Re: [Bacula-users] is 7.2 ready for prime time?

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
Innobackupex is excellent- we use it- but it's not as trivial as a tar copy
of the mysql directory (shut the database down first). For example, you may
end up using the database username/password on the command line in your
scripts (which you should probably avoid). Also, according to the man page,
"After  creating  a  backup,  the  data  is  not  ready to be restored."
...Ehm, in a word: YIKES! RTFM for sure! At least they tell you what you
need to do, and it's not hard, but if you miss it...

Anyway, here's a bash example of how we back up our production database.
Details such as defining LOG_DIR and BACKUP_DIR left as an exercise for the

cleanup () {
rm -f $TMPFILE
exit $status


TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/dbbkpX)

suffix=$(date +%w)
cp /etc/my.cnf $TMPFILE
cat /var/lib/mysql/defaults.cnf >> $TMPFILE


innobackupex --defaults-file $TMPFILE $FULL_BACKUP_DIR > $LOG_DIR/$suffix
innobackupex --defaults-file $TMPFILE --apply-log $FULL_BACKUP_DIR >>
$LOG_DIR/$suffix 2>&1

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp 

> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 09:01:29AM -0700, Stephen Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > I run daily backups of my database and had finished my monthly full run
> > for September, so I was technically covered.  However I was not looking
> > forward to restoring a 900+Gb mysql database from a text dump which on
> > my system would take days, if not an entire week.  The last time I had
> > to restore database from backup it was 4 or so years ago and my database
> > was only 300-400Gb back then.
> >
> > Stephen
> >
> >
> One word: innobackupex. You'll be up running in a few minutes again as
> opposed to a week when using a text file created by mysqldump (which,
> much like MyISAM tables, should be taken round the back and taken out
> of its misery once and for all ;))
> All the best,
> Uwe
> --
> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Which JobID did my Verify verify?

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
I have a job that, once complete, involves removing a number of backed up
files. How do I make sure the files are complete and on tape?

...With a Verify job, of course. Ok, so let's say my job name is "Log" and
my verify job is "VerifyLog", with a Job entry in the bacula-dir file of:
VerifyJob = "Log". Furthermore, my backup job's schedule is
"SaturdayEvening" and its priority is "40". The Verify job shares the same
schedule but its priority is 41.

So it should verify the very last Log job, and I should be happy.

What I want, though, is to *guarantee* to my manager that I verified the
job that I expected to verify.

I notice that I can do an "llist jobid=" on a backup job and get some
nice details, but this function will not tell me about Verify jobs. I also
notice that the log file tells me that the Verify job knows which job it's
verifying against, eg:

27-Sep 04:34 bacula-dir JobId 1521: Verifying against JobId=1520

I could grep the logs, but is there a bconsole function that I have yet to


*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] is 7.2 ready for prime time?

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Raymond Burns Jr. 

> I didn't run a backup of the database because of all the great responses
> from people.

​Oh dear Lord man! If running mysql, shut the database down and tar up the​
/var/lib/mysql directory (or whatever you have in /etc/my.cnf). It's so
trivial, yet such a tremendous heart attack prevention technique!

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Verify Jobs

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
Here is an example where the Verify job uses the same schedule but
different Messages than standard. Pool, Storage, and Schedule entries are
up to you and have not been included; they are not remarkable. The
important thing to note is that the Verify will perform a verify of the
last backup of the job specified in the "VerifyJob" line.  Let me know if
you have any questions.

# Captures
Job {
  Name = "Captures"
  Schedule = "SaturdayEvening"
  Type = Backup
  Client = captures
  Level = Full
  Storage = LTO-3
  FileSet = "Captures"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Captures
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/spool/bacula/bootstrap/%c-%n-%i.bsr"
  Priority = 40   # Low priority; this job can take a while to get done.
  ClientRunBeforeJob = "/usr/local/bin/captures_stage"

# Verify
# The verifies run at a lower priority compared to the backup job.
Job {
  Name = "CapturesVerify"
  VerifyJob = "Captures"
  Schedule = "SaturdayEvening"
  Type = Verify
  Client = captures
  Level = VolumeToCatalog
  Storage = LTO-3
  Accurate = yes
  FileSet = "Captures"
  Messages = "Verify_Captures"
  Pool = Captures
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/spool/bacula/bootstrap/%c-%n-%i.bsr"
  Priority = 41   # Low priority; this job can take a while to get done.
  ClientRunAfterJob = "/usr/local/bin/captures_post_verify %c-%n-%i"

#... FileSet
FileSet {
  Name = "Captures"
  Include {
File = /mnt/captures/staging
Options {
  signature = MD5
  noatime = yes
  xattrsupport = yes
  One FS = yes

# The Client name "captures" allows us to move this job from host to host.
Client {
  Name = captures
  Address =
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "topseekrit" # password for FileDaemon
  File Retention = 2 months
  Job Retention = 2 months
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

# Message delivery for verify messages.
Messages {
  Name = Verify_Captures
  mailcommand = "/usr/local/bin/my_smtp -h mailhub -f \"\(Bacula\) \<\>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  operatorcommand = "/usr/local/bin/my_smtp -h mailhub -f \"\(Bacula\) \<\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  mail = = all, !skipped
  operator = = mount
  append = "/var/log/bacula/verify.log" = all, !skipped
  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Wanderlei Huttel  wrote:

> Bacula manual is not so clear about Verify Jobs.
> What is the best practice to implement verify jobs for any backup job ?
> Can somebody show some example?

