Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Release 9.0.1

2017-07-14 Thread Randy Katz
Ok, it compiled, installed and is running under CentOS 6.9, had to 
install libacl-devel.

On 7/14/2017 1:58 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:


We are pleased to announce that we have just released Bacula version 

This version is a minor bug fix release that mainly adds the omitted 
files for the tray-monitor.  It also fixes the lzo4 compilation for 32 
bit big endian architectures.

Thanks for using Bacula.

=== Release Notes 
   Release Notes for Bacula 9.0.1

This is a minor bug fix release that mainly to include the new
tray-monitor files that were omitted. The tray-monitor now builds
and runs at least on Ubuntu Linux.

 - Remove two incorrect trailing commas in bsock.h
 - Fix bug #2293 bad big endian detection in lz4.c
 - Add new tray-monitor files that were omitted in the backport from 

 - bvfs: Do not insert deleted directories in PathVisibility table
 - Fix compilation for Debian Stretch with GCC 6.3

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:


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engaging tech sites,!
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Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula Release 9.0.1

2017-07-14 Thread Kern Sibbald


We are pleased to announce that we have just released Bacula version 9.0.1

This version is a minor bug fix release that mainly adds the omitted 
files for the tray-monitor.  It also fixes the lzo4 compilation for 32 
bit big endian architectures.

Thanks for using Bacula.

=== Release Notes 
   Release Notes for Bacula 9.0.1

This is a minor bug fix release that mainly to include the new
tray-monitor files that were omitted. The tray-monitor now builds
and runs at least on Ubuntu Linux.

 - Remove two incorrect trailing commas in bsock.h
 - Fix bug #2293 bad big endian detection in lz4.c
 - Add new tray-monitor files that were omitted in the backport from 

 - bvfs: Do not insert deleted directories in PathVisibility table
 - Fix compilation for Debian Stretch with GCC 6.3

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Job is waiting on Storage

2017-07-14 Thread Jim Richardson
Bill, thank you for your response.  The C2T "Cycle to Tape" jobs are actually 
functioning properly.  The first job takes longer, and I have one tape drive.  
I am using Priority to ensure that the C2T-Data job completes before the 
C2T-Archive job.  The D2D "Daily to Disk" jobs use a different set of devices.  
But, if this could be the root of my problem I will investigate.  To complete 
the picture, the priority of the C2T-Data job is 10, the C2T-Archive is 11 and 
the D2D jobs are 9 except one the D2D-Bacula post backup job which is 99, due 
to wanting a clean backup after all jobs are complete.

This is the behavior I am looking for: from the 7.4.6 manual: "Note that only 
higher priority jobs will start early. Suppose the director will allow two 
concurrent jobs, and that two jobs with priority 10 are running, with two more 
in the queue. If a job with priority 5 is added to the queue, it will be run as 
soon as one of the running jobs finishes. However, new priority 10 jobs will 
not be run until the priority 5 job has finished."

It seems I am limited to only 2 connections to my Storage, but I can’t see 
where that is configured improperly.

As a quick rationale


My DIR allows for up to 20 concurrent

My SD allows for up to 20 concurrent

My FD allows for up to 20 concurrent

My Clients allow for up to 2 concurrent (by schedule will only happen on 

My Bacula Client allows for up to 10 concurrent (just in case)

My Storage allows for up to 10 concurrent for each of two types Daily2Disk & 
Weekly2Disk and 1 concurrent for Cycle2Tape


TapeChanger (Dell TL1000)

- ULT3580 - /dev/nst0 (IBM LTO-7)


- Daily2Disk - Media-Type: Daily

- Weekly2Disk - Media-Type: Weekly

- Monthly2Disk - Media-Type: Monthly


Cycle2Tape begin daily at 6PM  #-- Jobs will start first

Daily2Disk begin daily at 7PM #-- Jobs will start second except for Sundays

Daily2Disk-After Backup begin daily at 11:10 PM #-- Jobs will start last

Weekly2Disk begin Sunday at 12PM #-- Jobs will start first

-Run down

   934  Back Diff106,028537.4 G C2T-Data is running <- Job starts at 
6PM with a priority of 10 no other jobs running

   935  Back Diff  0 0  C2T-Archive is waiting for higher 
priority jobs to finish <- Job starts at 6PM with a priority of 11 Job 934 is 
running job 935 waits

   936  Back Full 19,94313.58 G D2D-DC02-Application is running <- Job 
starts at 7PM with a priority of 9, starts immediately just what we want.

