
I'm a newbee to bacula and I had autorecycle=yes on a pool that should
not be recycled. I had a tape recycled and all the jobs purged and I'm
trying to recover the jobs to the database. The thing is that I used
bscan -sSm -V volname DRIVE and it fixes the used space of the tape,
finds the original job and creates a new one (I suppose that is because
it can't restore the original job id for some reason) but when it
finishes, the new job is shown in the database as with errors and the
next clean of the database, sweeps it away. I need to know if I'm using
bscan in a wrong way or if I need to do something else after bscan is
compleated. Besides, the job is spanned in three tapes, and the way
bscan restores assigning a new job is not assigning the job as been in
the tree tapes.

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