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] getting a full system backup

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Thing  wrote:

> I have rebooted the bacula server but when I do a backup it will not pick
> up the "/" still only showing usr/ in the restore window.

​When you go into bconsole, do a "list jobs"​. Choose the latest job for
your backup. Now, do a list files jobid= where  is the JobId of
that job.

​How does it look?

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] ERR message

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Schwager
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Thing  wrote:

> bconsole: bsock.c:223 Socket open error. proto=10 port=9101. ERR=Address
> family not supported by protocol

​What is in your /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf file?​

​What is the "Director" entry in your /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf file?​


*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-13 Thread Michael Schwager
My mailbox is in CDT (5 hours behind UTC). The backup host is in UTC, hence
the log entries (and mail headers, too, btw) show times in UTC.

This is why I created the logging frontend script: in order to debug
Becula's mail messaging, I want to see what *Bacula* is trying to do; I
don't want to get confused by mail system problems.

So: Clearly, Bacula had sent one and only one daemon message from our mail
server at 11:00 UTC on that day. In that mail message were daemon messages
that were a little over a week old.

In any event, Kern updated the Bacula code to hopefully solve this problem.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:

 Hello Michael,

 ​From your first post, the header of the email shows a 6:00 AM time, not
 the 11:00 AM. Are your sure they are the same e-mails? Is there any other
 e-mail in mailbox that arrived at 11:00 AM?

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Bacula backup@
 Date: Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 6:00 AM
 Subject: Bacula daemon message
 To: it@

 ​Best regards,

 Looking carefully your first post, the e-mail sent with the authentication
 error took place at 6 am and not 11 am. This log register do not seems to
 be the log for your error message. Instead it seems to be an e-mail sent by
 bacula after restarting.
 Em ter, 11 de ago de 2015 às 15:21, Michael Schwager escreveu:

 On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Martin Simmons

 Looks like a bug to me (I've just created

 ​Thanks. I have contributed to your bug report.

 *- Mike Schwager​ (aka, The Most Greyish of Gnomes)​*

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 312-637-0011
 Cell312-957-9804 312-957-9804 Fax*

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 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-13 Thread Michael Schwager
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Heitor Faria wrote:

 I agree with Ana with the fact it is probably not a bug. Even in the
 hypothesis Bacula is sending delayed messages this is the reason there is a
 time stamp on each log message. Yes: the connection error happened. Yes:
 daemon messages can be annoying and sometime lead incautious users to
 confusion if they only receive the message after the error is solved. But
 you can always opt out this messages or don't send them to the boss. =)

​For the record and benefit of any future Google searches (and I believe
this problem is solved in any case), it may be instructive for the user to
have Bacula call a script (as I have done) rather than bsmtp directly. Over
the course of my Bacula installation I needed to verify the correct
operation of all the component pieces of messaging delivery so I created a
frontend to bsmtp. Bacula calls that, rather than bsmtp itself, so I can
see what it is trying to do *before it even gets to the mail system*.

What I know is this:

   1. Bacula sent a message at 11:00 UTC. This is not a hypothesis, it's a
   fact; in fact, this line in the script:

   echo ARGUMENTS: 1:'$1' 2:'$2' 3:'$3' 4:'$4' 5:'$5' 6:'$6'
   7:'$7' 8: '$8' | logger -p
   produced this line in the mail.log:

   Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ARGUMENTS: 1:'-h' 2:'mailhub'
   3:'-f' 4:'(Bacula)' 5:'-s' 6:'Bacula daemon
   message' 7:'' 8: ''

   2. Its subject line as you can see was Bacula daemon message which
   matches the following entry in my bacula-dir.conf:
   ​Messages {
 Name = Daemon
 mailcommand = /usr/local/bin/my_smtp -h mailhub -f \\(Bacula\) \\\ -s \Bacula daemon message\ %r
 mail = = all, !skipped
 append = /var/log/bacula/daemon.log = all, !skipped
   3. It contained information that was over a week old.
   4. I didn't know why.
   5. Curiously, precisely the same time (at 11:00 UTC) I stop the Bacula
   daemons. Some time later I restart them.
   6. I don't want it to happen again.

Opting out of alerts is very dangerous. They are always telling you
something. They may be telling you that there is a problem in your system,
or they may be a false alarm. Either way, they are telling you something
should be fixed. Otherwise soon you are ignoring daemon messages as a
nuisance and then you REALLY have some explaining to your boss when you
miss the one that alerts you to a real problem!

In this case, it looks like there was a problem in the Bacula system that
Kern repaired.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-11 Thread Michael Schwager
Thanks for the reply, Ana. But the mail *was* from Bacula. My
bacula-dir.conf looks like this:

Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  mailcommand = /usr/local/bin/my_smtp -h mailhub -f \\(Bacula\) \\\ -s \Bacula daemon message\ %r I can debug those sneaky mail problems :-) . /usr/local/bin/my_smtp
logs the behavior; here is its code:

echo ARGUMENTS: 1:'$1' 2:'$2' 3:'$3' 4:'$4' 5:'$5' 6:'$6'
7:'$7' 8: '$8' | logger -p
/usr/sbin/bsmtp -d 10 $@ 21 | logger -p

And indeed, the mail log shows the event taking place at 11:00, the time
the mail was sent:

Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ARGUMENTS: 1:'-h' 2:'mailhub' 3:'-f'
4:'(Bacula)' 5:'-s' 6:'Bacula daemon message'
7:'' 8: ''
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 220
ESMTP Postfix
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 220 ESMTP Postfix
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: -- HELO
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 250
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 250
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ch0-backup-01 -- MAIL FROM:
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 250 2.1.0 Ok
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 250
2.1.0 Ok
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ch0-backup-01 -- RCPT TO:
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 250 2.1.5 Ok
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 250
2.1.5 Ok
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ch0-backup-01 -- DATA
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 354 End data with
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 354
End data with CRLF.CRLF
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:594-0 From: (Bacula)
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:597-0 Subject: Bacula
daemon message
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:625-0 Sender:
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:630-0 To: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:637-0
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:650-0 Date: Sun, 09
Aug 2015 11:00:01 + (UTC)
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ch0-backup-01 -- .
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 250
2.0.0 Ok: queued as 921D72056F
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: ch0-backup-01 -- QUIT
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: mailhub -- 221 2.0.0 Bye
Aug  9 11:00:01 ch0-backup-01 logger: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:130-0 mailhub -- 221
2.0.0 Bye

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:

 Hello Michael,

 It seems not to be an issue with Bacula. Instead, maybe this mail had been
 queued in your system and relayed at a later time.

 Best regards,

 On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 Yesterday (Sunday) I received an email from bacula-dir but I don't know
 why. It contains old authentication error messages from a week ago (see
 below) that I'd rectified on the 03 August later in the day. I don't know
 why I received this message now, and I'd like to prevent it from recurring.
 ...It makes my boss anxious. :-)

 The mail was sent at 11:00 UTC. There is no other job scheduled in
 bacula-dir or in cron that would take place at the time this email was
 sent. My maillog is consistent with that. I have verified that the mail
 came from bacula-dir

 I wonder if a start of the bacula director would send an email, but I
 just tried it and it did not send the email again (see the cron operations
 that are performed, below). Does bacula-dir send error messages that are =
 1 week old, upon startup?

 At 11:00 UTC my system performs the following from cron, in order to
 perform a binary backup:
 ​systemctl stop bacula-dir
 ​systemctl stop bacula-sd
 ​systemctl stop bacula-fd​
 systemctl stop mysqld
 ​(copy database dir)
 ​systemctl start mysqld
 systemctl start bacula-fd
 ​systemctl stop bacula-sd
 ​systemctl stop bacula-dir

 ​Thanks for any help.

 *- Mike Schwager*

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 312-637-0011
 Cell312-957-9804 312-957-9804 Fax*

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Bacula backup@
 Date: Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 6:00 AM
 Subject: Bacula daemon message
 To: it@

 02-Aug 22:24 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: authenticate.c:114 Director
 unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at http://backup-01

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-11 Thread Michael Schwager
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Martin Simmons

 Looks like a bug to me (I've just created

​Thanks. I have contributed to your bug report.

*- Mike Schwager​ (aka, The Most Greyish of Gnomes)​*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-11 Thread Michael Schwager
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 1:21 AM, Andreas Nastke

 check the mail-headers ('received-from' etc.) to find out
 which servers were involved.

​I did that, but in any event my own logging (see my reply to Ana on this
thread) shows that Bacula certainly sent a message, and it was at that time.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any 
such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message- where did it come from?

2015-08-10 Thread Michael Schwager
Yesterday (Sunday) I received an email from bacula-dir but I don't know
why. It contains old authentication error messages from a week ago (see
below) that I'd rectified on the 03 August later in the day. I don't know
why I received this message now, and I'd like to prevent it from recurring.
...It makes my boss anxious. :-)

The mail was sent at 11:00 UTC. There is no other job scheduled in
bacula-dir or in cron that would take place at the time this email was
sent. My maillog is consistent with that. I have verified that the mail
came from bacula-dir

I wonder if a start of the bacula director would send an email, but I just
tried it and it did not send the email again (see the cron operations that
are performed, below). Does bacula-dir send error messages that are = 1
week old, upon startup?

At 11:00 UTC my system performs the following from cron, in order to
perform a binary backup:
​systemctl stop bacula-dir
​systemctl stop bacula-sd
​systemctl stop bacula-fd​
systemctl stop mysqld
​(copy database dir)
​systemctl start mysqld
systemctl start bacula-fd
​systemctl stop bacula-sd
​systemctl stop bacula-dir

​Thanks for any help.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Bacula backup@
Date: Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 6:00 AM
Subject: Bacula daemon message
To: it@

02-Aug 22:24 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: authenticate.c:114 Director
unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at Possible causes:
Passwords or names not the same or
Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or
SD networking messed up (restart daemon).
Please see
for help.
03-Aug 02:38 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: authenticate.c:114 Director
unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at;. Possible causes:
Passwords or names not the same or
Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or
SD networking messed up (restart daemon).
Please see
for help.
03-Aug 02:49 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: authenticate.c:114 Director
unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at;. Possible causes:
Passwords or names not the same or
Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or
SD networking messed up (restart daemon).
Please see
for help.

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confidential proprietary or legally privileged information. No 
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If 
you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all 
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communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message 
are those of the individual sender, except where the message states 
otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any 
such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-04 Thread Michael Schwager
Actually, the restore jobs were in the 900-range. 687 was indeed the backup
job, as I can see that the numbers before and closely following it were all
backup jobs in the same data range (I didn't do my restore until months

It was that restore process that taught me how to manage my Bacula
Directory so as to avoid bscan's in the future. But it's good to know that
I can restore without restoring the info in the catalog.

