisConfigurator.java:142) at org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContext(ConfigurationContextFactory.java:42) at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.initConfigContext(AxisServlet.java:213) at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.init(AxisServlet.java:182) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictServletInstance.doInit(StrictServletInstance.java:82) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictLifecycleServlet._init(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:147) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.PreInitializedServletState.init(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:270) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictLifecycleServlet.init(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:113) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletInstance.init(ServletInstance.java:189) at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(GenericServlet.java:258) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppServletManager.addServlet(WebAppServletManager.java:876) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppServletManager.loadServlet(WebAppServletManager.java:224) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppServletManager.loadAutoLoadServlets(WebAppServletManager.java:542) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp.loadServletManager(WebApp.java:1279) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp.init(WebApp.java:283) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.WebGroup.loadWebApp(WebGroup.java:392) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.WebGroup.init(WebGroup.java:211) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.addWebApplication(WebContainer.java:1005) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.WebContainerImpl.install(WebContainerImpl.java:136) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.WebContainerImpl.start(WebContainerImpl.java:356) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationMgrImpl.start(ApplicationMgrImpl.java:505) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.DeployedApplicationImpl.fireDeployedObjectStart(DeployedApplicationImpl.java:808) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.DeployedModuleImpl.start(DeployedModuleImpl.java:354) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.DeployedApplicationImpl.start(DeployedApplicationImpl.java:578) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationMgrImpl.startApplication(ApplicationMgrImpl.java:299) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationMgrImpl.start(ApplicationMgrImpl.java:256) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ContainerImpl.startComponents(ContainerImpl.java:536) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ContainerImpl.start(ContainerImpl.java:413) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationServerImpl.start(ApplicationServerImpl.java:152) at 

RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Timo Ahokas
Hi Thilina,

Thanks a lot for the response. Just to confirm what in doing on the server

public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) {
try {
Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements();
OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement) serviceIterator.next();
OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement)

// Handle attachments, if there are any.
DataHandler attachmentDH;

while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement) 
OMText attachment = (OMText) 
/* extract data and persist */


} catch (Exception e) {

return createResponseMessage();

So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
XML content
and the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When I
then let the
code run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the first
attachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other
are processed. And I'm not currently returning the same content back anyway,
constructing a new response element from scratch.

I have tried with/without the element.build()/buildNext()/detach(), with no
in behaviour. I wasn't able to find an omElement.buildAll() though? And if
the mime
processing is deferred, why would the element contain the first attachment
(and not just
the soap/xml part), as the on the wire message looks something like this:

POST /service HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Axis/2.0
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: multipart/related;
start=0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
start-info=application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8

content-type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8;
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- soap message with embedded XML content and include references to all
attachments --

content-type: image/jpeg
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 1.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- binary content --

content-type: image/jpeg
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 2.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- binary content --

content-type: image/jpeg
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 3.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- binary content --


To get this to run, I'm starting the client from a debugger and changing the
soapActionString (\\) to an empty string (because othervise the parsing
fails on the server side).

Any ideas? Thanks - really appreciate your help... :)

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 09:20
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

You need to build the elements if you are going to echo them back to the
client.. IIRC you can call omElement.buildAll()  to overcome your problem...
Axis2 do deffered building of mime parts.. That means mime parts will be
read only if the user requests them...
In your case you are writing back the response while the attachments are
still in the stream which might be the cause for vanishing of other mime


On 5/18/06, Timo Ahokas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

We are using Axis2 1.0 (client  server) and sending XML and
binary MTOM attachments to the server. The XML document and the
first binary attachment are received without problems, but any
additional attachments never reach the server (are not available
from the OMElement when the server-side code starts executing).

I'm sending roughly the following from the client:

 XML document (constructed via StAXOMBuilder.getDocumentElement())

 Binary attachment 1 (via factory.createOMText(datahandler, true))

 Binary attachment 2

 Binary attachment n

This is sent out without problems from the client (as confirmed by
running through the Axis1 SoapMon proxy). The message on the wire
looks like fine, the first part of the multipart contains the
message (SOAP message with a XML payload and include references
for all 

[Axis2] How to share a service implementation with Axis 1.x?

2006-05-19 Thread Rodrigo Ruiz

Hi all,

I am trying to find out if it is possible to publish a service 
implementation with both Axis 1.x and Axis 2. I need to do this for 
ensuring compatibility with the current version, as it uses RPC/encoded.

The idea is to have a single internal implementation, published as an 
RPC/encoded service with Axis 1.x, and as a Document/literal service 
with Axis 2.

I am planning to put all the service implementation classes into the 
shared/lib directory, deploy a separate webapp for each Axis version, 
and deploy the same service on both webapps.

Being still in an analysis phase, I have some technical doubts that, I 
know, will have to be addressed before deciding the final architecture.

1. Will the support of RPC/encoded be added to Axis 2? If the answer is 
yes, I would prefer to wait for its availability, depending on when it 
is planned to be added.

2. Is it possible to use both Axis versions within the same classloader? 
That is, can the same webapp have an Axis 1.x and an Axis 2 servlets 
working at the same time? Would this produce class name conflicts?

3. Is there a known best practice for sharing my service beans among 
both Axis versions? I am considering to generate them with XmlBeans, but 
I guess the generated classes will only understand document/literal OR 
rpc/encoded, but not both.

4. The service currently throws an Exception that inherits from 
AxisFault, and I would like to remove this dependency. It is done so, 
because we wanted to fill the fault code and details with some internal 
data (for message i18n support on the client side). Is it possible to 
control the serialization of all these fields with an Exception that 
does not inherit from AxisFault? Maybe with custom serializers?

Sorry, I know they are too many questions.

Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo Ruiz
GRIDSYSTEMSRodrigo Ruiz Aguayo
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07120 Palma de Mallorcamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Baleares - España  Tel:+34-971435085 Fax:+34-971435082

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Generating SOAP-Header with WSDL2Java from WSDL file

2006-05-19 Thread Thomas Kippenberg

I'm trying to generate Java code from WSDL with WSDL2Java. Everything works 
fine until I try to generate SOAP-Headers in the Input Message. WSDL2Java does 
not complain, however the generated file xxxStub.java contains references to 
param4, which is not defined. The buggy code looks like that (beginning with 
line 124)

// add the children only if the 
parameter is not null
if (param4!=null){
optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName(, RequestSecurityToken;

I'm using Axis2 Version 1.0 and JDK1.5.0_6. Below you find an example WSDL.

