Re: [Bacula-users] Big job keeps failing after server replacement

2019-05-02 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi Kern,

Thank you for your response.

On Thursday 02 May 2019 14:23:54 Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry you are having problems.  I note the following things:
> 1. You are running on a *very* old Bacula version.

I am aware of this, but it is the latest version that installs from the Centos 
repositories, and more importantly is only a few revisions higher than was on 
the old (dead) box ensuring that the database format etc would be compatible.

> 2. I am not sure that version of Bacula supports Windows 7, where you
> are getting failures.

This version has successfully worked on Win-Xp, Win7, Win8 and Win10.  I have 
approc 150 workstations all with one of these versions. I also have various 
ages of Linux server which all also work

> 3. As for the errors, it looks like the SD does not have permission to
> open /var/bacula/crownest

When this was first set up I had forgotten to set the owner:group on the 
directory. I did fix this, and the files that are now in that directory have 
the correct owner:group, and were written by the SD (see OP). 

I am aware that this is what the errors are saying, but that does not explain 
how the files are still being created.

> 4. Is /var/bacula/crownnest a network mount (this could explain the
> failures).

This is a file  storage device configured in the SD on the same box as the 
Director.  The directory itself is local to that box

> 5. It looks like it is taking a bit over 2 hours for the SD to mount the
> volume for the backup, and
>     this is approximately the network inactivity timeout period.  So
> possibly the FD<->SD connection
>     is timing out

The client device and the storage device are on different sites, with a 30GB 
connection, doing a 18GB full backup. This would explain the 2 hour run time.

> 6. Try adding HeartBeatInterval = 300 to the Dir, FD, and SD.  I think
> there are 5 places where it must
>     be done (note this is the default in more recent Baculas).

I will investigate where this needs to go and will apply it.

> Recommendations:
> 1. Make sure the SD either has full permissions on all disk files or
> runs as root.

The SD runs as bacula:tape which is the default configuration from the RPM's 
and matches the old box.

As you can see from the directory structure, this should be correct.
[root@lou bacula]# ls -ld / /var/ /var/bacula/ /var/bacula/crownest/ 
/var/bacula/crownest/* /var/bacula/hales/ /var/bacula/hales/*
dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root   root  281 Apr  5 11:13 /
drwxr-xr-x. 27 root   root 4096 Mar  8 13:59 /var/
drwxr-xr-x. 14 bacula bacula   8192 Apr 30 11:28 /var/bacula/
drwxr-xr-x.  2 bacula bacula   4096 May  2 15:43 /var/bacula/crownest/
-rw-r-.  1 bacula tape   5368688828 Apr 30 17:20 
-rw-r-.  1 bacula tape   5368688851 Apr 30 17:21 
-rw-r-.  1 bacula tape   5368688789 Apr 30 17:21 
-rw-r-.  1 bacula tape   1745617753 May  2 15:43 
drwxr-xr-x.  3 bacula bacula  12288 May  1 23:41 /var/bacula/hales/
-rw-r-.  1 bacula bacula 5368705600 Apr  6 03:29 
-rw-r-.  1 bacula bacula 5368688843 Apr  6 03:29 
-rw-r-.  1 bacula bacula 5368670610 Apr  6 03:51 

(Hales is the storage device that was used previously)

> 2. Make sure any network mounts (NFS, CIFS) are mounted prior to running
> a job

I do not use network mounts

> 3. Add the Heart Beat Interval = 300 in all the required resources --
> this may be documented  in one of the white papers, but is surely documented 
> in the manual,
> look in the index ...

I have added this line to the Director, client and storage resources. I cannot 
see where else it wuold be needed.

> 4. When you get it running think seriously about upgrading.  Though
> RedHat releases an older version
>    of Bacula the builders do create packages for newer version -- or
> look on for binaries.

I am aware that I am running an old version. Is there a documented upgrade 
path?  I believe the Centos 8 is imminent, and would prefer to stick to 
standard RPM's where possible

Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Big job keeps failing after server replacement

2019-05-02 Thread Gary Stainburn
A few months back, the server running my Director and main storage died.  I 
managed to boot using a live CD and successfully copied everything onto a new 
Centos 7 box.  I restored the latest database backup, copied the config files 
and rsynced the storage.

Amazingly all just continued to work. More amazing seeing as the failed box was 
a Fedora 19 setup and wa quite old.

The only problem is I have a small number of large jobs that are constantly 
failing.  Everything appears to work fine, and the client status shows the job 
as completed OK. See below.

However, the job itself fails, and gets rescheduled. In the case I'm looking at 
it keeps running a 18GB backup.

In order to try to narrow down the problem, as well as aid job scheduling I 
have set up a new storage device and pointed this job at that, but it has not 
made any difference.  Looking at the log file, I see two things

Firstly, error messages about accessing the new storage folder and backup 
volumes. This is odd as the backup is being successfully written to this 
device. See below.

Secondly, the job appears to be trying to connect to the FD once the job is 
complete and is then failing.  I don't konw why this is the case.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do to fix this?

The full job log is available at

I'm running standard Centos 7 RPM's.  


storage direcortory
[root@lou bacula]# ls -ld crownest/ crownest/*
drwxr-xr-x. 2 bacula bacula   4096 May  2 10:38 crownest/
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688828 Apr 30 17:20 crownest/crownest72930
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 Apr 30 17:21 crownest/crownest72931
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688789 Apr 30 17:21 crownest/crownest72932
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368669086 Apr 30 21:03 crownest/crownest72933
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368676895 Apr 30 22:59 crownest/crownest72934
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688828 Apr 30 23:00 crownest/crownest72935
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 Apr 30 23:01 crownest/crownest72936
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688795 Apr 30 23:01 crownest/crownest72937
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368696610 May  1 04:24 crownest/crownest72938
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 May  1 04:25 crownest/crownest72939
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 May  1 04:26 crownest/crownest72940
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368696566 May  1 14:03 crownest/crownest72941
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688838 May  1 14:04 crownest/crownest72942
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 May  1 14:04 crownest/crownest72943
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688801 May  1 14:05 crownest/crownest72944
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368701109 May  1 16:13 crownest/crownest72945
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688850 May  1 16:14 crownest/crownest72947
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 May  1 16:14 crownest/crownest72948
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368647060 May  1 23:38 crownest/crownest72949
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368654487 May  2 00:29 crownest/crownest72950
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368659375 May  2 08:28 crownest/crownest72951
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688850 May  2 08:29 crownest/crownest72952
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688845 May  2 08:30 crownest/crownest72953
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368662716 May  2 08:52 crownest/crownest72954
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368671066 May  2 10:37 crownest/crownest72955
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688850 May  2 10:37 crownest/crownest72956
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   5368688851 May  2 10:38 crownest/crownest72957
-rw-r-. 1 bacula tape   2391406983 May  2 10:38 crownest/crownest72958
[root@lou bacula]# pwd
[root@lou bacula]# 

Client Status

*status client=lsaless-fd
Connecting to Client lsaless-fd at

esales4-fd Version: 5.2.10 (28 June 2012)  VSS Linux Cross-compile Win64
Daemon started 02-May-19 10:38. Jobs: run=0 running=0.
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
 Heap: heap=0 smbytes=239,813 max_bytes=262,885 bufs=409 max_bufs=438
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=1 
Running Jobs:
JobId 296537 Job lsaless.2019-05-01_19.05.15_19 is running.
VSS Full Backup Job started: 02-May-19 11:36
Files=2,051 Bytes=4,696,598,304 Bytes/sec=2,865,526 Errors=0
Files Examined=2,051
Processing file: 

[Bacula-users] Director update - F19 to C7

2019-03-05 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi everyone.

My director and primary storeage server has just died. 

I've been able to boot it using a rescue DVD and rsync'd everything off so I 
have all of my config files, backup volumes etc.  I also have the latest 
database backup from before the server died.

I am currently building a new Centos 7 box onto which I plan to:

1) install the latest Bacula and Postgresql RPM's.
2) Carry out the  Postgresql rebuilt which should be straightforward
3) restore all of the Bacula config's.
4) restore the storeage, bootstraps etc.
5) anything else to bring things up to date
6) resume operations

My old box was a Fedora 19 system, again with standard Fedora RPMs.

What will I need to do as part of step 5 in order to get things to work? Will 
I need to update the database structure etc?



Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Replacement server fails with some clients

2015-07-13 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi all,

I'm replacing a old (Fedora 14) server with a Centos 7 one. I've copied 
the /etc/bacula/bacula-[sf]d.conf files and everything looks fine.

Both the client and storage services are running and talk to the director 
without problems. However, some of the clients fail to connect with the 
storage server when running a backup job. The error message I get is related 
to authentication. However, the clients have not been changed, and the server 
talks to the director.

