Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-19 Thread gary artim
Thanks for the advice, _most_ responsive list I belong to! cheers! gary

2011/12/19 Radosław Korzeniewski

 2011/12/16 gary artim

 No, just Spool Attributes = yes. g.

 A direct backup from FD into a SD tape device is performed with a little
 buffering and require more computation, disk seeks and context switching. It
 is a single, complicated chain with two threads one for FD and one for SD
 connected through logical network layer (even when a full backup is
 performed on local machine). With this chain it is very hard to get a full
 LTO speed. As opposite when you perform SD data spooling, you can easy
 achieve a full LTO speed because a writing chain (despooling) in SD is very
 simple and effective. Unfortunately doing a data spool takes a long time and
 slow down an overall backup speed.

 best regards
 Radosław Korzeniewski

Learn Windows Azure Live!  Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-16 Thread gary artim
I'm working on going to SATA 3, current raid is SATA 1 (1.5). I have
run benchmarks, but have to dig (find) them or rerun...g.)

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:25:04AM -0800, gary artim wrote:
 no, full, doing a mod on run command in bconsole to force full backup
 on every test. cheers

 40MB/sec sounds very much like a natural RAID speed limit you're
 hitting. Have you tried running some i/o benchmarks on the disks like
 bonnie+ or dd?

 Cheers, Uwe

 NIONEX --- Ein Unternehmen der Bertelsmann AG

Learn Windows Azure Live!  Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011
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developers. It will provide a great way to learn Windows Azure and what it 
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Learn more at
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-16 Thread gary artim
No, just Spool Attributes = yes. g.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 3:27 AM, Marcello Romani wrote:
 Il 15/12/2011 20:31, gary artim ha scritto:
 will do, interestingly I picked another slot on my autochanger
 (different lto vol) and got (see below), running a peak time no less.
 Last nite I ran a 9pm, the hours of the dead, and was getting about
 2.4gb min, today 2.66gb min. -- go figure...

 15-Dec 10:58 bacula-dir JobId 1: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10):
 15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
   Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
   JobId:                  1
   Job:                    Prodbackup.2011-12-15_09.20.55_03
   Backup Level:           Full
   Client:                 bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)
   FileSet:                FileSetProd 2011-12-15 09:20:55
   Pool:                   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
   Catalog:                MyCatalog (From Client resource)
   Storage:                LTO-4 (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         15-Dec-2011 09:20:47
   Start time:             15-Dec-2011 09:20:58
   End time:               15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
   Elapsed time:           1 hour 37 mins 13 secs
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       35,588
   SD Files Written:       35,588
   FD Bytes Written:       257,543,473,820 (257.5 GB)
   SD Bytes Written:       257,548,885,611 (257.5 GB)
   Rate:                   44152.8 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    no
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):         fufu01
   Volume Session Id:      1
   Volume Session Time:    1323969555
   Last Volume Bytes:      257,601,203,200 (257.6 GB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Backup OK

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:25 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 2:24 PM, gary artim wrote:
 no, seperate drive. g.

 Try enabling attribute spooling. Like the other poster said.


 10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
 Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.
 But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity
 while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
 Bacula-users mailing list

 Was that job run supposed to use data spooling ? I ask because I have
 SpoolData = yes in job definitions (and that automatically enables
 SpoolAttributes = yes, btw), and I get messages like this:

