Re: Wilmette Institute

2006-11-03 Thread smaneck
Dear Friends:
The Wilmette Institute is pleased to announce its 2007 course 
schedule. Please spread this information around among your friends, 
take it to Feast, etc., Also, please let people know about our 
upcoming courses in November and December. We have a lot to offer over 
the next year to personal transformation, development of human 
resources, fostering community life, and helping the Faith build 
toward entry by troops. We hope over the next year to make important 
TOPIC: Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (1897-1957), the eldest grandson of 
`Abdu'l-Bahá, is a crucial figure for understanding the Bahá'í Faith. 
Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith from 1921 until his passing, Shoghi 
Effendi devoted much of his early ministry to construction of the 
administrative order defined in `Abdu'l-Bahá's Will and Testament, 
then used it as an instrument for carrying out the vast spread of the 
Bahá'í Faith called for by `Abdu'l-Bahá in the Tablets of the Divine 
Plan. Throughout his ministry Shoghi Effendi worked tirelessly to 
translate the writings of Bahá'u'lláh into English and to pen hundreds 
of epistles clarifying basic Bahá'í teachings. His devotion, self-
sacrifice, and suffering are an inspiration to Bahá'ís of all 

DATES: November 15, 2006 to February 15, 2007

TEXTS: A special package of readings assembled by the Wilmette 

FACULTY: Peter Terry, Zaid Lundberg, and Duane Troxel.


TOPIC: The Qur'án is the divine revelation on which the religion of 
Islam is based. The Bahá'í sacred writings are filled with quotations 
from it and allusions to it, and many words used by the Báb, 
Bahá'u'lláh, and `Abdu'l-Bahá have qur'ánic resonances. Its study by 
Bahá'ís is emphasized by Shoghi Effendi: "They must. . .approach 
reverently and with a mind purged from preconceived ideas the study of 
the Qur'án which, apart from the sacred scriptures of the Bábí and 
Bahá'í Revelations, constitutes the only Book which can be regarded as 
an absolutely authenticated Repository of the Word of God" (ADJ 
49). "The Guardian would certainly advise, and even urge the friends 
to make a thorough study of the Qur'án, as the knowledge of this 
sacred Scripture is absolutely indispensable for every believer who 
wishes to adequately understand and intelligently read, the writings 
of Bahá'u'lláh" Directives of the Guardian, p. 63). The course will 
examine the entire text of the Qur'án and Is
lamic and Bahá'í commentaries on its meaning. Technical terms will be 
explained in order to make the text accessible to those who do not 
know Arabic.
DATES: December 1, 2006, to February 28, 2007

TEXTS: The Qur'án and various commentaries and supplemental readings 
assigned by the Institute.

FACULTY: Peter Terry, Omid Ghamaeghami, Cynthia Shawamreh, and others.

Bahá'í Theology is neither highly abstract, nor excessively difficult, 
nor a narrow and specialized study. Rather, it consists of many of the 
most basic and central teachings of the Bahá'í Faith: its concept of 
the nature of God; how that God guides humanity through revelation 
vouchsafed unto Manifestations; the nature and purpose of the 
Manifestations and their successive teachings (progressive revelation 
and the Covenant); the nature and purpose of human beings and their 
physical existence; the nature of physical creation; and the nature of 
the next world. In short, Bahá'í Theology answers the basic questions 
human beings have always asked about the nature and purpose of life. 
The course should be a great help in answering seekers' questions 
about the Faith and providing a context in which other Bahá'í 
teachings fit together. 

FACULTY: Peter Terry, Ted Brownstein, and Zaid Lundberg.

TEXTS: A compilation of Bahá'í scriptural texts, articles and chapters 
by Bahá'ís, and some material on theology in general.

COST OF ALL COURSES: $150 (individual); $120 (senior citizens [65 and 
older], students, pioneers); $300 (group); financial aid is available.

1/15/2007 - 4/15/2007: Living the Spiritual Life 

2/15/2007 - 5/15/2007: Buddhism for Deepening and Dialogue 

3/15/2007 - 6/15/2007: Tabernacle of Unity 

4/15/2007 - 7/15/2007: Bahá'í Community and Administration 

5/1/2007 - 7/31/2007: Building the Fortress: Marriage and Family Life 

5/15/2007 - 8/15/2007: World Order of Baha'u'llah: Selected Letters 

6/15/2007 - 9/15/2007: The Bahá'í Faith: A Comprehensive Introduction 

7/15/2007 - 10/15/2007: Judaism for Deepening and Dialogue 

8/15/2007 - 11/15/2007: One Common Faith

9/15/2007 - 12/15/2007: Bahá'u'lláh's Early Mystical Works: The Hidden 
Words, The Seven Valleys, Four Valleys, Gems of Mysteries 

10/1/2007 - 12/31/2007: The Secret of Divine Civilization 

11/1/2007 - 1/31/2008: The Exemplar: The Life a

Wilmette Institute

2006-11-03 Thread smaneck
The cost of the three-month course *Baha'i History, 1863-2000,* which
was to
start November 1, has just been cut in half to encourage more
Heretofore, individual tuition will be $75 and local study groups will
cost $150.

Don't miss this great opportunity to study the unfoldment of our
beloved Faith! But to get the discount, don't go to our registration
and click on "register"; the software can't offer discounts. Email 
us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead and we'll tell you how to

The course is the first in a series of new courses by the Wilmette
Institute to explore Baha'i history. Focusing on *God Passes By* (which
Covers 1844-1944) and *Century of Light* (which covers 1900-2000 and
looks at
events both inside and outside the Baha'i community), it will provide a
golden opportunity to read both of these works slowly, carefully, and
comparatively. A small library of other documents on Baha'i history
Is also available as pdfs to provide background and context as
desired by the reader.

History is not a dry collection of dates, but the dynamic evolution of
a community as it grows and faces internal and external challenges. It
teaches us where we have come from and helps us understand the tasks we
face today, during the new Five Year Plan. Join us in this exploration
of the progress of the Baha'i community.  

877-wilmette (877-945-6388)

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