(also I learned that Backups are useless. It's the restore I care about
At work we no longer talk about our backup infrastructure, we talk about
our restore infrastructure).

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Ana Emília M. Arruda

 Hello Michael,

 When you use bscan to restore jobs and files information from a volume
 into catalog, a new jobid is created for the original jobid (the jobid that
 used the volume for its backup). This is why you have the JobId 687 and not
 the original one. This is the JobId that you will find in your Job table.
 And this is the jobId that Bacula will tie to your media in JobMedia table.

 If the bscan operation is usual for you, I would recommend you to have an
 Admin Job doing prune operations of your jobs scheduled in an adequate
 date/time for your environment.

 Also, I would remember you that you can use bls/bextrac/bscan to restore
 the directories/files without restoring the volume/job info into catalog.

 Best regards,

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 Starngely, we have another tape that SHOULD be available. Tapes in this
 pool are set to recycle after 90 days, and 90 days ago from today is May
 ​ We have a tape that was last written to on March 28. So why would
 Bacula block on the unavailable tape?

 ​To answer my own question (with help from the other denizens of the
 Bacula-cave): ​

 A couple of months ago I needed to do a restore, but I had set some of
 the retention times too short. So the files for my Job were not in the
 database any longer. I scanned the tape and got the data back into the
 database. I'm not exactly sure what I'd done or why it broke, but I can
 tell you that the JobMedia database rows included references to JobId 687,
 and that was the ID of a job that contained my file. In any case, I'm sure
 these old references were what caused Bacula to not be able to mark the
 tape as recyclable, and it thought the tape was in use, so it requested the
 next tape in line (EPW681L3).

 I'm beginning to learn about the reasons why behind the warnings not to
 purge, and to let Bacula manage everything, and so on. At this point I
 think my Bacula is where I want it and I can move forward.

 Thank you all for your help, suggestions, and patience.

 *- Mike Schwager*

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 312-637-0011
 Cell312-957-9804 312-957-9804 Fax*

 This message is for the named person(s) use only. It may contain
 confidential proprietary or legally privileged information. No
 confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If
 you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all
 copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the
 sender. You must not, directly or indirectly use, disclose, distribute,
 print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended
 recipient. Mocho Trading LLC reserves the right to monitor all e-mail
 communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message
 are those of the individual sender, except where the message states
 otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any
 such entity.


 Bacula-users mailing list

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are those

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-03 Thread Michael Schwager
On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Michael Schwager

 Starngely, we have another tape that SHOULD be available. Tapes in this
 pool are set to recycle after 90 days, and 90 days ago from today is May
 ​ We have a tape that was last written to on March 28. So why would Bacula
 block on the unavailable tape?

​To answer my own question (with help from the other denizens of the
Bacula-cave): ​

A couple of months ago I needed to do a restore, but I had set some of the
retention times too short. So the files for my Job were not in the database
any longer. I scanned the tape and got the data back into the database. I'm
not exactly sure what I'd done or why it broke, but I can tell you that the
JobMedia database rows included references to JobId 687, and that was the
ID of a job that contained my file. In any case, I'm sure these old
references were what caused Bacula to not be able to mark the tape as
recyclable, and it thought the tape was in use, so it requested the next
tape in line (EPW681L3).

I'm beginning to learn about the reasons why behind the warnings not to
purge, and to let Bacula manage everything, and so on. At this point I
think my Bacula is where I want it and I can move forward.

Thank you all for your help, suggestions, and patience.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

This message is for the named person(s) use only. It may contain 
confidential proprietary or legally privileged information. No 
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If 
you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all 
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sender. You must not, directly or indirectly use, disclose, distribute, 
print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended 
recipient. Mocho Trading LLC reserves the right to monitor all e-mail 
communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message 
are those of the individual sender, except where the message states 
otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any 
such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-03 Thread Michael Schwager
Thanks. I will look at the max time settings. Regarding setting the enabled
field, I think rather than that, I will use list nextvol, and make sure the
changer is populated with the proper tape. This should keep Bacula

I can even query the database and look for some of the other tapes that
should be coming available, if I find that Bacula will likely write to more
than one volume.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Bill Arlofski wrote:

 On 08/03/2015 09:45 AM, Michael Schwager wrote:
  Thanks for the reply from The Man himself :-) .
  I ran update slots, and it's true that EPW681L3 is not in the library.
  that's as I planned it it: Why would it go to EPW681L3 when EPW680L3 is
  there in the library? It is in the same pool, it is as full as EPW681L3
  was, it's older than the file/job retention period, but somehow Bacula
  681 instead of 680 which is what I was expecting.
  As a matter of fact, I marked all the eligible tapes as full: First I
  681 full then Bacula chose 682. So I marked that one as full. Now 683 and
  beyond are younger than the file/job retention periods, so Bacula thinks
  has no tapes. Meanwhile I'm pulling my hair out because I'm saying,
  680 is *right there*!  Use it! But no joy. Can I somehow mark a tape as
  Under v. 5.x, I discovered that Bacula's tape usage algorithm went
  like this: Use an eligible tape from the library. I discovered (I
  that I could use any tape that met Bacula's rewritable criteria. Now, I
  know what the algorithm is. This means it will be difficult for me to
  the proper tape to put in the library. I need to know before the weekend
  starts so it doesn't hang up my backups.

 Hi Michael,

 You might try setting the enabled field to '0' for all volumes which are -
 should be - inaccessible (not in library), and therefore should not be
 considered by Bacula as viable.

