Forgot to actually look at this. Looks fine on my G1. One minor
interesting thing I have noticed though is I think due to the G1's
browser and how it treats caching. I accessed the page in portrait and
it looked fine, then rotated to landscape without reloading, which
made a few things in the layout go vaguely wrong, then I refreshed in
landscape mode and it still reported portrait mode at the bottom. Not
sure if that's relevant but I thought I'd mention it. Love the
graphical representation of resolutions - very interesting.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Brian
Butterworth<> wrote:
> Right.
> After some considerable messing around, I have created a version of the
> WURFL system that works on the LAMP server I use.
> Well, I hope it does.
> If you have a mobile browser and a few seconds of time, can you point it to
>  to verify if your device gets recognised please?
> Thanks in advance...

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