 15-dic 21:47 serverlinux-dir JobId 7965: Start Backup JobId 7965,
 15-dic 21:47 serverlinux-dir JobId 7965: Using Device TapeStorage
 15-dic 21:47 serverlinux-dir JobId 7965: FD compression disabled for
 this Job because AllowCompress=No in Storage resource.
 15-dic 21:48 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Recycled volume ThursdayTape
 on device TapeStorage (/dev/nst0), all previous data lost.
 15-dic 21:48 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Spooling data ...
 15-dic 23:10 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Job write elapsed time =
 01:22:17, Transfer rate = 8.879 M Bytes/second
 15-dic 23:10 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Committing spooled data to
 Volume ThursdayTape. Despooling 43,882,656,406 bytes ...
 15-dic 23:52 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Despooling elapsed time =
 00:42:04, Transfer rate = 17.38 M Bytes/second
 15-dic 23:54 serverlinux-sd JobId 7965: Sending spooled attrs to the
 Director. Despooling 31,284,446 bytes ...
 15-dic 23:55 serverlinux-dir JobId 7965: Bacula serverlinux-dir 5.0.2
 (28Apr10): 15-dic-2011 23:55:20
  Build OS:               i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0.4
  JobId:                  7965
  Job:                    FileServerTape.2011-12-15_21.15.00_18
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 fileserver-fd 2.4.4 (28Dec08)
  FileSet:                LinuxDefaultSet 2011-09-15 09:11:26
  Pool:                   Tape (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:                Tape (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         15-dic-2011 21:15:00
  Start time:             15-dic-2011 21:47:57
  End time:               15-dic-2011 23:55:20
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 7 mins 23 secs
  Priority:               11
  FD Files Written:       86,344
  SD Files Written:       86,344
  FD Bytes Written:       43,822,576,114 (43.82 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       43,839,416,416 (43.83 GB)
  Rate:                   5733.7 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         ThursdayTape

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
using this bacula-sd.conf, the best I get is about 2.4GB a minute. I'm
not working with network backups, this is just a straight raid 5 to
lto-4. I'm now thinking that my db (mysql) or raid is the
drag/slowdown since I can get over 180MBs with btape. Any suggestions
welcomes, I feel I've exhausted trying every blocksize, file size,
much appreciated:

Device {
 Name = LTO-4
 Media Type = LTO-4
 Archive Device = /dev/nst0
 AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
 AlwaysOpen = yes;
 RemovableMedia = yes;
 RandomAccess = no;
 Maximum Block Size = 2M   # ( about 2.4GB/minute/with 12GB Max File Size  )
 Maximum File Size = 12GB
 Autochanger = yes
 Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
 Alert Command = sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:12 PM, gary artim wrote:
 180 MBs, 256MB min/max blocksize.

 [root@genepi1 bacula]# tapeinfo -f /dev/nst0
 Product Type: Tape Drive
 Vendor ID: 'HP      '
 Product ID: 'Ultrium 4-SCSI  '
 Revision: 'B12H'
 Attached Changer API: No
 SerialNumber: 'HU17450M8L'
 MinBlock: 1
 MaxBlock: 16777215
 Ready: yes
 BufferedMode: yes
 Medium Type: Not Loaded
 Density Code: 0x46
 BlockSize: 0
 DataCompEnabled: yes
 DataCompCapable: yes
 DataDeCompEnabled: yes
 CompType: 0x1
 DeCompType: 0x1
 Block Position: 471909
 Partition 0 Remaining Kbytes: 799204
 Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: 799204
 ActivePartition: 0
 EarlyWarningSize: 0
 NumPartitions: 0
 MaxPartitions: 0
 [root@genepi1 bacula]#  btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
 Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
 btape: butil.c:284 Using device: /dev/nst0 for writing.
 02-Dec 13:07 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 
 02-Dec 13:07 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
 is Slot 12.
 btape: btape.c:476 open device LTO-4 (/dev/nst0): OK
 *speed file_size=20 nb_file=10 skip_raw
 btape: btape.c:1082 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
 btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
 524288 bytes.
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 177.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:384 Total Volume bytes=214.7 GB. Total Write rate = 179.5 MB/s

 btape: btape.c:1094 Test with random data, should give the minimum throughput.
 btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
 524288 bytes.
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 26.47 MB/s
 btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
 btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 26.51 MB/s

 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:02 AM, gary artim wrote:
 Hi --

 Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
no, full, doing a mod on run command in bconsole to force full backup
on every test. cheers

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:21 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM, gary artim wrote:
 using this bacula-sd.conf, the best I get is about 2.4GB a minute. I'm
 not working with network backups, this is just a straight raid 5 to
 lto-4. I'm now thinking that my db (mysql) or raid is the
 drag/slowdown since I can get over 180MBs with btape. Any suggestions
 welcomes, I feel I've exhausted trying every blocksize, file size,
 much appreciated:

 Are you talking about full backups? Remember Incremental and
 differential will have low rates because they generally spend more
 time searching for files to backup then to actually backup although
 still the job completes in way less time then a Full however the rate
 will be low.