 I had to implement this on my system a couple years back, and it has been
 working fine ever since:

 I wrote that script to work out this same problem I was having when
 drives were not in the drive caddy, and hence the file volumes on them were
 not available.

 You will surely have to adapt it, or probably just pick a few things from
 for your specific system because it is highly vchanger v0.8.6 centric. :)

 Having said that, it is typically best to let Bacula manage what volumes it
 wants, when it wants them, but in my situation, each hard drive I use with
 vchanger has about 70 10GB volumes so I am not severely limiting Bacula,
 guiding it a little and giving it a nudge.  e.g.: I do not touch retention
 times, nor do I manually force purges etc. :)

  Also, regarding my other question: How do I make Bacula fail hard if it
  doesn't find the media it needs?

 I have used the various job max ... time settings for things like this in
 the past.


 Bill Arlofski
 -- Not responsible for anything below this line --

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such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-03 Thread Michael Schwager
Thanks for the reply from The Man himself :-) .

I ran update slots, and it's true that EPW681L3 is not in the library. But
that's as I planned it it: Why would it go to EPW681L3 when EPW680L3 is
right there in the library? It is in the same pool, it is as full as
EPW681L3 once was, it's older than the file/job retention period, but
somehow Bacula chose 681 instead of 680 which is what I was expecting.

As a matter of fact, I marked all the eligible tapes as full: First I
marked 681 full then Bacula chose 682. So I marked that one as full. Now
683 and beyond are younger than the file/job retention periods, so Bacula
thinks it has no tapes. Meanwhile I'm pulling my hair out because I'm
saying, Bacula- 680 is *right there*!  Use it! But no joy. Can I somehow
mark a tape as usable?

Under v. 5.x, I discovered that Bacula's tape usage algorithm went
something like this: Use an eligible tape from the library. I discovered
(I think) that I could use any tape that met Bacula's rewritable criteria.
Now, I don't know what the algorithm is. This means it will be difficult
for me to choose the proper tape to put in the library. I need to know
before the weekend starts so it doesn't hang up my backups.

Also, regarding my other question: How do I make Bacula fail hard if it
doesn't find the media it needs?

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:


 Sorry you are having problems.  You did a perfect job of supplying the
 right information :-)

 It looks like for some reason you did not have tape EPW681L3 in the
 autochanger the last time you did an update slots barcodes so the slot
 for that Volume is zero, which means that Bacula will not try to use it --
 even though it is recycled.

 Every time you remove or add a tape to the library you must subsequently
 manually run update slots barcodes so that Bacula knows what Volumes are
 in the library.

 Best regards,

 On 03.08.2015 00:43, Michael Schwager wrote:

 We are running Bacula 7.0.5 on CentOS 7.0. This weekend, one of our full
 stores blocked waiting on a tape. However I was trying to enjoy the nice
 Chicago weather and trying not to think about work, so needless to say our
 backup failed.

 Starngely, we have another tape that SHOULD be available. Tapes in this
 pool are set to recycle after 90 days, and 90 days ago from today is May
 ​ We have a tape that was last written to on March 28. So why would Bacula
 block on the unavailable tape? Can I set it to fail and move on if a tape
 is not available? I will never be able to satisfy Bacula over the weekend-
 I would rather it fail than hold everything up.

 Thanks. ​Here's some Bacula queries; first my client entry from
 Client {
   Name = fscluster2-backup
   File Retention = 3 months
   Job Retention = 3 months
   AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

 ​ Here's what status jobs says:​

 Device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0) is not open.
 Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume EPW681L3,
Media type:  LTO-3
 Drive 0 is not loaded.
 ​ ...​

 Used Volume status:
 Reserved volume: EPW681L3 on tape device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0)
 Reader=0 writers=1 reserves=0 volinuse=0

 ​ But list media shows a volume in the changer which was last written to
 on March 28; much older than 90 days. Why didn't Bacula use it?​

 *list media
 Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
 Using Catalog MyCatalog
 Pool: Tape

 | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes| VolFiles
 | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType |
 LastWritten |

 |  16 | EPW680L3   | Full  |   1 | 557,867,971,584 |  145
 |7,776,000 |   1 |1 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-03-28
 07:11:04 |
 |  17 | EPW681L3   | Recycle   |   1 |   1 |0
 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2015-04-25
 08:08:59 |
 ​ ...​

 |  46 | EPW692L3   | Full  |   1 | 532,896,215,040 |  163
 |7,776,000 |   1 |2 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
 09:13:24 |
 |  47 | EPW693L3   | Full  |   1 | 420,250,650,624 |  105
 |7,776,000 |   1 |8 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
 11:55:27 |
 ​ ...​

 |  68 | ERX840L3   | Full  |   1 | 508,789,241,856 |  130
 |7,776,000 |   1 |5 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-07-25

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-03 Thread Michael Schwager
 does not exist in the Job table. Therefore I
believe something happened- maybe I purged this job in the past, in my
ignorance- and thus the tape cannot be pruned and thus will not be purged,
so Bacula won't use it. I need to investigate a little more.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:32 AM, Dimitri Maziuk

 On 2015-08-03 08:45, Michael Schwager wrote:

  Under v. 5.x, I discovered that Bacula's tape usage algorithm went
  something like this: Use an eligible tape from the library. I
  discovered (I think) that I could use any tape that met Bacula's
  rewritable criteria. Now, I don't know what the algorithm is.

