Good afternoon folks,

We're currently working on a maintenance update to BBEdit 14 to address a few 
recently reported issues.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and 
address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. 
However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be 
bugs and regressions.

If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release 
versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose 
to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public 
release. :-)

Complete change notes to date for all the pre-release builds in this cycle are 
available here:


The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are 
annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number 
corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify 
that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes 
before using the new build -- it'll be worth your time.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT 
REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen 
the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> 
and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
topic and productive for all list members.

Here is the list of changes made since the 14.6.1 public release:


version 14.6.2 (14D39)  (2022-12-06)


*       Added an expert preference to globally shut off font ligature
        support, in cases where you don't want BBEdit to ever try to use
        ligatures (even when your editing font supports them):

        `defaults write com.barebones.bbedit DisableAllFontLigatures -bool YES`

        Changes to this setting require application restart to take effect.


o       (none in this build)


*       [452014] Corrected tooltip display in the Multi-File Search
        window source list for items that have had their paths elided.

*       [452034] Change the factory default setting of the
        `HTMLSyntaxChecker_WarnForIgnoredBlocks` expert preference so
        that `#bbpragma ignore_errors` doesn't generate a warning.

*       [451936] When using `cmark-gfm` for Markdown previewing, BBEdit
        will request the `table`, `strikethrough`, and `tasklist`
        rendering extensions.

*       [451825] If a variable in a persistent include statement isn't
        properly delimited, the application will not attempt to perform a
        substitution with that variable's value, and will generate a
        warning. This is consistent with the documented behavior,
        and protects against unexpected outcomes.

*       [451833, 451937] Fixed bug in which the "do not contain" Process
        Lines setting was not stored correctly when used in a text
        factory, and as a consequence was not honored when the factory
        was applied.

*       Made a change to improve drawing performance in the text area.

*       [451815] Improved the appearance of the indicators used for
        language server configuration status, as well as for
        error/warning status in the navigation bar for documents managed
        by a language server. The different states are now distinguished
        by shape as well as by color.

*       [452273] Fixed crash which would occur when editing arguments to
        command-line arguments in the Markdown renderer preferences and
        language server configuration panel.

*       [452284] Avoid expanding folders in the project list when
        opening a document under typical conditions, since it's not
        really necessary and can be disruptive.

*       Fixed bug in which Git "Show Working Copy Status" for the active
        document would only list status for files in the same directory
        (or lower) as the source file, as opposed to the entire working
        copy as intended.

*       [441816] Put in some armor plating at the site of a crash
        reported during computer shutdown.

*       [452482] Fixed bug in which using Next Document/Previous
        Document in a notebook with the `SurfNextPreviousInDisplayOrder`
        expert preference turned on would navigate the documents in
        alphabetical order, rather than in the order shown in the

*       Added `Gemfile` and `Gemfile.lock` as exact-match mappings for
        the Ruby language module.

*       Extended the minimum interval before shell worksheets issue a
        completion notification.

*       [452490] When using Cmd-down-arrow or Cmd-End to move the
        insertion point to the end of the document, make sure the
        scrolling honors the overscroll setting (from the Editing

*       [452440, 452549] Fixed crash in the CSS scanner which would
        occur with malformed files that contained only open braces (or
        when all the open braces occurred at once, which would happen
        after doing a Sort Lines on a CSS file).

*       [452193, 452444] Worked around macOS security UX bug
        (FB11749589) which would cause the OS to report a strange error
        when using a command which itself required BBEdit to ask Terminal
        to run a "`.command`" file. (This included "Run in Terminal",
        "Run in Debugger", and installing the command-line tools under
        certain conditions.)

*       [452529] Fixed a bug in which the remembered file/folder items
        for multi-file searching and other operations was stored in such
        a way that the macOS security subsystem would prevent BBEdit from
        using those items on a subsequent application launch. (This
        primarily affected the Mac App Store version.)

        Note that this change will not affect previously remembered search
        targets; so if you run into a "not permitted" error when doing a
        multi-file search or similar operation, remove the item from the
        list, re-select it, and thereafter you should be good to go.

        You can avoid the issue entirely by granting BBEdit sandbox access
        via the Application preferences.

*       Made a tweak to the text ranking function used for Open File by
        Name and others.

*       [452799] Made a change to improve editing performance in files
        of significant size when using font ligatures.

*       [452978] Updated the preferences search metadata to include
        references for the Show Invisibles character settings.

*       Made the Git working copy commands available in situations where
        they were disabled before. If the active document is not in a Git
        working copy (or the application does not otherwise have context
        to figure out what the active working copy is), BBEdit will
        prompt you to choose a working copy before proceeding.

*       [452012, 453014] When using "Run in Debugger" for a Perl script
        with a #! line, ignore the #! line so that `-d` actually makes it
        through to Perl. (Note that this *may* cause a different version
        of Perl to run than when simply using "Run" or "Run in Terminal".
        If this creates an issue for you, manually run the Perl script
        using Terminal and the -d option, or contact Tech Support for

*       [439809] Adjusted validation of `datetime` attribute values to
        be less strict (and compliant with the current recommendations).

*       Fixed a bug in which the range of the vertical scrollbar in text
        areas was not correctly set in some edge cases.

*       [453347] Fixed regression in which documents created by the "Hex
        Dump" commands didn't have the correct title.

*       Documents created by the "Hex Dump" commands are no longer
        marked dirty at creation, so there's no prompt to save them when
        closing (unless you make a change).

*       [453367, 453382] Fixed bug in which the FTP/SFTP browser window
        progress panel would sometimes fail to go away when an operation
        was complete. (This typically occurred during "new file" or "new
        folder" operations on the server, but could happen at other times
        as well.)

*       When running on macOS 13.0 and later, add `ssh-rsa` and
        `ssh-dss` as allowed SSH key algorithms when connecting, to work
        around server compatibility issues introduced by security changes
        in the version of SSH included with macOS.

*       [453677] Fixed bug in which long search strings/patterns chosen
        from the search history or saved patterns menus would not wrap
        correctly in the Find and Multi-File Search windows, *if* a
        proportional font was in use.

*       [407878, 453707] Fixed bug in which keyboard equivalents for
        clippings wouldn't respond correctly in situations where the
        clipping(s) in question were in a set that had previously been

*       [345625, 420741, 447369 453814, 453817] Fixed sporadic crash
        which would occur when making changes in the Clippings folder
        while the Clippings palette was open.

*       Added friendlier mode line synonyms for SQL and variants: `sql`,
        `ms-transact-sql`, `mysql`, `my-sql`, `postgresql`, `plsql`, and

*       [453889] Fixed bug in which saved Spotlight searches didn't
        appear as available locations in the Multi-File Search window or
        for Text Factory application.

*       [453919] Fixed bug in which the "Default" option in the CSS
        Border markup sheet didn't do anything useful. It now reads "(not
        set)" and choosing it will remove an existing value for the
        border style.

*       [453934] Made a change to work around macOS misbehavior which
        would cause the Find and Multi-File Search windows to move to the
        active Space when switching Spaces, whether or not the
        appropriate expert preference had been set. (As a result of this
        change the expert preferences are no longer consulted, so
        changing them will not affect the behavior.)

*       Fixed bug in which Zip archives and tarballs in the Clippings
        folder (or subfolders) were not filtered out of the Clippings


The package can be downloaded from our web server:




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or need technical support, please email "" rather than 
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