Is this an error within WSDL2Java or withing my WSDL file? How can I fix the 

Thanks a lot,


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
definitions targetNamespace=http://localhost:;


message name=SecurityTokenInput
part name=testInput type=xsd:string/
part name=headerInput type=xsd:string/

message name=SecurityTokenOutput
part name=testOutput type=xsd:string/

portType name=SecurityTokenPortType
operation name=RequestSecurityToken  
input message=tns:SecurityTokenInput/  
output message=tns:SecurityTokenOutput/  

binding name=SecurityTokenBinding type=tns:SecurityTokenPortType 
soap:binding style=document transport=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http; 
operation name=RequestSecurityToken
soap:operation soapAction= /
soap:header message=tns:SecurityTokenInput part=headerInput use=encoded 
soap:body parts=testInput use=encoded 
soap:body parts=testOutput use=encoded 

service name=SecurityTokenService
port binding=tns:SecurityTokenBinding
soap:address location=http://localhost:/STS/


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Re: Generating SOAP-Header with WSDL2Java from WSDL file

2006-05-19 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Your WSDL has errors. Document/encoded is not a valid combination.When using document style, your message parts must reference element definitions (rather than types). That means you must provide a types section and a schema to define your elements. 
Note, also, that the normal practice is to not include header definitions in the WSDL. Headers are typically managed by handlers rather than the application.AnneOn 5/19/06, 
Thomas Kippenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,I'm trying to generate Java code from WSDL with WSDL2Java. Everything works fine until I try to generate SOAP-Headers in the Input Message. WSDL2Java does not complain, however the generated file xxxStub.java
 contains references to param4, which is not defined. The buggy code looks like that (beginning with line 124)// add the children only if the parameter is not null
if (param4!=null){env.getHeader().addChild(toOM(param4, optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName(, RequestSecurityToken;
}I'm using Axis2 Version 1.0 and JDK1.5.0_6. Below you find an example WSDL.Is this an error within WSDL2Java or withing my WSDL file? How can I fix the problem?
Thanks a lot,Thomas---?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?definitions targetNamespace=http://localhost:
message name=SecurityTokenInputpart name=testInput type=xsd:string/part name=headerInput type=xsd:string//message
message name=SecurityTokenOutputpart name=testOutput type=xsd:string//messageportType name=SecurityTokenPortTypeoperation name=RequestSecurityToken
input message=tns:SecurityTokenInput/output message=tns:SecurityTokenOutput//operation/portTypebinding name=SecurityTokenBinding type=tns:SecurityTokenPortType 
soap:binding style=document transport=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http /operation name=RequestSecurityToken
soap:operation soapAction= /inputsoap:header message=tns:SecurityTokenInput part=headerInput use=encoded encodingStyle=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding//soap:body parts=testInput use=encoded encodingStyle=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/
//inputoutputsoap:body parts=testOutput use=encoded encodingStyle=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/
//output/operation/bindingservice name=SecurityTokenServiceport binding=tns:SecurityTokenBindingsoap:address location=
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Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
See my comments below

Thanks a lot for the response. 

:) WC..
 public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) { try { element.build
(); element.detach(); Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements(); OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement) serviceIterator.next(); OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement)
servicePayload.getChildElements().next(); // Handle attachments, if there are any. DataHandler attachmentDH; while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) { OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement) 
serviceIterator.next(); OMText attachment = (OMText) attachmentElement.getFirstOMChild(); /* extract data and persist */ } processXML(xmlDoc);
 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return createResponseMessage(); }So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
XML contentand the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When Ithen let thecode run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the firstbinaryattachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other

I doubt the problem is with getting the iterator..IIRC there was aJira regarding this Iterator..
Try traversing the tree manually... Going through each and every Element with getNextSibling, getChild. Just to make sure where the problem is...

are processed. And I'm not currently returning the same content back anyway,I'mconstructing a new response element from scratch.
I have tried with/without the element.build()/buildNext()/detach(), with nochangesin behaviour. I wasn't able to find an omElement.buildAll() though?

Yeahh.. May be it's not there now. But I'm sure build() might be doing the same thing.. I'm in touch with the code base a lot due to my oncoming exams :)...

 And ifthe mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain the first attachment(and not just
the soap/xml part), 
Can't get your point clearly...

as the on the wire message looks something like this:POST /service HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Axis/2.0
Host: chunkedContent-Type: multipart/related;boundary=MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011;type=application/xop+xml;
start=0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED];start-info=application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8
--MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011content-type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8;type=application/soap+xml;content-transfer-encoding: binarycontent-id: 
0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]!-- soap message with embedded XML content and include references to allattachments MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011
content-type: image/jpegcontent-transfer-encoding: binarycontent-id: 1.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
!-- binary content MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011content-type: image/jpegcontent-transfer-encoding: binarycontent-id: 
2.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]!-- binary content MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011content-type: image/jpegcontent-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 3.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]!-- binary content MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_1B620E94F835278E0E11480314414011--
To get this to run, I'm starting the client from a debugger and changing thesoapActionString (\\) to an empty string (because othervise the parsingfails on the server side).
Any ideas? Thanks - really appreciate your help... :)Kind regards,Timo-Original Message-From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 19 May 2006 09:20
To: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachmentsYou need to build the elements if you are going to echo them back to theclient.. IIRC you can call 
omElement.buildAll()to overcome your problem...Axis2 do deffered building of mime parts.. That means mime parts will beread only if the user requests them...In your case you are writing back the response while the attachments are
still in the stream which might be the cause for vanishing of other mimeparts...~ThilinaOn 5/18/06, Timo Ahokas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,We are using Axis2 1.0 (client  server) and sending XML andbinary MTOM attachments to the server. The XML document and thefirst binary attachment are received without problems, but anyadditional attachments never reach the server (are not available
from the OMElement when the server-side code starts executing).I'm sending roughly the following from the client:OMElementOMElementOMElementXML document (constructed via 
StAXOMBuilder.getDocumentElement())/OMElement/OMElementOMElementOMTextBinary attachment 1 (via factory.createOMText(datahandler, true))/OMText
/OMElementOMElementOMTextBinary attachment 2/OMText/OMElementOMElementOMTextBinary attachment n/OMText
/OMElement/OMElementThis is sent out without problems from the client (as confirmed byrunning through the Axis1 SoapMon proxy). The message on the wirelooks like fine, the first part of the multipart contains the
message (SOAP message with a XML payload and include referencesfor all the 1-n binary 

Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
I'm *not* in touch with the code base  :)

[Axis2][1.0] interop with .NET

2006-05-19 Thread Kinichiro Inoguchi

I'm testing to call Axis2 service from .NET client.
When I used Axis2 0.95, I could do that,
but after upgrade to Axis2 1.0, I can't.

.NET client can sends request message to Axis2
and Axis2 service receives that and sends response
message to .NET client.
I saw actual in/out XML messages with TCPMon 1.0.
Though, .NET client got 'Nothing' object as response.

But, I changed 'elementFormDefault' of WSDL schema to
'qualified', and re-generated .NET proxy code, 
.NET client got response successfully !!

It seems elementFormDefault=qualified was default 
generated WSDL settings at 0.95.
With 1.0 elementFormDefault=unqualified seems 

I saw WS-I recommend unqualified, 
so I'd like to verify unqualified, too.

Does anyone succeed interop test between Axis2 1.0
and .NET with WSDL elementFormDefault=unqualified ?


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RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Timo Ahokas
Hi Thilina,

I tried what you suggested by doing this on the server side:

public OMElement service(OMElement element) {

  OMNode firstOMChild = element.getFirstOMChild();
  OMNode nextOMSibling = firstOMChild.getNextOMSibling();
  if(nextOMSibling != null) {
OMNode nextOMSibling2 = nextOMSibling.getNextOMSibling();
if(nextOMSibling2 != null) {
  OMNode nextOMSibling3 = nextOMSibling2.getNextOMSibling();

firstOMChild is the XML payload
nextOMSibling is the first binary attachment
nextOMSibling2 should be the second binary attachment (but is null)
nextOMSibling3 should be the third binary attachment (-||-)

I'm guessing that something is going wrong when the over-the-wire
data is being demarshalled and before the OMElement is even handed
down to my service (which would explain why I see the data
coming in into Axis, but not when it reaches my service). But I
could obviously misinterpret what the debugger is displaying.

