Re: [BangPypers] Can two django projects be made to communicate to each other

2010-12-05 Thread Siddharta G
Your apache config can be something like this

Location /path1/
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django_project_1_frontend
PythonInterpreter django_project_1
PythonOption django.root /path1
PythonDebug On
PythonPath ['C:/Projects/toolsforagile_common/Scripts'] + sys.path
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
  SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI  \
\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI  \
\.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|gz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip dont-vary

Location /path2/
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django_project_2_frontend
PythonInterpreter django_project_2
PythonOption django.root /path2
PythonDebug On
PythonPath ['C:/Projects/toolsforagile_common/Scripts'] + sys.path
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
  SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI  \
\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI  \
\.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|gz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip dont-vary

This will redirect /path1 requests to and
/path2 to

The PythonInterpreter lines ensure that Apache will create two separate
python instances for each project.

The you will need to hook up to the django
project, like this

import site
site.addsitedir(... add a python paths here)
site.addsitedir(... add a python paths here)

from django.core.handlers.modpython import handler

The way we have configured the layout is that each project is running in its
own virtual environment (using virtualenv). So the site.addsitedir lines
will add the virtualenv paths to before calling the django mod_python

This way both projects can have their own libraries and site-packages and
won't interfere with each other.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Siddharta G
 Refactoring just means changing the internals without adding/removing
functionality. The book is good, but refactoring can be applied in many
other contexts too. It has been happening long before the book came out. The
big insight in the book is not the refactoring patterns themselves. The big
insight is that its possible to make fairly large changes using small steps
where the application does not break at any of the intermediate steps. It
changes your thinking from I need to rewrite  retest to go from A - B, now
its like how can I go there in small steps without breaking anything in the

Unless you plan to keep rewriting your app everything a change comes along,
I do agree that a self respecting developer needs to know refactoring (the
concept, not the book)

Refactoring myths -

- If I write perfect code the first time, then I don't need to refactor:
Wrong! Requirements change, and then your perfect code is no longer
suitable, so you'll have to go in and change the design before you can
implement new functionality. Thats refactoring.

- Refactoring means cleaning up bad code: Wrong! See above.

- Refactoring is only for OO code: Wrong! You can refactor anything, even
imperative of functional programs. I have used refactoring (including some
patterns from the book) on C programs.

- I have not seen refactoring used on open source projects: Wrong! At
least on the django project refactoring occurs _very often_ to support new
functionality. When multiple database support was introduced, the ORM design
(which only supported single database) was refactored without changing
existing functionality. After that the multi-database feature was added.
Django has a policy of having unit tests for _all_ functionality, just to
support easy refactoring. I'm pretty sure it happens in all large projects.

- Refactoring is only for code. Wrong! We recently released a second product
which sits along with our first one, and it required completely changing the
architecture of the first one - we refactored the architecture to support
the new product over 3 months deploying small changes at a time.
Architecture changes, server configurations, database structure - everything
was changed making small changes every week on a running production system
with no downtime - thats refactoring too.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Anand Balachandran Pillai
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Siddharta G

  Refactoring just means changing the internals without adding/removing
 functionality. The book is good, but refactoring can be applied in many
 other contexts too. It has been happening long before the book came out.
 big insight in the book is not the refactoring patterns themselves. The big
 insight is that its possible to make fairly large changes using small steps
 where the application does not break at any of the intermediate steps. It
 changes your thinking from I need to rewrite  retest to go from A - B,
 its like how can I go there in small steps without breaking anything in the

 Unless you plan to keep rewriting your app everything a change comes along,
 I do agree that a self respecting developer needs to know refactoring (the
 concept, not the book)

 Refactoring myths -

 - If I write perfect code the first time, then I don't need to refactor:
 Wrong! Requirements change, and then your perfect code is no longer
 suitable, so you'll have to go in and change the design before you can
 implement new functionality. Thats refactoring.

 - Refactoring means cleaning up bad code: Wrong! See above.

 - Refactoring is only for OO code: Wrong! You can refactor anything, even
 imperative of functional programs. I have used refactoring (including some
 patterns from the book) on C programs.

 - I have not seen refactoring used on open source projects: Wrong! At
 least on the django project refactoring occurs _very often_ to support new
 functionality. When multiple database support was introduced, the ORM
 (which only supported single database) was refactored without changing
 existing functionality. After that the multi-database feature was added.
 Django has a policy of having unit tests for _all_ functionality, just to
 support easy refactoring. I'm pretty sure it happens in all large projects.