10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.  
But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity 
while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
no, seperate drive. g.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:26 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:25 PM, gary artim wrote:
 no, full, doing a mod on run command in bconsole to force full backup
 on every test. cheers

 Is the bacula database on the same array as the source?


10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.  
But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity 
while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
no seperate drive.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:26 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:25 PM, gary artim wrote:
 no, full, doing a mod on run command in bconsole to force full backup
 on every test. cheers

 Is the bacula database on the same array as the source?


10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.  
But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity 
while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
will do, interestingly I picked another slot on my autochanger
(different lto vol) and got (see below), running a peak time no less.
Last nite I ran a 9pm, the hours of the dead, and was getting about
2.4gb min, today 2.66gb min. -- go figure...

15-Dec 10:58 bacula-dir JobId 1: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10):
15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:  1
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)
  FileSet:FileSetProd 2011-12-15 09:20:55
  Pool:   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 15-Dec-2011 09:20:47
  Start time: 15-Dec-2011 09:20:58
  End time:   15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
  Elapsed time:   1 hour 37 mins 13 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   35,588
  SD Files Written:   35,588
  FD Bytes Written:   257,543,473,820 (257.5 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:   257,548,885,611 (257.5 GB)
  Rate:   44152.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): fufu01
  Volume Session Id:  1
  Volume Session Time:1323969555
  Last Volume Bytes:  257,601,203,200 (257.6 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:25 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 2:24 PM, gary artim wrote:
 no, seperate drive. g.

 Try enabling attribute spooling. Like the other poster said.


10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.  
But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity 
while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-15 Thread gary artim
Interesting...I followed the job and got a big increase in writing the
tape using Spool Attributes = yes, went from 2.66GB/minute toe
3.8GB/minute, but but the job took longer to finish, close to 50
minutes writing out attribute data to mysql. Looks like putting the
sql on a ssd would help. Nice option for testing, thanks

2:04 with Spool Attributes=yes  3.8 GB/minute, with system busy
1:37 w/o  Spool Attributes=no   2.66 GB/minute

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:31 AM, gary artim wrote:
 will do, interestingly I picked another slot on my autochanger
 (different lto vol) and got (see below), running a peak time no less.

 Last nite I ran a 9pm, the hours of the dead, and was getting about
 2.4gb min, today 2.66gb min. -- go figure...

 15-Dec 10:58 bacula-dir JobId 1: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10):
 15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:                  1
  Job:                    Prodbackup.2011-12-15_09.20.55_03
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)
  FileSet:                FileSetProd 2011-12-15 09:20:55
  Pool:                   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:                MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:                LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         15-Dec-2011 09:20:47
  Start time:             15-Dec-2011 09:20:58
  End time:               15-Dec-2011 10:58:11
  Elapsed time:           1 hour 37 mins 13 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       35,588
  SD Files Written:       35,588
  FD Bytes Written:       257,543,473,820 (257.5 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       257,548,885,611 (257.5 GB)
  Rate:                   44152.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         fufu01
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1323969555
  Last Volume Bytes:      257,601,203,200 (257.6 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:25 AM, John Drescher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 2:24 PM, gary artim wrote:
 no, seperate drive. g.

 Try enabling attribute spooling. Like the other poster said.


10 Tips for Better Server Consolidation
Server virtualization is being driven by many needs.  
But none more important than the need to reduce IT complexity 
while improving strategic productivity.  Learn More!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-02 Thread gary artim
180 MBs, 256MB min/max blocksize.