And if the mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain
the first attachment (and not just the soap/xml part),

Can't get your point clearly...

I think my point was that if all binary mime processing is deferred, then
why does one out of the three attachments come through fine? Unless
the first one is pre-loaded and any latter ones are deferred...

Has anyone successfully received multiple binary attachments with
Axis 1.0? :)

And Thilina - good luck with the exams... :)


-Original Message-
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 12:50
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

See my comments below

Thanks a lot for the response.

:) WC..

   public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) {
   try {
   element.build ();
   Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements();
   OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement)
   OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement)

   // Handle attachments, if there are any.
   DataHandler attachmentDH;

   while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
   OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement)
   OMText attachment = (OMText)
   /* extract data and persist */


   } catch (Exception e) {

   return createResponseMessage();

So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
XML content
and the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When I
then let the
code run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the first
attachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other

I doubt the problem is with getting the iterator.. IIRC there was a Jira
regarding this Iterator..
Try traversing the tree manually... Going through each and every Element
with getNextSibling, getChild. Just to make sure where the problem is...

are processed. And I'm not currently returning the same content back anyway,
constructing a new response element from scratch.

I have tried with/without the element.build()/buildNext()/detach(), with no
in behaviour. I wasn't able to find an omElement.buildAll() though?

Yeahh.. May be it's not there now. But I'm sure build() might be doing the
same thing.. I'm in touch with the code base a lot due to my oncoming exams

And if
the mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain the first
(and not just
the soap/xml part),

Can't get your point clearly...


as the on the wire message looks something like this:

POST /service HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Axis/2.0
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: multipart/related;
start=0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
start-info=application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8

content-type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8;
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id:  0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- soap message with embedded XML content and include references to all
attachments --

content-type: image/jpeg
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 1.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- binary content --

content-type: image/jpeg
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id:  2.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

!-- binary content --


Is defining a common type for void messages allowed in document/literal?

2006-05-19 Thread Rodrigo Ruiz

Hi all,

I am wondering if it is valid to define a common VoidType as:

xsd:complexType name=VoidType

and use it for all the elements that are empty. That is, for an 
interface like:

public interface MyProfile extends Remote {
  String getMyName();
  void setMyName(String name);

Instead of:

  Input  : GetMyNameRequest   -- GetMyNameRequestType
  Output : GetMyNameResponse  -- GetMyNameResponseType
  Input  : SetMyNameRequest   -- SetMyNameRequestType
  Output : SetMyNameResponse  -- SetMyNameResponseType

where GetMyNameRequestType and SetMyNameResponseType are equivalent, 
have this WSDL definitions:

  Input  : GetMyNameRequest   -- VoidType
  Output : GetMyNameResponse  -- GetMyNameResponseType
  Input  : SetMyNameRequest   -- SetMyNameRequestType
  Output : SetMyNameResponse  -- VoidType

Will Axis correctly understand such a WSDL when generating code?


GRIDSYSTEMSRodrigo Ruiz Aguayo
Parc Bit - Son Espanyol
07120 Palma de Mallorcamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Baleares - España  Tel:+34-971435085 Fax:+34-971435082

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Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.6.1/343 - Release Date: 18/05/2006

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RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Timo Ahokas
Ok, I think I know what's happening...

--[Example 1]
Client sends:
  OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
  OMElementattachment 1/OMElement

--[Example 2]
Client sends:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 2/OMElement

--[Example 3]
Client sends:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

So it seems that the code that is constructing the OMElement for the
service has a bug and it adding the attachments back incorrectly -
it seems to be adding any extra ones (2,3,...) to the parent
element, instead of the current one.

Anyone familiar with the code - where would this be handled?

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
From: Timo Ahokas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 13:39
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

Hi Thilina,

I tried what you suggested by doing this on the server side:

public OMElement service(OMElement element) {

  OMNode firstOMChild = element.getFirstOMChild();
  OMNode nextOMSibling = firstOMChild.getNextOMSibling();
  if(nextOMSibling != null) {
OMNode nextOMSibling2 = nextOMSibling.getNextOMSibling();
if(nextOMSibling2 != null) {
  OMNode nextOMSibling3 = nextOMSibling2.getNextOMSibling();

firstOMChild is the XML payload
nextOMSibling is the first binary attachment
nextOMSibling2 should be the second binary attachment (but is null)
nextOMSibling3 should be the third binary attachment (-||-)

I'm guessing that something is going wrong when the over-the-wire
data is being demarshalled and before the OMElement is even handed
down to my service (which would explain why I see the data
coming in into Axis, but not when it reaches my service). But I
could obviously misinterpret what the debugger is displaying.

And if the mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain
the first attachment (and not just the soap/xml part),

Can't get your point clearly...

I think my point was that if all binary mime processing is deferred, then
why does one out of the three attachments come through fine? Unless
the first one is pre-loaded and any latter ones are deferred...

Has anyone successfully received multiple binary attachments with
Axis 1.0? :)

And Thilina - good luck with the exams... :)


-Original Message-
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 12:50
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

See my comments below

Thanks a lot for the response.

:) WC..

   public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) {
   try {
   element.build ();
   Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements();
   OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement)
   OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement)

   // Handle attachments, if there are any.
   DataHandler attachmentDH;

   while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
   OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement)
   OMText attachment = (OMText)
   /* extract data and persist */


   } catch (Exception e) {

   return createResponseMessage();

So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
XML content
and the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When I
then let the
code run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the first
attachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other

I doubt the problem is with getting the iterator.. IIRC there was a Jira
regarding this Iterator..
Try traversing the tree manually... Going through each and every Element
with getNextSibling, getChild. Just to 

Retrieving Attachments in AXIS 2. rel 1.0

2006-05-19 Thread Cella Laurent
Hi Dear Axis Users and Contributors.

Before to create a JRA Issue about this topic, I prefer present it briefly
in a mail ( cause maybe this bug is not a bug but a misunderstanding ).

I developed a Service with AXIS 2 release 0.95 wich involves SOAP with
attachment requests.
To implement this, I used Axis 2 Online user guide :

It works well except for encoding problems ( not the subject of this email
So with 0.95 it is ok. I got my attachments from a MessageContext property
and retrieving content ids in my input AXIOM element.

The problems occurs when i switched to release 1.0

I used the guide at this link :

So there were packages refactoring, and now there is an Attachment class
wich replaces old MimeHelper.

When i have :
Attachments attachments = (Attachments)
The result is null.

When i make :
for (Iterator it = msgcts.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();
System.out.println(property name :  + (String)it.next());
I obtain nothing, the property map is empty.

I noticed the mechanism to transmit / build MessageContext seems to have
The method init( MessageContext ) is no longer used, and has been replaced
by setOperationContext(OperationContext oc).

I am using a client based on javax.mail and HttpClient packages.

I have tested the same requests with this client targeting a server using
0.95 API and its works fine, but, when I am targeting a server using 1.00
API no attachments in MessageContext transmitted.