 I had 5.x go from 001_010 to 002_010, then 003_010, etc. even though
 there were 5 more blank tapes in magazine 001 and 15 blank tapes in each
 002, 003, etc. So I'm pretty sure Bacula's tape selection algorithm is
 unpredictable -- at least to an end-user who isn't Kern. You just don't
 get hit by it very often.


 Bacula-users mailing list

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otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any 
such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-02 Thread Michael Schwager
We are running Bacula 7.0.5 on CentOS 7.0. This weekend, one of our full
stores blocked waiting on a tape. However I was trying to enjoy the nice
Chicago weather and trying not to think about work, so needless to say our
backup failed.

Starngely, we have another tape that SHOULD be available. Tapes in this
pool are set to recycle after 90 days, and 90 days ago from today is May
​ We have a tape that was last written to on March 28. So why would Bacula
block on the unavailable tape? Can I set it to fail and move on if a tape
is not available? I will never be able to satisfy Bacula over the weekend-
I would rather it fail than hold everything up.

Thanks. ​Here's some Bacula queries; first my client entry from
Client {
  Name = fscluster2-backup
  File Retention = 3 months
  Job Retention = 3 months
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

​Here's what status jobs says:​

Device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0) is not open.
Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume EPW681L3,
   Media type:  LTO-3
Drive 0 is not loaded.

Used Volume status:
Reserved volume: EPW681L3 on tape device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0)
Reader=0 writers=1 reserves=0 volinuse=0

​But list media shows a volume in the changer which was last written to on
March 28; much older than 90 days. Why didn't Bacula use it?​

*list media
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog MyCatalog
Pool: Tape
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes| VolFiles |
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten
|  16 | EPW680L3   | Full  |   1 | 557,867,971,584 |  145
|7,776,000 |   1 |1 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-03-28
07:11:04 |
|  17 | EPW681L3   | Recycle   |   1 |   1 |0
|7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2015-04-25
08:08:59 |

|  46 | EPW692L3   | Full  |   1 | 532,896,215,040 |  163
|7,776,000 |   1 |2 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
09:13:24 |
|  47 | EPW693L3   | Full  |   1 | 420,250,650,624 |  105
|7,776,000 |   1 |8 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
11:55:27 |

|  68 | ERX840L3   | Full  |   1 | 508,789,241,856 |  130
|7,776,000 |   1 |5 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-07-25
10:08:25 |

*status slots
Automatically selected Storage: LTO-3

3306 Issuing autochanger list command.
 Slot |   Volume Name|   Status  | Media Type   |
Pool  |
1 | EPW680L3 |  Full |LTO-3 |
Tape |
2 | EPW692L3 |  Full |LTO-3 |
Tape |
3 | EPW732L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
4 | EPW730L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
5 | ERX840L3 |  Full |LTO-3 |
Tape |
6 | EPW733L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
WORM-Onsite |
7 | EPW729L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
WORM-Onsite |
8 | EPW693L3 |  Full |LTO-3 |
Tape |

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

This message is for the named person(s) use only. It may contain 
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you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all 
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sender. You must not, directly or indirectly use, disclose, distribute, 
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communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message 
are those of the individual sender, except where the message states 
otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any 
such entity.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula BLOCKED waiting for mount

2015-08-02 Thread Michael Schwager
...Curiously, I marked EPW681L3 as Full status from bconsole, and it
change the next tape to Recycle Status. Why is Bacula setting tapes to
Recycle status? It never used to do that. The again, I was never on level
7.0.5 before either...

|  17 | EPW681L3   | Full  |   1 |   1 |0
|7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2015-04-25
08:08:59 |
|  26 | EPW683L3   | Recycle   |   1 |   1 |0
|7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2015-05-02
09:04:19 |

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Michael Schwager

 We are running Bacula 7.0.5 on CentOS 7.0. This weekend, one of our full
 stores blocked waiting on a tape. However I was trying to enjoy the nice
 Chicago weather and trying not to think about work, so needless to say our
 backup failed.

 Starngely, we have another tape that SHOULD be available. Tapes in this
 pool are set to recycle after 90 days, and 90 days ago from today is May
 ​ We have a tape that was last written to on March 28. So why would Bacula
 block on the unavailable tape? Can I set it to fail and move on if a tape
 is not available? I will never be able to satisfy Bacula over the weekend-
 I would rather it fail than hold everything up.

 Thanks. ​Here's some Bacula queries; first my client entry from
 Client {
   Name = fscluster2-backup
   File Retention = 3 months
   Job Retention = 3 months
   AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

 ​Here's what status jobs says:​

 Device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0) is not open.
 Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume EPW681L3,
Media type:  LTO-3
 Drive 0 is not loaded.

