Re: SVG2PDF programatically

2007-08-25 Thread Urs Reupke

I believe you could use Bruno Lowagie's iText to achieve something to 
that effect,

though I couldn't provide details.


Mork0075 wrote:

Thanks for your quick answer.

I think of the following: i want to print 100 label, 4 per each A4 page.
As i understand you, i should create 25 pdfs file (each with 4 label)
and then merge it to one large pdf. This create 25 useless pdfs, i
have to handle their references and delete them later and so on. I
really  nice solution would something like that:

document.addNewPage(svg ...);

and then transcode one large document into a pdf file.

Ruud Steltenpool schrieb:

if you mean artifacts as in 'visual disturbances i invite you to
give examples.

If you mean hassle, i think it's quite easy, though it needs a
download indeed.

this means that i have to create perhaps 10 single pdf files and then
merge them together. Isnt there a nicer solution without so much

Ruud Steltenpool schrieb:

use pdftk

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Re: how to draw markers

2007-05-26 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello hardc0d3r,

you asked for help with drawing markers.
When recently I introduced markers into my app, I found quite helpful.
If you need anything beyond that, please ask for details.


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Re: Interactors and DOM Events

2007-04-29 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your swift reply.
Is there a best practice for cases like this, or could/should I just 
replace the interactors by another set

of DOM listeners?

   The best practice is to stick to DOM Event listeners when you can.
In this case the only slightly tricky bit is that you need to make sure
that the canvas is fully covered by something (often a visiblity=hidden
rect with pointer-events=fill that you ensure covers anything the canvas 
might show).   Then you can register your listener on the root SVG and

receive all mouse move events in the canvas.
Following the list, I had already learned about that technique and 
attempted to implement it. However, once the rectangle
was in place, it seemed that none of the underlying elements received 
any events any longer.
I didn't know about the pointer-events-property, so maybe that's the 
problems cause.
If it is not, I believe I could fix this by inserting the rectangle as 
the first child of the root SVG element. Correct?

What's more, I've experimented with the pointer-events property for a 
bit in the hopes that it could solve another, simpler problem with 
I have a set of two polygons that are defined as a symbol and referenced 
troughout the document.
Each reference is defined as an g-group to which first the 
use-reference and then a text is added.
Most of these references have the fill property set to a color, but 
some remain at fill=none.
This second class of unfilled polygons is causing me trouble, since I 
seem unable to get events from them, even though

I have (now) set pointer-events=visible on the use element.

Listeners are registered on the group, but as far as I know, events on 
contained elements are bubbled up to the container,
so an event triggered on the polygon should reach the group. Actual 
behaviour, however, differs, with events only being registered

from the stroked perimeter or the inner text.

From the specification I take it that events should be triggered even 
though the polygons are fill=noned.
Does my description bring to your mind any obvious mistakes I could have 

Have a nice sunday

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Re: Interactors and DOM Events

2007-04-29 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello Thomas
Following the list, I had already learned about that technique and 
attempted to implement it. However, once the rectangle was in place, 
it seemed that none of the underlying elements received any events 
any longer. [...] I believe I could fix this by inserting the rectangle 
as the first child of the root SVG element. Correct?

   Correct, right now the rect is 'on top' of everything so all events
are delivered to it.  If you make it the first child of the SVG element,
then it will be 'below' everything and it will only receive events if
they 'fall through' all the other elements in the document.

I did that, but things still aren't right.
Some events get through: I can register mouseup/mousedown and click 
events, as well as mousemove.
Mouseout and mouseover events, which are unfortunately crucial to the 
(current) workings of the document,
are not triggered. (If everything else fails, I could rewrite both 
mouseup- and mousedown- as mousemove-listeners.)

This is the outline of my document:
 symbol/ ##defines the polygons from which I want to receive pointer 

g ##group that contains the rest of the document bundled in groups.
  ... ##visible content

I have tried inserting the rectangle both behind and after the defs 

even as the first element inside the main group, but the problem persists.
All listeners I spoke about are added to the g-elements containing the 

to the polygon symbols via the Java API.

Is there another trap I could have stumbled into?

Thanks for your help, and thanks for clearing up the fill-issue. It 
works like a charm now.


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Re: Memory optimization question

2006-11-21 Thread Urs Reupke

Joel Uckelman wrote:

Thus spake Urs Reupke:

Archie Cobbs wrote:

Simple question for the Batik DOM implementors...
Does Batik intern() all DOM Strings?
If not, I have a hunch that this could save a lot of memory.
Aren't the Strings defined as constants (static final) in Batik? As far 
as I know, interning constants does not bring any advantage.

