Re: [BackupPC-users] Support for backuppc v4 on standard Linux distros

2019-02-15 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Il 15/02/19 03:16, ha scritto:

I was surprised to find that popular distros like Ubuntu and Debian do
not support v4 even though the presumably stable v4.0 was released
almost 2 years ago.

Any ideas why the distros haven't moved to v4?
Are there stability concerns?
Other issues?

Just want to understand any possible limitations or concerns before I
go to the trouble of compiling my own packages and migrating to v4...
I migrated from v3 a year ago on CentOS 7.5 (7.4 at the time) using the 
packages on Epel repository.
I did not see any instability so far, in fact I think getting rid of 
hard links was very good choice.

Getting rid in a real migrated situation is another story, but v4 has 
good tools to convert old style backup and good configuration choice to 
manatain your old style backups if you prefer (mixing v3 and v4 is not a 
problem). You've even got a graph with v3 vs v4 disk space.

So I suggest to make a generous cup of coffee, read the docs and go!


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Status on new BackupPC v4

2016-04-22 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Hi Michael!
When it will become too mature, it will fall down!

The World outside IS evolving!

Today BPC is a great piece of software and I use it and I like it, but 
in a few year without development it will be good for a place in a OSS 



Paolo Basenghi / Sistemi Informativi <>

Azienda Speciale Farmacie Comunali Riunite
Office: +39 0522 543312 / Fax: +39 0522 550146
Via Doberdò, 9 - 42122 Reggio Emilia (RE)
P.I. 00761840354 - <> 
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destinate esclusivamente alla/e persona/e o all'ente sopra indicati. E' 
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Il 22/04/2016 11:03, Michael Schumacher ha scritto:

Hi Sorin,

Friday, April 22, 2016, 9:34:11 AM, you wrote:

SS> I hope it's not off-topic on this particular list, but what alternatives do
SS> we have, that are as easy to install and maintain as BPC?

why would you need an alternative? BackupPC is a mature product. I do
not miss any features. Just use it.
In fact, I appreciate the fact that it is not evolving to a feature
monster over time.

  best regards
Michael Schumacher

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Re: [BackupPC-users] rsync 3.1.2

2015-12-23 Thread Paolo Basenghi

They added --hard-links option (among others) to the rrsync perl script.
I don't know that script but probably now it works with BackupPC

Il 22/12/2015 15:02, Mauro Condarelli ha scritto:

Changelog for latest rsync release 
( states:


- Added a few extra long-option names to rrsync script, which will make
BackupPC happier.

Does anyone know what does it really mean?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] R: Re: Storage replica

2015-12-18 Thread Paolo Basenghi
If you hate yourself, why not!  ;-)
I suspect you need knowledge on how BPC organizes the pool to find every 
reference to every single file belonging to a single PC...

On the web you can find already made scripts that do something similar 
(I don't remember the links), but my guess is that rsync is not your 
tool, not with 2,5 TiB pool...

Il 17/12/2015 16:04, ha scritto:
> Hi.
> let's say I can't use DRDB or mdadm at all.
> If I sync every "pc", one by one, between two storage, this could be working
> (even if suboptimal)?
> I know that rsync is able to recognize hardlinks (-H) only in same session
> (from manpage: " Note that rsync can only detect hard links between files that
> are inside the transfer set. ").
> So I guess, on second storage disk occupation will be bigger.
> Thank you very much.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Storage replica

2015-12-16 Thread Paolo Basenghi
I've got QNAP too.
Initially tried with BPC installed directly on the NAS, but the NAS OS 
is too limited and the risk that BPC does not survive a firmware update 
is high, IMHO.

But the last two QNAP firmware generations have an interesting new 
feature: KVM virtualization.

I installed a CentOS 7 VM on each NAS and installed BPC and DRBD on 
CentOS. You can even follow Christian's smart advices and do iSCSI+RAID1 
on the VM, while the NAS maintains standard configuration and no addons 
not supported by QNAP.
If your QNAP NAS has sufficient amount of RAM and CPU power, I highly 
recommend this configuration.