I'm initial guess was that this is probably a version problem as the old F14 
server was running 5.0.3 RPMs and the C7 server is running 5.2.13

My director is also 5.2.13.  My director server is also my main storage 
server, which kind of cancels that idea, as most clients back up to this 

Most of my other storage servers are 5.0.3 (one is 5.0.0)

The vast majority of my clients are Win7 running bacula-win64 5.2.10

One of the things that's surprised me about looking into this problem is that 
a recently built and yum -y update Fedora 21 box is running 7.0.5. Not sure 
why that is. This is one of the clients who are failing with the new storage 

It may be that the other (Win7) clients are also running 5.0.x. Despite my 
comments above, does this still look like it could be the issue? If so, 
what's the best / easiest way to upgrade the Fedora 21 to 5.2.x RPMs?

The log for one of these jobs is below.

13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: Prior failed job found in catalog. 
Upgrading to Full.
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: shell command: run 
BeforeJob /etc/bacula/ eddienew-fd
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: PING ( 
56(84) bytes of data.
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: 64 bytes from 
icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.109 ms
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: 
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: --- ping 
statistics ---
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: 1 packets transmitted, 1 
received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: BeforeJob: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 
0.109/0.109/0.109/0.000 ms
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: Start Backup JobId 124118, 
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: Using Device ChicoStorage to write.
13-Jul 13:49 eddienew-fd JobId 124118: Fatal error: Authorization key rejected 
by Storage daemon.
Please see
for help.
13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: Fatal error: Bad response to Storage 
command: wanted 2000 OK storage
, got 2902 Bad storage

13-Jul 13:49 eddie1-dir JobId 124118: Error: Bacula eddie1-dir 5.2.13 
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Cat)
  JobId:  124118
  Backup Level:   Full (upgraded from Incremental)
  Client: eddienew-fd 7.0.5 (28Jul14) 
  FileSet:Linux Full 2012-08-13 19:05:00
  Pool:   chico (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:chico-chico (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 13-Jul-2015 13:49:33
  Start time: 13-Jul-2015 13:49:38
  End time:   13-Jul-2015 13:49:50
  Elapsed time:   12 secs
  Priority:   7
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): 
  Volume Session Id:  896
  Volume Session Time:1436082818
  Last Volume Bytes:  208,677,550 (208.6 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:2
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Replacement server fails with some clients

2015-07-13 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi Ana

Thank you for this.  However, initialy the opposite seems to have been the 
case. The storage daemons at 5.0.x were working fine, while the one at 5.2.13 
was not. However, changing the client has fixed this specific client.

While looking into this, and trying to find out how to install 5.2.x RPM's 
onto my Fedora 21 file and print server I found references to Bareos.  This 
is something I was totally unaware of.

I have followed the instructions to install the bareos repo and have installed 
the bareos-client.  Having turned 'compatibilty = yes' on I can now 
successfully back up this server.

While I'm not sure how I should proceed long term, it does seem to have solved 
this problem.  What I don't understand is why *very* old boxes running Fedora 
9 and 2.4.x clients back up and work fine, while newer Fedora 21 / 5.0.x 
clients fail.


On Monday 13 July 2015 15:35:26 Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
 Hello Gary,

 If your director is running 5.2.13, you should have all your storage
 daemons in this version too. Also If you have a client in the director
 host, this client should be the same version of director. About your client
 problems, you should have your client versions at most equal to director
 version, not greater than.

 Best regards,

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] storeage authentication for new client / job

2015-03-25 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi Ana,

Finally got chance to have another look at this. Managed to download 
the .src.rpm for F20 and rebuilt it. Now have a set of 5.2.13-18.fc21.x86_64 
RPMs which I installed.

It fixed the problem and my new server is backing up lovely.

Thanks for your help.


On Tuesday 24 March 2015 16:53:59 Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
 Hi Gary,

 You have a Bacula´s storage version older than your new client´s version:

 storage: zeppo-sd Version: 5.0.0 (26 January 2010) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
 client: eddienew-fd Version: 7.0.5 (28 July 2014)  x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
 redhat One)

 It is not recommended to have a client running an earlier version than
 director/storage. Would it be possible a client´s version downgrade?

 Best regards,

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Gary Stainburn

  Hi folks.
  I've set no a new server 'eddienew' which is going to replace 'eddie'
  I've copied /etc/bacula/clients/eddie.conf to eddienew.conf and edited
  accordingly. The results are below. All I have done is change every
  of 'eddie' to 'eddienew' and for completeness changed the passwords.
  The bacula-fd.conf on eddienew was copied and edited likewise.
  I can successfully do:
  status client=eddienew-fd
  status client=eddie-fd
  status storage=zeppo-servers
  run job=eddie
  However, when I try run job=eddienew it fails with autorization errors on
  *** eddienew.conf
  Job {
Name = eddienew
JobDefs = LinuxJob
enabled = yes
Client = eddienew-fd
Schedule = Week2
Storage = zeppo-servers
pool = Servers
Messages = Standard
Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/eddienew-bootstrap
  Client {
Name = eddienew-fd
Address =
FDPort = 9102
Catalog = MyCatalog
Password = it's a secret
File Retention = 90 days# 90 days
Job Retention = 6 months# six months
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files
  *** Session Log
  *status client=eddie-fd
  Connecting to Client eddie-fd at
  eddie-fd Version: 2.4.2 (26 July 2008)  i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
  Daemon started 03-Mar-15 20:39, 22 Jobs run since started.
   Heap: heap=958,464 smbytes=81,388 max_bytes=488,803 bufs=72 max_bufs=187
   Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 debug=0 trace=0
  Running Jobs:
  Director connected at: 24-Mar-15 15:18
  No Jobs running.
  Terminated Jobs:
   JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName
  110658  Incr483345.8 M  OK   16-Mar-15 19:15 eddie
  110768  Incr442683.3 M  OK   17-Mar-15 19:25 eddie
  110891  Incr456275.8 M  OK   18-Mar-15 19:13 eddie
  111006  Incr418345.8 M  OK   19-Mar-15 19:15 eddie
  52  Incr420210.6 M  OK   20-Mar-15 16:39 eddie
  67  Diff  1,030744.8 M  OK   20-Mar-15 19:34 eddie
  111278  Incr 4551.97 M  OK   21-Mar-15 19:07 eddie
  111388  Incr 3930.25 M  OK   22-Mar-15 19:06 eddie
  111506  Incr611727.6 M  OK   23-Mar-15 19:26 eddie
  111611  Incr329308.9 M  OK   24-Mar-15 15:02 eddie
  *status client=eddienew-fd
  Connecting to Client eddienew-fd at
  eddienew-fd Version: 7.0.5 (28 July 2014)  x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  Daemon started 24-Mar-15 15:04. Jobs: run=0 running=0.
   Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=149,513 max_bytes=153,951 bufs=54
  max_bufs=110 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0 mode=0,0
  Running Jobs:
  Director connected at: 24-Mar-15 15:18
  No Jobs running.
  Terminated Jobs:
  *status storage=zeppo-servers
  Connecting to Storage daemon zeppo-servers at
  zeppo-sd Version: 5.0.0 (26 January 2010) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  Daemon started 24-Mar-15 14:57, 3 Jobs run since started.
   Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=92,913 max_bytes=227,995 bufs=90 max_bufs=111
  Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8
  Running Jobs:
  No Jobs running.
  Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:
  Terminated Jobs:
   JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName
  111498  Full  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 13:58 eddienew
  111498  Full  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 14:08 eddienew
  111567  Incr  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 14:16 wsales6
  111498  Full  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 14:18 eddienew
  111498  Full  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 14:29 eddienew
  111498  Full  0 0   Other24-Mar-15 14:39 eddienew
  111609  Full  0 0   Cancel   24-Mar-15 14:57 eddienew
  111610  Full  0 0   Cancel   24-Mar-15 14:58

[Bacula-users] storeage authentication for new client / job

2015-03-24 Thread Gary Stainburn
/bacula/ eddienew-fd
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: PING ( 
56(84) bytes of data.
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: 64 bytes from 
icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.173 ms
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: 
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: --- ping 
statistics ---
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: 1 packets transmitted, 1 
received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: BeforeJob: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 
0.173/0.173/0.173/0.000 ms
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: Start Backup JobId 111615, 
24-Mar 15:21 eddie1-dir JobId 111615: Using Device ServersStorage to write.
24-Mar 15:21 eddienew-fd JobId 111615: Fatal error: Authorization key rejected 
by Storage daemon.
Please see
for help.
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Fwd: Bacula: Backup Canceled of lsales2-fd Full

2014-09-17 Thread Gary Stainburn
:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  
  Termination:Backup Canceled


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: shell command: run BeforeJob 
/etc/bacula/ lsales2-fd
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: PING 
( 56(84) bytes of data.
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: 64 bytes from 
icmp_seq=1 ttl=125 time=2.71 ms
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: 
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: --- ping 
statistics ---
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: 1 packets transmitted, 1 
received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: BeforeJob: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 
2.711/2.711/2.711/0.000 ms
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Start Backup JobId 90804, 
17-Sep 12:56 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Using Device DoncStorage to write.
17-Sep 12:56 lou-sd JobId 90804: Volume donc14207 previously written, moving 
to end of data.
17-Sep 12:56 lou-sd JobId 90804: Ready to append to end of Volume donc14207 
17-Sep 12:56 lou-sd JobId 90804: Spooling data ...
17-Sep 12:56 lsales2-fd JobId 90804: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver=Win64 
VSS, Drive(s)=C
17-Sep 13:00 lsales2-fd JobId 90804: Fatal error: CreateSGenerate VSS snapshots 
failed. ERR=The operation completed successfully.