Is he talking about the strings that DOM has a data? Those aren't going
to be static final.
Yes, of course. If so, sorry - I was thinking of the names of elements 
and attributes.

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Re: swing and batik-css

2006-09-26 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Donald,

You wrote:

How can I use batik-css to style my swing appliaction?  please give me a
example code or point me to a site that may have some. 

To which Thomas replied:
   I think you will find it an awful lot of work to style a Swing 
application with CSS.  You would have to design some kind of DOM
model of your Swing application, and then define a number of CSS 
properties, and then write code to apply those CSS properties to


I don't know for sure, but isn't that what the XUI framework is about? 
If I remember correctly, they approach GUI design from the XML side and 
use batik to style their widgets.

Maybe their website can help you:


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Re: SVGOMGElement and coordinates?

2006-08-14 Thread Urs Reupke
Hello Nazar,

maybe this class will help you[1].

 The question is how can I get SVGOMGElement coordinates when walking DOM
 tree of the SVG document?

It takes a SVGLocatable (superinterface to SVGOMGElement) and calculates
the bounding box.



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RE: Animation engine only loaded when animation is present

2006-08-02 Thread Urs Reupke
Hi Cameron,
 is there any chance to add switch that forces the engine to load no 
 matter what?

Yes, that is the desired behaviour.  For now you could do something 
like have a useless set element in the document:

  svg xmlns=;
set attributeName=display to=inline/  /svg

Excellent, thanks for the tip.

What happens when I change the document in the canvas and the new document
has no animation elements? Will the engine be unloaded, or will it remain
active for all eternity?
In other words, could I just load the example document you outlined above
before loading anything else, thus trigger the animation engine, and then
have my graphics loaded with animation still active?

The reason I am reluctant to kick off the animation engine for all 
documents is that it isn't clever yet about when to check for updates.

So, how greedy is it when idling? Should we expect major slowdowns even
without an animation running?

-Urs, really looking forward to this

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Re: SMIL animation: invalid CSS value again

2006-08-02 Thread Urs Reupke
Hi Cameron, Andreas

A lot of tests / examples can be found at
I don't know if you are aware of this resource. It's quite 

A (well hidden) english version is available at


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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-21 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello Cameron.

That's too bad. I'm looking at this from a strictly rect perspective, 
and it would be sweet to have. Do you know whether the feature will 
return at some point, when SVG 1.2 gets finished?

After checking, it seems that the ‘textArea’ element of SVG Mobile 1.2
supports a ‘display-align’ property that does the same thing.  This
element is implemented yet, though.

Sorry, english isn't my native language and this shows here: The yet 
and though conflict to my ears - is the element implemented already? 
Or isn't it implemented yet? (How can I check such things myself? 
Finding element node classes isn't too hard, but I don't know where to 
start looking for attributes in the source code.)

If it *is* implemented, could I just rephrase my document according to 
the SVG Tiny specification and achieve pretty much the same effect?


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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-19 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Cameron,

thanks for clarifying the need for the version attribute.

You wrote:

Perhaps you're not using a recent enough version of Batik?

Which version would qualify as recent enough? Currently, I am using 
the 1.6 release available from the website as is.
There are several SVG12* classes present in the archives, most of them 
defining constants. Do I need to specify anthing more for Batik to 
operate with SVG 1.2?


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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-19 Thread Urs Reupke

Cameron, Lewis,

thanks for your assistance.

Batik 1.6 would have been sufficient (but the update is nice, apparently 
it adressed an issue I had with the distributed 1.6).
I wrote a test to find the problem, found it to be in my code not within 
Batik: I was using the SVGDomImplementation instead of 
SVG12DomImplementation when converting the tree from Dom4j to W3C dom, 
hence the SVG 1.2 features were not available.

Thanks for pointing out that the regions are rendered, Cameron, you 
saved me from wondering why I got a black blob instead of flowtext.

I hope I can include everything into my working code as easily as I 
could create the test.


Lewis Keen wrote:


The version of Batik I am using was a nightly build taken on the 29th
of April 2006. I found this one slightly more stable in certain things
I was using (don't ask me how, I'm not quite sure :)).

It may be worth just getting the latest nightly build and seeing how it 



On 5/19/06, Urs Reupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Cameron,

thanks for clarifying the need for the version attribute.

You wrote:
 Perhaps you're not using a recent enough version of Batik?

Which version would qualify as recent enough? Currently, I am using
the 1.6 release available from the website as is.
There are several SVG12* classes present in the archives, most of them
defining constants. Do I need to specify anthing more for Batik to
operate with SVG 1.2?


