Hi Oytun,

Are you able to recompile the kernel module and batctl? If so, I
could have a look at updating that patch for a more recent
batman-adv version.

Actually, I'm also kind of curious about your use-case. Sounds
like it's not 802.11 wifi you are using, right?

Regards, Linus

On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 12:58:15PM -0000, oytunya...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi Linus,
>     Thank you for the answer. Configuring batman-adv from /sys is deprecated 
> in the last version (batctl is the only way now). I am not sure how to apply 
> this patch. What do you suggest as a proper way of doing this?
> Regards.
> Oytun

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