By the way: with firmware 4.0.x you need a dedicated physical ethernet 
for each virtual ethernet. With 4.2.x firmwares, virtual switch feature 
removes that limitation.


Il 15/12/2015 20:49, Christian Völker ha scritto:
> Well, this information would have been helpful before ;)
> So in this case instead of trying to add DRBD to the QNAP host I would
> suggest you export an iSCSI target to the BackupPC host. Add iSCSI
> client to your BackupPC server and use the iSCSI target as underlying
> device for local RAID1. Thus, you always have an up-to-date secondary
> device available. Additionally use snapshot functionality of QNAP and
> you even have protection against filesystem failures,
> Greetings
> Christian
> Am 15.12.2015 um 18:44 schrieb
>> Hi Stephen,
>> sorry, I forgot to mention that my secondary storage is a QNAP device.
>> Actually there is a way to install BackupPC on it:
>> Anyway, I would prefer keeping configuration as much standard as possible.
>> My choice is limited to QNAP daemon (NFS, rsyncd, samba).
>> Thankyou!
>>> Messaggio originale
>>> Da:
>>> Data: 15/12/2015 14.41
>>> A: "", >>
>>> Ogg: Re: [BackupPC-users] R: Re:  R: Re: Storage replica
>>> (Unless someone mentioned it and I missed it), I'm surprised no one has yet
>>> offered the standard reply: stand up a 2nd independent BackupPC server.
>>> Because it's totally separate, you're free to configure it identically to
>>> the first one or if it's simply for DR, set up a different backup schedule
>>> (ie, weekly or monthly rather than daily) and retention period -- for
>>> example keeping only the last 2 backups rather than a long backup
>>> history... Easy to adjust to fit your available storage and business needs.
>>> Slightly more work up front, but easy to perform restores without depending
>>> on another server.
>>> Hth.
>>> ~Stephen
>>> On Mon, 14 Dec 2015, wrote:
 thanks to both :)
 DRDB sounds interesting :)

> Messaggio originale
> Da:
> Data: 14/12/2015 15.45
> A: 
> Ogg: Re: [BackupPC-users] R: Re: Storage replica
> Hi,
> sorry, using rsync for this purpose is absolutely not recommended!
> As always, it depends on what you want to get. If you do not mind having
> old data as long as you have it, it might be fine with rsync running
> once a month. You have a pool of 2.5TB- on my pool of 1.4TB I aborted
> rsync after 2days! So you might need 3days or more for a ful rsync run.
> I doubt you want it this way!
> There is no easy ways to have them always in sync. All file level
> methods are supposed to take ages because of the hardlinks. So you might
> want to use block based duplication.
> One possibility is DRBD (which I do here). It is RAID1 through network.
> If you do not want the remote node slow down local file access you might
> think of a periodic disconnect and reconnect. Besides of this it appears
> to be rock stable and reliable.
> Another possibility are of course distributed file systems. But as you
> do not need write access on remote as long as primary is alive it might
> be overkill.
> Last suggestion is ZFS which I do not know at all. But it appears to
> have some functionality. Try it.
> I would say use DRBD ;) And definetly forget about rsync!
> Greeting
> Christian
>> --
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:

>> --
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Re: [BackupPC-users] prevent full OS partition when data disk fails

2015-07-14 Thread Paolo Basenghi
If you did follow BPC install instructions, BPC should work with a non 
root user (say backuppc).
Then you can give mount point directory restrictive permissions (while 
backuppc filesystem is unmounted):

/etc/init.d/backuppc stop (or similar)
umount /dev/sdb1
chown root.root /var/lib/backuppc
chmod 750 /var/lib/backuppc

When you mount the fs again the permission are that of the mounted fs 
and BPC can write (I assume you use a unix fs, like ext3/4, xfs or so, 
not fat nor ntfs).
If /dev/sdb1 fails to be mounted, then BackupPC daemons cannot write to 
the mount point and your root partition does not fill up.