[root@genepi1 bacula]# tapeinfo -f /dev/nst0
Product Type: Tape Drive
Vendor ID: 'HP  '
Product ID: 'Ultrium 4-SCSI  '
Revision: 'B12H'
Attached Changer API: No
SerialNumber: 'HU17450M8L'
MinBlock: 1
MaxBlock: 16777215
Ready: yes
BufferedMode: yes
Medium Type: Not Loaded
Density Code: 0x46
BlockSize: 0
DataCompEnabled: yes
DataCompCapable: yes
DataDeCompEnabled: yes
CompType: 0x1
DeCompType: 0x1
Block Position: 471909
Partition 0 Remaining Kbytes: 799204
Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: 799204
ActivePartition: 0
EarlyWarningSize: 0
NumPartitions: 0
MaxPartitions: 0
[root@genepi1 bacula]#  btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:284 Using device: /dev/nst0 for writing.
02-Dec 13:07 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 command.
02-Dec 13:07 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
is Slot 12.
btape: btape.c:476 open device LTO-4 (/dev/nst0): OK
*speed file_size=20 nb_file=10 skip_raw
btape: btape.c:1082 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
524288 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 177.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 180.4 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 178.9 MB/s
btape: btape.c:384 Total Volume bytes=214.7 GB. Total Write rate = 179.5 MB/s

btape: btape.c:1094 Test with random data, should give the minimum throughput.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
524288 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 26.47 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 26.51 MB/s

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:02 AM, gary artim wrote:
 Hi --

 Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer to the max (120MB). I
 tried maximum file sizes of 5, 8, 12GB -- 12GB the best the others
 where about 35/MBs. Any advise welcomed...should I look at max/min
 block sizes?
 most of the data is big, genetics data -- filesizes avg in the 500/MB
 to 3-4/GB -- looking at a growth from 4TB to 15TB in the next 2 years.

 run results and bacula-sd.conf and bacula-dir.conf below...

 -- gary


  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:                  5
  Job:                    Prodbackup.2011-11-29_19.32.42_05
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)

  FileSet:                FileSetProd 2011-11-29 19:32:42
  Pool:                   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:                MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:                LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         29-Nov-2011 19

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-01 Thread gary artim
thank much! will try testing with btape. btw, I ran with 20GB maximum
file size/2MB max block (see bacula-sd.conf below) and got these
results, 20MB/s increase, ran 20 minutes faster, got 50MBs -- now if I
can just double the speed I could backup 15TB in about 45/hrs. I don't
have that much data yet, but I'm hovering at 2TB and looking to expand
sharply over time. I'm not doing any networking, it just straight from
a raid 5 to a autochanger/lto-4. gary

  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:  6
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)
  FileSet:FileSetProd 2011-11-30 15:23:58
  Pool:   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 30-Nov-2011 18:49:15
  Start time: 30-Nov-2011 18:49:26
  End time:   30-Nov-2011 20:14:56
  Elapsed time:   1 hour 25 mins 30 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   35,588
  SD Files Written:   35,588
  FD Bytes Written:   257,543,092,723 (257.5 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:   257,548,504,514 (257.5 GB)
  Rate:   50203.3 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): f2
  Volume Session Id:  2
  Volume Session Time:1322707293
  Last Volume Bytes:  257,600,822,272 (257.6 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK

Device {
  Name = LTO-4
  Media Type = LTO-4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  #Maximum File Size = 12GB
  Maximum File Size = 20GB
  #Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
  Maximum block size = 2M
  #Spool Directory = /db/bacula/spool/LTO4
  #Maximum Spool Size = 200G
  #Maximum Job Spool Size = 150G
  Autochanger = yes
  Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
  Alert Command = sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:48 PM, Andrea Conti wrote:
 On 30/11/11 19.43, gary artim wrote:
 Thanks much, I'll try today the block size change first. Then try the
 spooling. Dont have any unused disk, but may have to try on a shared
 The maximum file size should be okay? g.

 Choosing a max file size is mainly a tradeoff between write performance
 (as the drive will stop and restart at the end of each file to write an
 EOF mark) and restore performance (as the drive can only seek to a file
 mark and then sequentially read through the file until the relevant data
 bocks are found).

 I usually set maximum file size so that there are 2-3 filemarks per tape
 wrap (3GB for LTO3, 5GB for LTO4), but if you don't plan to do regular
 restores, or if you always restore the whole contents of a volume, 12GB
 is fine.

 Anyway, with the figures you're citing your problem is *not* maximum
 file size.

 Try to assess tape performance alone with btape test (which has a
 speed command); you can try different block sizes and configuration
 and see which one gives the best results.

