Good afternoon,

We're currently working on a maintenance update to BBEdit 15 to address a few 
recently reported issues.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and 
address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. 
However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be 
bugs and regressions.

If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release 
versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose 
to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public 
release. :-)

Complete change notes to date for all the pre-release builds in this cycle are 
available here:


The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are 
annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number 
corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify 
that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes 
before using the new build -- it'll be worth your time.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT 
REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen 
the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> 
and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
topic and productive for all list members.

Here is the list of changes made since the previous 15.0.1 beta build:


version 15.0.1 (15A77)  2024-01-30


o       (none in this build)


o       (none in this build)


*       Fixed bug in which certain malformations in syntax-colored
        documents (as might happen while editing) would cause the minimap
        to hang or crash when updating, either during editing or across a
        switch to such a document.

*       [475497] Relaxed the stricture on Markdown underscore
        recognition to allow line breaks and punctuation to precede an

*       [475487] Fixed bug in which clicking in the "Chat Worksheet"
        item in a project's "Worksheets and Scratchpads" section did not
        select it, as was intended.

*       [475528] Addressed a performance regression with CJKV input.

*       [475409] Fixed regression in which Extract skipped immediately
        adjacent pattern matches.

*       [475743] Fixed bug in the Lisp scanner in which it didn't
        correctly handle backslash-escaped double quotes.

*       [475699] Fixed bug in which `BBEDIT_PROJECT_WORKSPACE_ROOT` was
        not set as intended when running #! scripts with a project open.

*       [475734] AX: opening the contextual menu via VO+Shift+M should
        now operate as desired.

*       [475734] AX: corrected accessibility labeling of the search and
        replace fields in the Find and Multi-File Search windows.

*       AX: added labels to elements in the Pattern Playground window.

*       [475734] Cleaned up the tab order in the various panes of the
        Preferences window.

*       [475708] When reducing the magnification setting, reduce the
        font size of the line number display as appropriate. (At a
        certain point they become illegibly small, and using the Minimap
        is probably a better option.)

*       [475604] Fixed crash during site deployment.

*       [475839] Fixed bug in which the `-w`/`--warnings-default` option
        for `bbresults(1)` generated errors rather than warnings.

*       [475867] Corrected appearance of text in edit fields in "Run
        Unix Command" and some other panels when using a dark system

*       [475845] Untitled documents created "clean" by "Run Unix
        Command" and other operations are eligible for crash recovering
        and will be reopened when the application is restarted, if they
        were open when the application was quit.

*       [475536] Fixed internal exception which would occur when closing
        an instaproject after the folder behind it had been deleted,
        *and* one or more language servers were running.

*       [475937] Fixed bug in which the block cursor was invisible on
        empty lines.

*       Fixed bug in which the minimap did not render spaces correctly.

*       [475221, 475927] Fixed intermittent crash when using the
        contextual menu in results windows.

*       Made a change to LSP workspace detection so that it never
        returns the current user's home directory as a workspace root.
        (Most servers can't handle this, and they try to scan the entire
        home directory, which in turn trips file access alarms and OS
        permissions errors.)

*       When restoring selected locations for Multi-File Search and
        other operations, BBEdit will not ask the OS to remount unmounted
        volumes. This resolves semi-infinite OS stalls when the location
        is on an unmounted remote file server.

*       [476112] Fixed bug in which the "Remove Line Breaks" text
        factory operation was incorrectly flagged as requiring
        configuration, which prevented factories that used it from

*       Fixed bug in the "Text Merge" panel, in which the path button to
        the left of the entry field didn't open a file panel as intended.

*       Made a change so that when reopening a project with no documents
        open in it, the "No Editor" placeholder is visible rather than
        the project settings.

*       Adjusted entitlements in the app store build to improve
        discovery of command-line tools installed by Homebrew.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:



Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<>                      <>

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they sedate me.

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or need technical support, please email "" rather than 
posting here. Follow @bbedit on Twitter: <>
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