All the configuration things seems the same...
If U consider it is worthy to submit a JRA about it with more concrete data,


Laurent CELLA
Inexbee Software



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Wiki page changes

2006-05-19 Thread Thom Hehl
I have some modifications I'd like to make since I spent about a day 
researching to clarify this wiki page: 

How does one go about editing these? Politcally and technically?


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Decryption of a complex Axis2 SOAP message fails in WSS4J/XmlSec

2006-05-19 Thread Reshef Roy
Hello WSS4J and Axis2 folks,

I come back here on this issue which was discussed by
Brian and Werner on the WSS4J mailing list in March,
and has not been resolved. I am facing exactly the
same problem. I believe it is a WSS4J/XMLSec issue,
but I send it to both Axis2 and WSSS4J mailing lists.
The original thread I copied from the mail archive and
added at the bottom.

My configuration is as follows:
- My webservice is running on Axis2 1.0 deployed on
Tomcat 5.5.16
- My client application is a standalone Java
application using an Axis2 1.0 client repository
- jre1.5.0_06
- relevant jar files in the Axis2 lib directory (both
the server and the client): wss4j-1.5.0, xmlsec-1.3.0,
xalan-2.7.0 (probably not relevant), various
javamail-1.4 jars (in case it has to do with the MTOM
- the security configuration of both the webservice
and the Axis2 client repository is similar to the one
in the security sample of Axis2 1.0.

I send a simple SOAP message from the client to the
service, and get a complex, eventually a very complex,
SOAP message containing the data back.

The client-server message works fine, both when I
configure it to be signed and encrypted and when I
The server-client message works fine without
signature and encryption, but fails on the same
exception as Brian's when the client side has to
decrypt it.

At first I thought the fault was in our code, as the
generated XML was a mixture of XML generated by AXIOM
and self-made XML Strings in POJO code (however
Axis2 does escape the  sign). In the past few days I
cleaned our POJO code up completely, now the XML
message is generated solely by AXIOM. I still get the
following exception:

[java] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed; nested
exception is: 
org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Cannot
encrypt/decrypt data; nested exception is: 
Error while decoding
[java] Original Exception was
Error while decoding
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
nitg.dino.dataclient.DataClient.main(Unknown Source)
[java] Caused by:
org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Cannot
encrypt/decrypt data; nested exception is: 
Error while decoding
[java] Original Exception was
Error while decoding
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  ... 12 more
[java] Caused by:
Error while decoding
[java] Original Exception was
Error while decoding
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at

Re: Decryption of a complex Axis2 SOAP message fails in WSS4J/XmlSec

2006-05-19 Thread Ruchith Fernando

Werner, Roy,

Yes ... I think can give it a try by turning off MTOM optimization ...
however the thing that troubles me is that the client - service
configuration seems to be the same as service -client config and it
(client - service) worked with MTOM optimization, where is seems to
be replacing the binary content properly to be decrypted at the



On 5/19/06, Dittmann, Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Axis2 has a feature that optimizes transmission of binary
data, AFAIK it convert base64 into real binary and send it
over the wire. That save some bandwith. The problem is that
the receiver cannot restore the base64 from the binary in
exactly the same way as it was. Thus decryption and also
signatuire processing have problems.

You may switch off this optimization an try again,
no optimizeParts parameter.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Reshef Roy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Mai 2006 17:12
 An: wss4j-dev@ws.apache.org; axis-user@ws.apache.org
 Betreff: Decryption of a complex Axis2 SOAP message fails in

 Hello WSS4J and Axis2 folks,

 I come back here on this issue which was discussed by
 Brian and Werner on the WSS4J mailing list in March,
 and has not been resolved. I am facing exactly the
 same problem. I believe it is a WSS4J/XMLSec issue,
 but I send it to both Axis2 and WSSS4J mailing lists.
 The original thread I copied from the mail archive and
 added at the bottom.

 My configuration is as follows:
 - My webservice is running on Axis2 1.0 deployed on
 Tomcat 5.5.16
 - My client application is a standalone Java
 application using an Axis2 1.0 client repository
 - jre1.5.0_06
 - relevant jar files in the Axis2 lib directory (both
 the server and the client): wss4j-1.5.0, xmlsec-1.3.0,
 xalan-2.7.0 (probably not relevant), various
 javamail-1.4 jars (in case it has to do with the MTOM
 - the security configuration of both the webservice
 and the Axis2 client repository is similar to the one
 in the security sample of Axis2 1.0.

 I send a simple SOAP message from the client to the
 service, and get a complex, eventually a very complex,
 SOAP message containing the data back.

 The client-server message works fine, both when I
 configure it to be signed and encrypted and when I
 The server-client message works fine without
 signature and encryption, but fails on the same
 exception as Brian's when the client side has to
 decrypt it.

 At first I thought the fault was in our code, as the
 generated XML was a mixture of XML generated by AXIOM
 and self-made XML Strings in POJO code (however
 Axis2 does escape the  sign). In the past few days I
 cleaned our POJO code up completely, now the XML
 message is generated solely by AXIOM. I still get the
 following exception:

 [java] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
 WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed; nested
 exception is:
 org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Cannot
 encrypt/decrypt data; nested exception is:
 Error while decoding
 [java] Original Exception was
 Error while decoding
 nitg.dino.dataclient.DataClient.main(Unknown Source)
 [java] Caused by:
 org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Cannot
 encrypt/decrypt data; nested exception is:
 Error while decoding
 [java] Original Exception was
 Error while decoding

Re: Is defining a common type for void messages allowed in document/literal?

2006-05-19 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Yes. It's a good practice.AnneOn 5/19/06, Rodrigo Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,I am wondering if it is valid to define a common VoidType as:xsd:complexType name=VoidType xsd:sequence//xsd:complexTypeand use it for all the elements that are empty. That is, for an
interface like:public interface MyProfile extends Remote { String getMyName(); void setMyName(String name);}Instead of:MyProfilePortType getMyName Input: GetMyNameRequest -- GetMyNameRequestType
 Output : GetMyNameResponse-- GetMyNameResponseType setMyName Input: SetMyNameRequest -- SetMyNameRequestType Output : SetMyNameResponse-- SetMyNameResponseType
where GetMyNameRequestType and SetMyNameResponseType are equivalent,have this WSDL definitions:MyProfilePortType getMyName Input: GetMyNameRequest -- VoidType Output : GetMyNameResponse-- GetMyNameResponseType
 setMyName Input: SetMyNameRequest -- SetMyNameRequestType Output : SetMyNameResponse-- VoidTypeWill Axis correctly understand such a WSDL when generating code?
ThanksRodrigo-GRIDSYSTEMSRodrigo Ruiz AguayoParc Bit - Son Espanyol07120 Palma de Mallorcamailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Baleares - EspañaTel:+34-971435085 Fax:+34-971435082http://www.gridsystems.com---
--No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.6.1/343 - Release Date: 18/05/2006-
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Client Authentication using Certificates for restricting access to an Axis Web Service

2006-05-19 Thread Stephen BROOKE
I have an Axis 1.x web service available via Apache using SSL only.  Our
requirement is that we authenticate users of the service with Apache
client authentication using certificates.