 - Refactoring is only for code. Wrong! We recently released a second
 which sits along with our first one, and it required completely changing
 architecture of the first one - we refactored the architecture to support
 the new product over 3 months deploying small changes at a time.
 Architecture changes, server configurations, database structure -
 was changed making small changes every week on a running production system
 with no downtime - thats refactoring too.

 That is re-architecting or re-designing depending on which side of the
 conference table you are - not re-factoring.

 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Siddharta G
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:

  That is re-architecting or re-designing depending on which side of the
  conference table you are - not re-factoring.

Err... Refactoring _is_ redesigning, that is the whole purpose of

The difference is that traditional rearchitecting/redesiging is taking down
the existing design and rewriting the application with a new design.
Refactoring is doing it in such a way that you can go from A - B in small
steps without breaking the app at any point.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Anand Balachandran Pillai
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Siddharta G

 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:

   That is re-architecting or re-designing depending on which side of the
   conference table you are - not re-factoring.
 Err... Refactoring _is_ redesigning, that is the whole purpose of

 The difference is that traditional rearchitecting/redesiging is taking down
 the existing design and rewriting the application with a new design.
 Refactoring is doing it in such a way that you can go from A - B in small
 steps without breaking the app at any point.

 I understand the difference. You mentioned Architecture changes
 which doesn't belong to re-factoring.

 In a way, the whole re-writing vs re-factoring thing is a bit blown-up
 since the answer to the most important question Who throws away
 an entire piece of code and re-writes it from scratch is Not many,
 unless the code is highly experimental, a prototype, is a personal
 project (with not many users), or has hit the critical limit of usability
 extensibility in its current state, so that it has to be re-written from

 So, most of us do re-factoring or whatever you may want to call it,
 almost routinely, whether it is at a code, design or architectural level.

 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread steve
I had sent this reply below earlier ...not sure why it didn't go thru' 
...anyways, enough has already been said about this, however, since I already 
wrote this reply below, I thought I might as well make my point ...

Hi Santosh,

On 12/04/2010 05:36 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

My 2 cents on this subject. I think the problem of differing
viewpoints is mainly due to the fact that there are two kinds of
software development.

1) Software product development
2) Bespoke software development.

Let us look at software product development, and let us look at all
the top open source software development projects like linux, apache,
mozilla etc etc. I have not seen refactoring as described by the book
used by any of the open source software products. I would like to know
if any one can show me refactoring used in software product

The very nature of Open Source Software development model is refactoring ! It 
isn't called that but that's what it is. Try to describe the process of FOSS 
development and then the way code is affected by refactoring and you would see 
the similarities. The only difference is in FOSS projects this is done by 
separate individuals in an unplanned manner -- the net effect from the /code's/ 
perspective though is that is being refactored. I'd go as far as saying that 
patches which refactor existing code in mature FOSS products are as at least the 
same in number as those that introduce new features.

- steve

random spiel:
what i'm stumbling into:
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sriram Narayanan
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:39 PM, steve wrote:
 I had sent this reply below earlier ...not sure why it didn't go thru'
 ...anyways, enough has already been said about this, however, since I
 already wrote this reply below, I thought I might as well make my point ...

 Hi Santosh,

 On 12/04/2010 05:36 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

 My 2 cents on this subject. I think the problem of differing
 viewpoints is mainly due to the fact that there are two kinds of
 software development.

 1) Software product development
 2) Bespoke software development.

 Let us look at software product development, and let us look at all
 the top open source software development projects like linux, apache,
 mozilla etc etc. I have not seen refactoring as described by the book
 used by any of the open source software products. I would like to know
 if any one can show me refactoring used in software product

 The very nature of Open Source Software development model is refactoring !
 It isn't called that but that's what it is. Try to describe the process of
 FOSS development and then the way code is affected by refactoring and you
 would see the similarities. The only difference is in FOSS projects this is
 done by separate individuals in an unplanned manner -- the net effect from
 the /code's/ perspective though is that is being refactored. I'd go as far
 as saying that patches which refactor existing code in mature FOSS products
 are as at least the same in number as those that introduce new features.

My thoughts (not for or against, but just to add to this thread):
- the license of the code doesn't really matter. There are lots of
software that we've contributed to as well as developed at
Thoughtworks, and we give the same level of attention (including
refactoring, testing, CI, etc) regardless of the license. This is true
of other companies, and individuals as well.
- refactoring need not become a bad word just because some book
documents various known refactoring techniques. Martin Fowler is a
very, very humble person. I spent the past three days with him hearing
him talk to various Thoughtworkers in Bangalore, and he's very honest
about giving credit where it's due. If you read his Refactoring book,
he's very clear there that these are various techniques that he's
observed everyone around him use, and he's simply explained a number
of them in very layman terms so that all can understand these

Let's the case of something like Extract Method. It's very likely
that over a period of time, a developer would notice that a method
could be spilt up into smaller logical private methods so that the
intent is clear to the reader as well as more maintainable. This
technique may be given the name Extract Method. And this technique
has been applied by all programmers in so many languages.