17-Sep 13:00 lsales2-fd JobId 90804: Error: VSS API failure calling 
BackupComplete. ERR=Object is not initialized; called during restore or not 
called in correct sequence.
17-Sep 13:00 lou-sd JobId 90804: Committing spooled data to Volume donc14207. 
Despooling 392 bytes ...
17-Sep 13:00 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Error: Bacula eddie1-dir 5.2.13 (19Jan13):
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Cat)
  JobId:  90804
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: lsales2-fd 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Windows 7 
Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
  FileSet:Windows 7 2012-02-14 14:22:52
  Pool:   Donc (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:lou-donc (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 17-Sep-2014 12:56:06
  Start time: 17-Sep-2014 12:56:15
  End time:   17-Sep-2014 13:00:45
  Elapsed time:   4 mins 30 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): 
  Volume Session Id:  72
  Volume Session Time:1410876246
  Last Volume Bytes:  3,623,008,925 (3.623 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:2
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Running
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

17-Sep 13:00 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Rescheduled Job 
lsales2.2014-09-17_12.56.12_36 at 17-Sep-2014 13:00 to re-run in 600 seconds 
(17-Sep-2014 13:10).
17-Sep 13:00 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Job lsales2.2014-09-17_12.56.12_36 waiting 
600 seconds for scheduled start time.
17-Sep 13:06 eddie1-dir JobId 90804: Bacula eddie1-dir 5.2.13 (19Jan13):
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Cat)
  JobId:  90804
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: lsales2-fd 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Windows 7 
Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
  FileSet:Windows 7 2012-02-14 14:22:52
  Pool:   Donc (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:lou-donc (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 17-Sep-2014 12:56:06
  Start time: 17-Sep-2014 13:06:45
  End time:   17-Sep-2014 13:06:45
  Elapsed time:   0 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): 
  Volume Session Id:  72
  Volume Session Time:1410876246
  Last Volume Bytes:  0 (0 B)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  
  Termination:Backup Canceled

Want excitement

[Bacula-users] Fedup from 17 to 19 - Bacula issues

2014-06-03 Thread Gary Stainburn
Morning all,

I'm running my Bacula director and main storeage on a Fedora 17 system using 
the standard Fedora RPM's for DIR, SD and FD.

I'm planning on using fedup to upgrade it to 18 and assuming all goes well, up 
to 19. Are there are issues regarding Bacula that I need to be aware of?

The RPM's currently in use are:



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Fedup from 17 to 19 - Bacula issues

2014-06-03 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Tuesday 03 June 2014 12:17:51 Simone Caronni wrote:

 On 3 June 2014 11:33, Gary Stainburn wrote:
  I'm running my Bacula director and main storeage on a Fedora 17 system
  the standard Fedora RPM's for DIR, SD and FD.
  I'm planning on using fedup to upgrade it to 18 and assuming all goes
  well, up
  to 19. Are there are issues regarding Bacula that I need to be aware of?

 not much has changed since Fedora 17 to 19 regarding Bacula. You can see
 the latest changelog of the packages here:


Thanks Simone.

It wasn't quite that simple because the Postgresql version changed between F17 
and F18.

I had to do:

yum install postgresql-upgrade
postgresql-setup upgrade

This sorted postgresql and got that working but I still can't connect using 

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Fedup from 17 to 19 - Bacula issues

2014-06-03 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Tuesday 03 June 2014 14:47:55 Gary Stainburn wrote:

 Thanks Simone.

 It wasn't quite that simple because the Postgresql version changed between
 F17 and F18.

 I had to do:

 yum install postgresql-upgrade
 postgresql-setup upgrade

 This sorted postgresql and got that working but I still can't connect using

pg_hba.conf had been updated too.

All sorted now

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their 
applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field, 
this first edition is now available. Download your free book today!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Question about messages from the server.

2014-01-21 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Tuesday 21 January 2014 14:03:11 Erik P. Olsen wrote:
 Is it possible for the director to send messages to specific clients about
 when a backup has started and when it has terminated?

 It is especially users with laptops for whome it is important to know that
 a backup is in process so they should not shut down the computer.

I would have thought that the easiest way would be to use the RunScript{} hook 
setting up one for before the job starts and one for after the job ends.

All you have to do is work out how to match an client to an email address.

It may be easier to do something using the smbpopup /vwinpopup protocol then 
you can simply send it to the host IP or DNS name.

smbclient -M IP Messager text here

You will need a winpopup client running on the clientPC. WinXP I think did it 
by default, but there are plenty of free clients out there.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to list running jobs with bacula-console

2014-01-14 Thread Gary Stainburn
  supply a host name to search for
  -incRngInclude running jobs
  -incWtgInclude waiting jobs

 The search priority is incRng,incWtg,grep,excludes
 host overrides all other criteria

  -format format   Select the output format, one of std, id, delim, none
 The initial letter may be used
  -execute cmd Execute a command for each selected line - 
 implies -format none unless overriden
 String substitution on the command  has the following
 !i = ID
 !h = host
 !l = Level
 !s = status
  -cancelsame as -execute bacula_cancel

  -debug Display debug information. Multiple calls increase the 
  -usage|helpDisplay this help message
} # help

# vim: ft=perl ai et

=head1 NAME



This program extracts the 'Running Jobs' section from the Bacula bconsole
status output, and then lists the jobs with a running state (incl waiting
for storage

=head2 version history

 2011-12-22  Initial creation
 2012-09-13  Added despooling as a running state
 2013-12-17  Version 2 complete rewrite to encorprage rng, wtg, bjobs
 and added all the other arguments.


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to list running jobs with bacula-console

2014-01-14 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Tuesday 14 January 2014 10:05:36 Vladimir Skubriev wrote:
 Thank you very much. )

 But this is of course overkill for me.

 I only want to say: Why this is not upstream ?

 echo message | mail -t

A much simpler method would be 

echo status dir|bconsole|grep ^ |grep [clientname]

The first grep is to skil the schedule details and show only the running jobs 

It isn't upstream because firstly, I never thought about it and secondly I 
wouldn't know how.

I wrote this for a specific purpose as a back end utility to allow my web 
based hardware inventory system to integrate with bacula and never thought 
that it would be useful for others.

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: Bacula: Intervention needed for mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31

2013-01-10 Thread Gary Stainburn
I am still having trouble with this.

When it happens I have to restart both the storage server and the directory to 
get backups to resume. No amount of mount unmount etc will get it working.

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: Bacula: Intervention needed for mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31

2013-01-02 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Monday 31 December 2012 15:11:43 Dan Langille wrote:
 On Dec 31, 2012, at 6:21 AM, Gary Stainburn wrote:
  All of my storage devices are file devices and I have generally no
  problems unless I run out of filestore space which thankfully hasn't
  happened for a while.
  However, on this one filestore I occassionlally the following error and
  all jobs to that filestore stop.
  What is the best / tidiest way to resolve the error and resume backups?
  Any ideas why it happens in the first place?
  --  Forwarded Message  --
  Subject: Bacula: Intervention needed for mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31
  Date: Friday 28 December 2012
  From: Bacula
  28-Dec 19:05 lou-sd JobId 28634: Job mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31 is
  waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
  Please use the label command to create a new Volume for:
 Storage:  LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
 Pool: Hales
 Media type:   File

 The problem: Bacula cannot find any Volumes to which it can append.

 Required reading before asking more questions on this topic:

 NOTE: You didn't specify what version you're running, so if you're not on
 5.2.x, read the right docs.


 After that, ask away!  But only after posting us the definition of Hales
 from bacula-dir.conf.


The main cause of my confusion is that Bacula usually just creates a new 
volume file when the current one is full or marked as (unless a volume has 
already been recycled). This is why I only get the errror elsewhere if there 
is no space left on the other storage servers.

