Re: Slash and Burn (from Chris Shade)

2002-03-12 Thread bdnow

Hey Allan,

No, I have been pretty busy and only loosely following
things.  I only opened your e-mail because of the
subject line (I didn't realize it was to me and not
the list).

Yes, there is something to ashes.  In a rodale study
(that was never published and I found buried in some
archives), they made a buch of compost piles with
different amendments, including rock phosphates,
Pfeiffer starter, wood ash and a few other things.
They noted that no pile finished any earlier than the
others, but didn't make much mention of the final NPK
analyses, which were rather remarkable.  Most of the
piles hovered around 1-1-1 to 2-2-2, BUT the Pfeiffer
pile was like 1-2-10 (nothing strange about 10, eh?)
and the wood ash pile was like 1-6-2.  So lets back up
here...the piles with added Rock phosphate were barely
up from the rest while the pile with the added K (wood
ash) had soaring P and the pile with added critters
and preps (you might think N) had a soaring K [note: A
Biodynamic Book of Moons - my favorite for the
alchemic notation - places K as the Sal or BD500
nutrient element (makes roots and heavy stalks and
such)and P as the sulph or fire element].

So it seems that the ash somehow stimulates the fire
element.  This is also seen if you put some freshly
burned wood ash on hot peppers or tomatoes - the ripen
quickly and thoroughly and the peppers are searing
like coals.

On a more mundane level, all of those nutrients,
mostly mineral elements, are rapidly realeased to the
soils as soluble salts rather than their slow
mineralization through biotic/humic channels.


Chris goes on:

I imagine that the issue is like any other -
unshakeable doctrine is foolish and there may be
reasons to do things like slash and burn sometimes.  A
fire brings new life to a forest at the same time that
is destroys old life.
The issue of whether burned things (ash) are good for
the soil is pretty straight forward - yes, generally,
unless you have a salinity or alkalinity problem).
Whether or not to slash and burn versus just applying
wood ash is another.  My immediate intuition is that
it is probably a good thing once in awhile, if not
more often.  Of course you would want to do something
to perk the microbes back up after the cooking, but it
shouldn't be hard.

As far as the Rodale study, they seemed to do
everything pretty much by the book - the main
ingredients were all from the same big piles, the only
difference being the extra amendments added.  They
seemed to be pretty sciency folks from the way it
read.  I sure wish I could find the thing, but I have
looked and do not have it.

Chris Shade

Re: Slash and Burn (from Chris Shade)

2002-03-12 Thread Gil Robertson

Interestingly, I came home from giving a talk on The Cycle of Life and
Death in a Permaculture System to the Local Bioregional Permaculture
Group and found this post.

The wood ash in the compost was one thing that came up and I had to go
on the side of only small amounts. I wish I had the post four hours

Are you able to direct me to the actual text of this?


bdnow wrote:

 Hey Allan,

 No, I have been pretty busy and only loosely following
 things.  I only opened your e-mail because of the
 subject line (I didn't realize it was to me and not
 the list).

 Yes, there is something to ashes.  In a rodale study
 (that was never published and I found buried in some
 archives), they made a buch of compost piles with
 different amendments, including rock phosphates,
 Pfeiffer starter, wood ash and a few other things.
 They noted that no pile finished any earlier than the
 others, but didn't make much mention of the final NPK
 analyses, which were rather remarkable.  Most of the
 piles hovered around 1-1-1 to 2-2-2, BUT the Pfeiffer
 pile was like 1-2-10 (nothing strange about 10, eh?)
 and the wood ash pile was like 1-6-2.  So lets back up
 here...the piles with added Rock phosphate were barely
 up from the rest while the pile with the added K (wood
 ash) had soaring P and the pile with added critters
 and preps (you might think N) had a soaring K [note: A
 Biodynamic Book of Moons - my favorite for the
 alchemic notation - places K as the Sal or BD500
 nutrient element (makes roots and heavy stalks and
 such)and P as the sulph or fire element].

