Matthew Somerville has done some more fantastic tweaks and pokes with
the BBC News headline/front page archive that he's been running for
quite a while now.
There's a selection of tag clouds weighted by use of keywords in the
story, the headline and just the main headline. Its for Feb 07.
Plotting how a story develops over time.
Showing how categories are represented amongst the lead stories on BBC
News (UK politics, world, World - middle east etc)
An image timeline, headline search, story timelines, and other goodies
are all hosted here:
Matthew's original piece of work was documenting how the front page of
BBC News changes minute by minute
I know tag clouds are old hat these days ;) but actually i think they
work really well in visualising the BBC News agenda for a limited period
as well as conveying Feb's news at a glance (bird, flu, iraq, police
basically) but we're keen on any feedback for the other bits and bobs
I'm sure Matthew will be on to describe this later and he'll be able to
share with you what timeline tools he's co-opted so i'll keep this

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