 Doing so will give you a clear indication on whether your bottleneck is
 in tape or disk throughput.


 All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
 contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
 security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
 data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
 Bacula-users mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-01 Thread gary artim
You guys/gals are great, very responsive! I did try
spooling/despooling and my run times shot up. I was using a simple
7200 drive though, no ssd or raid...I assume the performance gain
happens when your networks multi machines...wearing multiple hats so
will report back on btape next week, unless I get some time. gary

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
 gary artim wrote:

 thank much! will try testing with btape.

 Please let us know the results

 btw, I ran with 20GB maximum
 file size/2MB max block (see bacula-sd.conf below) and got these
 results, 20MB/s increase, ran 20 minutes faster, got 50MBs --

 You should be seeing 120Mb/s or thereabouts.

 If you're spooling/despooling then you'll see lower overall speeds of
 course. What counts is the despooling speed.

 How much ram have you got and what are you using to connect the LTO4 drives

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-01 Thread gary artim
btape getting 89 MBs, so maybe my disk and sql updating is effecting
the speed? note drive has a 16384 blocksize, ran tapeinfo on the

[root@genepi1 bacula]# btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:284 Using device: /dev/nst0 for writing.
01-Dec 12:29 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 command.
01-Dec 12:29 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
is Slot 12.
btape: btape.c:476 open device LTO-4 (/dev/nst0): OK
*speed file_size=3 skip_raw
btape: btape.c:1082 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 3 files of 3.221 GB with blocks of
2097152 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 89.47 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 89.47 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 89.47 MB/s
btape: btape.c:384 Total Volume bytes=9.663 GB. Total Write rate = 89.47 MB/s

btape: btape.c:1094 Test with random data, should give the minimum throughput.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 3 files of 3.221 GB with blocks of
2097152 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 16.02 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 33.90 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 44.12 MB/s
btape: btape.c:384 Total Volume bytes=9.663 GB. Total Write rate = 26.18 MB/s

[root@genepi1 bacula]# tapeinfo
Usage: tapeinfo -f generic-device
[root@genepi1 bacula]# tapeinfo -f /dev/changer
Product Type: Medium Changer
Product ID: 'NEO Series  '
Revision: '0504'
Attached Changer API: No
SerialNumber: '2B8145'
Ready: yes
[root@genepi1 bacula]# tapeinfo -f /dev/nst0
Product Type: Tape Drive
Vendor ID: 'HP  '
Product ID: 'Ultrium 4-SCSI  '
Revision: 'B12H'
Attached Changer API: No
SerialNumber: 'HU17450M8L'
MinBlock: 1
MaxBlock: 16777215
Ready: yes
BufferedMode: yes
Medium Type: Not Loaded
Density Code: 0x46
BlockSize: 16384
DataCompEnabled: yes
DataCompCapable: yes
DataDeCompEnabled: yes
CompType: 0x1
DeCompType: 0x1
BOP: yes
Block Position: 0
Partition 0 Remaining Kbytes: 799204
Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: 799204
ActivePartition: 0
EarlyWarningSize: 0
NumPartitions: 0
MaxPartitions: 0

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:49 AM, wrote:
 In the message dated: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 16:27:33 GMT,
 The pithy ruminations from Alan Brown on
 Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4 were:
 = gary artim wrote:
 =  You guys/gals are great, very responsive! I did try
 =  spooling/despooling and my run times shot up.
 = They will - you're copying everything twice (disk to disk to tape), but
 = this is the only way to achieve fast despooling speeds - if you don't do
 = this then your LTO drive will start to shoe shine and speeds drop off
 = rapidly when it happens.

 And you increase wear  tear on the drive and media.

 = The trick is to run multiple jobs at once - you have to spool to achieve
 = this anyway or extracting will be a nightmare.
 = Spooling is a net gain when you're running incrementals.

 Not necessarily. Spooling is a gain if you are measuring the speed
 of writing to tape. Spooling may be a net loss for end-to-end (client
 machine--spool server--tape drive) speed.