The URL for the web service is something like:

In my Apache configuration I have the following:

SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt

Alias /l3ci /home/dev/myapphome/site/server1/l3ci

Directory /home/dev/myapphome/site/server1/l3ci
  Options MultiViews
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SSLVerifyClient require
  SSLVerifyDepth 1

I have the root certificate in the 'ca-bundle.crt' file and I have both
the root cert and a valid client cert signed by that CA imported into my

I use a browser such as Firefox and IE to test the client authentication
configuration but I can only get it to work from the URL:

https://www.mydomain.com/l3ci   but I need authentication to work from
full service URL above.

As I understand it, Apache client authentication can at best serve at
the Directory directive level.  But my web service URL does not
correspond to an actual directory on disk!

My question is:   Has anyone encountered this problem and found a way to
this or does anyone have any ideas to try?


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Re: Wiki page changes

2006-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Click on Login / UserPreferences, create an id and edit away to you
hearts' content :)


On 5/19/06, Thom Hehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have some modifications I'd like to make since I spent about a day
researching to clarify this wiki page:

How does one go about editing these? Politcally and technically?


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Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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Re: Retrieving Attachments in AXIS 2. rel 1.0

2006-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Yes, please add a JIRA.


On 5/19/06, Cella Laurent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Dear Axis Users and Contributors.

Before to create a JRA Issue about this topic, I prefer present it briefly
in a mail ( cause maybe this bug is not a bug but a misunderstanding ).

I developed a Service with AXIS 2 release 0.95 wich involves SOAP with
attachment requests.
To implement this, I used Axis 2 Online user guide :

It works well except for encoding problems ( not the subject of this email
So with 0.95 it is ok. I got my attachments from a MessageContext property
and retrieving content ids in my input AXIOM element.

The problems occurs when i switched to release 1.0

I used the guide at this link :

So there were packages refactoring, and now there is an Attachment class
wich replaces old MimeHelper.

When i have :
Attachments attachments = (Attachments)
The result is null.

When i make :
for (Iterator it = msgcts.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();
System.out.println(property name :  + (String)it.next());
I obtain nothing, the property map is empty.

I noticed the mechanism to transmit / build MessageContext seems to have
The method init( MessageContext ) is no longer used, and has been replaced
by setOperationContext(OperationContext oc).

I am using a client based on javax.mail and HttpClient packages.

I have tested the same requests with this client targeting a server using
0.95 API and its works fine, but, when I am targeting a server using 1.00
API no attachments in MessageContext transmitted.

All the configuration things seems the same...
If U consider it is worthy to submit a JRA about it with more concrete data,


Laurent CELLA
Inexbee Software

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Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas


Please create a JIRA issue with some code/wsdl whatever is needed to
recreate the problem.


On 5/19/06, Timo Ahokas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, I think I know what's happening...

--[Example 1]
Client sends:
  OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
  OMElementattachment 1/OMElement

--[Example 2]
Client sends:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 2/OMElement

--[Example 3]
Client sends:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

Service receives:
OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
  OMElementattachment 3/OMElement

So it seems that the code that is constructing the OMElement for the
service has a bug and it adding the attachments back incorrectly -
it seems to be adding any extra ones (2,3,...) to the parent
element, instead of the current one.

Anyone familiar with the code - where would this be handled?

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
From: Timo Ahokas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 13:39
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

Hi Thilina,

I tried what you suggested by doing this on the server side:

public OMElement service(OMElement element) {

  OMNode firstOMChild = element.getFirstOMChild();
  OMNode nextOMSibling = firstOMChild.getNextOMSibling();
  if(nextOMSibling != null) {
OMNode nextOMSibling2 = nextOMSibling.getNextOMSibling();
if(nextOMSibling2 != null) {
  OMNode nextOMSibling3 = nextOMSibling2.getNextOMSibling();

firstOMChild is the XML payload
nextOMSibling is the first binary attachment
nextOMSibling2 should be the second binary attachment (but is null)
nextOMSibling3 should be the third binary attachment (-||-)

I'm guessing that something is going wrong when the over-the-wire
data is being demarshalled and before the OMElement is even handed
down to my service (which would explain why I see the data
coming in into Axis, but not when it reaches my service). But I
could obviously misinterpret what the debugger is displaying.

And if the mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain
the first attachment (and not just the soap/xml part),

Can't get your point clearly...

I think my point was that if all binary mime processing is deferred, then
why does one out of the three attachments come through fine? Unless
the first one is pre-loaded and any latter ones are deferred...

Has anyone successfully received multiple binary attachments with
Axis 1.0? :)

And Thilina - good luck with the exams... :)


-Original Message-
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2006 12:50
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

See my comments below

Thanks a lot for the response.

:) WC..

   public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) {
   try {
   element.build ();
   Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements();
   OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement)
   OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement)

   // Handle attachments, if there are any.
   DataHandler attachmentDH;

   while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
   OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement)
   OMText attachment = (OMText)
   /* extract data and persist */


   } catch (Exception e) {

   return createResponseMessage();

So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
XML content
and the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When I
then let the
code run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the first
attachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other

I doubt the problem is with getting the iterator.. 

Re: [Axis2][1.0] interop with .NET

2006-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas

With 1.0 elementFormDefault=unqualified seems default.  -- This
is a bug. Please log a JIRA issue so that we can track and fix it.
Please help recreate the problem with some code as well.


On 5/19/06, Kinichiro Inoguchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm testing to call Axis2 service from .NET client.
When I used Axis2 0.95, I could do that,
but after upgrade to Axis2 1.0, I can't.

.NET client can sends request message to Axis2
and Axis2 service receives that and sends response
message to .NET client.
I saw actual in/out XML messages with TCPMon 1.0.
Though, .NET client got 'Nothing' object as response.

But, I changed 'elementFormDefault' of WSDL schema to
'qualified', and re-generated .NET proxy code,
.NET client got response successfully !!

It seems elementFormDefault=qualified was default
generated WSDL settings at 0.95.
With 1.0 elementFormDefault=unqualified seems

I saw WS-I recommend unqualified,
so I'd like to verify unqualified, too.

Does anyone succeed interop test between Axis2 1.0
and .NET with WSDL elementFormDefault=unqualified ?


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Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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Re: [Axis2][1.0] interop with .NET

2006-05-19 Thread Remy Bertrand

- Original Message - 
From: Kinichiro Inoguchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: [Axis2][1.0] interop with .NET


 Does anyone succeed interop test between Axis2 1.0
 and .NET with WSDL elementFormDefault=unqualified ?


I have never seen a .Net client working without

I tried with Axis 1.2 and 1.4 and .Net framework 1.0 and 2.0

I suppose it is mandatory for .Net.