 So it seems that the ash somehow stimulates the fire
 element.  This is also seen if you put some freshly
 burned wood ash on hot peppers or tomatoes - the ripen
 quickly and thoroughly and the peppers are searing
 like coals.

 On a more mundane level, all of those nutrients,
 mostly mineral elements, are rapidly realeased to the
 soils as soluble salts rather than their slow
 mineralization through biotic/humic channels.


 Chris goes on:

 I imagine that the issue is like any other -
 unshakeable doctrine is foolish and there may be
 reasons to do things like slash and burn sometimes.  A
 fire brings new life to a forest at the same time that
 is destroys old life.
 The issue of whether burned things (ash) are good for
 the soil is pretty straight forward - yes, generally,
 unless you have a salinity or alkalinity problem).
 Whether or not to slash and burn versus just applying
 wood ash is another.  My immediate intuition is that
 it is probably a good thing once in awhile, if not
 more often.  Of course you would want to do something
 to perk the microbes back up after the cooking, but it
 shouldn't be hard.

 As far as the Rodale study, they seemed to do
 everything pretty much by the book - the main
 ingredients were all from the same big piles, the only
 difference being the extra amendments added.  They
 seemed to be pretty sciency folks from the way it
 read.  I sure wish I could find the thing, but I have
 looked and do not have it.

 Chris Shade

Fw: [globalnews] U'wa people of Colombia's message regarding oil

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

From GlobalNews Mailing List:

U'wa Traditional Authorities
Cubará, Colombia, February 14, 2002


The U'wa Community represented by the U'wa Grand Council and the U'wa
Traditional Authority, addresses the difficulties faced by our Sarare
region that is partly Our Ancestral Territory established by our Highest
Colonial Letters.

We express our voice of protest and rejection before the national and
international community against the actions of Armed Actors that
destabilize the normal development of rural and indigenous communities
and that in some way affect our way of life and integrity.  The
aforesaid permits our support of the mobilization, in a healthy manner,
taking place in the Tame municipality of Aruaca, to make the demands
made by the mobilized communities understood, since the Colombian people
make most of the sacrifices in every sense of the word, and also demand
the Colombian State that it must listen to the outcry of the Sarare and
Arauca communities which is also the feeling of the Colombian People,
our non-U'wa brothers from the outside world (Riowa).

The United States is also financing Plan Colombia, the struggle against
drug trafficking, which signifies the increase of violence in the
department of Arauca, Boyacá and North of Santander and Our Ancestral
Territory, assigning US $98 million to protect the Caño Limón Pipeline
in Coveña, solely for having found oil in the Capachos 1 well without
seeing that what Colombia needs is more investment in social, health,
education and employment programs, so that we can live in Peace.

For the U'wa People it is fundamental that the Ancestral and Traditional
Territories are respected and conserved with a socio-cultural vision,
since these give us our daily sustenance and maintenance of all living

The U'wa People and the inhabitants of the Sarare region wish to live in
harmony with nature and within a tranquil space.  The territories of
Indigenous Peoples are territories of Peace.  The government and
petroleum multinationals are the first responsible for the social and
environmental problem in the Arauca and base of the mountain region, and
in second place are the actors of the armed conflict, for the dynamiting
actions against the Oil pipeline that cause the contamination of water,
pastoral areas and watershed basins of the Arauca River. These actions
are affecting climatic changes and the basic sustenance of our
communities.  We have the right to freedom of expression and thought.

But it is the actors of the conflict that drive the country into wars
that have no reason to exist.  At each step they leave havoc, misery,
and the gravest thing is that they attack LIFE.  These actions are on
occasion unjustified and bring destruction to individuals who are the
least implicated; which hurt the communities which have suffered and are
the most needed in the Country.

