Hello all,

Sometimes I notice BackupPC stops doing backups. BackupPC doesn't send  
out any notifications about this. The BackupPC daemon is running, but  
when I stop it and try to start it again, it suddenly complains about  
not being able to create the test hardlink.

# service backuppc status
BackupPC (pid 22421) is running...
# service backuppc stop
Shutting down BackupPC:                                    [  OK  ]
# service backuppc start
Starting BackupPC: 2009-02-24 15:10:00 Can't create a test hardlink  
between a file in /mnt/backup/pc and /mnt/backup/cpool.  Either these  
are different file systems, or this file system doesn't support  
hardlinks, or these directories don't exist, or there is a permissions  
problem, or the file system is out of inodes or full.  Use df, df -i,  
and ls -ld to check each of these possibilities. Quitting...

After an fsck run BackupPC will start again. Of course I don't expect  
BackupPC to do backups on a filesystem that has problems, but I also  
don't like that it just sits there silently and doesn't warn me of  
this condition. Could this somehow be improved?

Nils Breunese.

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