I cannot understand why periodically Bacula stops and instead generates this 
email for just this one server. Admittedly it is the second busiest storage 
on the network.

For the director I'm running 5.2.11 from RPM on a Fedora 17 server. This is 
box is also the main storage server.

The storage server in question is running 5.0.3 from RPM on a Fedora 16 

The definition for Hales is:

Pool {
  Name = Hales
  Pool Type = Backup
  Volume Use Duration = 23h
  Maximum Volume Bytes=5G
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3 months
  Label Format = hales

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Fwd: Bacula: Intervention needed for mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31

2012-12-31 Thread Gary Stainburn
All of my storage devices are file devices and I have generally no problems 
unless I run out of filestore space which thankfully hasn't happened for a 

However, on this one filestore I occassionlally the following error and all 
jobs to that filestore stop.

What is the best / tidiest way to resolve the error and resume backups?
Any ideas why it happens in the first place?

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Bacula: Intervention needed for mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31
Date: Friday 28 December 2012
From: Bacula

28-Dec 19:05 lou-sd JobId 28634: Job mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31 is waiting. 
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the label command to create a new Volume for:
Storage:  LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
Pool: Hales
Media type:   File


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 
28-Dec 19:05 lou-sd JobId 28634: Job mo.2012-12-28_19.05.01_31 is waiting. 
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the label command to create a new Volume for:
Storage:  LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
Pool: Hales
Media type:   File
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Client

2012-11-22 Thread Gary Stainburn
: lou-hales
When:2012-11-22 10:18:43
Catalog: MyCatalog
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=24989
[end of bconsole session]
[start of job log]
22-Nov 10:41 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: Start Restore Job 
22-Nov 10:41 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: Using Device HalesStorage
22-Nov 10:41 lou-sd JobId 24989: Ready to read from volume hales5963 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales).
22-Nov 10:41 lou-sd JobId 24989: Forward spacing Volume hales5963 to 
file:block 0:206.
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: End of Volume at file 0 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales), Volume hales5963
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Ready to read from volume hales6100 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales).
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Forward spacing Volume hales6100 to 
file:block 0:3951106471.
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: End of Volume at file 0 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales), Volume hales6100
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Ready to read from volume hales6112 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales).
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Forward spacing Volume hales6112 to 
file:block 0:89482413.
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: End of Volume at file 0 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales), Volume hales6112
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Ready to read from volume hales6132 on 
device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales).
22-Nov 10:44 lou-sd JobId 24989: Forward spacing Volume hales6132 to 
file:block 0:414184962.
22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: Bacula eddie1-dir 5.2.11 (10Sep12):
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Miracle)
  JobId:  24989
  Restore Client: lou-fd
  Start time: 22-Nov-2012 10:41:43
  End time:   22-Nov-2012 10:44:38
  Files Expected: 10,676
  Files Restored: 10,677
  Bytes Restored: 4,196,970,425
  Rate:   23982.7 KB/s
  FD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Restore OK

22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: No Jobs found to prune.
22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: Begin pruning Files.
22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: No Files found to prune.
22-Nov 10:44 eddie1-dir JobId 24989: End auto prune.

[end of job log]

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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web console. Get in-depth insight into apps, servers, databases, vmware,
SAP, cloud infrastructure, etc. Download 30-day Free Trial.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Client

2012-11-22 Thread Gary Stainburn
I have managed to look back on the old server and the way that I got round it 
was to run a script that then called restore from bconsole.

Thinking about it, it would never work because the 

client =

in the restore job specifies the client to be restored, not where to. What is 
needed is a 

Restore Client =

keyword adding to the director.

Thanks anyway.


On Thursday 22 November 2012 09:46:05 Gary Stainburn wrote:
 On Thursday 22 November 2012 08:46:10 Jummo wrote:
  Hi Gary,
  Could you post the log information of the particular job?
  Could you post the commands you have used for the restore and the output?
 -- Jummo


 Here is the bconsole session for the restore. The job log is below.


 Connecting to Director
 1000 OK: eddie1-dir Version: 5.2.11 (10 September 2012)
 Enter a period to cancel a command.
 *restore all client=gary-fd
 Using Catalog MyCatalog

 First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
 to be restored. You will be presented several methods
 of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
 select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.

 To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
  1: List last 20 Jobs run
  2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
  3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
  4: Enter SQL list command
  5: Select the most recent backup for a client
  6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
  7: Enter a list of files to restore
  8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
  9: Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client
 10: Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified time
 11: Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds
 12: Select full restore to a specified Job date
 13: Cancel
 Select item:  (1-13): 5
 Automatically selected FileSet: Linux Full

 | jobid  | level | jobfiles | jobbytes  | starttime   |

 volumename |

 | 24,269 | F |   10,381 | 3,616,495,000 | 2012-11-12 16:06:27 |

 hales5963  |

 | 24,739 | D |  345 |85,340,881 | 2012-11-20 10:50:07 |

 hales6100  |

 | 24,755 | I |  104 |78,023,893 | 2012-11-21 10:02:59 |

 hales6112  |

 | 24,876 | I |  264 |92,547,090 | 2012-11-22 10:11:46 |

 hales6132  |
+ You have selected the following JobIds: 24269,24739,24755,24876

 Building directory tree for JobId(s) 24269,24739,24755,24876 ...
 8,887 files inserted into the tree and marked for extraction.

 You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
 remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
 you used the all keyword on the command line.
 Enter done to leave this mode.

 cwd is: /
 $ done
 Bootstrap records written to /var/spool/bacula/eddie1-dir.restore.1.bsr

 The job will require the following
Volume(s) Storage(s)SD Device(s)

 hales5963 lou-hales HalesStorage
 hales6100 lou-hales HalesStorage
 hales6112 lou-hales HalesStorage
 hales6132 lou-hales HalesStorage

 Volumes marked with * are online.

 10,676 files selected to be restored.

 Run Restore job
 JobName: RestoreFiles
 Bootstrap:   /var/spool/bacula/eddie1-dir.restore.1.bsr
 Where:   /user/restores
 Replace: always
 FileSet: Linux Full
 Backup Client:   gary-fd
 Restore Client:  gary-fd
 Storage: lou-hales
 When:2012-11-22 10:18:43
 Catalog: MyCatalog
 Plugin Options:  *None*
 OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
 Parameters to modify:
  1: Level
  2: Storage
  3: Job
  4: FileSet
  5: Restore Client
  6: When
  7: Priority
  8: Bootstrap
  9: Where
 10: File Relocation
 11: Replace
 12: JobId
 13: Plugin Options
 Select parameter to modify (1-13): 5
 The defined Client resources are:
  1: lou-fd
  2: lcomp5-fd
110: lcomp3-fd
 Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-110): 1
 Run Restore job
 JobName: RestoreFiles
 Bootstrap:   /var/spool/bacula/eddie1-dir.restore.1.bsr
 Where:   /user/restores
 Replace: always
 FileSet: Linux Full
 Backup Client:   gary-fd
 Restore Client:  lou-fd
 Storage: lou-hales
 When:2012-11-22 10:18:43
 Catalog: MyCatalog
 Plugin Options:  *None*
 OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
 Job queued

[Bacula-users] Restore Client

2012-11-21 Thread Gary Stainburn
I have the following restore job in bacula-dir.conf

Job {
  Name = RestoreFiles
  Type = Restore
  FileSet=Linux Full  
  Storage = eddie1-File  
  Priority = 9   # restore has higher priority
  Pool = Default
  Messages = Standard
  Where = /user/restores
  RunScript {
RunsWhen = After
Command = /etc/bacula/bacula_restore_run_after %i
RunsOnClient = no

However, when I try to run a restore it always wants to restore back to the 
original client and ignores the client defined in the job.

What do I need to do to get it to always restore to lou-fd?

I'm sure that on my old 5.0.3 based server it used to work. I'm now on 5.2.11.

I've checked the client and that is fine.

*status client=lou-fd
Connecting to Client lou-fd at

lou-fd Version: 5.2.11 (10 September 2012)  x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat 
Daemon started 21-Nov-12 16:37. Jobs: run=0 running=0.
 Heap: heap=131,072 smbytes=23,797 max_bytes=23,944 bufs=61 max_bufs=62
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0 
Running Jobs:
Director connected at: 21-Nov-12 18:00
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName 
 23962  Incr  2,097460.3 M  OK   10-Nov-12 19:30 lou
 24111  Incr 2930.03 M  OK   11-Nov-12 19:08 lou
 24270  Incr 347.137 M  OK   12-Nov-12 16:43 lou
 24271  Full  2,099467.9 M  OK   12-Nov-12 16:53 lou
 24621  Full  266.30 M  Cancel   20-Nov-12 11:34 lou
 24745  Full  2,101240.7 M  OK   20-Nov-12 11:39 lou
 24753  Incr 257.608 M  OK   20-Nov-12 19:05 lou
 24868  Full  11.579 G  OK   21-Nov-12 03:00 BackupCatalog
 24873   14,29910.73 G  OK   21-Nov-12 15:30 RestoreFiles


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Monitor your physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure from a single
web console. Get in-depth insight into apps, servers, databases, vmware,
SAP, cloud infrastructure, etc. Download 30-day Free Trial.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Erors creating retore object on replacement server

2012-11-12 Thread Gary Stainburn
Last week I replaced by old failing F14 server with a new F17 server with help 
from people on here.