In addition, and taking advantage of this space, we want to reiterate
one more time for public opinion, to Ecopetrol, the Colombian
Government, Multinationals, and especially to Occidental of Colombia,
that we will never step back from the process of territorial defense,
and neither will we change our cultural principles as it is clear that
cultures with principles have no price, which means that we will not
permit oil exploration or development in our sacred territory, this is a
position and thought that surges from our ancestral millenary law and
our cultural principles.  And if oil was found in the Capacho sector and
they plan to export it, they are violating the rights of our ancestors
and our mother earth, which belongs to all who live in This beautiful Blue



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A moment to reflect

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

From: Eli Pariser, 9-11Peace
Date: 11 Mar 2002 19:39:31 -

Subject: A moment to reflect

This is an update to you as a signer of the 9-11peace petition. If you
don't want to receive any more messages from 9-11peace, just go to:

Dear friends,

It was six months ago today that commercial jets crashed into the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the terrible impact of those
collisions continues to reverberate throughout our lives.

In the days and weeks after September 11th, you joined half a million
other people from around the world in signing the 9-11peace petition
and urging world leaders to exercise restraint in their response.
Now, six months later, we're writing to brief you on our work and
to highlight an opportunity to help.

The petition that you were part of was a great success.  With
participants form 192 countries, widespread media attention, and even
a personal response from Tony Blair, we are confident that our message
was heard.

Since the petition, we have expanded 9-11peace into an ongoing
grassroots action network.  9-11peace is now a campaign of,
an organization that helps people influence national leaders through
the internet.  9-11peace action alerts reach hundreds of thousands
worldwide; in recent months members have sent close to 100,000 emails
to world leaders, made thousands of phone calls, and written hundreds
of letters to newspapers.

But unfortunately it appears the work for peace is just beginning.
The Bush administration has declared a permanent state of war, without
clearly identified goals or an endpoint, which is a threat to us all.
And the international structures that can support a democratic and
just response to terrorism are just now being built.

Six months after September 11th, it is time for a memorial. The best
way we can imagine to pay our respects is by making a commitment to
creating a better world, a world in which terrorism and war are only
a bad memory.  We invite you to join us in this most important work.

The 9-11peace campaign is supporting a group of American victims'
families, September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, in their
efforts to create a compensation fund for the families of Afghan
victims.  They are running a Washington call-in campaign.  Can you help?

Contact your Senators through the main Capitol Hill switchboard:

   Capitol Hill Switchboard   (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121

Make sure their staffers know you're a constituent. Then urge them to:

  Please support September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
   by enacting a Afghan Victims Compensation Fund.

Please let us know you're making these vital calls, at:

The US military response has lead to the deaths of many innocent
Afghan civilians -- perhaps thousands of them.  For their families,
circumstances could not be more dire.  Those whose homes have been
leveled now live in houses made of scraps of metal; food is scarce and
the winter is extremely cold.

September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is urging Congress
to set up an Afghan Victims Compensation Fund that would provide money
for bare necessities for these families.  Further information is
attached below.

Over 25 members of Congress have expressed their sympathy and support
for the idea of a compensation fund for innocent Afghan victims when
Peaceful Tomorrows members met with them in late January.  Now they
need to hear from you.


- Eli Pariser
  The 9-11peace Campaign
  March 11, 2002

For more information on the 9-11peace Campaign, please visit:



Peaceful Tomorrows is a group of family members of September
Eleventh victims who are working for peace.

Six months ago members of our families and thousands of other
innocents lost their lives in the attacks on the World Trade Center,
the Pentagon and on Flight 93. The loss of innocent lives continues --
it has now been over five months since the beginning of US military
action in Afghanistan in which other families have also suffered.
Yet there is no official acknowledgment that innocent Afghan
civilians have been killed or maimed in the bombing. While the number
of civilian casualties is unclear, estimates range from 1,000 to
4,000 people.

The innocent victims in Afghanistan who lost their lives during
the U.S. air strikes deserve our compassion and support. Out of our
concern for our Afghan sister families, four Peaceful Tomorrows
members traveled to Afghanistan in January with Global Exchange
visiting dozens of grieving and devastated Afghan families. Many of
the families of those who were killed or injured by US bombs are
living in dire economic straits. We returned from our visit

Thimerosal Linked to Autism in Confidential CDC Study

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

Thimerosal Linked to Autism in Confidential CDC Study

Controversy is mounting regarding the Center for Disease Control's
(CDC) Thimerosal Vaccine Safety Data-Link Study (VSD) presented to
the public at the July 15, 2001, Institute of Medicine (IOM) meeting
on Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes.
Thimerosal is the mercury preservative used in vaccines and other
biologics.  The CDC study evaluated nuerodevelopmental injury and
cumulative exposures to Thimerosal at one and three months of age by
studying the health records of over 100,000 children at four HMOs.

