Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC - take a day off?

2016-06-01 Thread Holger Parplies

bpb21 wrote on 2016-05-18 10:22:22 -0700 [[BackupPC-users]  BackupPC - take a 
day off?]:
> [someone else wrote:]
> > Maybe it's possible to create a blackout period for that day? Not sure if
> > one should specify saturday or sunday as weekdays. 
> > [...]
> Thanks!  I think this is it.  I completely overlooked this for all the
> other settings.  Sounds promising.

well, yes, that is the solution that comes to mind. I'm not sure the problem
you are solving is the important one, though.

What exactly are you trying to scan for viruses, your backups or the rest
of the system?

Assuming you are scanning the backups:
Does your anti-virus software handle compression (i.e. the non-standard
format used by BackupPC)? If not, then your anti-virus software will run
just fine, consume lots of CPU time and keep your hard disks busy, but it
will be pretty much guaranteed to never find anything (which might be what
you are actually hoping for, but it would also be very much meaningless).
If it does work, remember that you want to scan only the pool, not the pc/
directory structure. Since BackupPC conveniently only stores the data once,
you only need to scan it once.

Assuming you are *not* scanning the backups:
Be sure to exclude the backups from the AV scan - it would take forever
and probably be quite pointless.

As a side note, the nightly job you seem to be referring to -
BackupPC_nightly - is not "pooling and compression", it's more like
"housekeeping and statistics". Compression is done during backups.
Pooling is done during backups for existing files (i.e. where an
identical file is known to BackupPC) and during BackupPC_link for
new files.

Hope that helps.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC - take a day off?

2016-05-18 Thread Pasi Koivisto
> On 18 May 2016, at 14:28, bpb21  wrote:
> And I may have just answered my own question; tell it to take the morning 
> off, or start the virus scan after pooling and compression, which usually 
> ends by 1 or 1:10 a.m.
> But, if anyone knows how to have BackupPC systems take Sunday as a rest day 
> while the scanner scans, that would be good.

Maybe it's possible to create a blackout period for that day? Not sure if one 
should specify saturday or sunday as weekdays.

= [
hourBegin =>  1.0,
hourEnd   => 23.5,
weekDays  => [0],

Kind regards

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