Re: [Bacula-users] help = Problem with webacula - no grafical output

2011-05-26 Thread Jérôme Blion

I think the whole webacula folder has nothing to do in /var/www
/usr/share is better... then you can configure Apache configuration files:

ln -s /usr/share/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/

I think you should have installed Zend framework with aptitude, too... 
This way, it will be maintained with other OS packages.

Any error should be logged in your apache error log.

HTH Jérôme Blion.

Le 26/05/2011 01:52, AliKate AliKatador a écrit :
 Hello again:

 I have installed:



 apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

 apt-get install php5-mysql php5-gd phpmyadmin

 phymyadmin is not necesary but I want try it too ... it works fine

 my check_system_requirements are all right

 cp -rfp webacula-5.5/* /var/www/webacula

 my webacula is installed in /var/www/webacula

 I got Zend Framework from :
   The minimal is enough ... I think.

 I coy it to the right path  cp -rfp
 ZendFramework-1.11.5-minimal/library/Zend/ /var/www/webacula/library/

 I copy it directly, no soft link.

 I edit /var/www/webacula/application/config.ini

 I copy it to cp /var/www/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf

 In webacula.conf I change all paths   /usr/share/webacula/html  for
 /var/www/webacula/html and so on ...

 a2enmod rewrite  it's right too
 http://localhost/webacula/test_mod_rewrite/  works fine too

 I edit it too pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

 I edit pico /var/www/webacula/install/db.conf

 I execute  ./ ./  with no erros, all 

 I edit  pico /var/www/webacula/html/.htaccess  adn set it to production

 Also I have thinks like:

 modify /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf  section Messages

 chown -R www-data. /var/www/webacula

 groupadd bacula

 usermod -aG bacula www-data

 chown root:bacula /sbin/bconsole
 chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= /sbin/bconsole
 chown root:bacula /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
 chmod u=rw,g=r,o= /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf

 htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/webacula.users bacula

 And http://localhost/webacula I get it ... I type root and the pass
 ... but then after log in ... I can see anything ... no errors ... no
 message ... nothing ... a blank screen is all i got.

 Now I give chmod 777 for /var/www/webacula/data  in /data I only have
 /cache and a README  nothing more.

 I haven't no /tmp and no /session

 I restart apache server, bacula ... and the computer too. It simply don't 

 I think as you ... it will be a rights issue


 2011/5/25 Jérôme

 Here is the list of commands I typed on the server:

 apt-get install php5-gd php5-mysql zendframework-bin
 cp -r webacula-5.5.rc1 /usr/share/webacula
 php /usr/share/webacula/install/check_system_requirements.php
 rm -fR /usr/share/webacula/library/Zend/
 ln -s /usr/share/php/Zend/ /usr/share/webacula/library/Zend
 cd /usr/share/webacula/application/
 vi config.ini
 ln -s /usr/share/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/
 vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/webacula.conf
 a2enmod rewrite
 vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
 vi /usr/share/webacula/install/db.conf
 cd ../install/MySql/
 vi ../../html/.htaccess
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/tmp
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/cache
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/session

 Please check that you didn't forget to give enough privileges to the 
 webacula/data folders...

 Jérôme Blion.

 Le 25/05/2011 16:26, AliKate AliKatador a écrit :

 Hi everybody:

 First of all apologize for my English.

 My problem: I have bacula 5.0.3 instaled (Laptop with 2.6.39-1-amd64 on 
 Debian 6), it work. Bconsole too, and bat with QT interface too.
 Now I wan't to try webacula. I install webacula 5.5 ... I follow all the 
 steps. I can log in http://localhost/webacula/  but then i have no grafical 
 output. Nothing, nothing at all ... only a blank screen ... no more, no 


 Webacula check System Requirements...

 sh: psql: not found
 Current MySQL version = 5.1.57OK
 Current Sqlite version = 3.7.6OK

 Current PHP version = 5.3.6-11OK

 php pdo installed.OK
 php gd installed.OK
 php xml installed.OK
 php dom installed.OK

 php pdo_mysql installed.OK
 Warning. PHP extension pdo_pgsql not installed.
 Warning. PHP extension pdo_sqlite not installed.
 php-dom, php-xml installed.OK

 mod_rewrite in apache2 work's too

 javascript work's fine

 Zend Framework minimal version 1.11.5

 php-gd  is also instaled

 What can be wrong ???


 Los datos contenidos en la presente comunicación son confidenciales y se 
 encuentran protegidos por la L.O. 15/99 de 13 de diciembre sobre Protección 
 de Datos de Carácter Personal como datos especialmente 

[Bacula-users] Rough start with Bacula on Ubuntu

2011-05-26 Thread Melodie Neal

I have a small server running Ubuntu Lucid, on which I have installed Webmin 
1.550 and Bacula 5.0.1 and MySQL (applications installed using apt-get).  I am 
backing up to a file share on another machine, and the set up basically works.  
I still need to fine tune a few things, but I can backup, etc.  However, 
getting to this point was a bit ugly, because the Bacula documentation does not 
entirely agree with the software that I have installed.  For example, I cannot 
find drop_bacula_tables or make_bacula_tables scripts, and a bit of Googling 
suggests that those scripts don't get installed on Ubuntu, for no apparent 
reason.  Furthermore, the Start and Stop Bacula buttons in Webmin appear to 
start/stop the bacula-dir process, but not the fd or sd processes.  I can start 
and stop everything on the command line, but I'm going to have to hand this 
system over to semi-technical people shortly, and they may not cope with the 
Linux command line (which is why I used Webmin in the first place).