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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-19 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi again,
things are progressing steadily.

However, some further questions have arisen:
1. In the previous draft (20041027) of SVG 1.2, there is
a progression-align attribute to control the vertical alignment
of the flowing text. This attribute appears not to be supported by 
Batik. Is there a replacement, or is there currently no way of 
controling vertical alignment?

2. After replacing my old, cumbersome code to determine line breaks and 
the corresponding text elements with flow text, I noticed that the 
opacity attribute, when set on a parent g element, is not honored by 
the flowing text - everything goes transparent, but the text remains opaque.
Is this behaviour intentional? If so, can I set opacity directly on the 
text or is the attribute ignored altogether?


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2006-05-18 Thread Urs Reupke


I was wondering about how to use flowtext, and whether
to use the SVG 1.2 version or Batik's own.
What are the differences between the two, and what pitfalls
are there with each of them?

Most importantly, however: Is there any documentation how to
use Batik flowtext apart from the examples available in SVN?
From what I've seen there, the basic declaration is a flowtext,
with a single flowregion as well as a flowdiv containing a flowpara?

Thank you

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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-18 Thread Urs Reupke

Thanks a lot, Lewis,
that looks pretty much like I thought it would.
However, what's the xml:space attribute for?

Also, which namespace do I have to operate in?
Using; produces odd errors,
but maybe I'm (once again) missing something during the
conversion from dom4j to W3C DOM.


Lewis Keen wrote:


I used the following snippet in my recent project:

flowRoot id=helpFlow pointer-events=none xml:space=preserve
rect x=10 y=50 width=780 height=400 fill=none/
flowDiv id=helpBody
flowPara font-size=12 fill=whiteThis is an example of using
flowRoot in order to word wrap paragraphs/flowPara

The flowRegion specifies the region that the text is to be displayed
in. The flowDiv then specifies the text to be displayed, with
flowParas specifying each paragraph. This is a very basic example and
was derived from the SVG spec. I use this with Batik and seems to work

As an extra thing I modified the number of flowParas attached to the
flowDiv in my java code. I used this for displaying my help pages, and
an example of this can be found at

Hope this helps,

Lewis Keen

On 5/18/06, Urs Reupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I was wondering about how to use flowtext, and whether
to use the SVG 1.2 version or Batik's own.
What are the differences between the two, and what pitfalls
are there with each of them?

Most importantly, however: Is there any documentation how to
use Batik flowtext apart from the examples available in SVN?
 From what I've seen there, the basic declaration is a flowtext,
with a single flowregion as well as a flowdiv containing a 

Thank you

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Re: Flowtext

2006-05-18 Thread Urs Reupke

I prematurely sent the last message.

Examples at the W3C site show their SVGs using the same namespace,
but with an additional attribute 'version=1.2'. Specifying that 
attribute didn't change anything however, I keep getting exceptions:

org.w3c.dom.DOMException: The current document is unable to create an 
element of the requested type (namespace:, 
name: flowRoot).

at org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode.createDOMException
at org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation.createElementNS
at org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMDocument.createElementNS

Any glaring errors on my part you can spot without me posting my entire SVG?


Urs Reupke wrote:

Thanks a lot, Lewis,
that looks pretty much like I thought it would.
However, what's the xml:space attribute for?

Also, which namespace do I have to operate in?
Using; produces odd errors,
but maybe I'm (once again) missing something during the
conversion from dom4j to W3C DOM.


Lewis Keen wrote:


I used the following snippet in my recent project:

flowRoot id=helpFlow pointer-events=none xml:space=preserve
rect x=10 y=50 width=780 height=400 fill=none/
flowDiv id=helpBody
flowPara font-size=12 fill=whiteThis is an example of using
flowRoot in order to word wrap paragraphs/flowPara

The flowRegion specifies the region that the text is to be displayed
in. The flowDiv then specifies the text to be displayed, with
flowParas specifying each paragraph. This is a very basic example and
was derived from the SVG spec. I use this with Batik and seems to work

As an extra thing I modified the number of flowParas attached to the
flowDiv in my java code. I used this for displaying my help pages, and
an example of this can be found at

Hope this helps,

Lewis Keen

On 5/18/06, Urs Reupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I was wondering about how to use flowtext, and whether
to use the SVG 1.2 version or Batik's own.
What are the differences between the two, and what pitfalls
are there with each of them?

Most importantly, however: Is there any documentation how to
use Batik flowtext apart from the examples available in SVN?
 From what I've seen there, the basic declaration is a flowtext,
with a single flowregion as well as a flowdiv containing a 

Thank you

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Re: Problems distributing Batik (Removed spam note)

2006-05-12 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi John,
Have you checked your jar's manifest declaration?
Maybe one of the batik files has changed it's name since the last 
version you distributed?