 For backups clients where the total volume being backed up is less than
 the spool size, then there's a very good chance of a performance gain. As
 soon as a job requires multiple rounds of spooling and de-spooling,
 there's a good chance of a performance loss because bacula stops reading
 from the client machine (stops spooling that job) as soon as despooling
 begins. Of course, spooling allows you to run multiple jobs in parallel, a
 clear win over running them in series.




 = Spooling MUST happen on a fast dedicated drive. You're best off dropping
 = in a fast SSD such as a 64/128Gb OCZ vertex3 or similar to handle it.

 Hmm...for LTO4 (large spool files are good), you might want more space
 than that, particularly if you have multiple clients (multiple spool
 files). A more cost-effective option might be several fast drives (10K
 or 15K SAS or SCSI) in RAID-0. It doesn't take very many drives in RAID0 to
 have an aggregate drive throughput that is greater than the bus interface.

 =  I was using a simple
 =  7200 drive

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-12-01 Thread gary artim
got close to 120 MBs, using 64kb buffer and 20gb maximum file size
using test with real data...gary

blocksize set with mt and in bacula-sd.conf to == 65536

[root@genepi1 bacula]# btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:284 Using device: /dev/nst0 for writing.
01-Dec 13:36 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 command.
01-Dec 13:36 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
is Slot 12.
btape: btape.c:476 open device LTO-4 (/dev/nst0): OK
*speed file_size=20 nb_file=10 skip_raw
btape: btape.c:1082 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
65536 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.2 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.8 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.8 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.8 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.8 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 111.8 MB/s

blocksize set with mt and in bacula-sd.conf to == 32768
[root@genepi1 bacula]# btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:284 Using device: /dev/nst0 for writing.
01-Dec 13:12 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 command.
01-Dec 13:12 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
is Slot 12.
btape: btape.c:476 open device LTO-4 (/dev/nst0): OK
*speed file_size=20 nb_file=10 skip_raw
btape: btape.c:1082 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
btape: btape.c:960 Begin writing 10 files of 21.47 GB with blocks of
32768 bytes.
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 94.60 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 95.44 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 95.44 MB/s
btape: btape.c:608 Wrote 1 EOF to LTO-4 (/dev/nst0)
btape: btape.c:410 Volume bytes=21.47 GB. Write rate = 95.02 MB/s

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:02 AM, gary artim wrote:
 Hi --

 Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer to the max (120MB). I
 tried maximum file sizes of 5, 8, 12GB -- 12GB the best the others
 where about 35/MBs. Any advise welcomed...should I look at max/min
 block sizes?
 most of the data is big, genetics data -- filesizes avg in the 500/MB
 to 3-4/GB -- looking at a growth from 4TB to 15TB in the next 2 years.

 run results and bacula-sd.conf and bacula-dir.conf below...

 -- gary


  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:                  5
  Job:                    Prodbackup.2011-11-29_19.32.42_05
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)

  FileSet:                FileSetProd 2011-11-29 19:32:42
  Pool:                   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:                MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:                LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         29-Nov-2011 19:32:26
  Start time:             29-Nov-2011 19:32:45
  End time:               29-Nov-2011 21:15:53
  Elapsed time:           1 hour 43 mins 8 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       35,588
  SD Files Written:       35,588
  FD Bytes Written:       257,543,090,368 (257.5 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       257,548,502,159 (257.5 GB)
  Rate:                   41619.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         f03
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1322622337
  Last Volume Bytes:      257,740,342,272 (257.7 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK


 Autochanger {
  Name = Autochanger
  Device = LTO-4
  Changer Command = /usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d
  Changer Device = /dev/changer
 Device {
  Name = LTO-4
  Media Type = LTO-4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes

[Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-11-30 Thread gary artim
Hi --

Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer to the max (120MB). I
tried maximum file sizes of 5, 8, 12GB -- 12GB the best the others
where about 35/MBs. Any advise welcomed...should I look at max/min
block sizes?
most of the data is big, genetics data -- filesizes avg in the 500/MB
to 3-4/GB -- looking at a growth from 4TB to 15TB in the next 2 years.

run results and bacula-sd.conf and bacula-dir.conf below...