Obviously the start/stop thing is a Webmin issue, but I am hoping that someone 
on this list will already have fought this particular battle, and can tell me 
how they did it.

I have considered upgrading Bacula to 5.0.3, but I don't want to find that I am 
opening a new can of worms by doing so.  Does anyone have any guidance on the 
Bacula upgrade experience on Lucid?  I would like to upgrade the machine 
itself, but I need a decent backup before I can attempt that.

So:  Ubuntu Lucid.  Is there anyway to get the missing database scripts, any 
simple fix to starting and stopping Bacula via Webmin, and will I have a better 
experience with Bacula 5.0.3?

Thanks and regards


Melodie Neal, CISSP, JP

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Re: [Bacula-users] Erase a disk volume ?

2011-05-26 Thread Radosław Korzeniewski

W dniu 25 maja 2011 16:35 użytkownik Hugo Letemplier

  * purge volume action=all allpools storage=yourstorage-sd

  If you updated your volumes parameters then execute following command in
 Are you sure this command will purge all my volumes ? I have critical
 datas on some other volumes.

I'm using this command in Admin Job for cyclic volume truncate. It is
working as expected.

best regards

Radosław Korzeniewski
vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: [] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link

I got the correct test page as described in

But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

you can see the following:

Modify the parameters in the config file config/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

but here is one s missing.

It should be

Modify the parameters in the config file configs/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

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Re: [Bacula-users] Rough start with Bacula on Ubuntu

2011-05-26 Thread Mauro Colorio
the scripts are contained into the bacula-director-mysql package
at least on debian squeeze, ubuntu I think uses the same debian basis
for this kind of packages,
for this reason I suggest to use debian instead of ubuntu at least on
server side.

good luck

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[Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread Marcello Romani
 I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client after 
its backuò job has finished.
Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.

1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
2) Put this single line in it:

shutdown -s -t 0

which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).

Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit the 
job resource of the windows client and add this line:

ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat

The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job has 

Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with unsaved documents open...


Marcello Romani

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread J. Echter
Am 26.05.2011 09:23, schrieb Marcello Romani:
   I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client after
 its backuò job has finished.
 Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.

 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
 2) Put this single line in it:

 shutdown -s -t 0

 which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).

 Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit the
 job resource of the windows client and add this line:

 ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat

 The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job has

 Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with unsaved documents open...


also you can start and stop services with net stop and net start.


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[Bacula-users] LTO 5 Autoloader Support.

2011-05-26 Thread Aaron Lim
Hi Everyone,

I have a backup server that is running on Debian Etch 4.0.
I have bacula version 2.4.2 installed, and working with a HP 1/8 Ultrium 920
G2 Autoloader, with Ultrium-3 tapes.

However, the Autoloader has spoilt, and I am looking to setup a new tape
system for me backup server.
Generally, I wanted to ask a few questions for the new tape system that I am
interested with:

- I am looking at a LTO5 tape system (HP 1/8 Ultrium 3000 G2 Autoloader) but
they only comes with Fibre-Channel and SAS models. So I wanted to know if
anyone can tell me if the HBA
 that is to be used will be compatible with Debian Etch 4.0?
- And with my version of bacula (2.4.2), will it be support as well?
- Do I have to update my bacula version?
- Do I have to update my OS?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Aaron Lim
vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Thu, 26 May 2011 09:23:22 +0200
Marcello Romani wrote:

 I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client
 after its backuò job has finished.
 Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.
 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
 2) Put this single line in it:
 shutdown -s -t 0
 which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).
 Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit
 the job resource of the windows client and add this line:
 ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat
 The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job
 has finished.

The batch file is not needed:
Client Run After Job = shutdown -r -t 30 -f  exit /b 0
works just fine for us.

We use -t 30 because otherwise sometimes shutdown does its job so fast,
bacula-fd fails to report its completion which marks the whole job as

That exit /b 0 trick is not strictly needed here but is anyway useful
for running other commands (for instance, on Windows machines we stop
the antivirus program before making the backup and start it
afterwards--otherwise the performance is horrible) which for some
reason may fail and we do not want it to fail the whole backup job as a

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread Marcello Romani
Il 26/05/2011 09:51, J. Echter ha scritto:
 Am 26.05.2011 09:23, schrieb Marcello Romani:
I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client after
 its backuò job has finished.
 Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.

 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
 2) Put this single line in it:

 shutdown -s -t 0

 which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).

 Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit the
 job resource of the windows client and add this line:

 ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat

 The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job has

 Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with unsaved documents open...


 also you can start and stop services with net stop and net start.


 vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
 With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery,
 you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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 Bacula-users mailing list

Thank you for reminding me that useful bit.

Marcello Romani

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread Marcello Romani
Il 26/05/2011 11:00, Konstantin Khomoutov ha scritto:
 On Thu, 26 May 2011 09:23:22 +0200
 Marcello  wrote:

 I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client
 after its backuò job has finished.
 Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.

 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
 2) Put this single line in it:

 shutdown -s -t 0

 which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).

 Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit
 the job resource of the windows client and add this line:

 ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat

 The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job
 has finished.

 The batch file is not needed:
 Client Run After Job = shutdown -r -t 30 -f  exit /b 0
 works just fine for us.

 We use -t 30 because otherwise sometimes shutdown does its job so fast,
 bacula-fd fails to report its completion which marks the whole job as

 That exit /b 0 trick is not strictly needed here but is anyway useful
 for running other commands (for instance, on Windows machines we stop
 the antivirus program before making the backup and start it
 afterwards--otherwise the performance is horrible) which for some
 reason may fail and we do not want it to fail the whole backup job as a

Thanks for the tips.