John Knoop wrote:


I already do. There are 20 jar files in that folder, and I include all of
them in my project. But somehow I don't think they are packaged along with
my application when I build it into a jar file.



-Original Message-
From: Tonny Kohar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: den 12 maj 2006 04:08

Subject: [SPAM DNS] - Re: Problems distributing Batik - Sending mail server
found on


On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 14:22 +0200, John Knoop wrote:

I want to use Batik to convert SVG files into PNG and PDF's. This
works great when I run the project in Netbeans, but how do I build and
distribute it? I've tried to add all the 20 jar files to the project
jar file, but it doesn't help. I get errors like Exception in thread
'main' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

You need to include pdf-transcoder jar as well, it found on trunk/lib

Tonny Kohar

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Custom cursors: SVG or Swing (inspired by: Custom Cursor Problems)

2006-05-05 Thread Urs Reupke

reading the recent messages about custom cursors made me thinking.
I didn't know customizing the cursors for SVG elements was so simple,
up to now I did everything concerning cursors using Swing.
In case you're wondering, I had to extend and override the 
cursor-methods in the SVGCanvas.

My system is running fine, but I was wondering if the SVG way might be 
more performant or maybe even simpler to implement.

Right now, I am listening for mouse move events on the cursor, check 
whether the cursor is inside an element's bounding box, and if it is, 
replace the standard arrow cursor by one of two custom cursors, 
depending on state of the model represented by the element in the SVG.

If done by SVG, I would save the time to calculate the bounding box, 
however, I'd have to manipulate the document whenever the underlying 
model changes.

Considering the possible trouble involved, is it worth changing?


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Re: absolute svg elements sizes

2006-03-14 Thread Urs Reupke


   Also I think some people have had success 'stacking' Canvas's on
top of each other (you need to tell swing that the canvas is transparent
otherwise it will skip painting the one underneath).  This can also have
advantages if the lower canvas can be 'static'.

Absolutely, this can be done via Swings GlassPane.
However, the images have to be even more separated - hardly a problem 
when generating them online, but maybe more difficult when dealing with 
pre-generated SVGs.
That, and Swing seems to slow down quite a bit when large-scale 
transparency is involved.


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Re: adding Elements to SVG Doc

2006-03-13 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Yasmin,

your code sample was:

Element element = doc.getElementById(circleGroup);
 EventTarget eventTarget = (EventTarget) element;
 eventTarget.addEventListener(click,new CircleAction(),false);

 class CircleAction implements EventListener
publicvoid handleEvent(Event evt)
Element elt = (Element) evt.getCurrentTarget();

if (evt.getType() == click)

In here, you add a listener to a group(?) and afterwards, when the group 
is clicked, try to set the attribute fill on the element elt in the 
namespace circle to yellow.
Instead, what (I believe) you want to do is to set the attribute on the 
element circle.
I have not tested it (and am not familiar with the W3C DOM API either, 
using dom4j mainly), but maybe you could change the listeners code to:

 Element elt = (Element) evt.getCurrentTarget();
 Element circleElement = elt.getElementByTagName(circle)
 if (evt.getType() == click) {

Oh, and maybe check for the eventtype before doing anything else, 
possible saving some time at runtime.

I've not followed your discussion in detail,
but maybe you can have a look at this class from my project:

Within, you'll find two EventListeners,cursorTooltipInitListener and 
selectionInvokingListener. The former acts on mouseover, but the 
latter reacts on mouseclick events for the element it's over.

Within, the first part retrieves the target element.
(Ignore the special case of an TSpan-Element being clicked)
Then, an element ID is read from the synonymous attribute,
finally, an event is fired.

Basically, you could use this (or very simliar code) for parsing the 
document whenever a click event occurs and locating the target element 
by hand, thus making sure you got the circle and only the circle to 
operate upon.

I guess they're way to complicated for what you intend to do, but maybe 
they can help you figure out how to do it by stripping things away.

Good luck with your task

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Re: adding Elements to SVG Doc

2006-03-13 Thread Urs Reupke


sorry, I forgot about the NodeList.
Unfortunately, it doesn't use the Java Collections API,
but it's similiar in function.
The elements within are instance of Node, which is a subtype of Element.
You should be able to retrieve your SVG Circle Element by calling the 
item function as you would use List.get(int index) with a regular list.