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Re: [Axis2][1.0] interop with .NET

2006-05-19 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
.NET 1.0 has a bug in that if the schema doesn't specify the elementFormDefault attribute, it defaults to qualified (opposite of XML Schema rules). The problem only occurs if the attribute isn't specified. (e.g
., if you specify elementFormDefault=unqualified, .NET will handle it properly). Therefore, to interoperate with .NET, the schema must specify the elementFormDefault attribute. Previous versions of Axis specify elementFromDefault=qualified by default. 
I just scanned through the WS-I Basic Profile, and I found no rules or recommendations to specify unqualified. It does indication that the child element of the soap:Body should be qualified, and it states that the child elements of soap:Fault must be unqualified, but I see no recommendation for elementFormDefault=unqualified. IMO, such a recommendation would be inappropriate. I view it as a schema design decision.
In any case, my recommendation is that Axis2 should always generate the elementFormDefault attribute -- whether it's qualified or unqualified. AnneOn 5/19/06, 
Kinichiro Inoguchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I'm testing to call Axis2 service from .NET client.When I used Axis2 0.95, I could do that,but after upgrade to Axis2 1.0, I can't..NET client can sends request message to Axis2service,and Axis2 service receives that and sends response
message to .NET client.I saw actual in/out XML messages with TCPMon 1.0.Though, .NET client got 'Nothing' object as response.But, I changed 'elementFormDefault' of WSDL schema to'qualified', and re-generated .NET proxy code,
.NET client got response successfully !!It seems elementFormDefault=qualified was defaultgenerated WSDL settings at 0.95.With 1.0 elementFormDefault=unqualified seemsdefault.
I saw WS-I recommend unqualified,so I'd like to verify unqualified, too.Does anyone succeed interop test between Axis2 1.0and .NET with WSDL elementFormDefault=unqualified ?
Thanks,kinichiro__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection aroundhttp://mail.yahoo.com
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Re: Axis2: REST-Style with HTTP-GET - how to add parameters?

2006-05-19 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Your WSDL doesn't have a GET binding (just POST).On 5/18/06, Christoph Miksovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hello everybody,I have problems acessing the Axis2SampleDocLitService Sample using
REST-Style with HTTP-GET.Can you please tell me what is the correct way to set the parameter?The operation signature is echoString(String echoStringParam) (see WSDLFile below).I tried several things like for instance
http://localhost:8080/axis2/rest/Axis2SampleDocLitService/echoString?echoStringParam=helloBut I always get an error as follows:
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding error; nested exception is:java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding error; nested exception is:org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding error; nested exception is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding errororg.apache.axis2.transport.http.util.RESTUtil.processGetRequest(RESTUtil.java:141)org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisRESTServlet.doGet(AxisRESTServlet.java
:36)javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)Thanks a lot for any help!Cheers,Christoph_
WSDL File, generated by Axis2 Engine:wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLit
-wsdl:types-schema targetNamespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/xsdelementFormDefault=qualified attributeFormDefault=unqualified
-complexType name=ArrayOfstring_literal-sequenceelement type=string name=string maxOccurs=unbounded//sequence
/complexType-complexType name=SOAPStruct-allelement type=float name=varFloat/element type=int name=varInt/
element type=string name=varString//all/complexTypeelement type=string name=echoStringParam/element type=int name=echoIntParam/
element type=string name=echoStringReturn/element type=xsd1:ArrayOfstring_literal name=echoStringArrayParam/element type=xsd1:ArrayOfstring_literal name=echoStringArrayReturn/
element type=xsd1:SOAPStruct name=echoStructParam/element type=xsd1:SOAPStruct name=echoStructReturn//schema/wsdl:types-
wsdl:message name=echoStringArraywsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStringArrayParam name=part1//wsdl:message-wsdl:message name=echoStringArrayResponse
wsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStringArrayReturn name=part1//wsdl:message-wsdl:message name=echoStringwsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStringParam name=part1/
/wsdl:message-wsdl:message name=echoStringResponsewsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStringReturn name=part1//wsdl:message-wsdl:message name=echoStruct
wsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStructParam name=part1//wsdl:message-wsdl:message name=echoStructResponsewsdl:part element=xsd1:echoStructReturn name=part1/
/wsdl:message-wsdl:portType name=Axis2SampleDocLitServicePortType-wsdl:operation name=echoStringArraywsdl:input message=tns:echoStringArray/
wsdl:output message=tns:echoStringArrayResponse//wsdl:operation-wsdl:operation name=echoStringwsdl:input message=tns:echoString/
wsdl:output message=tns:echoStringResponse//wsdl:operation-wsdl:operation name=echoStructwsdl:input message=tns:echoStruct/
wsdl:output message=tns:echoStructResponse//wsdl:operation/wsdl:portType-wsdl:binding type=tns:Axis2SampleDocLitServicePortTypename=Axis2SampleDocLitServiceSOAP11Binding
soap:binding style=document transport=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http/-wsdl:operation name=echoStringArray
soap:operation style=document soapAction=echoStringArray/-wsdl:inputsoap:body namespace=
http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal//wsdl:input-wsdl:outputsoap:body namespace=
http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal//wsdl:output/wsdl:operation-wsdl:operation name=echoStringsoap:operation style=document soapAction=echoString/
-wsdl:inputsoap:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal/
/wsdl:input-wsdl:outputsoap:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal/
/wsdl:output/wsdl:operation-wsdl:operation name=echoStructsoap:operation style=document soapAction=echoStruct/-wsdl:input
soap:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal//wsdl:input-
wsdl:outputsoap:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLituse=literal//wsdl:output
/wsdl:operation/wsdl:binding-wsdl:binding type=tns:Axis2SampleDocLitServicePortTypename=Axis2SampleDocLitServiceSOAP12Bindingsoap12:binding style=document transport=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http/-wsdl:operation name=echoStringArraysoap12:operation style=document soapAction=echoStringArray/
-wsdl:inputsoap12:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLit use=literal/
/wsdl:input-wsdl:outputsoap12:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLit use=literal/
/wsdl:output/wsdl:operation-wsdl:operation name=echoStringsoap12:operation style=document soapAction=echoString/-wsdl:input
soap12:body namespace=http://userguide.axis2.apache.org/Axis2SampleDocLit use=literal//wsdl:input-

Robust In Only with RPC

2006-05-19 Thread mmacfadden
Is there a way to use the Robust In Only MEP with a web service generated 
by using the RPC Receivers?

I have a method:

void createItem( foo )

That may through an exception.  I would like the client to get a soap 
fault if there is an exception?  Is this possible.

Michael MacFadden
Tomax Corp - http://www.tomax.com

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errors deploying new wsdl

2006-05-19 Thread Edwin Grubbs
I am running axis-1_3 on jboss-4.0.3SP1. Occasionally, when I try to
send the undeploy.wsdd and deploy.wsdd files with the AdminClient ant
task, I receive the traceback below. I have an external load balancer,
so it is ok to restart each jboss instance one at a time, but if the
AdminClient send the wsdd files before anyone connects, I will get the
exception again. I presume that I could shut down jboss, edit the
server-config.wsdd with my own script, and then start jboss back up,
but I am wary of that. I was wondering if there was any way to process
the undeploy.wsdd and deploy.wsdd without jboss running.

It would also be a possible solution to start up jboss on a different
port, so the load balancer doesn't forward it any soap requests, run
the AdminClient on the wsdd files, and then restart jboss on the normal
port, but that seems prone to break.

I would appreciate any ideas on how to deploy new jars and wsdl simultaneously to jboss cleanly.


