Re: Please help in finding a quote

2003-12-09 Thread ardalan samandari

Dear Friends, Allah'u'Abha...
I just wanted to thank you for your responses. I very much appreciate it. 
with much love,

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RE: Please help in finding a quote

2003-12-09 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message

Reliance on Bahá'u'lláh Enables Formulation of Audacious Plans
"The progress of the Cause depends 
upon many factors. . . It is . . . to those factors that are directly the result 
of the actions of the Bahá'ís that we wish to direct our remarks, because if the 
Bahá'ís will but do their part -- however unpromising the prospect -- 
Bahá'u'lláh is able to open doors and change conditions in ways far beyond our 
understanding. "The first [factor] is a greater realization of the power of 
Bahá'u'lláh to reinforce the efforts of those who serve Him, of His promise to 
do so, and of the impotence of all our deeds without this divine assistance. Any 
evaluation of a situation is entirely misleading if it does not take this 
supreme power into consideration; whereas constant consciousness of dependence 
upon Him enables the Bahá'ís to formulate audacious plans and confidently carry 
them through to completion in the face of seemingly insuperable 
"Armed with this consciousness, the 
believers should then approach the winning of the goals of the Nine Year Plan 
with the spirit that will achieve them. This Plan is a stage in the unfoldment 
of the Divine Plan of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. The achievement of its goals is of the 
utmost urgency and importance because the followers of Bahá'u'lláh are engaged 
in a race against time. Mankind is being engulfed in the ruin precipitated by 
its own folly; the longer we Bahá'ís delay in achieving the tasks that God lays 
before us, the greater is the suffering of our fellow men. . . The believers 
should consider the goals, recognize that they are intended to be won, decide 
what is needed to win them, and then, however hopeless the prospect may seem, 
set out determinedly to do whatever is needed, confident that Bahá'u'lláh will 
reinforce them with His Hosts and will open the doors of victory before 
"These . . . points are 
closely interlinked, for it is reliance upon Bahá'u'lláh that will enable the 
friends to pioneer, it is the awareness of the imperative nature of the goals 
that will inspire them to do so and will guide them to choose their posts, and 
it is their sacrifice in arising to leave their homes that will call down upon 
them the divine confirmations and will, through living experience, deepen their 
love for God, their awareness of His ever-present care and their reliance upon 
Him in every aspect of their lives." [—THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE, LETTER OF 

I would appreciate it very much if someone could help me locate a 
quotation from the Universal House of Justice.  Very appoximately, it 
reads something like this:  "No plan that fails to take into 
consideration the power of Baha'u'llah can be considered [something 
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Re: Please help in finding a quote

2003-12-09 Thread Khazeh Fananapazir

Could it be this
But it is in the local Bahá'í communities that 
the most widespread presentation of the Faith can take place. It is here that 
the real pattern of Bahá'í life can be seen. It is here that the power of 
Bahá'u'lláh to organize human affairs on a basis of spiritual unity can be most 
apparent. Every Local Spiritual Assembly which unitedly strives to grow in 
maturity and efficiency and encourages its community to fulfil its destiny as a 
foundation stone of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order can add to a growing ground swell 
of interest in and eventual recognition of the Cause of God as the sole hope for 
 (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 
1963 to 1986, p. 667)
Systematic teaching initiated by individuals 
or organized by institutions has always been most effective when the central 
message put before the seekers is the station of Bahá'u'lláh and His redeeming 
 (International Teaching Centre, 1992 May 
09, Inviting Seekers to Embrace the Cause)

Effort, activity, unity and constant reliance on 
the power of Bahá'u'lláh will assuredly overcome all obstacles.
 (The Universal House of Justice, 1983 Sept 
01, On Steps to Spiritual Growth)
A sharp distinction between that community and 
that people must be made, and resolutely and fearlessly upheld, if we wish to 
give due recognition to the transmuting power of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, in 
its impact on the lives and standards of those who have chosen to enlist under 
His banner. Otherwise, the supreme and distinguishing function of His 
Revelation, which is none other than the calling into being of a new race of 
men, will remain wholly unrecognized and completely obscured." It is the 
far-reaching, transformative implications of this distinction which we 
especially invite you to contemplate.
 (The Universal House of Justice, 1988 Dec 
29, Individual Rights and Freedoms, p. 2)
The power released by Bahá'u'lláh works at a 
quickening pace, speeding the processes of change which must usher in the new 
order He proclaimed. The declining state of society demonstrates it, the global 
yearning for new solutions to human problems confirms it. Much is at stake: the 
fortunes of humankind hang precariously in the balance. The Bahá'í community 
bears grave responsibilities towards the near and far future as movement toward 
the Lesser Peace accelerates. Now is the time for the friends to seize new 
opportunities to extend the range and influence of the Faith, to reach a new 
level of action in expanding the community and fortifying its foundations. It is 
indeed time for audacious action undeterred by a fear of mistakes, fired by the 
urgency of ministering to the pressing needs of humanity. Will the American 
Bahá'í community not see its chance to meet the challenge? Will its members not 
once again blaze a trail that can set in motion a myriad victories?
 (The Universal House of Justice, 1994 May 
19, response to US NSA)
"Difficult and delicate though be our task," he 
continues, "the sustaining power of Bahá'u'lláh and of His Divine guidance will 
assuredly assist us if we follow steadfastly in His way, and strive to uphold 
the integrity of His laws. The light of His redeeming grace, which no earthly 
power can obscure, will, if we persevere, illuminate our path, as we steer our 
course amid the snares and pitfalls of a troubled age, and will enable us to 
discharge our duties in a manner that would redound to the glory and the honour 
of His blessed Name."
 (The Universal House of Justice, 1998 Dec 
16, Traditional practices in Africa)
With the coming of Bahá'u'lláh, spiritual powers 
of limitless magnitude are available to the believer, to reinforce his 
endeavours to free himself from evil influences Through recourse to prayer, 
consultation with the Bahá'í institutions and obedience to their instructions, 
and through wholehearted participation in Bahá'í community life, a believer may 
partake of the life-giving and healing spirit which has been released to the 
world with the coming of the Manifestation.
 (The Universal House of Justice, 1998 Dec 
16, Traditional practices in Africa)
The powers released by Bahá'u'lláh match the 
needs of the times. We may therefore be utterly confident that the new throb of 
energy now vibrating throughout the Cause will empower it to meet the oncoming 
challenges of assisting, as maturity and resources allow, the development of the 
social and economic life of peoples, of collaborating with the forces leading 
towards the establishment of order in the world, of influencing the exploitation 
and constructive uses of modern technology, and in all these ways enhancing the 
prestige and progress of the Faith and uplifting the conditions of the 
generality of mankind.
 (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 
1963 to 1986, p. 576)The powers released by Bahá'u'lláh match the needs of the 
times. We may therefore be utterly confident that the new throb o