I restored the Postgresql database from  my old box then ran 

My system is now up and running and Bacula is backing my my clients. However, 
some (about 50%) are getting the following errors appear in the logs.

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this.


11-Nov 19:12 lou-sd JobId 24216: Elapsed time=00:04:06, Transfer rate=48.83 K 
11-Nov 19:12 lou-sd JobId 24216: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
Despooling 14,671 bytes ...
11-Nov 19:12 eddie1-dir JobId 24216: Fatal error: sql_create.c:1220 Create db 
Object record INSERT INTO RestoreObject 
failed. ERR=ERROR:  permission denied for relation restoreobject
11-Nov 19:12 eddie1-dir JobId 24216: Fatal error: catreq.c:538 Restore object 
create error. 11-Nov 19:12 eddie1-dir JobId 24216: Error: Bacula eddie1-dir 
5.2.11 (10Sep12):
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Miracle)
  JobId:  24216
  Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2012-11-07 01:28:58
  Client: esales4-fd 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Windows 7 
Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring the catalog database - F14 to F17

2012-11-08 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Wednesday 07 November 2012 16:38:13 Simone Caronni wrote:
 On 7 November 2012 17:24, John Drescher wrote:
  I would restore the old database from a sql dump then run the upgrade
  scripts to fix the version problem.

 Exactly. What you are doing (going from a 5.0.3 director to a 5.2.11
 director) is not a restore of the old server, but an upgrade.

 You should just import the database as is and use the bundled scripts to
 upgrade the database prior starting the director.


Hi Simone, John.

Thank you both very much. That fixed the problem and everything is now 

Regarding the missing /var/lib/bacula this probably was down to the fact that 
I had copied the .conf files from the previous install.


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula on Fedora 17

2012-11-07 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I'm just replacing my old Fedora 14 based director / storage server with a 
Fedora 17 due to the HDD failing.

However, a yum search bacula shows that the RPM's have changed. I no longer 
see ones configured for Postgresql. Are they no longer required or is 
Postgresql no longer supported?  I have installed


I have managed to start the director using systemd after copying across the 
old /etc/bacula/. bconsole.conf and bacula-dir.conf are correct.

I haven't recovered the postgresql database.

The director started without errors and is running (appears in ps ax) but I 
cannot connect using bconsole.

My questions are:

1) What is bacula using for the catalog storage (I haven't installed mysql)
2) What's the best way to trace the fault with bconsole? (iptables and 
ip6tables are disabled)

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula on Fedora 17

2012-11-07 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Wednesday 07 November 2012 12:51:35 Felix Schwarz wrote:
 Hi Gary,

 PostgreSQL is supported. The README.Fedora file in
 /usr/share/doc/bacula-common-5.2.11/ contains all the details.


Thanks for this Felix.

I've worked through it, including restoring the backup from the old server, 
and restarted the director.

However bconsole still hangs and fails to access the director.

I did see entries in /var/log/messages complaining permission denied 
on /var/log/bacula.log which didn't exist so I created that

touch /var/log/bacula.log
chown bacula:bacula /var/log/bacula.log
chmod 660 /var/log/bacula.log

(The FD still complained about /var/lib/bacula being missing too. That was 
wrong in the RPM's back on F14).

which stopped the errors but didn't get the director working. The problem does 
appear to be with the director as it doesn't appear in 

netstat -a|grep bacu

although it does appear in 

ps ax|grep bacu[l]
 1012 ?Ssl
0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-dir -f -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -u bacula -g 

Anyone got any ideas?
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Restoring the catalog database - F14 to F17

2012-11-07 Thread Gary Stainburn
As part of trying to build my new server I've taken the pg_dump output from 
the old server and used that to build thedatabase on the new server. However 
I get the following log entries.

Can someone point me to the correct process for importing data.


07-Nov 15:42 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Version error for 
database bacula. Wanted 14, got 12
07-Nov 15:42 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Could not open 
Catalog MyCatalog, database bacula.
07-Nov 15:42 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Version error for 
database bacula. Wanted 14, got 12
07-Nov 15:42 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and management.
Stay in control, update software, and manage PCs from one command center
Diagnose problems and improve visibility into emerging IT issues
Automate, monitor and manage. Do more in less time with Central
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring the catalog database - F14 to F17

2012-11-07 Thread Gary Stainburn
By ignoring the old catalog and just creating a new installation I can get the 
director working. The message does indeed refer to differences in catalog 
database versions.

However, I need to import the old catalog into the new server. Can anyone 
point me in the right direction please.

(Sorry if you've already replied to this but my firewall/SPAM filter has been 
blocking emails).

In relation to my other thread, this was the reason the director wouldn't 
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and management.
Stay in control, update software, and manage PCs from one command center
Diagnose problems and improve visibility into emerging IT issues
Automate, monitor and manage. Do more in less time with Central
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula-users Digest, Vol 78, Issue 9

2012-10-11 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Thursday 11 October 2012 15:15:54 Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:

 I'm curious about the behaviour of bacula. Recently I was backing up a
 directory and meanwhile I added more directories to it. to my surprise,
 Bacula backed up everything, not just the files that where in the
 directory. I'm used to other backup and synchronization software that
 create a file list before starting to actually do the backup. This means
 that if new files or directory are added to the target, they are not
 taken into account and if anything is deleted before being backed up, it
 either warns or quit with error. This protects against the possibility
 of believe that something was backed up but actually, was not.
 Can someone confirm this and maybe help me get a work around to this?

 Juan Pablo Lorier

That is the standard behaviour with Bacula. If the fileset is amended at all, 
a full backup will be done unless you include the clause

 Ignore FileSet Changes = yes

in the fileset definition

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] console messages

2012-10-05 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Friday 05 October 2012 07:42:33 Geert Stappers wrote:
 Here a less evil trick, execute from shell

echo messages | /etc/bacula/scripts/bconsole  /dev/null

 Put it in a cronjob that runs at night
 to have each moring a (nearly) empty message buffer.

 Geert Stappers

Nice. That's the one I think I'll go for.  I've just run it from the command 
line and it took a total of 3 seconds to run so I think I can manage without 
a cron job a run it manually.



Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly
what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app
Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] console messages

2012-10-01 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Sunday 30 September 2012 00:54:14 Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:

 2012/9/28 Gary Stainburn
  Is there a way to limit the entries displayed to say the last 4 hours, or
  last 1000 lines?

 No. But you can simply disable console messages.

Is there a way to dynamically turn message logging off / on?

I use the console logging while working in bconsole but don't need it the rest 
of the time.

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] console messages

2012-09-28 Thread Gary Stainburn
I don't log into bconsole for maybe a week at at time and when I do I'm 
usually messing about with config settings.

I tend to always run 'auto on' as the first command but can sometimes have to 
wait over 5 minutes for a week's worth of log entries to scroll up my screen.

Is there a way to limit the entries displayed to say the last 4 hours, or the 
last 1000 lines?

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Most devs has no idea what their production app looks like.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] backup through firewall - timeout

2012-09-10 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I've got a problem whereby my email and web servers sometimes fail to backup.

These two servers are inside the DMZ and backup to the server inside my LAN.

The problem appears to be the inactivity on the connection after the data has 
been backed up while the database is being updated. Does anyone have any 
suggestions on what I can do?


