[BackupPC-users] Does backuppc_nightly run to early?

2007-03-13 Thread Clemens von Musil

I recently added a new share to my backup host. This share does initially take 
about 24 hours to be backed 
up due to a bad network connection. The files on this share do not (or nearly 
to not) change, so I expected 
all further backups to be done somewhat more quick. 
In fact, all following backups take about 24 hours. The new share never occurs 
in the cgi interface.
Could it be, that backuppc_nightly purges the transferred files _before_ they 
are hardlinked into the pc directory? 
Following snippet comes from backuppc's log:

1) 2007-03-10 19:00:00 Started incr backup on kanzlei.fpvm.vonmusil.com 
(pid=28476, share=/home/samba/Kanzlei/)
2) 2007-03-10 19:00:30 Started incr backup on kanzlei.fpvm.vonmusil.com 
(pid=28476, share=/home/users/)
   [... long time ...]
3) 2007-03-11 18:17:50 Finished incr backup on host1.domain.net
4) 2007-03-11 18:17:50 Running 2 BackupPC_nightly jobs from 0..15 (out of 0..15)
5) 2007-03-11 18:17:50 Running BackupPC_link host1.domain.net (pid=27328)
6) 2007-03-11 18:17:50 Running BackupPC_nightly -m 0 127 (pid=27329)
7) 2007-03-11 18:17:50 Running BackupPC_nightly 128 255 (pid=27330)
8) 2007-03-11 18:17:52 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_sendEmail
9) 2007-03-11 18:17:52 Finished  admin1  (BackupPC_nightly 128 255)

This is done ith backuppc 2.1 from the debian repository. Except of this, 
Backuppc runs like a charm! 

Thank you, 


Clemens von Musil

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Re: [BackupPC-users] How to disable full backups ?

2007-02-02 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi Komodo,

I am kinda new to backuppc, but I think this is the point. If setting
fullperoid to 7000, next schedule schould be in about 20 years.
Presumed, backuppc accepts 7000 as not to high.

BUT - and I know, this is _not_ what you asked, excuse me for mention it
- are you sure, you really want no full backups? If it is, that you have
a huge amount of data with a slow network connection, you still can do
full backups. Using rsync, backuppc does not all the files over the
network. This was discussed and explained earlier (somewhere between Jan
16 and 20). If you want, I can search and forward the corresponding
mails to you.
I have a host whose initial backup took about 60 hours. It is a small
but productive file server. Incrementals every day take less than 10
minutes, the fulls every seven days take less than 20 minutes.


komodo schrieb:
> Thanks, maybe i'm blind, but i don't see where is this written, there is only 
> incrperiod and full period, but i don't want any full backups at all,except 
> the first one ,so how should i configure this ? Should i set fullperiod to 
> extremely high number ? I am using rsync so i think the age fo files is 
> irrelevant, beacuse if i am right, then when i am using rsync, old files are 
> deleted automaticaly.
> On Friday 02 February 2007 10:45, you wrote:
>> On Friday 02 February 2007 3:37 am, komodo wrote:
>>> Hi, i have searched in the archive but i don't found anything.
>>> Is there any possibility to disable full backups ?
>>> I want one full backup, and then only incremental.
>> Hmmm, check config.pl.  :)
>> Fire up your favorite text editor and search for "$Conf{IncrPeriod}".  The
>> comments above and below it, for quite some distance, describe at length
>> how to configure exactly what you're wanting to configure.  Someone else
>> here can probably give a quicker answer than I can otherwise, but this
>> points you in the right direction at least.
>> Dave
>>> Thanks


Clemens von Musil

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[BackupPC-users] Question about file size/reuse summary

2007-01-26 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi all,

first, I wanna thank you for a great backup tool and very, very helpfull

Second - there still are some mysterials for me. ;-)
I don't understand the summaries on my host status pages.
Below, I copied a file site/count reuse summarym taken from a host I
backup with rsync/ssh.
I cannot fugure out, what the existing files/new files should be. And I
don't see, how this columns correspond with the totals column.
On full backup, the total files count should be the total number of
files, the host ofers? But why is the new file count in the first row
higher than the total file count? Is it something with directories
counted in New Files but not in totals?
I think my main problem in understanding the table is that I don't know,
what existing and new files are in terms of backuppc with rsync.
Does someone can give me some hints about what the numbers do mean?

Thanks a lot,

Totals  Existing Files  New Files
Backup# Type#Files  Size/MB MB/sec  #Files  Size/MB 
#Files  Size/MB
full82021431.9  0.01377 5.6 98911426.7
incr43  3.1 0.0218  1.8 609 1.3
incr57  3.6 0.0244  2.9 48  0.8
incr58  3.8 0.0256  3.6 7   0.2
incr58  3.7 0.0257  3.6 3   0.1
incr82  5.3 0.0150  2.5 96  2.9
full82321434.2  1.9682131433.3  118 0.9
incr32  1.9 0.0112  0.8 80  1.2
incr46  3.8 0.0130  1.9 49  1.9


Clemens von Musil

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[BackupPC-users] Migrating to V3

2007-01-19 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi all,

if version 3 will turn from beta to stable - will it be possible to
migrate an existing system, with filespool etc., towards the newer version?
Is it already now possible to outline what I need to do the migration?

Thanks in advance,


Clemens von Musil

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[BackupPC-users] Avoiding long backup times

2007-01-19 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi all,

while playing with backuppc, I got some new questions... New at least
for me ;-)

One configured backup host  has a very slow network connection - a full
backup lasts about two days. Because of the exclusive run of
backuppc_nightly in 2.xx, I learned, this full backup stalls all other
backups. I want to avoid tihs situation and got stuck in following:

What exactly happens during full backup? I read, that backuppc stores
every identical file only one time. Whereever needed, this file is
linked to. What happens with an unchanged file in a full backup? Since
it is allready in the spool - will BackupPC transfer it again?
If the file will not be transferred again - what is the difference
between full and incremenal?
And if yes - does it make sense to keep one full for ever and dealing
only with following incrementals?

Thanks a lot,


Clemens von Musil

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[BackupPC-users] Pending Jobs and Conf{MaxBackups}

2007-01-16 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi all,
got another one, I don't understand. I configured 4 hosts, of which 1
has a very poor network connection. I expect the first full backup to
need about two days. Now, this full is running for about 15 hours and
the cgi-interface status page shows me:

* 2 pending backup requests from last scheduled wakeup,
* 1 pending user backup requests,

from the other hosts.
My main config.pl contains:

 = 4;
 = 4;

Since the one running job plus all three waiting jobs don't exceed the 
$Conf{MaxBackups}, why doesn't backuppc run all jobs in parallel? 

Thanks for any hint, 


Clemens von Musil

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[BackupPC-users] What happens, if client rsync process crashes?

2007-01-15 Thread Clemens von Musil
Hi all,

I am very new to backupPC - and I like it more more and more every day. ;-)

I made a direcory with four 1MB files and some smaller text files for
test purposes.
Today, I tried some error cases and killed the rsync process on my
client machine while syncing with xfermethod=rsync. After killing the
process, the cgi interface showed this backup run as OK, but most of my
test files were not backed up. The files transfered until my interrupt
seem to be in the archive, all other files lack.

Is this the expected behaviour?

If yes: How can I distinguish between an correctly backed up archive and
an archive, that is half backed up due to a process crash on the client

Thanks a lot,

Btw: I use backuppc as packaged by debian maintainers (sarge). It is v2.1.1

Clemens von Musil

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