   937  Back Full  0 0  D2D-HRMS-Application is waiting on 
Storage "Storage_Daily2Disk" <- Job starts at 7PM with priority of 9, but 
hangs, when it should start per concurrency settings and being the same 
priority as 936

   938  Back Full  0 0  D2D-Fish-Application is waiting on 
Storage "Storage_Daily2Disk" <- Job starts at 7PM with priority of 9, but 
hangs, when it should start per concurrency settings and being the same 
priority as 936 & 937

   939  Back Full  0 0  D2D-SPR01-Application is waiting on 
Storage "Storage_Daily2Disk" <- Job starts at 7PM with priority of 9, but 
hangs, when it should start per concurrency settings and being the same 
priority as 936, 937, & 938

Full Details:


Director {

  Name = bacula-dir

  DIRport = 9101

  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"

  WorkingDirectory = "/backup/bacula/spool"

  PidDirectory = "/var/run"

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Password = "*"

  Messages = Daemon




Schedule {

  Name = "Daily2DiskCycle"

  Run = Pool=Pool_Monthly2Disk 1st sun at 19:00

  Run = Pool=Pool_Daily2Disk mon-sat at 19:00

  Run = Pool=Pool_Weekly2Disk 2nd-5th sun at 19:00


Schedule {

  Name = "Weekly2DiskCycle"

  Run = Pool=Pool_Monthly2Disk 1st sun at 12:00

  Run = Pool=Pool_Weekly2Disk sun at 12:00


Schedule {

  Name = "Days-Diff-MTWHFSU"

  Run = Full 1st sat at 19:00

  Run = Differential mon-sun at 19:00


Schedule {

  Name = "LogIT360_Cycle"

  Run = Level=Full sat at 6:00

  Run = Level=Differential sun at 18:00

  Run = Level=Incremental mon at 18:00

  Run = Level=Differential tue at 18:00

  Run = Level=Incremental wed at 18:00

  Run = Level=Differential thu at 18:00

  Run = Level=Incremental fri at 18:00


# This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle

Schedule {

  Name = "Daily2DiskCycle-AfterBackup"

  Run = Pool=Pool_Monthly2Disk 1st sun at 23:10

  Run = Pool=Pool_Daily2Disk mon-sat at 23:10

  Run = Pool=Pool_Weekly2Disk 2nd-5th sun at 23:10




Storage {

  Name = Storage_Daily2Disk

  Address =

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = "*"

  Device = FileChgr

  Media Type = DailyDisk

  Maximum Concurrent 

[Bacula-users] About bdirjson, bsdjson, bfdjson

2017-07-14 Thread Wanderlei Huttel

I was testing the new bacula tools (bdirjson) and it looks have something
The program is repeating the Level in schedules

Schedule {
  Name = "Agenda_GFS_Noite"
  Run = Level=Differential   Pool=Diaria  Accurate=yes on Monday-Thursday
at 21:30
  Run = Level=Full   Pool=Semanal   on 2nd-6th Friday  at 19:30
  Run = Level=Full   Pool=Mensalon 1st Friday  at 19:30

bdirjson -n Agenda_GFS_Noite
  "Schedule": {
"Name": "Agenda_GFS_Noite",
"Run": [
  "Pool": "Diaria",
  "Level": "Differential",
  "Level": "Differential",
  "Level": "Differential",
  "Accurate": true,
  "Minute": 30,
  "Hour": [21],
  "Day": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30],
  "Month": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
  "DayOfWeek": [1, 2, 3, 4],
  "WeekOfMonth": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  "WeekOfYear": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]
  "Pool": "Semanal",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Minute": 30,
  "Hour": [19],
  "Day": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30],
  "Month": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
  "DayOfWeek": [5],
  "WeekOfMonth": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  "WeekOfYear": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]
  "Pool": "Mensal",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Level": "Full",
  "Minute": 30,
  "Hour": [19],
  "Day": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30],
  "Month": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
  "DayOfWeek": [5],
  "WeekOfMonth": [0],
  "WeekOfYear": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]