Marcello Romani

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] shutdown windows client after backup

2011-05-26 Thread Marcello Romani
Il 26/05/2011 09:23, Marcello Romani ha scritto:
   I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client after
 its backuò job has finished.
 Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.

 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
 2) Put this single line in it:

 shutdown -s -t 0

 which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).

 Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit the
 job resource of the windows client and add this line:

 ClientRunAfterJob = C:/shutdown.bat

 The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job has

 Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with unsaved documents open...


Some random thoughts after reading the comments to my initial message:

- don't use a batch file, but include the commands directly in the 
bacula-dir.conf directive. This has the advantage of keeping the 
information all in one place instead of spreading it on all of the 
clients (plus you don't have to backup those .bat files);

- stop antivirus with Client Run Before Job directive

- use  exit /b 0 to avoid interrupting the job if some of the 
previous commands (e.g. net stop antivirus) fails for some reason (a 
slow backup is better than no backup);

- delay shutdown somewhat to let bacula-fd close the job properly;

- use -f option in shutdown to force closing open applications.

- remember the difference between RunAfterJob and ClientRunAfterJob 
(guess how I found that out... ;-)

Let's recap:

ClientRunBeforeJob = antivirus stop command  exit /b 0
ClientRunAfterJob = shutdown -s -t 30 -f  exit /b 0

Thanks everybody for the useful suggestions.

Marcello Romani

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Rough start with Bacula on Ubuntu

2011-05-26 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Thu, 26 May 2011 16:48:16 +1000
Melodie Neal wrote:

 I have a small server running Ubuntu Lucid, on which I have installed
 Webmin 1.550 and Bacula 5.0.1 and MySQL (applications installed using
 apt-get).  I am backing up to a file share on another machine, and
 the set up basically works.  I still need to fine tune a few things,
 but I can backup, etc.  However, getting to this point was a bit
 ugly, because the Bacula documentation does not entirely agree with
 the software that I have installed.  For example, I cannot find
 drop_bacula_tables or make_bacula_tables scripts, and a bit of
 Googling suggests that those scripts don't get installed on Ubuntu,
 for no apparent reason.
The reason is this: Debian, which Ubuntu most probably borrows these
packages from, has a distro-specific framework to carry out database
reconfigurations in a centralized manner, so that you have uniform
experience when it comes to database management no matter which
software you're dealing with and which database backend you have
decided to use for it.  This does also apply to package upgrades which
often require upgrading database schemas.

So, back to the question: to recreate the database just run
# dpkg-reconfigure -plow bacula-director-mysql
and follow the questions it asks.

You can also drop the database by hand using something like
# echo 'drop database bacula' \
  | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf

Then you'll be able to create it by reconfiguring the
bacula-director-mysql package as described above.


Unfortunately, I've no idea regarding your problem with Webmin.
Probably you would be better off contacting Webmin team as I see
there's no Webmin officially packaged for Debian (and no package in
Ubuntu archives as well) so hence it's, strictly speaking, not a bug.

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Rough start with Bacula on Ubuntu

2011-05-26 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Thu, 26 May 2011 09:24:39 +0200
Mauro Colorio wrote:

 the scripts are contained into the bacula-director-mysql package
 at least on debian squeeze, ubuntu I think uses the same debian basis
 for this kind of packages,
 for this reason I suggest to use debian instead of ubuntu at least on
 server side.
I second this unless the OP's company bought official support from the
company backing Ubuntu.
Otherwise I can hardly appreciate the reason for using a deskop-oriented
mod of Debian and have essentially no direct maintenance for important

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore problems

2011-05-26 Thread Alan Brown
John Drescher wrote:
 I'm trying to restore a 3 month old backup, but the database says there
 are no files to restore.

 The strange thing is, I can _see_ the entries in the database for that
 date and the full backup 10 days before.

 Has anyone seen this kind of behaviour?

 Do you have different file and job retentions?

Just to clarify this - I can see the _files_ in the database when I look 
at the files in the JobId of the full backup, but when I go to do a 
restore it says no files are available.

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore problems

2011-05-26 Thread Graham Keeling
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:43:16AM +0100, Alan Brown wrote:
 John Drescher wrote:
  I'm trying to restore a 3 month old backup, but the database says there
  are no files to restore.
  The strange thing is, I can _see_ the entries in the database for that
  date and the full backup 10 days before.
  Has anyone seen this kind of behaviour?
  Do you have different file and job retentions?
 Just to clarify this - I can see the _files_ in the database when I look 
 at the files in the JobId of the full backup, but when I go to do a 
 restore it says no files are available.

Perhaps the problem could be something to do with the Full job that the backup
depends on having being purged already.

Can you copy and paste the output of your restore attempt?

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED]

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide.


No I changed the host parameter back to and did the good

System restart and now the error message won't come but I run in another

But for this I will start a new thread.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 09:17
To: ''
Subject: FW: bacula-web error


Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: [] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link

I got the correct test page as described in

But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

you can see the following:

Modify the parameters in the config file config/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

but here is one s missing.

It should be

Modify the parameters in the config file configs/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] bacula-web no output

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi folks.


Of course the apache server is running and bacula server (fd,sd,dir) is


When I call the URL http://cbck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web

I see for a very short time connecting then I see done in the status

but the screen leaves empty.


Does anyone knows why ?


Br Robert




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you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED] - reason

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi folks.


I found the following mistakes.


The parameter host must not be the real IP-Address of the host.

In my configuration it was 

host =

That is wrong.