 Used Volume status:
 Reserved volume: EPW681L3 on tape device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0)
 Reader=0 writers=1 reserves=0 volinuse=0

 ​But list media shows a volume in the changer which was last written to on
 March 28; much older than 90 days. Why didn't Bacula use it?​

 *list media
 Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
 Using Catalog MyCatalog
 Pool: Tape

 | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes| VolFiles
 | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType |
 LastWritten |

 |  16 | EPW680L3   | Full  |   1 | 557,867,971,584 |  145
 |7,776,000 |   1 |1 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-03-28
 07:11:04 |
 |  17 | EPW681L3   | Recycle   |   1 |   1 |0
 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2015-04-25
 08:08:59 |

 |  46 | EPW692L3   | Full  |   1 | 532,896,215,040 |  163
 |7,776,000 |   1 |2 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
 09:13:24 |
 |  47 | EPW693L3   | Full  |   1 | 420,250,650,624 |  105
 |7,776,000 |   1 |8 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-08-01
 11:55:27 |

 |  68 | ERX840L3   | Full  |   1 | 508,789,241,856 |  130
 |7,776,000 |   1 |5 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2015-07-25
 10:08:25 |


 *status slots
 Automatically selected Storage: LTO-3

 3306 Issuing autochanger list command.
  Slot |   Volume Name|   Status  | Media Type   |
 Pool  |

 1 | EPW680L3 |  Full |LTO-3
 |   Tape |
 2 | EPW692L3 |  Full |LTO-3
 |   Tape |
 3 | EPW732L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
 4 | EPW730L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
 5 | ERX840L3 |  Full |LTO-3
 |   Tape |
 6 | EPW733L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
 WORM-Onsite |
 7 | EPW729L3 |Append |LTO-3 |
 WORM-Onsite |
 8 | EPW693L3 |  Full |LTO-3
 |   Tape |

 *- Mike Schwager*

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Re: [Bacula-users] Running Bat on Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit

2015-06-30 Thread Michael Schwager
Never mind... I downloaded the 32-bit version and it works. It's a little
rough (the first time I opened it, I got a little circle that spun around
endlessly, and I also needed to edit the config file by hand), but it seems
to be working now.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 I've downloaded Bacula from and
 installed bat (only) using the bacula-win64-5.2.10.exe file. During the
 installation, at asked me about my Director information, and I believe I
 gave it the correct info.

 Now I go to c:Program Files\Bacula and try to run bat but I get the
 following error:

 The application was unable to start correctly (0xc07b). Click OK to
 close the application.

 I looked at the bin32\bat.conf file and it looks good. Am I missing


 *- Mike Schwager*

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Loading file listings from old tapes

2015-06-29 Thread Michael Schwager
I have figured out at least part of my problem: a flawed understanding of
what Bacula is doing. I *had* thought, that if I did a bscan, Bacula would
find a dump of the database and restore the database records for the time
period of the backup. But it does not; it only restores records for those
jobs it finds on the tape. In order to restore other records I will need to
​appropriate media for the jobs that I'm missing.

That's what I'm doing now. I've already scanned a tape and now I'm able to
list files for the job in question.

Thanks for the replies.​

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Heitor Faria

 I have changed the retention periods to 12 months, and I have done some
 bscan's of some old tapes. I thought that would repopulate my database with
 the file names, but it has not. echo list jobs jobid=190 | bconsole
 returns No results to list. on a backup with 49,731 JobFiles.

 *- Mike Schwager*
 Any suggestions about how to perform this would be appreciated. Thanks.

 *  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
 *  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Running Bat on Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit

2015-06-29 Thread Michael Schwager
I've downloaded Bacula from and
installed bat (only) using the bacula-win64-5.2.10.exe file. During the
installation, at asked me about my Director information, and I believe I
gave it the correct info.

Now I go to c:Program Files\Bacula and try to run bat but I get the
following error:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc07b). Click OK to
close the application.

I looked at the bin32\bat.conf file and it looks good. Am I missing


*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Loading file listings from old tapes

2015-06-23 Thread Michael Schwager
Greetings Baculans,
We are running Bacula on Centos 6.5, which means Bacula 5.0.0. Over the
past 9 months I had been backing up files with File and Job Retention
periods in the Client resource of bacula-dir.conf of 60 days. So our old
file listings have been pruned, but I need them back. How do I do it?

I have changed the retention periods to 12 months, and I have done some
bscan's of some old tapes. I thought that would repopulate my database with
the file names, but it has not. echo list jobs jobid=190 | bconsole
returns No results to list. on a backup with 49,731 JobFiles.

Any suggestions about how to perform this would be appreciated. Thanks.

We are backing up a number of critical log files that are necessary to
recover quickly, accurately, and easily. I was tasked with making restores
so easy even a monkey can do it. So I'm trying to create a document for
my coworkers: The Chimp's Guide to Restores.

My thinking is to create a process so that a user could

   - Give a file's basename, or substring that is part of a pathname, or a
   regular expression that matches a file's pathname string.
   - Give a date range from within which we want to restore the file.
   - Give where to put the file.

and then they would be presented with a tape to load for the restore, and-
voila'! File restored. My idea is to save all job file listings into files
by job id, then I can use UNIX tools to scour them as required.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Loading file listings from old tapes

2015-06-23 Thread Michael Schwager
On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Heitor Faria wrote:

 I have changed the retention periods to 12 months, and I have done some
 bscan's of some old tapes. I thought that would repopulate my database with
 the file names, but it has not. echo list jobs jobid=190 | bconsole
 returns No results to list. on a backup with 49,731 JobFiles.

 Any suggestions about how to perform this would be appreciated. Thanks.

 Hello Michael: bscan when restoring jobs perform that to another different
 and new JobID. Please check the logs.

​I have checked the logs and don't see anything new. This is what I see
when I list jobs in bconsole. These are my backups from this morning:

| 943 | BackupFScluster  | 2015-06-23 06:05:02 | B  | I |  958 |
114,308,858,302 | T  |
| 944 | BackupCatalog| 2015-06-23 07:03:40 | B  | F |1 |
973,597,054 | T  |

 We are backing up a number of critical log files that are necessary to
 recover quickly, accurately, and easily. I was tasked with making restores
 so easy even a monkey can do it. So I'm trying to create a document for
 my coworkers: The Chimp's Guide to Restores.

 bscan and bextract are disaster recovery tools. I would not use them as
 regular restore procedures.