-- gary


  Build OS:   x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:  5
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: bacula-fd 5.0.3 (04Aug10)

  FileSet:FileSetProd 2011-11-29 19:32:42
  Pool:   FullProd (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:MyCatalog (From Client resource)
  Storage:LTO-4 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 29-Nov-2011 19:32:26
  Start time: 29-Nov-2011 19:32:45
  End time:   29-Nov-2011 21:15:53
  Elapsed time:   1 hour 43 mins 8 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   35,588
  SD Files Written:   35,588
  FD Bytes Written:   257,543,090,368 (257.5 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:   257,548,502,159 (257.5 GB)
  Rate:   41619.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Accurate:   no
  Volume name(s): f03
  Volume Session Id:  1
  Volume Session Time:1322622337
  Last Volume Bytes:  257,740,342,272 (257.7 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK


Autochanger {
  Name = Autochanger
  Device = LTO-4
  Changer Command = /usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d
  Changer Device = /dev/changer
Device {
  Name = LTO-4
  Media Type = LTO-4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Maximum File Size = 12GB
  Autochanger = yes
  Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
  Alert Command = sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'

Job {
Name = Prodbackup
Client = bacula-fd
FileSet = FileSetProd
Schedule = ScheduleProd
Write Bootstrap = /var/spool/bacula/%c.bsr
Full Backup Pool = FullProd
Incremental Backup Pool = IncrProd
Differential Backup Pool = DiffProd
Storage =  LTO-4
Type = Backup
Level = Incremental
Pool = IncrProd
Priority = 10
Messages = Standard
FileSet {
Name = FileSetProd
Include {
Options {
WildFile = *.OLD
WildFile = *.o
WildFile = *.bak
exclude = yes
File = /my/home/xxx
Exclude {
File = /my/home/tmp
Schedule {
Name = ScheduleProd
Run = Full 1st sun at 16:05
Run = Pool {
Name = FullProd
Label Format = FullProd
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes   # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
Volume Retention = 10 years
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1

Pool {
Name = DiffProd
Label Format = DiffProd
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention =  40 days
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1

Pool {
Name = IncrProd
Label Format = IncrProd
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention =  10 days
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Differential 2nd-5th sun at 16:05
Run = Incremental mon-sat at 16:05

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-11-30 Thread gary artim
Thanks much, I'll try today the block size change first. Then try the
spooling. Dont have any unused disk, but may have to try on a shared
The maximum file size should be okay? g.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
 gary artim wrote:

 Hi --

 Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer to the max (120MB). I
 tried maximum file sizes of 5, 8, 12GB -- 12GB the best the others
 where about 35/MBs. Any advise welcomed...should I look at max/min
 block sizes?

 Don't adjust min size.

 Bacula's max block size is ~2Mb (default 65535 bytes) and setting this
 should give a substantial speed boost (it did for me). Going higher than
 bacula's maximum will result in it failing throught to default, so double
 check the block size on a newly labelled tape before committing to any

 WARNING: If you adjust this value, mark all current tapes as USED before
 restarting bacula-sd. Changing block size on an open tape is likely to lead
 to problems getting data off it.

 LTO drives tend to have 16Mb maximum buffers. Perhaps Bacula's max block
 size needs increasing? (Kern?)

 You should also enable spooling to _very_ fast disk before hitting the tape.
 LTO3 upwards will easily run faster than any spinning media and trivially
 outrun even a raid array if that has to do any seeking.

 I use a raid0 set of 5 of Intel E25 60Gb drives and have seen throughputs
 approaching 700Mb/s out to 3 tape drives whilst other jobs are spooling
 (I've got 7 LTO5 drives carrying 6 pools but have never seen more than 3
 writing simultaneously). These days I'd be more inclined to use one of the
 PCIe SSD cards as they're even faster, with less overhead.

 Device {
  Name = LTO-4
  Media Type = LTO-4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Maximum File Size = 12GB

  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
  Maximum block size = 2M

  Spool Directory = /var/bacula/spool/LTO4
  Maximum Spool Size     = 280G
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 150G

  Autochanger = yes
  Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
  Alert Command = sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'

 Enlarging network buffers is possible but it must be be the same everywhere
 and should be thoroughly tested first as it can as easily cause complete
 breakage as speedups - especially if backups are taking place across a
 routed network instead of just on your LAN.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] tuning lto-4

2011-11-30 Thread gary artim
block size change didnt make much difference, but also running with an
rsync running against the backup volume (raid 5). Adding spool and
will run with both blocksize change and spool configuration. -- gary

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:43 AM, gary artim wrote:
 Thanks much, I'll try today the block size change first. Then try the
 spooling. Dont have any unused disk, but may have to try on a shared
 The maximum file size should be okay? g.