The organization SAFEMINDS (Sensible Action for Ending
Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders) has obtained an earlier,
confidential February 2000 version of the VSD study through the
Freedom of Information Act, as well as transcripts from a scientific
review of this earlier study, which took place at Simpsonwood Retreat
Center in Georgia. Serious disparities exist between the
neurodevelopmental outcomes of the two different versions of the
study.  For over a year, SAFEMINDS and Congressman Dan Burton (R-
Indiana) have been requesting the VSD raw data from the CDC for
independent review.  So far their requests have been denied.

The Texas firm Waters and Kraus leads the consortium of 25 law firms
in as many states in the first civil suit brought against vaccine
manufacturers and alleges that the February 2000 confidential version
of the VSD study clearly demonstrates an exposure to more than 62.5
micrograms of mercury within the first three months of life
significantly increases a child's risk of developing
nuerodevelopmental orders such as speech and language delay, autism,
stuttering, and attention deficit disorder.  In fact, the study
indicates that children at this exposure level are more than twice as
likely (2.48) to develop autism as those not exposed.  Waters and
Kraus note: Courts of law have generally upheld that a relative risk
of 2.0 or higher is sufficient to substantiate that a given exposure
causes disease.

When the VSD study was presented at the July 2001 IOM meeting, the
relative risk of autism had been reduced to 1.69.  According to Mark
Blaxill of SAFEMINDS, all previous versions of the study had used the
same dataset.  Yet for the version presented at the IOM meeting had
an additional 34,334 children added to the database. The majority of
the additional children were added by altering the inclusion
criteria, as well as by updating the HMO data cycle by adding an
additional year, 1998.  The additional children were too young to
have been diagnosed autistic since they were just turning two at the
time the analysis was performed.  Autism is diagnosed on the average
at 44 months.

When the author of the VSD study, Tom Verstraeten, first presented the
confidential version for scientific review by a panel of experts at
Simpsonwood in June 2000, he said, One thing that is for sure, there
is certainly an under-ascertainment of all these [neurodevelopmental
disorders] because some of the children are just not old enough to be
diagnosed. So the crude incidence rates
are probably much lower than what you would expect because the cohort
is still very young.

The FDA and EPA called for the removal of mercury in infant vaccines
beginning in 1999.  At that time, vaccine manufacturers agreed to
have thimerosal-free vaccines available at the beginning of 2001 and
later offered voluntary exchange for all remaining thimerosal
vaccines still on the shelf.  In July of 1999, the American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP), under the leadership of pediatric vaccinologist
Dr. Neal A. Halsey, met with officials from the CDC to ask that the
birth dose of Hepatitis B be pushed back as far as six months of age.
The CDC and members of its National Immunization Program (NIP)
refused, arguing that there was no evidence of harm done.  They
didn't want to undermine public confidence in the vaccination
program.  After much negotiation, the CDC released an ambiguous and
weak statement that suggested that in certain low-risk populations
physicians could wait until babies were two months of age before they
administered their first hepatitis B vaccine.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the CDC
committee that recommends the vaccines for the Childhood Immunization
Schedule, has yet to state a preference for thimerosal-free
vaccines.  It was the ACIP that approved of the additions to the
Childhood Immunization Schedule of hepatitis B and Hib in the late
1980s and early 1990s, two thimerosal-containing vaccines that pushed
infant ethyl mercury exposure levels far above any existing federal
methyl mercury exposure guidelines.