22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: shell command: run 
BeforeJob /etc/bacula/ ollie-fd
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: PING ( 56
(84) bytes of data.
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: 64 bytes from 
icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=0.386 ms
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: 
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: --- ping 
statistics ---
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: 1 packets transmitted, 1 
received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: BeforeJob: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 
0.386/0.386/0.386/0.000 ms
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Start Backup JobId 15691, 
22-Aug 19:05 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Using Device LeedsStorage
22-Aug 19:05 ollie-fd JobId 15691: DIR and FD clocks differ by -4 seconds, FD 
automatically compensating.
22-Aug 19:05 mo-sd JobId 15691: Spooling data ...
22-Aug 19:07 ollie-fd JobId 15691:  Could not stat /var/named: ERR=No 
such file or directory
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: Job write elapsed time = 01:08:18, Transfer 
rate = 660.7 K Bytes/second
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: Committing spooled data to Volume leeds1214. 
Despooling 2,710,694,300 bytes ...
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: User defined maximum volume capacity 
5,368,709,120 exceeded on device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds).
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: End of medium on Volume leeds1214 
Bytes=5,368,704,792 Blocks=83,223 at 22-Aug-2012 20:13.
22-Aug 20:13 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: There are no more Jobs associated with 
Volume leeds1325. Marking it purged.
22-Aug 20:13 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: All records pruned from 
Volume leeds1325; marking it Purged
22-Aug 20:13 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Recycled volume leeds1325
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: Labeled new Volume leeds1325 on 
device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds).
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume leeds1325 
on device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
22-Aug 20:13 mo-sd JobId 15691: New volume leeds1325 mounted on 
device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds) at 22-Aug-2012 20:13.
22-Aug 20:14 mo-sd JobId 15691: Despooling elapsed time = 00:00:52, Transfer 
rate = 52.12 M Bytes/second
22-Aug 20:14 mo-sd JobId 15691: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
Despooling 396,467 bytes ...
22-Aug 21:18 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Fatal error: Network error with FD during 
Backup: ERR=Connection timed out
22-Aug 21:18 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Fatal error: No Job status returned from 
22-Aug 21:18 eddie1-dir JobId 15691: Error: Bacula eddie1-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10): 
22-Aug-2012 21:18:38
  Build OS:   i386-redhat-linux-gnu redhat 
  JobId:  15691
  Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2012-08-22 00:15:44
  Client: ollie-fd 5.0.3 (30Aug10) i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,
  FileSet:Linux Full 2012-08-13 19:05:00
  Pool:   Leeds (From Job resource)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:mo-leeds (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 22-Aug-2012 19:05:01
  Start time: 22-Aug-2012 19:05:08
  End time:   22-Aug-2012 21:18:38
  Elapsed time:   2 hours 13 mins 30 secs
  Priority:   7
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   1,434
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   2,707,746,944 (2.707 GB)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): leeds1214|leeds1325
  Volume Session Id:  5
  Volume Session Time:1345645144
  Last Volume Bytes:  2,063,844,654 (2.063 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Windows 7 VSS not working.

2012-08-20 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I've got two Windows 7 computers (one a brand new one only built on Friday) 
where VSS doesn't work.

I've checked that the service is running which it says that it is (although it 
says manual start in the settings).

Can anyone suggest what else to check


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bounce - setip not working

2012-08-14 Thread Gary Stainburn
Has anyone got this working as I still can't

On Tuesday 26 June 2012 17:05:35 Gary Stainburn wrote:
 I'm trying to get setip working and I'm struggling.

 I've set up a restricted console as described in the manual and it works
 for any other command, e.g. help, list.

 However, it doesn't work for setip. Can anyone help please.

 Console {
   name = setIpConsole
   Password = password2
   CommandACL = status, .status, help, setip

 Director {
   Name = eddie1-dir
   DIRport = 9101
   address =
   Password = password1

 console {
   Director = eddie1-dir
   Name = setIpConsole
   Password = password2

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Non-interactive restore

2012-08-09 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

Google has burried me once again as this seems to be a recurring question.

What is the best method of starting a restore without an interactive 
interface.  Basically, I want to be able to start a restore of the last 
backup state (option 5) for a client, specifying a difference restoreclient.

In an idea world I'd like to run a script after a successful completion.

I've tried:
restore all client=gary-fd restoreclient=eddie-fd

but it still asks for a resture type which I want to default to 5 and then 
asks me for a FileSet resource. I now only have one fileset resource for 
Linux but it still insists on giving me two choices including one I no long 
have in the config files.


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] setip not working

2012-06-26 Thread Gary Stainburn
I'm trying to get setip working and I'm struggling.

I've set up a restricted console as described in the manual and it works for 
any other command, e.g. help, list.

However, it doesn't work for setip. Can anyone help please.

Console {
  name = setIpConsole
  Password = password2
  CommandACL = status, .status, help, setip

Director {
  Name = eddie1-dir
  DIRport = 9101
  address =
  Password = password1

console {
  Director = eddie1-dir
  Name = setIpConsole
  Password = password2

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Client with multiple addresses

2012-03-22 Thread Gary Stainburn
 I don't know that it's directly possible. The way I would try to achieve
 this is working with DNS, looking into dynamic registration of your
 laptop's A record.

 If that's not feasible, an alternative may be to have the two IP
 addresses associated with your laptop's A record; perhaps Bacula's
 network code would try them sequentially. Not to be used with
 round-robin DNS, though. Also, it won't work if the addresses are
 dynamically assigned.

 And if the machines on your wired and wireless networks are assigned
 different DNS domain suffixes, then this won't work.

I had a go at getting dynamic DNS working and failed.

The way that I managed to get this working was to write a perl script that 
monitors (tail -f basically) the DHCPD logs and then edits the client config 
file and forces the director to reload.

This method also means that I can trigger other actions when a user's laptop 
is connected, such as updating my inventory database, triggering bacula 
backup jobs depending on which subnet (site) the laptop is on.

If you're interested, I could post some code.


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Client with multiple addresses

2012-03-22 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Thursday 22 March 2012 16:54:18 Jon Schewe wrote:
 That's one option, however my bacula server and my DHCP server are not
 the same box. So I'd rather have a solution that I can just specify both
 addresses and then use the reschedule job options for when the computer is

No problem. My solution does handle multiple sites and multiple DHCP servers.

I also use the 'reschedule on error' facility as well. Belts and braces.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Why does installing WinBacula NEVER work?

2012-03-16 Thread Gary Stainburn
We have mostly windows clients so I've had to do this a few times in the last 
2 weeks as I roll things out.

I have found that if you go through the install and default everything the 
install works but the client dies on startup.

If I supply the name of the director but nothing else everything works fine. 

I have a BASH script that logs into the client windows machine, extracts the 
bacula-fd.conf using SMB and extracts the generated password and uses that to 
create the client entry for the bacula-dir.conf

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

This SF email is sponsosred by:
Try Windows Azure free for 90 days Click Here
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] excluded folders being included in the backup

2012-03-09 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Thursday 08 March 2012 23:56:30 Steve Ellis wrote:
 Just a guess, but I'm thinking that this may be due to the trailing '/'
 in your 'wild' entries.  I know that for my systems, when I exclude
 (with Ignore Case), I'm able to exclude both files and directories
 appropriately with wild, but I never put trailing '/' in the directory
 names.  Also, just to check I ran a simple test using 'bwild' (a tool I
 was not previously aware of) and that suggested that the trailing '/'
 might be a problem (unclear since bwild doesn't actually look at
 filesystems, instead it takes filenames in a file).


Thanks Steve. I've removed the trailing '/' and that has fixed the problem. 
The new backup size is only 13GB.

Thanks also for mentioning bwild.


Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] excluded folders being included in the backup

2012-03-08 Thread Gary Stainburn
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Loyalty Logistix*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Messenger
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/microsoft ActiveSync
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/microsoft ASP.NET
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/microsoft frontpage
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Microsoft Office
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Microsoft Silverlight
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/microsoft Visual*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/microsoft works
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/MSBuild
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/MSECache
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Nokia
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Movie Maker
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Mozilla*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Mozilla Thunderbird
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/MSN*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/MSSOAP
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/MSXML*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Nokia
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/OpenOffice*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/RealPopup
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Realtek
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/sophos
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/TightVNC
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/UltraVNC
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Uninstall Information
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/VIA
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Windows Media*
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Windows NT
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Windows Sidebar
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/WindowsUpdate
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/xerox
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Yahoo!
  W [A-Z]:/ProgramData/Kaspersky Lab
  W [A-Z]:/ProgramData/Microsoft
  W [A-Z]:/Apps/
  W [A-Z]:/dell/
  W [A-Z]:/Drivers/
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Altiris
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/ATT
  W [A-Z]:/Program Files/Dell
  W [A-Z]:/Windows.old
  I C:/
  -- Schedule: name=Week1
  -- Run Level=Full
  mday=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 
  month=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 
  woy=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 
52 53 
  -- Run Level=Differential
  mday=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 
  month=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 
  wom=1 2 3 4 
  woy=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 
52 53 
  -- Run Level=Incremental
  mday=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 
  month=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 
  wday=1 2 3 4 5 6 
  wom=0 1 2 3 4 
  woy=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 
52 53 
  -- WriteBootstrap=/var/bacula/ladmina-bootstrap
  -- MaxStartDelay=82800
  -- Storage: name=donlin-leeds SDport=9103 
  DeviceName=LeedsStorage MediaType=File StorageId=13
 -- RunScript
  -- Command=/etc/bacula/ %c
  -- Target=
  -- RunOnSuccess=1
  -- RunOnFailure=0
  -- FailJobOnError=1
  -- RunWhen=2
  -- Pool: name=Leeds PoolType=Backup
  use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
  max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=3 months 
  VolUse=23 hours  recycle=1 LabelFormat=leeds
  CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
  RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=0
  MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=5368709120
  MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0
  JobRetention=0 secs FileRetention=0 secs
  -- Messages: name=Standard
  mailcmd=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f (Bacula) 
%r -s Bacula: %t %e of %c %l %r
  opcmd=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f (Bacula) %r -s Bacula: 
Intervention needed for %j %r
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] excluded folders being included in the backup

2012-03-08 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Thursday 08 March 2012 20:35:10 Andrea Conti wrote:

  I've added exclude entries for most of the folders
  I don't want to back up but they're still being included,

 Which folders are still being included? All of them or just some?