 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
 gary artim wrote:

 Hi --

 Getting about 41.6/MBs and hoping for closer to the max (120MB). I
 tried maximum file sizes of 5, 8, 12GB -- 12GB the best the others
 where about 35/MBs. Any advise welcomed...should I look at max/min
 block sizes?

 Don't adjust min size.

 Bacula's max block size is ~2Mb (default 65535 bytes) and setting this
 should give a substantial speed boost (it did for me). Going higher than
 bacula's maximum will result in it failing throught to default, so double
 check the block size on a newly labelled tape before committing to any

 WARNING: If you adjust this value, mark all current tapes as USED before
 restarting bacula-sd. Changing block size on an open tape is likely to lead
 to problems getting data off it.

 LTO drives tend to have 16Mb maximum buffers. Perhaps Bacula's max block
 size needs increasing? (Kern?)

 You should also enable spooling to _very_ fast disk before hitting the tape.
 LTO3 upwards will easily run faster than any spinning media and trivially
 outrun even a raid array if that has to do any seeking.

 I use a raid0 set of 5 of Intel E25 60Gb drives and have seen throughputs
 approaching 700Mb/s out to 3 tape drives whilst other jobs are spooling
 (I've got 7 LTO5 drives carrying 6 pools but have never seen more than 3
 writing simultaneously). These days I'd be more inclined to use one of the
 PCIe SSD cards as they're even faster, with less overhead.

 Device {
  Name = LTO-4
  Media Type = LTO-4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Maximum File Size = 12GB

  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
  Maximum block size = 2M

  Spool Directory = /var/bacula/spool/LTO4
  Maximum Spool Size     = 280G
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 150G

  Autochanger = yes
  Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
  Alert Command = sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'

 Enlarging network buffers is possible but it must be be the same everywhere
 and should be thoroughly tested first as it can as easily cause complete
 breakage as speedups - especially if backups are taking place across a
 routed network instead of just on your LAN.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] (newbie) first full backup

2011-11-21 Thread gary artim
I think it would have hung there indefinitely...I cancelled the job
and retried several times. Then I saw something about having the tape
drive is blk vs variable length mode and changed it to variable
length. I noted when I labelled the volumes I got an error, but still
registered in the catalog and used the tapes (can't find the exact
message). After resetting it to variable the error never occurred;  I
relabeled all the volumes and redid the db. I then setup a smaller
backup and it and the catalog backup worked. Tonight I'll try doing a
full 2TB, should roll to a second tape (theo. max is 1.6TB) and seemed
to be the hangup point, but not sure why it stopped at 9gb. Wish I had
more data to pass on, but its confusing all the options and
xcrossrefing. I'm hoping for just a simple setup where full/diff/incr
can be made an logged. Most of my clients are be rsynced to a master
Raid, I could change this if i get this working. thanks for

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2011, at 11:30 AM, gary artim wrote:

 Hi List --

 scheduled a job to do incremental and fired off a full backup as I
 thought it would. Wrote about 9GB bytes to lto-4 tape and has since
 just sat there in a R job  status. I have an autoloader with 12
 volumes available but can't find a problem  other then it seem hung.
 Any debugging advice welcomed…

 The output from 'status dir' would be useful.

 'sat there' doesn't tell us how long you've been waiting.

 Dan Langille -

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] (newbie) first full backup

2011-11-17 Thread gary artim
Hi List --

scheduled a job to do incremental and fired off a full backup as I
thought it would. Wrote about 9GB bytes to lto-4 tape and has since
just sat there in a R job  status. I have an autoloader with 12
volumes available but can't find a problem  other then it seem hung.
Any debugging advice welcomed...

-- Gary

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Bacula-users mailing list