Exceptions when trying to send the undeploy.wsdd and deploy.wsdd via the AdminClient:
Buildfile: build.xml

[adminclient] Processing file /home/egrubbs/crm-ws/src/com/space/core/crm/core2crm/undeploy.wsdd
[adminclient] AxisFault
[adminclient] faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException
[adminclient] faultSubcode:
[adminclient] faultString:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: removeAttribute: Session already
[adminclient] java.lang.IllegalStateException: removeAttribute: Session already invalidated
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.removeAttribute(StandardSession.java:1165)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.removeAttribute(StandardSession.java:1140)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade.removeAttribute(StandardSessionFacade.java:139)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisHttpSession.remove(AxisHttpSession.java:94)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService.clearSessions(SOAPService.java:136)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDUndeployment.undeployFromRegistry(WSDDUndeployment.java:171)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDocument.deploy(WSDDDocument.java:154)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.utils.Admin.processWSDD(Admin.java:116)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.utils.Admin.process(Admin.java:158)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.utils.Admin.AdminService(Admin.java:65)
[adminclient] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[adminclient] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
[adminclient] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
[adminclient] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.providers.java.MsgProvider.processMessage(MsgProvider.java:126)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.providers.java.JavaProvider.invoke(JavaProvider.java:323)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(InvocationStrategy.java:32)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(SimpleChain.java:118)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(SimpleChain.java:83)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService.invoke(SOAPService.java:453)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer.invoke(AxisServer.java:281)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java:699)
[adminclient] at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717)
[adminclient] at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.service(AxisServletBase.java:327)
[adminclient] at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
[adminclient] at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(ReplyHeaderFilter.java:81)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:202)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213)
[adminclient] at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178)
[adminclient] at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.CustomPrincipalValve.invoke(CustomPrincipalValve.java:39)
[adminclient] at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.SecurityAssociationValve.invoke(SecurityAssociationValve.java:159)
[adminclient] at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JaccContextValve.invoke(JaccContextValve.java:59)
[adminclient] at 

Re: Decryption of a complex Axis2 SOAP message fails in WSS4J/XmlSec

2006-05-19 Thread Reshef Roy

Ruchith, Werner.

Thanks for your (again, fast :) replies.
Unfortunately I was already celebrating the weekend
when I read them :) Monday morning (CET, I'm in
Holland), I'll turn off the MTOM optimization and see
where it leads. I'll post the results of course.

As for thoughts: what Werner says does make some sense
to me. I do not know the MTOM optimization mechanism
but the client-service SOAP message (see my original
post, here it's truncated already) is rather small. It
includes actually the identification of the action and
one or two parameters only.
The service-client message is much larger and depends
on the exact data one is querying for (the entities we
ask for have children entities and the message can
include these ones as well).
Again, I am not familiar with the MTOM optimization
algorithm but if it resembles other encoding and
compression algorithms I do know, maybe it is more
forgiving for small amounts of data; or for a a less
complex XML strructure?

When Brian complained about it in March he also
complained about sending a complex XML document. Like
him, my original message also included in the first
place as a CDATA an embedded XML document (generated
by a POJO object) but I have removed that and now I
only work with AXIOM to generate the SOAP message.

Friday at midnight I don't have any brighter ideas,
more will follow Monday :)

Nice weekend,

/ Roy

--- Ruchith Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Werner, Roy,
 Yes ... I think can give it a try by turning off
 MTOM optimization ...
 however the thing that troubles me is that the
 client - service
 configuration seems to be the same as service
 -client config and it
 (client - service) worked with MTOM optimization,
 where is seems to
 be replacing the binary content properly to be
 decrypted at the
 On 5/19/06, Dittmann, Werner
  Axis2 has a feature that optimizes transmission of
  data, AFAIK it convert base64 into real binary and
 send it
  over the wire. That save some bandwith. The
 problem is that
  the receiver cannot restore the base64 from the
 binary in
  exactly the same way as it was. Thus decryption
 and also
  signatuire processing have problems.
  You may switch off this optimization an try again,
  no optimizeParts parameter.
   -Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-
   Von: Reshef Roy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Mai 2006 17:12
   An: wss4j-dev@ws.apache.org;
   Betreff: Decryption of a complex Axis2 SOAP
 message fails in
   Hello WSS4J and Axis2 folks,
   I come back here on this issue which was
 discussed by
   Brian and Werner on the WSS4J mailing list in
   and has not been resolved. I am facing exactly
   same problem. I believe it is a WSS4J/XMLSec
   but I send it to both Axis2 and WSSS4J mailing
   The original thread I copied from the mail
 archive and
   added at the bottom.
   My configuration is as follows:
   - My webservice is running on Axis2 1.0 deployed
   Tomcat 5.5.16
   - My client application is a standalone Java
   application using an Axis2 1.0 client repository
   - jre1.5.0_06
   - relevant jar files in the Axis2 lib directory
   the server and the client): wss4j-1.5.0,
   xalan-2.7.0 (probably not relevant), various
   javamail-1.4 jars (in case it has to do with the
   - the security configuration of both the
   and the Axis2 client repository is similar to
 the one
   in the security sample of Axis2 1.0.
   I send a simple SOAP message from the client to
   service, and get a complex, eventually a very
   SOAP message containing the data back.
   The client-server message works fine, both when
   configure it to be signed and encrypted and when
   The server-client message works fine without
   signature and encryption, but fails on the same
   exception as Brian's when the client side has to
   decrypt it.
   At first I thought the fault was in our code, as
   generated XML was a mixture of XML generated by
   and self-made XML Strings in POJO code
   Axis2 does escape the  sign). In the past few
 days I
   cleaned our POJO code up completely, now the XML
   message is generated solely by AXIOM. I still
 get the
   following exception:
   [java] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
   WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed;
   exception is:
   encrypt/decrypt data; nested exception is:

   Error while decoding
   [java] Original Exception was

   Error while decoding

Question on how to generate faults

2006-05-19 Thread Venkat Gyambavantha


I used wsdl2java to generate server
skeleton code. One of my operation can generate fault. The code generated by
wsdl2java has a method that throws the faultmessage (subclass of
RemoteException). How to throw this exception?


missing jar file ???

2006-05-19 Thread maxim
I would really appreciate if someone will tell me what jar file is missing
when I am trying to build Axis 1.4 with Xmlbeans support ( unsder java 1.4.2).

[javac] Compiling 4 source files to 
 package org.xmlsoap.schemas.wsdl does not exist
[javac] import org.xmlsoap.schemas.wsdl.DefinitionsDocument;
[javac] ^
 package org.xmlsoap.schemas.wsdl does not exist
[javac] import org.xmlsoap.schemas.wsdl.TTypes;
[javac] ^
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class DefinitionsDocument 
[javac] location: class 
[javac] public static DefinitionsDocument parseWSDL(String wsdlLocation)
[javac]   ^
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class DefinitionsDocument 
[javac] location: class 
[javac] public static DefinitionsDocument parseWSDL(File wsdlFile)
[javac]   ^
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class DefinitionsDocument 
[javac] location: class 
[javac] public static DefinitionsDocument parseWSDL(URL wsdlURL)
[javac]   ^
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class DefinitionsDocument 
[javac] location: class 
[javac] public static DefinitionsDocument parseWSDL(InputStream 
[javac]   ^
 package DefinitionsDocument does not exist
[javac] return DefinitionsDocument.Factory.parse(wsdlFile);
[javac]   ^
 package DefinitionsDocument does not exist
[javac] return DefinitionsDocument.Factory.parse(wsdlURL);
[javac]   ^
 package DefinitionsDocument does not exist
[javac] return DefinitionsDocument.Factory.parse(wsdlStream);
[javac]   ^
 cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class TTypes 
[javac] location: class 
[javac] TTypes tt = 
[javac] ^

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Exception when trying to send faults

2006-05-19 Thread Venkat Gyambavantha

When I try to throw a fault message
exception, I see the following exception 















Any help is really appreciated

Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments

2006-05-19 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
Can you post your client code for the creation of the OMElements... And the XML payload of the root MIME part... Your earlier posted code and the message snaphots does not contain any valuable thing...