The try with 

host =

brought the same error.



host = localhost 

works fine.


Additional the following was necessary.


In the parameter pass in /bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf

I had blank in pass = . After changing it to pass = without the

at the end of the equal sign, then the error message disappears.


Solution without the apostrophes:


host = localhost

pass =


Now the Message

DB Error: connect failed

Is really solved.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 13:38
Subject: FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED]


Hi Davide.


No I changed the host parameter back to and did the good

System restart and now the error message won't come but I run in another

But for this I will start a new thread.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 09:17
To: ''
Subject: FW: bacula-web error


Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: [] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link

I got the correct test page as described in

But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

[Bacula-users] Concurrent Jobs from differents clients to the same tape

2011-05-26 Thread Andrés Yacopino
I am backing up 7 servers in daily basis, one of the servers take 5
hours to backup (the other 6 take 2 hours), so i want to backup the
large server at the same time i am backuping the others servers.
I have one LTO4 drive, and the backups are running secuencially, one
after another from differents servers to the same tape.
I need to know:

- ¿Is is possible to backup concurrently to the same tape?, i will be
satisfied if two jobs are running at the same time.

I have set up this configuration but the jobs remains to run
secuencially (server files):


Director {   
  Name =
  DIRport = 9101   
  QueryFile = /usr/local/bacula/etc/query.sql
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  PidDirectory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Password = x
  Messages = Daemon

JobDefs {
  Name = JobTapeDiario
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Storage = LIBRERIA
  Messages = Standard
  Schedule = MadrugadaDiario
  Write Bootstrap = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/%c_%n.bsr

Job {
  Name = BackupAcamailDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acamail Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 1
  #Spool Data = yes

Job {
  Name = BackupAcadbDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acadb Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 2

Job {
  Name = BackupAcaiasnewDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acaiasnew Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 3


Storage { # definition of myself
  Name =
  SDPort = 9103  # Director's port
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2


FileDaemon {  # this is me
  Name =
  FDport = 9102  # where we listen for the director
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536

What else do i need if it possibly?
Thanks a lot,


*Andrés Fernando Yacopino*

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Concurrent Jobs from differents clients to the same tape

2011-05-26 Thread John Drescher
 I am backing up 7 servers in daily basis, one of the servers take 5
 hours to backup (the other 6 take 2 hours), so i want to backup the
 large server at the same time i am backuping the others servers.
 I have one LTO4 drive, and the backups are running secuencially, one
 after another from differents servers to the same tape.
 I need to know:

 - ¿Is is possible to backup concurrently to the same tape?, i will be
 satisfied if two jobs are running at the same time.

Yes, I do that all the time. I believe I run 5 to 10 concurrent
clients to the same tape.

 I have set up this configuration but the jobs remains to run
 secuencially (server files):


 Director {
  Name =
  DIRport = 9101
  QueryFile = /usr/local/bacula/etc/query.sql
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  PidDirectory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Password = x
  Messages = Daemon

 JobDefs {
  Name = JobTapeDiario
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Storage = LIBRERIA
  Messages = Standard
  Schedule = MadrugadaDiario
  Write Bootstrap = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/%c_%n.bsr

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcamailDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acamail Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 1
  #Spool Data = yes

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcadbDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acadb Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 2

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcaiasnewDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acaiasnew Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 3

What about your storage part of bacula-dir.conf. You need to set
Maximum Concurrent Jobs for the storage resource. Also I would
enable spooling with a 10GB or similar spool file.



 Storage {                             # definition of myself
  Name =
  SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2


 FileDaemon {                          # this is me
  Name =
  FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536

 What else do i need if it possibly?
 Thanks a lot,


 *Andrés Fernando Yacopino*

 vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
 With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery,
 you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
 Download your free trial now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

John M. Drescher

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With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Clarification on Exchange plugin

2011-05-26 Thread Marc Goujon

I know this might have been asked millions of times before, but I cannot 
seem to locate clear information via the archives or the official 
documentation and I feel I am almost there.

 From what I have understood, the Exchange plugin is basically that 
exchange-fd.dll file. The first question is: is that enough? I ask this 
because while reading the archives someone mentioned that bpipe plugin 
was needed, however the documentation says The purpose of the plugin is 
to provide an interface to any system program for backup and restore. 
So... a plugin requires another plugin? Is bpipe just allowing to 
include plugin =  expressions in the file sets?

Secondly, my config for the director (a linux machine) says:

FileSet {
   Name = Exchange
   #Enable VSS = yes
   Include {

   File = C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\Mailbox
   Plugin = exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store


   Exclude {
 File = C:\\Program 
Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox 
 File = C:\\Program 
Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox 
 File = C:\\Program 
Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\Second Storage Group\\Public Folder 


However when my job fails, I get the following error:

sbs-fd Cannot open C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange 
Server\Mailbox/First Storage Group/Mailbox Database.edb: ERR=The 
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

sbs-fd Cannot open C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange 
Server\Mailbox/Second Storage Group/Public Folder Database.edb: ERR=The 
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

  Fatal error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/filed/fd_plugins.c:223 Command 
plugin exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store requested, but is not 

There must be something I am missing here, as although those files are 
explicitly excluded, they are still causing the error?

Any tips or docs you can point me to would be greatly  appreciated.