 A lot of the default folders under windows 7 (for example 'Application
 Data' and 'Local Settings' in every user directory) are really junction
 points, i.e. a kind of link referring to some other folder: you are
 probably excluding the junction points (which bacula does not descend
 into anyway) instead of the actual folders.

 You can use dir /a in a command prompt to quickly find out what
 folders are really junctions and what they point to.


Hi Andrea,

Examples are:


The user has taken her laptop home so I'm looking at another Win7 PC but here 
are the dir outputs:

C:\dir /a
dir /a
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F8E2-C48B

 Directory of C:\

21/02/2012  13:29DIR  $Recycle.Bin
21/02/2012  17:05 1,024 .rnd
21/02/2012  13:3686 csb.log
14/07/2009  05:08JUNCTION Documents and Settings [C:\Users]
07/03/2012  16:42 3,208,044,544 hiberfil.sys
21/02/2012  13:32DIR  Intel
21/02/2012  17:06   390 ladmine-fd.conf
21/02/2012  13:50DIR  MSOCache
07/03/2012  16:42 4,277,395,456 pagefile.sys
14/07/2009  03:20DIR  PerfLogs
21/02/2012  16:10DIR  Program Files
24/02/2012  03:00DIR  Program Files (x86)
21/02/2012  16:16DIR  ProgramData
21/02/2012  13:29DIR  Recovery
21/02/2012  13:36 3,026 RHDSetup.log
07/03/2012  02:17DIR  System Volume Information
21/02/2012  16:10DIR  Users
08/03/2012  23:31DIR  Windows
   6 File(s)  7,485,444,526 bytes
  12 Dir(s)  458,721,439,744 bytes free

C:\Windowsdir /a
dir /a   
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F8E2-C48B

 Directory of C:\Windows

08/03/2012  23:31DIR  .
08/03/2012  23:31DIR  ..
21/02/2012  14:10   499 win.ini
14/07/2009  04:54   749 WindowsShell.Manifest
08/03/2012  19:36 1,242,504 WindowsUpdate.log
08/03/2012  23:3116,896 winexesvc.exe
14/07/2009  01:14 9,728 winhlp32.exe
03/03/2012  03:19DIR  winsxs
10/06/2009  20:52   316,640 WMSysPr9.prx
14/07/2009  01:3910,240 write.exe
  37 File(s)  8,954,905 bytes
  59 Dir(s)  458,721,435,648 bytes free


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Start / restart the windows bacula client remotely

2012-02-27 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I'm rolling out my new Bacula network and I'm working on automating the config 

I already have a script on my Linux server using smbclient to pull the 
bacula-fd.conf from the windows client, extract the password, and then 
configure the client in bacula-dir.conf.

Sometimes, when the clients are installed, it doesn't set up the local monitor 
entry, leaving the default values for the name and password. The Bacual 
client then fails to start.

As part of my script above, I fix the bacula-fd.conf and push it back to the 
windows client.  

Does anyone know how once I've done this I can start the service on the 
Windows client from my Linux server?

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Concurrent backups using spooling

2012-02-16 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I'm re-instating my bacula system after an althernative system failed. 
Unfortunately the config files I have are not the right version and I can't 
get concurrent backups working again.

I have 30+ workstations and 10+ servers all backing up to 3 storage devices. I 
used to be abel to have multiple clients backing up to each storage device 
concurrently but now I can't.  The first device starts backing up but all 
others sit waiting for the storage device.

I have looked at the online Bacula documentation. I have tried adding

Spool data = yes


Spooling Directory = /var/bacula/spool

to the storage device  in both bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf as it says 
in the documentation but restarting both daemons then fails with config file 

What am I doing wrong?

I have included

Spool data = yes

into the jobdef's that my jobs are based on but this does not seem to make any 
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] resurrecting an FC11 install - cann ot connect to postgresql

2010-05-28 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Thursday 27 May 2010 19:54:16 Martin Simmons wrote:
  On Thu, 27 May 2010 14:56:19 +0100, Gary Stainburn said:
  Catalog {
Name = MyCatalog
DB Address = ''; dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password =
  * }

 This should be DB Address = i.e. double-quotes instead of


Cheers Martin.  That sorted it

Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] resurrecting an FC11 install - cannot connect to postgresql

2010-05-27 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I've had a main server die (2 HDD's out of a RAID5 - would you believe it)

I've manually rebuilt it and all looked fine until I tried to start the 
director. It then fails to connect to the database - which I again rebuilt 

I can connect manually thus:

[r...@lou ~]# psql -d bacula -U bacula
Password for user bacula: 
Welcome to psql 8.3.11, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
   \h for help with SQL commands
   \? for help with psql commands
   \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
   \q to quit

bacula= \q
[r...@lou ~]# psql -d bacula -U bacula -h
Password for user bacula: 
Welcome to psql 8.3.11, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
   \h for help with SQL commands
   \? for help with psql commands
   \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
   \q to quit


but when I start bacula-dir I get the message below in /var/lib/bacula/log

The Catalog definition is:

Catalog {
  Name = MyCatalog
  DB Address = ''; dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = *

27-May 14:30 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Could not open 
Catalog MyCatalog, database bacula.
27-May 14:30 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: postgresql.c:202 Unable to 
connect to PostgreSQL server.
Database=bacula User=bacula
It is probably not running or your password is incorrect.
27-May 14:30 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

The RPM's I'm working with are:


Anyone got any ideas what I need to do to fix this please?

Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Job scheduling

2007-11-01 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

Two related questions on job scheduling. I have a trial setup.

I have:

* one storeage daemon with one device storing to File
* one File device within the sd
* four pools

I have four pools just so that the volume name prefix matches the name of the 
physical location of the site being backed up. This is controlled by a 
jobdefs, again one per site. 

I then add a client and a job for each computer to be backed up, quoting the 
appropriate jobdef for the site the computer is on.

This all works fine and everything backs up but as I said I have 2 scheduling 

1) Backups occur one at once. Would it be possible to make it back up all 4 
sites simultaniously? If I defined 4 File devices within the DS would this 

2) If I have a client/job in listed in the director config but haven't 
installed the FD yet everything seems to halt waiting for the non-existing fd 
to connect to the sd. No other job can start until I cancel the hung job.

How can I get round this?



Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Device blocked.

2007-10-29 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Saturday 27 October 2007 14:46, Arno Lehmann wrote:
 At this point, what is the 'sta sd=larry2-leeds' output?
 Normally, things should work now, I think...


As you can see below, it still says it's blocked.  It also says there's 4 jobs 
writing to it too which I don't understand. I thought you could onnly have 
one job per device.

Any ideas anyone?


*sta sd=larry2-leeds
Connecting to Storage daemon larry2-leeds at

larry2-sd Version: 2.2.4 (14 September 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 19-Oct-07 16:56, 143 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=872,448 smbytes=641,805 max_bytes=707,072 bufs=215 max_bufs=222
Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 int32_t=4 int64_t=8

Running Jobs:
Writing: Differential Backup job ladmin9 JobId=491 Volume=
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=6
Writing: Full Backup job ladmin1 JobId=649 Volume=leeds0040
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=8
Writing: Full Backup job ladmin2 JobId=650 Volume=leeds0044
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=10
Writing: Incremental Backup job ladmin7 JobId=653 Volume=leeds0044
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=12

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName
   643  Full  0 0   Other26-Oct-07 14:10 lpartsl
   644  Incr 91168.8 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:12 lserv1
   645  Incr 9971.41 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:13 lserv4
   646  Incr133978.9 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:16 lserv6
   647  Incr 88560.7 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:18 lserv9
   648  Incr186127.5 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:19 lservg
   676  Incr1221.200 G  OK   26-Oct-07 15:43 dadmin1
   677  Incr 78283.4 M  OK   26-Oct-07 16:04 dadmin4
   651  Full  0 0   Other26-Oct-07 16:58 ladmin4
   652  Incr  0 0   Other26-Oct-07 17:28 ladmin6

Device status:
Device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds) is not open.
Device is BLOCKED waiting to create a volume for:
   Media type:  leeds-tape
Device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales) is not open.
Device PrimaStorage (/var/bacula/prima) is not open.
Device DoncStorage (/var/bacula/donc) is not open.