What do you mean by supposed to appear clickable? If you want a 
special cursor to appear (like, for example, when hovering the mouse 
over an active hyperlink in a webpage) you have to tell Batik (which is 
what the first listener in the file I linked to does. Batik has simpler 
ways of doing it though, if you're content with standard cursors.)



Hi there,

elt.getElementsByTagName returns NodeList, I tried this but nothing
happens, btw are the red circles suppose to appear clickable?

NodeList circleElement = elt.getElementsByTagName(circle);



Hi Yasmin,

your code sample was:

Element element = doc.getElementById(circleGroup);
 EventTarget eventTarget = (EventTarget) element;
 eventTarget.addEventListener(click,new CircleAction(),false);

 class CircleAction implements EventListener
publicvoid handleEvent(Event evt)
Element elt = (Element) evt.getCurrentTarget();

if (evt.getType() == click)

In here, you add a listener to a group(?) and afterwards, when the group
is clicked, try to set the attribute fill on the element elt in the
namespace circle to yellow.
Instead, what (I believe) you want to do is to set the attribute on the
element circle.
I have not tested it (and am not familiar with the W3C DOM API either,
using dom4j mainly), but maybe you could change the listeners code to:

  Element elt = (Element) evt.getCurrentTarget();
  Element circleElement = elt.getElementByTagName(circle)
  if (evt.getType() == click) {

Oh, and maybe check for the eventtype before doing anything else,
possible saving some time at runtime.

I've not followed your discussion in detail,
but maybe you can have a look at this class from my project:

Within, you'll find two EventListeners,cursorTooltipInitListener and
selectionInvokingListener. The former acts on mouseover, but the
latter reacts on mouseclick events for the element it's over.
Within, the first part retrieves the target element.
(Ignore the special case of an TSpan-Element being clicked)
Then, an element ID is read from the synonymous attribute,
finally, an event is fired.

Basically, you could use this (or very simliar code) for parsing the
document whenever a click event occurs and locating the target element
by hand, thus making sure you got the circle and only the circle to
operate upon.

I guess they're way to complicated for what you intend to do, but maybe
they can help you figure out how to do it by stripping things away.

Good luck with your task

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Re: absolute svg elements sizes

2006-03-13 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Dominik,
I’m wondering if there is a way in Batik or SVG to have absolute element 
sizes, i.e. when I have a circle element of radius 1 in my svg file and 
I zoom in that it retains its size of 1 and actually doesn’t get zoomed 
in (only e.g. an underlying map) . Is this possible and how?

I don't know whether there's an elegant internal way to do it, but if 
you're using Batik you could listen for zoom events and counter them 
by changing the size of the elements you want to be absolutely sized.


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Re: JSVGCanvas ZoomIn

2006-02-14 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Volker
I've recently implemented a stepped zoom function to work with a 
mousewheel. I took the code used in Batik  as an inspiration,

and it works pretty well.
If I am not mistaken, all that's necessary is a GVT Component of which 
JSVGComponent is a subclass, so that should work as well.


André Ávila wrote:

Hi Volker,

AFAIK, the default interactors (zoom, pan, rotate) are all implemented in
JSVGCanvas. I've never worked with JSVGComponent directly, so I'm not the
best person to answer your question, but I suspect you would have to write
your own
zoom for it.

- Original Message - 
From: Schneider, Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: AW: JSVGCanvas ZoomIn

Hi André,

excuse me when I'm disturbing, but does the zoom work for JSVGComponent as


Best regards
- Volker -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: André Ávila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Februar 2006 15:56
Betreff: Re: JSVGCanvas ZoomIn


If you're trying to assign the ZoomIn / ZoomOut actions to buttons, try


following code:

Action zoomInAction =
Action zoomOutAction =

JButton zoomInButton = new JButton(zoomInAction);
JButton zoomOutButton = new JButton(zoomOutAction);

Interactors are a little different, and cannot be directly assigned to
buttons, but you can create custom interactors and use buttons to control
the interaction, if that's what you want.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:39 AM
Subject: JSVGCanvas ZoomIn

Hi there!

I am a final year student on BSc Computer Science degree ...for my final
year project I am using batik, I have used JSVGCanvas to display my svg
files, but I am struggling to assign a Zoom In/out actions to JButtons -
I've been looking at AbstractZoomInteractor class but really dnt have a
clue... any ideas?

Thank you, in advance


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Re: Drag selection to?

2006-02-07 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Micheal,

Bishop, Michael W. CONTR J9C880 wrote:

OK, I'm looking at the Javadoc and I'm not clear on how to use this.
There isn't any explanation in the documentation for the method.  What
object is the SVGSVGElement?