Applying a refactoring does not make us any less a programmer, and
this activity need not become an insult. Reading a book that documents
various such techniques could be considered a nice refresher even.

Speaking about myself, I wouldn't stay away from a book just because
someone declared that if one has self-respect, one would read that
book. Such a statement need not be an insult. Finally, the loss (in
terms of missed opportunity) would be one's own.

Refactoring could be applied to any language, regardless of whether
it's Object Oriented or not.

 - steve

 random spiel:
 what i'm stumbling into:
 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang


[dubious aside: remember this one?

Please note that there is no deeper meaning to be read into the fact 
that I mistakenly pasted the quote twice.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 12/4/2010 5:36 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote

Let us look at software product development, and let us look at all
the top open source software development projects like linux, apache,
mozilla etc etc. I have not seen refactoring as described by the book
used by any of the open source software products. I would like to know
if any one can show me refactoring used in software product

This reminds me of the kind of discussion I used to hear when the GoF 
Design Patterns book was published. Lacking experience, I was in awe of 
the book since it codified so much practice that I could look at and go 
THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. It took years and a lot of experience to 
understand that this was just a compendium of best practices that many 
OOP programmers had been applying for decades, taking them so much for 
granted that they hadn't even bothered to give them names.

Unfortunately there were too many people who never saw past it being 
some sort of bible, so (as an example) you'd have people drop by KDE dev 
mailing lists 5-6 years later complaining that the KDE libraries were 
poorly designed because they couldn't go through the code and identify 
the design patterns by name.

This is a pattern that I've seen repeated often over the last twenty 
years (the Java world is particularly guilty of it). There is 
unquestionable value to the classification and codification of best 
practices in software engineering, which has a real paucity of good 
references of this kind, but it must be kept in perspective of what 
people are doing. Unfortunately, compared to other forms of engineering 
it's both more difficult and more given to fads.

So what I'm saying is, it is unlikely that this book contains anything 
that any sufficiently large and long-lived software project (FOSS or 
otherwise) is not already doing, because it is critical to their 
success. You will just have to work a little harder to identify it 
because they may not have bought into your taxonomy of refactoring terms.

[dubious aside: remember this one?

There once was a master programmer who wrote unstructured programs. A 
novice programmer, seeking to imitate him, also began to write 
unstructured programs. When the novice asked the master to evaluate his 
progress, the master criticized him for writing unstructured programs, 
saying, ``What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate for the 
novice. You must understand the Tao before transcending 
structure.''There once was a master programmer who wrote unstructured 
programs. A novice programmer, seeking to imitate him, also began to 
write unstructured programs. When the novice asked the master to 
evaluate his progress, the master criticized him for writing 
unstructured programs, saying, ``What is appropriate for the master is 
not appropriate for the novice. You must understand the Tao before 
transcending structure.'']

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
 [dubious aside: remember this one?

 There once was a master programmer who wrote unstructured programs. A novice
 programmer, seeking to imitate him, also began to write unstructured
 programs. When the novice asked the master to evaluate his progress, the
 master criticized him for writing unstructured programs, saying, ``What is
 appropriate for the master is not appropriate for the novice. You must
 understand the Tao before transcending structure. for more
koans like the one above.


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sriram Narayanan
I sure hope that we don't dismiss the reading of such books just
because every experienced programmer knows about refactoring.

-- Sriram

On 12/6/10, Siddharta G wrote:
 Nice quote.

 You hit the main point: Refactoring has always been done. Everyone does it.
 The book just gives a taxonomy to common refactorings.

 For what its worth, I think a taxonomy is very important. It is so much
 easier to communicate a design by saying this is a factory, that object is
 an observer to the model and so on. The same way its convenient to say first
 extract method, then pull up method and everyone understands what you are
 talking about.

 But whether you know the names or not, it is important to know how to go
 from design A to design B in small steps, without breaking the application
 in between. A typical refactoring step takes less than an hour (some can be
 as low as a few minutes). You can do a refactoring, commit, do a
 refactoring, commit and the application is always deployable.

 -- Siddharta
 BangPypers mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Gora Mohanty
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote:

 [dubious aside: remember this one?

 Please note that there is no deeper meaning to be read into the fact that I
 mistakenly pasted the quote twice.

Man, and here was I thinking that you were killing two birds with one
stone: To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.

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