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With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Command After Job

2011-05-26 Thread Jake Debord
I am in charge of setting up the backups of a small office of around
10 people. About 6 are on on the same LAN as the server so bandwidth
is not a problem. However, the rest are road warriors and their
backups may take quite a bit more time... I am looking at asking them
to leave their laptops on at the end of the day so the backups can
run, but I would like to have them shutdown when complete. What would
be the easiest way to accomplish this?


vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Clarification on Exchange plugin

2011-05-26 Thread Graham Keeling
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 01:50:39PM +0100, Marc Goujon wrote:
 I know this might have been asked millions of times before, but I cannot 
 seem to locate clear information via the archives or the official 
 documentation and I feel I am almost there.
  From what I have understood, the Exchange plugin is basically that 
 exchange-fd.dll file. The first question is: is that enough? I ask this 
 because while reading the archives someone mentioned that bpipe plugin 
 was needed, however the documentation says The purpose of the plugin is 
 to provide an interface to any system program for backup and restore. 
 So... a plugin requires another plugin? Is bpipe just allowing to 
 include plugin =  expressions in the file sets?
 Secondly, my config for the director (a linux machine) says:
 FileSet {
Name = Exchange
#Enable VSS = yes
Include {
File = C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\Mailbox
Plugin = exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store
Exclude {
  File = C:\\Program 
 Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox 
  File = C:\\Program 
 Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox 
  File = C:\\Program 
 Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\Second Storage Group\\Public Folder 
 However when my job fails, I get the following error:
 sbs-fd Cannot open C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange 
 Server\Mailbox/First Storage Group/Mailbox Database.edb: ERR=The 
 process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
 sbs-fd Cannot open C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange 
 Server\Mailbox/Second Storage Group/Public Folder Database.edb: ERR=The 
 process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
   Fatal error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/filed/fd_plugins.c:223 Command 
 plugin exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store requested, but is not 
 There must be something I am missing here, as although those files are 
 explicitly excluded, they are still causing the error?
 Any tips or docs you can point me to would be greatly  appreciated.

a) I think you should only use forward slashes ('/') in your filesets, not

b) This is the fileset that I used to use:

FileSet {
  Name = Windows:2k3-pt2:Windows Exchange Server data
  Include {
Options {
  signature = MD5
  compression = GZIP9
  IgnoreCase = yes
Plugin = exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store

c) Be very very careful with this. I believe that the plugin doesn't work
properly. Specifically, it will restore from:
* A full backup
* A full backup, plus one incremental.
But then it may not restore from:
* A full backup, plus two incrementals.
And be less and less likely to work for each incremental that you add.
And without attempting to restore, it will seem as if it is working.

See bacula bug number 0001647, which has the status closed with the
resolution won't fix:

You might be OK if you always did Full backups, but that defeats the point.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Concurrent Jobs from differents clients to the same tape

2011-05-26 Thread Andrés Yacopino
Thanks for replying John.

Well, because of your advice i have changed Storage part of bacula-dir
to 2 maximum Jobs, thanks for that.
I have also realized that having differents priorities on jobs avoid
them to run concurrently, so i have put the same priority to all the
jobs in this case 1 for all and not 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7.

I am not using spoolfile because of lack of disk space, i will see
performance this night without this file, cross my fingers.


*Ing. Andrés Fernando Yacopino*
Infraestructura - Dpto Sistemas
AcaSalud (
Coop. de Prestaciones Médico Asistenciales Ltda.

El 26/05/11 10:04, John Drescher escribió:
 I am backing up 7 servers in daily basis, one of the servers take 5
 hours to backup (the other 6 take 2 hours), so i want to backup the
 large server at the same time i am backuping the others servers.
 I have one LTO4 drive, and the backups are running secuencially, one
 after another from differents servers to the same tape.
 I need to know:

 - ¿Is is possible to backup concurrently to the same tape?, i will be
 satisfied if two jobs are running at the same time.

 Yes, I do that all the time. I believe I run 5 to 10 concurrent
 clients to the same tape.

 I have set up this configuration but the jobs remains to run
 secuencially (server files):


 Director {
  Name =
  DIRport = 9101
  QueryFile = /usr/local/bacula/etc/query.sql
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  PidDirectory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Password = x
  Messages = Daemon

 JobDefs {
  Name = JobTapeDiario
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Storage = LIBRERIA
  Messages = Standard
  Schedule = MadrugadaDiario
  Write Bootstrap = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/%c_%n.bsr

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcamailDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acamail Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 1
  #Spool Data = yes

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcadbDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acadb Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 2

 Job {
  Name = BackupAcaiasnewDiario
  Client =
  JobDefs = JobTapeDiario
  FileSet = Acaiasnew Set
  Enabled = True
  Priority = 3

 What about your storage part of bacula-dir.conf. You need to set
 Maximum Concurrent Jobs for the storage resource. Also I would
 enable spooling with a 10GB or similar spool file.



 Storage { # definition of myself
  Name =
  SDPort = 9103  # Director's port
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2


 FileDaemon {  # this is me
  Name =
  FDport = 9102  # where we listen for the director
  WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536

 What else do i need if it possibly?
 Thanks a lot,


 *Andrés Fernando Yacopino*

 vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
 With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery,
 you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
 Download your free trial now.
 Bacula-users mailing list



vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
Download your free trial now.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Compatibility with HP Dat

2011-05-26 Thread Matias Banchoff
   I'd like to know whether anybody has had any Bacula experience with this 
  HP StorageWorks DAT 320 USB Internal Tape Drive AJ825A
   We are planning to buy one and would like to be sure it will work with 
Bacula (On a Linux or a BSD).
   The Bacula Wiki mentions one, but it is a previous model (DAT 160).

Thank you!