I agree. I am trying to recreate​ my database, not use bscan or bextract.
If there is another way to recreate my database, could you let me know what
that is? Thanks.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Volumes purged but not recycled

2015-03-24 Thread Michael Schwager
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:

 When the volumes 16 to 26 were created, do you had Recycle = yes
 configured in this pool? It seems that these volumes were created without
 this option configured in your pool. Every change you made in your pools
 configurations, they must be updated to the existing volumes in catalog:
 update - pool from resource. And to update all the existing volumes to the
 new configurations: update volume - all volumes from pool (you can use
 from all pools if you change more than one pool).

​Thanks, Ana. That would explain my one issue. I'm sure I did not have it
configured in the pool. I have updated all the volumes. I thought Recycle
was an indicator of state and not an indicator of capability. Now I

But I had marked the volume with MediaID 16 with Recycle=Yes, and then I
marked it with Append. Then Bacula appended a few files to it, but it ran
out of room almost immediately. I guess that makes sense.

The question then is: How do I get a Purged, Recycle-able tape to get
written to starting at the beginning? Do I need to delete it and re-add it?

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Volumes purged but not recycled

2015-03-24 Thread Michael Schwager
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Michael Schwager wrote:

 The question then is: How do I get a Purged, Recycle-able tape to get
 written to starting at the beginning? Do I need to delete it and re-add it?

​Ooops- I figured it out. The order of operations that was performed was:
* Purge (Recycle = 0)
* Recycle = 1​ (I did this, but Bacula did nothing to the tape)
* status=Append (I did this)

...At that point, we had a purged, appendable volume and like you say,
Bacula appended to it.

​Today it was already Recycle=1 and the data backed up last night was
basically useless so I re-purged it.​ Bacula took it immediately and I can
see that it's writing to the tape from the beginning.

Thanks for the help.

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Volumes purged but not recycled

2015-03-23 Thread Michael Schwager
I am running Bacula 5.0.0 on Centos 6.5 *. I have old tapes that are in
Purged VolStatus and one of them is in our tape Changer library but Bacula
is not using it. Is there something I need to do to Purged volumes to make
Bacula write to them?

I have a retention period of 90 days on my tapes, a tape that was last
written on 2014-11-15, and here it is 2015 March 23 and my current backup
job is stopped waiting to create a volume:

Device HP_LTO-3 (/dev/nst0) is not open.
Device is BLOCKED waiting to create a volume for:
   Media type:  LTO-3

I notice that the Recycle column in my list media don't seem to make
sense. Old tapes are marked 0 which I believe means they are not
available for recycling, new tapes are marked 1.

​Here are my media (some columns removed for brevity):
​*list media
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog MyCatalog
Pool: Tape
| MediaId | VolStatus | Enabled | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger
| LastWritten |
|  16 | Purged|   1 |7,776,000 |   0 |4 | 1
| 2014-11-15 11:45:33 |
|  17 | Purged|   1 |7,776,000 |   0 |0 | 0
| 2014-12-20 07:04:03 |
|  23 | Error |   1 |   31,536,000 |   0 |0 | 0
| 2014-12-02 06:46:34 |
|  26 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   0 |0 | 0
| 2015-01-03 07:24:13 |
|  29 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-01-17 07:49:39 |
|  30 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-01-30 06:19:04 |
|  31 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-02-07 07:48:53 |
|  34 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-02-21 06:48:28 |
|  39 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-03-17 06:19:22 |
|  40 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |0 | 0
| 2015-03-07 07:59:28 |
|  42 | Full  |   1 |7,776,000 |   1 |7 | 1
| 2015-03-21 07:59:04 |

​Here is what my Tape pool says:
# Tape pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3 months
  # Maximum Volume Bytes = 400G
  # Maximum Volumes = 7
​ I need to have a RecyclePool line in there for it to work? Maybe I
should put in:
  RecyclePool = Tape

Thanks for any help.

* I'm thinking to upgrade, but before then I need this thing to work. It's
been pretty solid up till now. When I do upgrade, are there any caveats? I
notice that Simone Caronni has created some packages that seem to take care
of it (

*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] How Bacula Chooses a tape in the pool to write to

2014-11-24 Thread Michael Schwager
I noticed that Bacula seems to be writing to tapes in a way that I don't
understand. If there are two tapes in an autochanger and they are in the
same pool, bacula writes to them both. I would expect it to fill a tape and
then start on the next one.

For example, we have:

Pool: Tape
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes| VolFiles |
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten
|  16 | EPW680L3   | Full  |   1 | 682,622,760,960 |  198
|   31,536,000 |   0 |0 | 0 | LTO-3 | 2014-11-15
11:45:33 |
|  17 | EPW681L3   | Append|   1 |  75,587,355,648 |   22
|   31,536,000 |   0 |7 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2014-11-18
09:40:27 |
|  23 | EPW682L3   | Append|   1 | 194,428,523,520 |   56
|   31,536,000 |   0 |6 | 1 | LTO-3 | 2014-11-23
00:03:19 |

If the tape could hold up to 680 G or so, why has it written 75G to one
Appendable tape, and 194G to the other?


*- Mike Schwager*

*  Linux Network Engineer, Mocho Trading LLC*
*  312-646-4783 Phone312-637-0011 Cell312-957-9804 Fax*

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