In Message resources it look is including some level not included by

# Configuração das mensagens de Jobs
Messages {
  Name = Standard

  MailCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  Mail = = all, !skipped

  MailCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  MailOnError = = all, !skipped

  OperatorCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  Operator = = mount

  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/var/log/bacula/bacula.log" = all, !skipped
  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved


"Name": "Standard",
"MailCommand": "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r",
"OperatorCommand": "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r",
"Destinations": [
"Type": "Mail",
"MsgTypes": ["All","!Debug","!Saved","!Skipped"],
"Where": [""],
"Command": "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
"Type": "MailOnError",
"MsgTypes": ["All","!Debug","!Saved","!Skipped"],
"Where": [""],
"Command": "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
"Type": "Append",
"MsgTypes": ["All","!Debug","!Saved","!Skipped"],
"Where": ["/var/log/bacula/bacula.log"]
"Type": "Console",
"MsgTypes": ["All","!Debug","!Saved","!Skipped"]
"Type": "Operator",
"MsgTypes": ["Mount"],
"Where": [""],
"Command": "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
"Type": "Catalog",
"MsgTypes": ["All","!Debug","!Saved","!Skipped"]

# Configuração das mensagens do daemon
Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  MailCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula <>\" -s 

Re: [Bacula-users] Release 9.0. 0 - Suse - ACL Error

2017-07-14 Thread Josip Deanovic
On Friday 2017-07-14 07:24:51 Mick wrote:
> Hi,
> I already have these 2 packages installed
> libattr-devel
> libattr1
> I have filed this as a bug.


I didn't use SuSE for a long time but it is likely that libattr1
has a version 1.x while libattr has a version 2.x.

You need a library package and its devel package. So you need to
install libattr package and if you really need to use version 1.x
of libattr then you need to install libattr1-devel package.


Josip Deanovic

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Release 9.0. 0 - Suse - ACL Error

2017-07-14 Thread Ralf Brinkmann

Am 12.07.2017 um 21:53 schrieb Mick:

Error Message
#error "configure failed to detect availability of sys/acl.h"
OS: openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64)

Just made a little test with "openSUSE 42.2 (x86_64)" that I have in a
VirtualBox for "wine" test issues.

For this test I disabled "bat" in my standard configuration.

BASE=$(readlink -f ".")
cd $BASE/bacula-9.0.0
./configure --with-mysql --enable-conio # --enable-bat
make clean

On the first runnings I got the same error.

With yast2 I had to add a compiler at first - "gcc5" - then the
"libmysqld-devel" pack and the "libacl-devel" pack
... and  succeeded finaly.

Ralf Brinkmann

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Job is waiting on Storage

2017-07-14 Thread Bill Arlofski
On 07/14/2017 12:17 AM, Darold Lucus wrote:
> I have the same issue, I have four different storage devices. Only one Job per
> storage device can be run concurrently. Now different jobs from another
> storage device can run at the same time, 4 Jobs on 4 separate storage device
> will run at the same time, but never two jobs on the same storage device at
> once. I am not sure f this is just typical behavior for bacula storage daemon
> or if it is a setting that can be adjusted to make multiple jobs on the same
> storage device run concurrently. If someone has any extra insight on this I
> would greatly appreciate it as well.
> Sincerely,
> Darold Lucus

Hi Darold,   (I am posting this reply to the list)

To help with this, I would ask to have you post all of the resource configs
like Jim did, and also post the bconsole output of:

* s dir

When you see only 1 job running while expecting multiple concurrency.

The 's dir' (status director) will tell us exactly what is preventing a job
from running...

Best regards,


Bill Arlofski
-- Not responsible for anything below this line --

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Release 9.0. 0 - Suse - ACL Error

2017-07-14 Thread Mick


I already have these 2 packages installed



I have filed this as a bug.


On 14/07/17 06:47, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 06:40:52PM +0100, Mick wrote:


Thanks for your quick response.

I removed the 32 bit packages and re-tried but got the same error.

I'll file this as a bug later today.

Have you tried installing the libattr-devel files as well? Those came
up as a depency when I compiled 9.0.0 on CentOS 6.

All the best, Uwe

Uwe Schürkamp | email: 


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