Centro Superior para el Procesamiento de la Información

Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Proteja el Medioambiente. No imprima este mail si no es absolutamente necesario

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Command After Job

2011-05-26 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Thu, 26 May 2011 08:19:00 -0500
Jake Debord wrote:

 I am in charge of setting up the backups of a small office of around
 10 people. About 6 are on on the same LAN as the server so bandwidth
 is not a problem. However, the rest are road warriors and their
 backups may take quite a bit more time... I am looking at asking them
 to leave their laptops on at the end of the day so the backups can
 run, but I would like to have them shutdown when complete. What would
 be the easiest way to accomplish this?
This has been discussed on this very list a couple of hours ago.
Please take time to search the mailing list.

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
Download your free trial now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Erase a disk volume ?

2011-05-26 Thread Hugo Letemplier
2011/5/26 Radosław Korzeniewski

 W dniu 25 maja 2011 16:35 użytkownik Hugo Letemplier

  * purge volume action=all allpools storage=yourstorage-sd

  If you updated your volumes parameters then execute following command in
 Are you sure this command will purge all my volumes ? I have critical
 datas on some other volumes.

 I'm using this command in Admin Job for cyclic volume truncate. It is
 working as expected.

oh ! It's magic ! It's really treating because it's starting by purge :)


vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] help = Problem with webacula - no grafical output

2011-05-26 Thread Jérôme Blion

You should use credentials you provided into config.ini.
That should do the trick.

Then you will be able to add some accounts.

Jérôme Blion.

On Thu, 26 May 2011 15:20:53 +0200, AliKate AliKatador wrote:
 Now I'm NEAR :D:D:D
 I install the Zend Framework with apt-get ... like apt-get
 But I think that was not the matter! And don't think that the
 /usr/share is a problem ...
 Now I can connect to the access page webacula. As you advised me, I
 checked the error.log of apache and it was where I found the problem.
 I could not Connect with the MySQL server. The pass did not match. I
 did not changed, and I'm the only one to connect on this laptop. I
 could not even connect from a terminal, even from the
 MySQLAdministrator. So I restored it and now I can connect to the
 But now I have another problem. I do not log in webacula. I can not
 connect with root, or the usuer that I have created. Are there any log
 for this too??
 Or is it again a permission problem ???
 2011/5/26 Jérôme Blion

 I think the whole webacula folder has nothing to do in /var/www
 /usr/share is better... then you can configure Apache configuration

 ln -s /usr/share/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf

 I think you should have installed Zend framework with aptitude, too...
 This way, it will be maintained with other OS packages.

 Any error should be logged in your apache error log.

 HTH Jérôme Blion.

 Le 26/05/2011 01:52, AliKate AliKatador a écrit :
 Hello again:

 I have installed:



 apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

 apt-get install php5-mysql php5-gd phpmyadmin

 phymyadmin is not necesary but I want try it too ... it works fine

 my check_system_requirements are all right

 cp -rfp webacula-5.5/* /var/www/webacula

 my webacula is installed in /var/www/webacula

 I got Zend Framework from :
   The minimal is enough ... I think.

 I coy it to the right path  cp -rfp
 ZendFramework-1.11.5-minimal/library/Zend/ /var/www/webacula/library/

 I copy it directly, no soft link.

 I edit /var/www/webacula/application/config.ini

 I copy it to cp /var/www/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf

 In webacula.conf I change all paths   /usr/share/webacula/html  for
 /var/www/webacula/html and so on ...

 a2enmod rewrite  it's right too
 http://localhost/webacula/test_mod_rewrite/  works fine too

 I edit it too pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

 I edit pico /var/www/webacula/install/db.conf

 I execute  ./ ./  with no erros,
 all right

 I edit  pico /var/www/webacula/html/.htaccess  adn set it to

 Also I have thinks like:

 modify /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf  section Messages

 chown -R www-data. /var/www/webacula

 groupadd bacula

 usermod -aG bacula www-data

 chown root:bacula /sbin/bconsole
 chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= /sbin/bconsole
 chown root:bacula /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
 chmod u=rw,g=r,o= /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf

 htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/webacula.users bacula

 And http://localhost/webacula I get it ... I type root and the pass
 ... but then after log in ... I can see anything ... no errors ... no
 message ... nothing ... a blank screen is all i got.

 Now I give chmod 777 for /var/www/webacula/data  in /data I only have
 /cache and a README  nothing more.

 I haven't no /tmp and no /session

 I restart apache server, bacula ... and the computer too. It simply
 don't work.

 I think as you ... it will be a rights issue


 2011/5/25 Jérôme

 Here is the list of commands I typed on the server:

 apt-get install php5-gd php5-mysql zendframework-bin
 cp -r webacula-5.5.rc1 /usr/share/webacula
 php /usr/share/webacula/install/check_system_requirements.php
 rm -fR /usr/share/webacula/library/Zend/
 ln -s /usr/share/php/Zend/ /usr/share/webacula/library/Zend
 cd /usr/share/webacula/application/
 vi config.ini
 ln -s /usr/share/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf
 vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/webacula.conf
 a2enmod rewrite
 vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
 vi /usr/share/webacula/install/db.conf
 cd ../install/MySql/
 vi ../../html/.htaccess
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/tmp
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/cache
 chmod 777 /usr/share/webacula/data/session

 Please check that you didn't forget to give enough privileges to the
 webacula/data folders...

 Jérôme Blion.

 Le 25/05/2011 16:26, AliKate AliKatador a écrit :

 Hi everybody:

 First of all apologize for my English.

 My problem: I have bacula 5.0.3 instaled (Laptop with 2.6.39-1-amd64
 on Debian 6), it work. Bconsole too, and bat with QT interface too.
 Now I wan't to try webacula. 