The SVGSVGElement is the interface class representing the element svg 
in your documents. It is implemented in Batik as SVGOMSVGElement.
In the most simple case of a single document, it is the element you 
retrieve by calling getRootElement on the document object.

The SVGRect is self-explanatory I think;
it's a representation of the selection box.  What is the reference
element of type SVGElement?

Is this a typo? SVGElement is not the same as SVGSVGElement - the former 
is the common superinterface to all the elements in the SVG 
specification, while the latter is the representation of a single 
element type.

I see another potential problem; if you transform an element (scale,
rotate, etc.) the bounding box for that element is not transformed, so
the intersection may not be accurate.

You can transform the bounding box via the transformations offered by
the current transformation matrix (CTM) - for instances of SVGLocatable 
(IIRC), you get it by calling the method getScreenCTM (matrix for all 
nested transformations) or getCTM (matrix for this objects 
transformations only).
Using them, you could transform the bounding boxes to the coordinate 
system you want to operate in, or maybe transform your selection 
rectangles box into it's representation within the common system of the 
documents elements.

It's pretty well documented in the SVG specification.


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Re: Resizing graphics automatically when Jframe resizes

2006-02-07 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi David

Eastman, David wrote:
I want 
my SVG graphic to have the following behavior:

-Graphic fills the JPanel containing the JSVGCanvas
-Graphic is centered in the JPanel
-Graphic automatically resizes to fill the JPanel when the user resizes 
the JFrame

The basics for the first and third of these properties are rooted in the 
layout manager you use within the JPanel. Tell it to automatically 
resize the JSVGCanvas to the panel's size, and your halfway done.

Afterwards, you'll need to tell the document (not Batik) to fill the 
canvas. To do so, you have to add some attributes to the main svg element.
I believe the attributes you're looking for are viewBox and 
preserveAspectRatio. You might want to consult the SVG 
Specification[1] and read through items 7.7 and 7.8.

I believe the second property can be handled by using the same 
attributes, but I have never attempted to do so.

Have fun

[1]SVG Specification on coordinate systems

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Re: Resizing graphics automatically when Jframe resizes

2006-02-07 Thread Urs Reupke


Eastman, David wrote:

ox,svgCanvas.getX()+ +svgCanvas.getY()+ +svgCanvas.getWidth()+
rveAspectRatio,xMidYMid meet);

Hmm. It's looking good to me, pretty much what I thought of.
I don't have spare time right now, so I can't check, but maybe
you could try setting the viewBox to 0 0 [documentWidth] 
[documentHeight], the latter two indicating the actual width and height 
of your SVG document, and add two additional attributes height and 
width, both set to a value of 100%
But that's just a hunch, I believe I did something similiar to solve 
that problem, but I cannot remember.


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ECMA Script vs Java

2006-01-26 Thread Urs Reupke

my ongoing project needs some refinement in it's SVG parts.
Currently, we're using Swing components rendered over a SVG image
for user input, but since the SVG images will be zoomable soon,
this is no longer an option.
Thus, I am about to create an SVG replacement for the Swing interface,
and was wondering whether I should script the visual behaviour of the 
interface using ECMA script or Java.

Here's what I need to do:
The interface consists of a row of buttons.
The user can either click on of the buttons to select all of them up to 
the clicked one.
As an alternative, one can clickhold somewhere within the bounds of the 
component to have a selection rectangle appear. This rectangle stretches 
from the left side of the component up to the x-coordinate clicked. The 
x-coordinate can be adjusted by drag and drop. After releasing the 
mousebutton, all of the buttons currently under the rectangle are selected.

It's pretty simple, for most parts, but the adjustable rectangle made me 
Is one of the two, ECMA or Java clearly superior in terms of speed, 
capabilities or ease of development (in an Batik/SVG context, of course)?


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Re: ECMA Script vs Java

2006-01-26 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Andreas,

We are using Batik within the confines of a single Java application,
with no foreseeable need to port the SVG part to any other platform.
The interactive component would not have to run anywhere except in 
Batik's JSVGCanvas.

I assume that, given that knowledge, you would implement in Java?


Andreas Neumann wrote:

Hi Urs,

well both have advantages/disadvantages.

The advantage of Java might be that you can integrate with other Java 
components and use Batik within a standalone java program. Also Java is 
the more powerful language.

The advantage of ECMAScript is, that it is better portable to other SVG 
viewers and web browsers. F.e. examples scripted in ECMAScript also work 
in the Adobe SVG viewer, Mozilla SVG and in the upcoming versions of 
Opera 9 and Safari with native SVG support.

at you can find a couple of 
ECMAScripts for GUI elements. Not very sophisticated, but they might be 
a starting point for further work.