Sorry for my poor english


*Paolo Basenghi – Sistemi Informativi*
/Az.Spec.Farmacie Comunali Riunite
Via Doberdò 9 - 42122 Reggio Emilia
Tel +39(0522)543312 – Fax +39(0522)550146
email: - -

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destinate esclusivamente alla/e persona/e o all'ente sopra indicati.
E' vietato ai soggetti diversi dai destinatari qualsiasi uso, copia, 
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sia ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Se questa comunicazione vi è 
pervenuta per errore, vi preghiamo di rispondere a questa mail e 
successivamente cancellarla dal vostro sistema.

Il 14/07/2015 12:31, Jürgen Depicker ha scritto:


I wonder what is best practice to prevent the OS partition to fill up 
when my data disk fails.

My setup: all virtualized; all backups stored in /var/lib/backuppc , 
but that is /dev/sdb1 mounted there.  So if that drive fails, I’m 
pretty sure Backuppc will fill up my / partition recreating the backup 
in the then empty /var/lib/backuppc . How can I prevent this?

I guess changing topDir may be an option, but there may be a more 
elegant solution?

Kind regards,


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Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-07-02 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Il 30/06/2014 19:14, Les Mikesell ha scritto:

 I'm still confused as to what executing an ssh command has to do with
 the smb.conf file.  Is this running some implementation of busybox as
 a shell and combination of what would normally be independent
 commands?  Even then it doesn't make a lot of sense that it would
 involve your non-stock OptWare client which would be the part that
 doesn't understand the stock smb.conf contents.

 Also, did you really need to install the  OptWare samba client if you
 are going to use rsync for backups?
I made some test.
It turned out that are the QNAP ssh and scp binaries that produce the 
warning about smb.conf parameter, not the smbclient like I guessed.
I opened a support ticket with QNAP.

But why does BackupPC rsync method block until timeout upon this warning?


Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-07-02 Thread Paolo Basenghi
Il 02/07/2014 14:48, Les Mikesell ha scritto:
 Does ssh work otherwise? BackupPC isn't happy about additional text 
 coming ahead of the rsync startup, but that usually causes a quick 
 'version mismatch' error. During the timeout period you could check 
 that rsync is actually running at the other end. 

If I don't get wrong, backuppc does not run rsync client, but a set of 
perl library functions instead. Perhaphs are them that block...

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-07-02 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Il 02/07/2014 17:23, Les Mikesell ha scritto:
 That is correct, but it doesn't block on other platforms unless the 
 remote stops sending.. But first the server-side ssh has to launch 
 rsync on the remote side, so you could see if you are getting at least 
 that far. It is also possible that it is working but just extremely 
 slow at handling compression, and thus hitting the timeout. 
Got your point and tested.
The rsync process at the client side does nothing (no CPU nor mem 
activity). It is idle (blocked).

The output of the BackupPC_dump program is (only significant lines):

Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root caronte /usr/bin/rsync -v --server --sender 
--numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times 
--block-size=2048 --recursive . /
Xfer PIDs are now 7567
xferPids 7567
Got remote protocol 1869506377
Fatal error (bad version): Ignoring unknown parameter conn log

I guess it is stuck because the two sides cannot agree about a protocol 
version or pheraphs the perl library cannot handle correctly this case. 
I don't know...

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-06-30 Thread Paolo Basenghi
Il 30/06/2014 16:25, Holger Parplies ha scritto:
 As you can view in the log I attached in my original post, BackupPC_Dump
 produces the warning at every step.

 Do you have shell access to the device? Can you run something like

   % ssh -q -x -l root afrodite /bin/true
You're right Holger! Tried the above command from a bash on the device 
as backuppc user and obtained the warning about unknown parameter conn 
log. If I delete the smb.conf related line, then no warning at all!

Now I've got no time to investigate, but I will do it at soon!

Thank you for your hints.
Paolo Basenghi

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-06-30 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Il 30/06/2014 17:10, Les Mikesell ha scritto:
 Where did you delete the line in question? A quirk of the backuppc 
 implementation of rsync is that it can't handle any output sent from 
 the remote side before the rsync program starts, although that usually 
 results in an error that is logged as a version mismatch. 