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore problems

2011-05-26 Thread Alan Brown

 Do you have different file and job retentions?
 Just to clarify this - I can see the _files_ in the database when I look 
 at the files in the JobId of the full backup, but when I go to do a 
 restore it says no files are available.
 Perhaps the problem could be something to do with the Full job that the backup
 depends on having being purged already.

No, I was trying to restore from the full backup that's in the database.

 Can you copy and paste the output of your restore attempt?

There's not much to see.

Choose a query (1-39): 24
Enter JobName: Imap-imap1
| jobid   | name   | l| s| starttime   | gb  | 
clientid | name| vol  |
| 159,126 | Imap-imap1 | F| T| 2011-02-20 04:56:37 |0.00 | 
  35 | MAIL-fd | BPOOL076 |
| 159,634 | Imap-imap1 | F| T| 2011-02-24 02:42:05 |  401.49 | 
  35 | MAIL-fd | BPOOL063 |
| 159,634 | Imap-imap1 | F| T| 2011-02-24 02:42:05 |  401.49 | 
  35 | MAIL-fd | BPOOL076 |
| 162,590 | Imap-imap1 | F| T| 2011-03-31 23:02:08 |  412.14 | 
  35 | MAIL-fd | BPOOL091 |
| 164,928 | Imap-imap1 | F| T| 2011-05-04 20:53:14 |  421.35 | 
  35 | MAIL-fd | BPOL0105 |

Enter date as -MM-DD HH:MM:SS :2011-02-26 02:42:05
Defined Clients: 9snip0
Select the Client (1-542): 3
The defined FileSet resources are: (snip)

Select FileSet resource (1-10): 5
| jobid   | level | jobfiles | jobbytes | starttime   | volumename |
| 159,126 | F |3 |  270 | 2011-02-20 04:56:37 | BPOOL076   |
| 159,242 | I |1 |   81 | 2011-02-21 02:58:37 | BPOOL076   |
You have selected the following JobIds: 159126,159242

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 159126,159242 ...
2 files inserted into the tree.

Note that it completely missed jobid 159,634 even though it was more recent.

But the strange thing is that if i list the files in JobId 159,634 
they're all in the database.

There was an older jobId which has fallen out of the database because 
the tapes were purged yesterday, however selecting that one resulted in 
a no files available for restore message, while listing the files 
associated with it gave a complete list.

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[Bacula-users] Understanding Encryption

2011-05-26 Thread Tim Gustafson
Hi there,

I was just looking at the following documentation page:

That page contains information about generating a master key and then also a 
set of client keys.  However, the page is not clear whether you're supposed 
to use the same master key for all your clients, or if you should have a 
different master key for each client.  Should I be sharing the master.cert file 
with each client and keeping the master.key file on my bacula-dir server, or 
does each client need its own master.cert and master.key file?

Baskin School of Engineering 831-459-5354
UC Santa Cruz Baskin Engineering 317B

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Re: [Bacula-users] Clarification on Exchange plugin

2011-05-26 Thread Graham Keeling
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 03:55:41PM +0100, Marc Goujon wrote:

 a) I think you should only use forward slashes ('/') in your filesets, not
 Replaced all paths for forward slashes.
 However, exactly the same results are obtained. Bak to my original
 question, is the bpipe plugin required to run the exchange plugin?

I don't think so.

  Fatal error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/filed/fd_plugins.c:223 Command 
  plugin exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store requested, but is 
  not loaded.

I think This 'fatal error' is the big problem. You need the exchange-fd.dll
file somewhere on the client machine, and you need the client conf on the
client machine to have a 'Plugin Directory = C:/some/path/to/the/plugin/dir'
option in it.

e) I think you don't need your includes/excludes. In fact you have included a
directory and then excluded the same directory. Try the fileset that I posted
earlier. That will get rid of the 'process cannot access the file' messages.
And make things simpler.

f) I refer you again to (c) in my first reply, because it is very important.

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[Bacula-users] Recycling a volume.

2011-05-26 Thread Jake Debord
My goal is to have a backup job per employee. Each employee will have
their own Pool and volume.

My problem is that while testing the backups work fine, except the
volume just keeps growing and growing.
I have set the max volume size to 12G. The current file size is now
16G. I have also set the max jobs for the volume to 7 and I have now
done 10 total backups to the same volume.

I want it to hit 12G and then start writing over the old stuff. I have
the retention set to 1 hour and not sure what else to change.


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Re: [Bacula-users] Understanding Encryption

2011-05-26 Thread Christian Manal
Am 26.05.2011 17:24, schrieb Tim Gustafson:
 Hi there,
 I was just looking at the following documentation page:
 That page contains information about generating a master key and then also 
 a set of client keys.  However, the page is not clear whether you're 
 supposed to use the same master key for all your clients, or if you should 
 have a different master key for each client.  Should I be sharing the 
 master.cert file with each client and keeping the master.key file on my 
 bacula-dir server, or does each client need its own master.cert and 
 master.key file?


one master key for each client wouldn't make that much sense, since you
could just the client keys in a safe place.

I have one master key for everything. But I don't keep the private key
on the director. I have it on a pen drive and (to be extra sure) printed
out in a safe on site and on an encrypted pen drive that I always carry
with me.