Urs Reupke wrote:

my ongoing project needs some refinement in it's SVG parts.
Currently, we're using Swing components rendered over a SVG image
for user input, but since the SVG images will be zoomable soon,
this is no longer an option.
Thus, I am about to create an SVG replacement for the Swing interface,
and was wondering whether I should script the visual behaviour of the 
interface using ECMA script or Java.

Here's what I need to do:
The interface consists of a row of buttons.
The user can either click on of the buttons to select all of them up 
to the clicked one.
As an alternative, one can clickhold somewhere within the bounds of 
the component to have a selection rectangle appear. This rectangle 
stretches from the left side of the component up to the x-coordinate 
clicked. The x-coordinate can be adjusted by drag and drop. After 
releasing the mousebutton, all of the buttons currently under the 
rectangle are selected.

It's pretty simple, for most parts, but the adjustable rectangle made 
me wondering:
Is one of the two, ECMA or Java clearly superior in terms of speed, 
capabilities or ease of development (in an Batik/SVG context, of course)?


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Re: ECMA Script vs Java

2006-01-26 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your thorough analysis.
Your assumption about no one here having working knowledge about ECMA 
script is correct.
For now, I have implemented the UI in Java, but I hope to find the time 
tomorrow to convert it to ECMA script and maybe learn a bit or two in 
the process.

Also having
the UI in one language and the bulk of the app in another has
a secondary effect of ensuring a clean separation of the UI from
the application engine. 

Luckily, that's not too much of an issue in this case. The existing UI 
is already separated from both presentation logic and the underlying 
model, and anything but re-implementing the existing UI-interfaces for 
the new component would cause more trouble than it's worth.

Working on this has brought up an idea:
From discussions on this list, I have a rough understanding that Batik 
is able to convert SVG images to a number of different bitmap formats,

such as PNG.
Right now, our distributions come with a set of icons, that differ only 
in the colors used for a single image layer. Currently, there are 30 
icons (10 variants in 3 sizes each).
I guess it would be no big deal to re-build these icons using SVG and 
exchange the color-layer for each of them on-the-fly. This would allow 
for much simpler extension and modification in the future.

What I'd like to know is, whether the transcoder system is fast enough 
generate the images at runtime without too much of a slowdown.


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SVG 1.2 beta release (was: Re: Nightly release much improved over 1.6)

2005-12-20 Thread Urs Reupke

My current leaning would be a release of 
1.6.1 off the svg11 branch,
but I am open to debate on a 1.7 from the trunk (svg 1.2 code).  It is 
also possible that we could

have both 1.6.1 stable, and 1.7beta or some such.

What's the situation with SVG 1.2? Is there finalization of the drafts 
to be expected anytime soon? If not, are they still being revised or

just bidding their time until they become recommendations?

In other words - how interesting to the general public (up to and 
including me) would an 1.7beta release be, assuming that one wouldn't 
want to revise his code every three month?
I remember reading that Batik's SVG 1.2 had some differences from W3C's 
- is that correct, or were these just working differences until the 
draft was / is finalized?

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Re: Exception Explanation (IllegalStateException: RunnableQueue not started)

2005-10-23 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Thomas,

thanks for the explanation.

I suspect that this is totally harmless

This is the line I had hoped for. :) Thanks.

   I will consider the implications of just catching the 

in these cases (this will work well for this case but some of the other
places are a bit more complex and it would not be quite as simple).

That'd be nice, thank you.

   Thanks for reporting this, just out of curiosity have other
people seen this problem?

It's the first time I heard of it - I can't remember seeing it during 
development. At least not since we last changed the way we handle the 
SVG display/generation, might have happened in the more unstable state 
that we had before.


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Re: nightly builds

2005-08-26 Thread Urs Reupke


make sure that the java compiler (java) is available in the 

This should probably be javac.


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Re: Base-URI problem

2005-07-22 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello Thomas,

unfortunately, your suggestion did not work as intended.

If I add

return result;

 to the ATTRIBUTE_NODE case of the importNode method of

the problem persists.

I suspect this is due to a lack of events fired - in the
setNodeValue method, an Event is only fired, when OwnerElement is not 
'null'. This, however, is the case in both the dom4j.DOMWriter class 
used to create the original batik.SVGDOMDocument as well as by the 
DOMUtils when creating the clone.

I further believe that this is due to the order of calls in
Within the method setUnspecifiedAttribute, at first, the Attribute Value 
is set via a call to AbstractAttr.setValue, and _afterwards_ the 
OwnerElement is set indirectly by calling setItemNS (which calls 
setOwnerElement, among other things).