The parameter is in smb.conf on the QNAP NAS. It appeared with the last 
firmware upgrade (QTS 4.1.x).
It is not present at the remote side (a Linux server with rsync 2.6.8, 
quite old, I know!).

Same problem affect even Linux servers with more recent rsync versions 
(CentOS 5.10 and 6.5), I think the problem is only on the QNAP side.

Paolo Basenghi

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-06-30 Thread Paolo Basenghi

Il 30/06/2014 17:09, ha scritto:

 I have a QNAP TS219PII, though I don't use it for backuppc.

 I don't get any extraneous messages when I ssh a command into it:
Yes, the problem arises when you install OptWare (needed by BackupPC on 
QNAP) and use the OptWare samba utilities (QNAP provides only the samba 
daemons and not the client utilities) AND QNAP firmware 4.1.x

But you have to ssh FROM your QNAP, not TO it.

The root problem is not a BackupPC issue, but BackupPC does not manage 
the warning in the right way: the backup fail after a long idle time 
instead of going ahead after logging the warning message.

Paolo Basenghi

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] BUG (IMHO): BackupPC_Dump on QNAP QTS 4.1

2014-06-28 Thread Paolo Basenghi

I installed BackupPC 3.3.0 on a QNAP NAS with the last QNAP OS (4.1) 
following QNAP/OptWare instructions.

QNAP customizes some daemon (like Samba) adding new non-samba conf 
parameters, so the optware smbclient utilized by backuppc return 
warnings like ignoring unknown parameter 'conn log'. QNAP does not 
install a smbclient, so I must use the optware version that does not 
understand the customized QNAP parameters.
That warning message cause backups to fail, even it is only a warning 
and even with rsync backups (samba should not be used).

I attach BackupPC_Dump -i -v output.

On the CGI console I see the backup jobs (all rsync based) in running 
(but idle) state for several hours before a timeout interrupts them.

This appear like a backuppc bug because:

- a warning message cause backup to fail
- a samba configuration problem cause rsync based backups to hang and fail.

Best regards
Paolo Basenghi
Ignoring unknown parameter conn log
cmdSystemOrEval: about to system /opt/bin/sudo -u admin /bin/ping -c 1 -w 3 afrodite
cmdSystemOrEval: finished: got output Ignoring unknown parameter conn log
PING afrodite ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms

--- afrodite ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.1 ms

cmdSystemOrEval: about to system /opt/bin/sudo -u admin /bin/ping -c 1 -w 3 afrodite
cmdSystemOrEval: finished: got output Ignoring unknown parameter conn log
PING afrodite ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms

--- afrodite ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.1 ms

CheckHostAlive: returning 0.1
Executing DumpPreUserCmd: /opt/bin/ssh -q -x -l root afrodite /usr/bin/tdbbackup -s .backup /etc/samba/*.tdb /var/lib/samba/*.tdb
cmdSystemOrEval: about to system /opt/bin/ssh -q -x -l root afrodite /usr/bin/tdbbackup -s .backup /etc/samba/\*.tdb /var/lib/samba/\*.tdb
Ignoring unknown parameter conn log
cmdSystemOrEval: finished: got output Ignoring unknown parameter conn log

incr backup started back to 2014-06-25 20:00:12 (backup #238) for directory /
started incr dump, share=/
Running: /opt/bin/ssh -q -x -l root afrodite /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive . /
Xfer PIDs are now 10454
xferPids 10454
Got remote protocol 1869506377
Fatal error (bad version): Ignoring unknown parameter conn log

Sent include: /root
Sent include: /boot
Sent include: /etc
Sent include: /fcr
Sent include: /home
Sent include: /usr
Sent include: /usr/local
Sent include: /usr/local/awstats
Sent include: /usr/legrand
Sent include: /opt
Sent include: /opt/IDEALX
Sent include: /opt/phpldapadmin*
Sent exclude: /*
Sent exclude: /usr/*
Sent exclude: /usr/local/*
Sent exclude: /opt/*
fileListReceive() failed
Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
Got fatal error during xfer (fileListReceive failed)
Backup aborted by user signal
dump failed: fileListReceive failed

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
BackupPC-users mailing list