Christian Manal

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Re: [Bacula-users] Rough start with Bacula on Ubuntu

2011-05-26 Thread Brian Debelius

On 5/26/2011 2:48 AM, Melodie Neal wrote:


I have a small server running Ubuntu Lucid, on which I have installed 
Webmin 1.550 and Bacula 5.0.1 and MySQL (applications installed using 
apt-get).  I am backing up to a file share on another machine, and the 
set up basically works.  I still need to fine tune a few things, but I 
can backup, etc.  However, getting to this point was a bit ugly, 
because the Bacula documentation does not entirely agree with the 
software that I have installed.  For example, I cannot find 
drop_bacula_tables or make_bacula_tables scripts, and a bit of 
Googling suggests that those scripts don't get installed on Ubuntu, 
for no apparent reason.  Furthermore, the Start and Stop Bacula 
buttons in Webmin appear to start/stop the bacula-dir process, but not 
the fd or sd processes.  I can start and stop everything on the 
command line, but I'm going to have to hand this system over to 
semi-technical people shortly, and they may not cope with the Linux 
command line (which is why I used Webmin in the first place).

Obviously the start/stop thing is a Webmin issue, but I am hoping that 
someone on this list will already have fought this particular battle, 
and can tell me how they did it.

I have considered upgrading Bacula to 5.0.3, but I don't want to find 
that I am opening a new can of worms by doing so.  Does anyone have 
any guidance on the Bacula upgrade experience on Lucid?  I would like 
to upgrade the machine itself, but I need a decent backup before I can 
attempt that.

So:  Ubuntu Lucid.  Is there anyway to get the missing database 
scripts, any simple fix to starting and stopping Bacula via Webmin, 
and will I have a better experience with Bacula 5.0.3?

Thanks and regards


Melodie Neal, CISSP, JP

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Hi Melodie,
I have always built Bacula from source on Ubuntu for this reason.  Below 
is the script I use configure the build.  I do not use Webmin, you may 
have to modify this to build that.  I have always found building the 
current version, easier then using the ubuntu repo versions.

# run ./my-conf (this script)
# run make
# run make install
# need libmysqlclient15-dev
# need libqt4-dev


make distclean
CFLAGS=-g -O2 \
./configure \
  --sbindir=$basedir/bin \
  --sysconfdir=$basedir/etc \
  --mandir=$basedir/bin \
  --with-pid-dir=$workingdir \
  --with-subsys-dir=$workingdir \
  --with-working-dir=$workindir \
  --with-scriptdir=$basedir/bin \
  --with-qwt=../src/qt-console/qwt \
  --enable-smartalloc \
  --enable-batch-insert \
  --enable-large-file \
  --disable-ipv6 \
  --with-open-ssl \
exit 0

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[Bacula-users] Network timeouts while running enormous backup

2011-05-26 Thread S H

I've got a very large backup set (55M files, 1TB of data) that's
simply not backing up. This is always the failure message:

26-May 16:35 buny1-dir JobId 5223: Fatal error: Network error with FD
during Backup: ERR=Connection timed out
26-May 16:35 buny1-dir JobId 5223: Fatal error: No Job status returned from FD.

I've set Heartbeat Interval = 1 minute on the FD, the SD, and the
Director to no avail. This was happening at random times during the
backup job until I enabled spooling -- then the job ran for 27 hours,
spooled up all of its data to the SD and failed with the above message
when it started to despool. It was heartbreaking to watch a terabyte
of data and 20+GB of attribute spool just disappear.

The Director and SD both run on the same server: OpenBSD 4.6 (32-bit)
with Bacula 2.4.4. The client is FreeBSD 8.1 (64-bit) with Bacula
2..4.4. I know these are outdated versions; I just inherited the
environment and they're working for everything else so I haven't
wanted to go through the pain of upgrading until I have some spare
cycles to dedicate to it.

Compression and FD encryption are off but network traffic runs over
TLS everywhere.

Is there anything I can possibly check that might help?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Recycling a volume.

2011-05-26 Thread Mauro Colorio
have you update your volume?
isn't enough to make changes in the config file, use update volume
command from bconsole


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[Bacula-users] restore specific jobid

2011-05-26 Thread Cleuson Alves
Hello everybody, if you need to restore a full jobid and some incremental
but not all, as could be done via the console, for a given jobid
restore a specific
server and all incremental, one at a time, ie, in order, seems too much work,
so what would be the quickest way?


Cleuson de Oliveira Alves
Analista de Suporte
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
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Re: [Bacula-users] restore specific jobid

2011-05-26 Thread Graham Keeling
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 07:24:57PM -0300, Cleuson Alves wrote:
 Hello everybody, if you need to restore a full jobid and some incremental
 but not all, as could be done via the console, for a given jobid
 restore a specific
 server and all incremental, one at a time, ie, in order, seems too much work,
 so what would be the quickest way?

I would like to help, but I find your question confusing.

There is an option in bconsole restore to type in a list of jobids by hand.
There is also an option (I think number 12) to enter a jobid to restore to -
you give the jobid, and it gets all the jobids it depends upon.

Do these not do what you want?

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Re: [Bacula-users] Clarification on Exchange plugin

2011-05-26 Thread James Harper
 c) Be very very careful with this. I believe that the plugin doesn't
 properly. Specifically, it will restore from:
 * A full backup
 * A full backup, plus one incremental.
 But then it may not restore from:
 * A full backup, plus two incrementals.
 And be less and less likely to work for each incremental that you add.
 And without attempting to restore, it will seem as if it is working.
 See bacula bug number 0001647, which has the status closed with the
 resolution won't fix:
 You might be OK if you always did Full backups, but that defeats the

I spent some time recently trying to fix this as I was able to reproduce
it. If you are careful it is possible to do the restore but you need to
know what you are doing.

Unfortunately I haven't had time to work on it since then :(


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