Hi All,

Things at Backstage have been quite hectic but also quiet to the public.
So whats been going on?

Well here's a list which I think you will find interesting.

1. New BBC Backstage Blog with comments
2. New BBC Backstage Logo Competition
3. PA Press Event API via Backstage
4. New ideas store application
5. Thinking Digital Audio via IT Conversations
6. BBC Backstage Christmas party
7. BBC Backstage and Geekup events

So thats the highlights, now some details.

+ New BBC Backstage Blog with comments & New ideas store application
We've had one heck of a ride trying to get the backstage blog somewhere
more stable. Comments have been turned off for a eternity due to spam
and our mailbox has over a million spam comments.
So we're moving the blog to blogs.bbc.co.uk and updating the style. We
want to encourage casual backstagers to comment directly on prototypes
and news items. The mailing-list will stay as it is but we hope to use
the archive more to pull the list into the site via RSS.

With the move, we're also launching a new site called ideas store. This
is basically ubuntu brainstorm/ideatorrent setup for you all to submit
ideas in a more structured way. For example people can vote up ideas and
add comments. This should lead the way for people to float ideas
surrounding backstage or other BBC projects/sites. So if you've always
wanted to raise the idea of the BBC using OGG Vorbis streams, now you
can and gather support around it.

+ New BBC Backstage Logo competition
The BBC backstage logo we created back 2 years ago was great for the
time. But the tag cloud format is tired and not ideal, so we wanted to
see what the community could come up with. Obviously you will be
rewarded for your fantastic efforts. Expect a full blog post and mail
about this very soon.

+ PA Press Event API via Backstage
Everything has come together and we're now able to offer the PA Events
API under a backstage non-commercial licence. This means you will all
have access to one of the richest event databases in the country. On top
of that, PA Press have setup a competition to go with the launch of the
API. There very interested in what you can do beyond sticking events on
a map.

+ Thinking Digital Audio via IT Conversations
We truly believe the UK is a hot bed for development and ideas but we're
not doing enough to maybe promote ourselves and talent. So to aid with
this, we are recording conferences we go to for future re-use on the
non-profit and highly listen to ITConversations.com. Our first recording
from Thinking Digital just went up last week involving Matt Locke of all
people - http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail3837.html

+ BBC Backstage Christmas party
Every year we have a Christmas Party and most of the people suggest we
should have one in the north of england. So this time around, we're
throwing two. One in London (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1225222)
and one in Manchester (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1225186). As you
can see the London one doesn't have a venue quite yet. But you can
sign-up now and please pass it around its free and should be a good

+ BBC Backstage and Geekup events
We've teamed up with geekup in the north to run a small round of events
around more that just internet development. So for example our first one
we have invited Adrian Hon from Sixtostart up to Manchester to give a
talk about Alternative Reality Gaming and Chaotic Fiction
(http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1225071). We expect to have our next
one in the new year

So lots to look forward to in the next few weeks...

Ian Forrester

This e-mail is: [] private; [x] ask first; [] bloggable

Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
Room 1044, BBC Manchester BH, Oxford Road, M60 1SJ
work: +44 (0)2080083965
mob: +44 (0)7711913293 

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