Do you know whether the order of things can be reversed without negative 
side effects (or if it's at least worth trying)?

If so, I think, the problem should be solved.

In high hopes

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Re: Base-URI problem

2005-07-22 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Thomas,

I think I have finally found the problem.

The class SVGOMDocument implements the method
isId(Attr node) in such a way that the id nodes generated by the dom4j 
writer are not recognized as such:
It checks for 'null'-Namespaces, but fails to check for the empty string 

I have modified the line in question, the method (around line 305) now 

public boolean isId(Attr node) {
if (!(node.getNamespaceURI()
return false;
return SVG_ID_ATTRIBUTE.equals(node.getNodeName());

After this modification, the table of IDs is correctly created and filled.

Trouble's not gone yet, though: In the former problem's wake follows
an error about 'circle' elements requiring the 'r' attribute.
Again, Batik requires the Namespace URI to be 'null' (by calling
e.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_R_ATTRIBUTE)) while it is in fact the empty 

I will look for a way to change this.
Thanks for your support so far

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Re: Base-URI problem

2005-07-21 Thread Urs Reupke

Hi Thomas,
thank you for your reply.
My computer was busy doing some major compilations, so I couldn't reply 

 Unfortunately this is not the 'original' error however I believe that
 this error indicates that 'doc.getElementById(Solar)' is failing.

I was not aware that this was not the original error message.
I you give me some instructions, I can try to retrieve it.

In the mean time, to answer your question:
Can you check if getElementById(Solar) works?  So after you
 construct the Batik DOM from Dom4J just println the results of
 calling getElementById(Solar).
I did as instructed, and the result is indeed 'null'.
If this is a dom4j-Problem I could turn to their support to find out 
what is wrong,
but as always with such interoperability-problems, I appreciate any help 
you can give.

I will try to find out what is happening with the attributes in the 


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Re: Base-URI problem

2005-07-21 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello Thomas,

   I'm guessing this is the problem.  I think that we aren't tracking
the addition/removal of child nodes directly from the Attribute Node.
I'm looking into this now, the tricky bit is that it isn't clear to
me what events should be sent in this case (DOM Node Inserted, DOM Attr
Modified? both?).
This is a Batik internal problem, not dependent on the creator of the 
SVG Document (dom4j in my case) or the SVG Specification, isn't it?
Also, am I correct in assuming that firing both wouldn't hurt anything 
but speed?

In the interest of continuing our project, if you could give me some 
further pointers, I could try to find out what to do. I cannot promise 
anything, however, since my knowledge of the Batik code base is close to 0.

   Yes, the Document maintains a hash table of all the Id's on any
element it created.  This is what getElementById uses so that this
is a quick operation.

Alright, thank you. I've had another look - guess the table is clearly 
labled. I noticed that all three of the xBYy hash tables - 
ElementsByID, ElementsByTagnames, ElementsByTagnamesNS - are 'null',

so the problem might extend further than just IDs.


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Re: Base-URI problem

2005-07-20 Thread Urs Reupke

Hello Thomas,

here's the stack trace as given by the dialog:
org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeException: null: -1
Cannot find the referenced element: #Solar
specified on the element use - may be a problem of id
	at org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext.getReferencedElement(Unknown 

at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

I am using the Batik 1.6 on a Java 5 Update 4 virtual machine running on 
Windows XP service pack 2. The batik .jars are taken directly from the 
If it will further your assessment of the situation, I could recompile 
batik with debug information and resend the stack trace. Just give me 
the word.

Good bye

Thomas DeWeese wrote:

Hi Urs,

   This is a bug, can you provide a full stack trace?
So I can tell who is getting it wrong?

Urs Reupke wrote:


Tonny Kohar wrote:

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 16:48 +0200, Urs Reupke wrote:

Now, I believe this is a problem with the base URI of the document - 
when converting from another XML-implementation, the (which did not 
exist in the first place, since the document is created in memory) 
URI is lost, thus Batik has no point of reference.

Is this assumption correct?

I am not sure if the error is because the base URI, since the Solar is
embeded within the same doc. It become problem when the referenced
resources is not within/embeded on the same doc

That's what I thought - but for some reason, there's a problem 
nonetheless. Maybe there's something wrong with my conversion.

Does anyone here have experience with converting dom4j to w3c.dom?

However, to set the base URI there is two ways (you can choose either

Thanks, for pointing this out. Referring to the my original message, 
however, since the documents are created in-memory, there is no valid 
URI I want them to have - all references will be to elements within 
the document itself.


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