In Use Volume status:
leeds0044 on device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
Reader=0 writers=0 reserved=4

Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Device blocked.

2007-10-26 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

I ran out of disc space which has confused things. I've now freed up some 
space and I'm trying to get things rolling agin.

One of my storeage devices is blocked waiting for a volume so I try creating 
one. However, it doesn't work.

Anyone know what I need to do?

*status storage=larry2-leeds
Connecting to Storage daemon larry2-leeds at

larry2-sd Version: 2.2.4 (14 September 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 19-Oct-07 16:56, 141 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=548,864 smbytes=370,298 max_bytes=435,743 bufs=160 max_bufs=171
Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 int32_t=4 int64_t=8

Running Jobs:
Writing: Differential Backup job ladmin9 JobId=491 Volume=
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=6
Writing: Full Backup job ladmin1 JobId=649 Volume=leeds0040
pool=Leeds device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=8

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  LevelFiles  Bytes   Status   FinishedName
   641  Incr124134.4 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:08 lparts4
   642  Full  0 0   Other26-Oct-07 14:09 lpartsj
   643  Full  0 0   Other26-Oct-07 14:10 lpartsl
   644  Incr 91168.8 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:12 lserv1
   645  Incr 9971.41 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:13 lserv4
   646  Incr133978.9 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:16 lserv6
   647  Incr 88560.7 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:18 lserv9
   648  Incr186127.5 M  OK   26-Oct-07 14:19 lservg
   676  Incr1221.200 G  OK   26-Oct-07 15:43 dadmin1
   677  Incr 78283.4 M  OK   26-Oct-07 16:04 dadmin4

Device status:
Device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds) is not open.
Device is BLOCKED waiting to create a volume for:
   Media type:  leeds-tape
Device HalesStorage (/var/bacula/hales) is not open.
Device PrimaStorage (/var/bacula/prima) is not open.
Device DoncStorage (/var/bacula/donc) is not open.

In Use Volume status:
leeds0040 on device LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)
Reader=0 writers=0 reserved=2

Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog MyCatalog
The defined Storage resources are:
 1: eddie1-File
 2: larry2-leeds
 3: larry2-donc
 4: larry2-hales
 5: larry2-prima
Select Storage resource (1-5): 2
Enter new Volume name: leeds0044
Defined Pools:
 1: Prima
 2: Scratch
 3: Hales
 4: Default
 5: Donc
 6: Leeds
Select the Pool (1-6): 6
Connecting to Storage daemon larry2-leeds at ...
Sending label command for Volume leeds0044 Slot 0 ...
3000 OK label. VolBytes=216 DVD=0 Volume=leeds0044 Device=LeedsStorage 
Catalog record for Volume leeds0044, Slot 0  successfully created.
Requesting to mount LeedsStorage ...
3001 OK mount. Device=LeedsStorage (/var/bacula/leeds)

Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Auto install - was Win32 fd systray icon missing

2007-10-19 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Friday 19 October 2007 12:13, Chris Howells wrote:
 Gary Stainburn wrote:
  When I first install it the tape icon appears, but 9 times out of 10 if I
  reboot, although the service is running the icon doesn't appear.

 Sounds like bug #952 which I believe is fixed. Make sure you've got the
 most recent version (IIRC it was fixed in 2.2.4 or 2.2.5).

I've downloaded 2.2.5 (was already running 2.2.4).

Is there any way to run the install on the clients non-interactively to 
perform the upgrade?

I'm look for something apprioriate to add to a login batch file.


Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Job scheduling

2007-10-19 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Friday 19 October 2007 13:26, you wrote:
  If I set up 4 devices, one for each site/pool, how do I ensure that
  correct device is used for the correct pool. I would like each site to be
  in it's own directory.

 One way is to give each sd a seperate media type and then give all
 jobs for a single site/pool the same media type as the sd that will
 handle the jobs for that site/pool.


I've managed to completely screw up my config so that nothing's backing up 
now.  I'm trying to do as you suggested.

There error message seems to say that it's looking for a media type 'File' but 
I don't know how to change it to 'leeds-tape'.

19-Oct 17:04 eddie1-dir: Start Backup JobId 391, 
19-Oct 16:56 larry2-sd: Failed command: 
19-Oct 16:56 larry2-sd: ladmin6.2007-10-19_17.04.30 Fatal error: 
 Device PrimaStorage with MediaType File requested by DIR not found in 
SD Device resources.
19-Oct 17:04 eddie1-dir: ladmin6.2007-10-19_17.04.30 Fatal error: 
 Storage daemon didn't accept Device PrimaStorage because:
 3924 Device PrimaStorage not in SD Device resources.
19-Oct 17:04 eddie1-dir: ladmin6.2007-10-19_17.04.30 Error: Bacula eddie1-dir 
2.2.4 (14Sep07): 19-Oct-2007 17:04:34
  Build OS:   i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat 
  JobId:  391
  Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2007-10-19 09:22:56
  Client: ladmin6-fd 2.2.4 (12Sep07) 
  FileSet:Windows XP 2007-10-08 17:16:43
  Pool:   Leeds (From Job resource)
  Storage:larry2-File (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 19-Oct-2007 17:04:21
  Start time: 19-Oct-2007 17:04:34
  End time:   19-Oct-2007 17:04:34
  Elapsed time:   0 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Volume name(s): 
  Volume Session Id:  1
  Volume Session Time:1192809363
  Last Volume Bytes:  0 (0 B)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  
  SD termination status:  
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

I've got the following in the director

JobDefs {
  Name = LeedsJob
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  FileSet = Windows XP
  Schedule = WeeklyCycle
  max start delay = 23h
  Reschedule On Error = yes
  Reschedule Times = 23
  reschedule interval = 1h
  Storage = larry2-File
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Leeds
  Priority = 10
Job {
  Name = ladmin6
  JobDefs = LeedsJob
  Client = ladmin6-fd
  Schedule = WeeklyCycle
  Messages = Standard
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/ladmin6-bootstrap
Client {
  Name = ladmin6-fd
  Address = ladmin6
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = Bacula # password for ladmin6
  File Retention = 30 days# 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months# six months
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files
Storage {
  Name = larry2-File
# Do not use localhost here
  Address =
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = password
  Device = LeedsStorage
  Device = DoncStorage
  Device = HalesStorage
  Device = PrimaStorage
  Media Type = File
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
Pool {
  Name = Leeds
  Pool Type = Backup
# Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Volume Use Duration = 23h
  Maximum Volume Bytes=5G
  Recycle = yes   
  AutoPrune = yes  
  Volume Retention = 365 days # one year
  Label Format = leeds

And in the sd I have

Storage { # definition of myself
  Name = larry2-sd
  SDPort = 9103  # Director's port  
  WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  Client Connect Wait = 30s

Device {
  Name = LeedsStorage
  Device Type = File
  Media Type = leeds-tape
  Archive Device = /var/bacula/leeds
  LabelMedia = yes;
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

Device {
  Name = HalesStorage
  Device Type = File
  Media Type = hales-tape
  Archive Device = /var/bacula/hales
  LabelMedia = yes;
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

Gary Stainburn
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[Bacula-users] Win32 fd systray icon missing

2007-10-19 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

If this is a FAQ then I appologise, but does anyone know why the icon doesn't 
appear in the systray on my WinXP workstations?

When I first install it the tape icon appears, but 9 times out of 10 if I 
reboot, although the service is running the icon doesn't appear.

Gary Stainburn
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Job scheduling

2007-10-18 Thread Gary Stainburn
Hi folks.

Two related questions on job scheduling. I have a trial setup.

I have:

* one storeage daemon with one device storing to File
* one File device within the sd
* four pools

I have four pools just so that the volume name prefix matches the name of the 
physical location of the site being backed up. This is controlled by a 
jobdefs, again one per site. 

I then add a client and a job for each computer to be backed up, quoting the 
appropriate jobdef for the site the computer is on.

This all works fine and everything backs up but as I said I have 2 scheduling 

1) Backups occur one at once. Would it be possible to make it back up all 4 
sites simultaniously? If I defined 4 File devices within the DS would this 

2) If I have a client/job in listed in the director config but haven't 
installed the FD yet everything seems to halt waiting for the non-existing fd 
to connect to the sd. No other job can start until I cancel the hung job.

How can I get round this?



Gary Stainburn
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