I think you are talking about the XOP:Include element as the extra added element...

On 5/19/06, Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Timo,Please create a JIRA issue with some code/wsdl whatever is needed torecreate the problem.
thanks,dimsOn 5/19/06, Timo Ahokas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ok, I think I know what's happening... --[Example 1]
 Client sends: OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElementattachment 1/OMElement OMElementattachment 2/OMElement OMElementattachment 3/OMElement
 /OMElement Service receives: OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElementattachment 1/OMElement /OMElement
 --[Example 2] Client sends: OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElement OMElementattachment 1/OMElement
 OMElementattachment 2/OMElement OMElementattachment 3/OMElement /OMElement /OMElement Service receives:
 OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElement OMElementattachment 1/OMElement /OMElement OMElementattachment 2/OMElement
 /OMElement --[Example 3] Client sends: OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElement OMElement
 OMElementattachment 1/OMElement OMElementattachment 2/OMElement OMElementattachment 3/OMElement /OMElement
 /OMElement /OMElement Service receives: OMElement OMElementXMLOMELement OMElement OMElement
 OMElementattachment 1/OMElement /OMElement OMElementattachment 2/OMElement /OMElement OMElementattachment 3/OMElement
 /OMElement So it seems that the code that is constructing the OMElement for the service has a bug and it adding the attachments back incorrectly - it seems to be adding any extra ones (2,3,...) to the parent
 element, instead of the current one. Anyone familiar with the code - where would this be handled? Kind regards, Timo -Original Message- From: Timo Ahokas [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 19 May 2006 13:39 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org Subject: RE: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments
 Hi Thilina, I tried what you suggested by doing this on the server side: public OMElement service(OMElement element) { element.build(); element.buildNext
(); element.detach(); OMNode firstOMChild = element.getFirstOMChild(); OMNode nextOMSibling = firstOMChild.getNextOMSibling(); if(nextOMSibling != null) { OMNode nextOMSibling2 = 
nextOMSibling.getNextOMSibling(); if(nextOMSibling2 != null) { OMNode nextOMSibling3 = nextOMSibling2.getNextOMSibling(); } } ... firstOMChild is the XML payload
 nextOMSibling is the first binary attachment nextOMSibling2 should be the second binary attachment (but is null) nextOMSibling3 should be the third binary attachment (-||-) I'm guessing that something is going wrong when the over-the-wire
 data is being demarshalled and before the OMElement is even handed down to my service (which would explain why I see the data coming in into Axis, but not when it reaches my service). But I could obviously misinterpret what the debugger is displaying.
 And if the mime processing is deferred, why would the element contain the first attachment (and not just the soap/xml part),  Can't get your point clearly...
 I think my point was that if all binary mime processing is deferred, then why does one out of the three attachments come through fine? Unless the first one is pre-loaded and any latter ones are deferred...
 Has anyone successfully received multiple binary attachments with Axis 1.0? :) And Thilina - good luck with the exams... :) Cheers Timo -Original Message-
 From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 19 May 2006 12:50 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org Subject: Re: [Axis2] Vanishing MTOM attachments
 Hi, See my comments below Thanks a lot for the response. :) WC..public OMElement mediaTransformation(OMElement element) {
try {element.build ();element.detach();Iterator serviceIterator = element.getChildElements();OMElement servicePayload = (OMElement)
 serviceIterator.next();OMElement xmlDoc = (OMElement) servicePayload.getChildElements().next();// Handle attachments, if there are any.DataHandler attachmentDH;
while(serviceIterator.hasNext()) {OMElement attachmentElement = (OMElement) serviceIterator.next();OMText attachment = (OMText)
 attachmentElement.getFirstOMChild();/* extract data and persist */}processXML(xmlDoc);} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace();}return createResponseMessage();} So when I get an element in, and inspect in the Eclipse debugger, I see the
 XML content and the first binary attachment, but none of the other attachments. When I then let the code run through, it extracts (and successfully saves to disc) the first binary
 attachment. But the iterator only contains one element, so none of the other attachments I doubt the problem is with getting the iterator.. IIRC there was a Jira regarding this Iterator..
 Try traversing the tree manually... Going through each and 

Re: Exception when trying to send faults

2006-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas

This has been fixed in latest SVN. Could u please try a nightly build?


On 5/19/06, Venkat Gyambavantha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I try to throw a fault message exception, I see the following exception















Any help is really appreciated

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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Help me with Axis

2006-05-19 Thread Nicolas Guaneme

Hello All,

I have this WSDL service

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/;



  xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; name=MPPWebServices





  xsd:element name=getBankListRequest



  xsd:element name=EntityCode type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1





  xsd:complexType name=ArrayOfGetBankList


  xsd:element name=financialInstitutionCode

  type=xsd:string minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=financialInstitutionName

  type=xsd:string minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1




  xsd:element name=getBabkListResponse



  xsd:complexType name=getBankListResponseType





  xsd:complexType name=getBankListRequestType


  xsd:element ref=tns:getBankListRequest/xsd:element



  xsd:element name=createTransactionPaymentResponse



  xsd:element name=createResponse






  xsd:element name=createTransactionPaymentRequest



  xsd:element name=createRequest









  xsd:element name=EntityCode type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=TicketId type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=SrvCode type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=PaymentDesc type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=TransValue type=xsd:decimal

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=TransVatValue type=xsd:decimal

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=UserType type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=Reference1 type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=Reference2 type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=Reference3 type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=PaymentSystem type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=URLResponse type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=FICode type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1







  xsd:element name=ReturnCode type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1


  xsd:element name=Url type=xsd:string

  minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1



Help Me!!

2006-05-19 Thread Nicolas Guaneme

Hello All,

I have this WSDL service

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/;
   xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; name=MPPWebServices
   xsd:element name=getBankListRequest
   xsd:element name=EntityCode type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:complexType name=ArrayOfGetBankList
   xsd:element name=financialInstitutionCode
   type=xsd:string minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=financialInstitutionName
   type=xsd:string minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1

   xsd:element name=getBabkListResponse

   xsd:complexType name=getBankListResponseType


   xsd:complexType name=getBankListRequestType
   xsd:element ref=tns:getBankListRequest/xsd:element

   xsd:element name=createTransactionPaymentResponse
   xsd:element name=createResponse
   xsd:element name=createTransactionPaymentRequest
   xsd:element name=createRequest
   xsd:element name=EntityCode type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=TicketId type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=SrvCode type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=PaymentDesc type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=TransValue type=xsd:decimal
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=TransVatValue type=xsd:decimal
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=UserType type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=Reference1 type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=Reference2 type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=Reference3 type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=PaymentSystem type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=URLResponse type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=FICode type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1

   xsd:element name=ReturnCode type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1
   xsd:element name=Url type=xsd:string
   minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1