Guys, thanks a bunch for great feedback! I will take your stuff and make it 
work i'm sure. If not i'll bother you here again! :) The reason for me 
taking AppleScript is that i was doing stuff before i had BBEdit and i 
kinda knew it, that's all.

On Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 3:26:55 PM UTC+2 John R M. Delacour wrote:

> On 13 Oct 2020, at 06:54, Mathias af Jochnick <> wrote:
> i'm trying to make 2 scripts to convert between IOS and Android i18n 
> formats to work. I've gotten Android -> IOS to work, but the other way 
> around is a challenge.
> Basically, for each row in a file i want to convert
> *"login_infoLabel" = "Do you need help? Press here.”;*
> to
> *<string name="login_infoLabel">Do you need help? Press here.</string*
> See my script below. The problem is the first search string to find the 
> first " on each row. I spoke with Patrik at BBEdit and he kindly informed 
> me that it was because AppleScript doesn't support grep
> Patrick could not be more right!  AppleScript is not the tool for text; 
> but BBEdit provides the Text Factory feature that allows you to use Perl 
> (or Python, or sed) to do the work easily.
> Here is your script written in Perl:
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> while (<>) {
> # changes quotes round string name to §, preserving them
> s~"(login_infoLabel)" ?= ?([^;]+);~<string name=§$1§>$2</string>~g;
> # delete the quotes not preserved
> s~"~~g;
> # restore the quotes round string name
> s~§~"~g;
> # remove the final semicolon
> s~;$~~;
> # Execute the substitutions
> print;
> }
> This script will operate on the front window.
> How to do it—
> 1. Open a new Text Factory (Menu: File::New...), paste in the above 
> script, and save it as in
> ~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Text Filters/
> 2. Open the (Menu: Window::Palettes::)Text Filters palette
> 3. Set a shortcut of you like
> 4. Run the script (filter) with your target window frontmost.
> Notes—
> I use "~" in the regex rather than "/".  You can use whatever you like.
> s~found~replacement~g ;  #~g means replace all
> Perl Regular Expressions differ from BBEdit's PRE in using $1, $2 etc 
> rather than \1, \2
> All the Perl knowledge you need to make the filter is:
> a valid shebang line (should not be necessary and was not in better days!);
> the while loop: while (<>) { ...... } ;
> a knowledge of regex in Perl, which is almost the same as BBEdit's 
> implementation but more powerful.
> JD

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