At the June 200o Simpsonwood meeting, the following comment was made
by a participant, This association leads me to favor a
recommendation that infants up to two years old not be immunized with
thimerosal-containing vaccines if suitable alternative preparations
are available. Forgive this personal 

FW: here's to women friends!

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

   A landmark UCLA study suggests that women respond to stress with
   a cascade of brain chemicals that cause us to make and maintain
   friendships with other women. It's a stunning finding that has turned
   five decades of stress research -most of it on men- upside down.
   this study was published, scientists generally believed that when
   experience stress, they trigger a hormonal cascade that revs the body
   either stand and fight or flee as fast as possible, explains
Laura Cousino
   Klein, PhD, now an assistant professor of biobehavioral health at
   Pennsylvania State University in State College and one of the study's
   authors. It's an ancient survival mechanism left over from the time
   we were chased across the planet by saber-toothed tigers. Now the
   researchers suspect that women have a larger behavioral repertoire
   than just fight or flight. In fact, says Dr. Klein, it seems
that when the
   hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stress response in a
   it buffers the fight or flight response and encourages her to
tend children
   and gather with other women instead. When she actually engages in this
   tending or befriending, studies suggest that more oxytocin is
   which further counters stress and produces a calming effect.
   This calming response does not occur in men, says Dr. Klein, because
   testosterone-which men produce in high levels when they're under
   stress-seems to reduce the effects of oxytocin. Estrogen, she adds,
   to enhance it.
   The discovery that women respond to stress differently than men was
   made in a classic aha! moment shared by two women scientists who
   were talking one day in a lab at UCLA. There was this joke that when
   the women who worked in the lab were stressed, they came in, cleaned
   the lab, had coffee, and bonded, says Dr. Klein. When the men were
   stressed, they holed up somewhere on their own.
   I commented one day to fellow researcher Shelley Taylor that nearly
   90% of the stress research is on males. I showed her the data
from my lab,
   and the two of us knew instantly that we were on to something.
   The women cleared their schedules and started meeting with one
   after another from various research specialties. Very quickly, Drs.
   and Taylor discovered that by not including women in stress research,
   scientists had made a huge mistake: The fact that women respond to
   differently than men has significant implications for our health.
   It may take some time for new studies to reveal all the ways
that oxytocin
   encourages us to care for children and hang out with other women, but
   tend and befriend notion developed by Drs. Klein and Taylor may
   why women consistently outlive men. Study after study has found
that social
   ties reduce our risk of disease by lowering blood pressure,
heart rate, and
   There's no doubt, says Dr. Klein, that friends are helping
us live longer.
  In one study, for example, researchers found that people who had no
   friends increased their risk of death over a 6-month period. In
   study, those who had the most friends over a 9-year period cut
their risk of
   death by more than 60%.
   Friends are also helping us live better. The famed Nurses' Health
   from Harvard Medical School found that the more friends women had,
   the less likely they were to develop physical impairments as they
   and the more likely they were to be leading a joyful life. In fact,
   results were so significant, the researchers concluded, that not
   having close friend or confidante was as detrimental to your health as
   smoking or carrying extra weight!
   And that's not all: When the researchers looked at how well the women
   functioned after the death of their spouse, they found that
even in the face
   of this biggest stressor of all, those women who had close friend and
   confidante were more likely to survive the experience without any new
   physical impairment or permanent loss of vitality. Those without
   were not always so fortunate.
   Yet if friends counter the stress that seems to swallow up so much of
   life these days, if they keep us healthy and even add years to
our life, why
   is it so hard to find time to be with them? That's a question that
   troubles researcher Ruthellen Josselson, PhD, coauthor of Best
   The Pleasures and Perils of Girls' and Women's Friendships (Three
   Rivers Press, 1998). Every time we get overly busy with work and
   the first thing we do is let go of friendships with other
women, explains
   Dr. Josselson. We push them right to the back burner. That's really a
   mistake, because women are such a source of strength to each other. We
   nurture one another. And we need to have unpressured space in which
   we can do the special kind of talk that women do when they're with


2002-03-12 Thread jsherry


Posted on Mar 10, 2002

The Climate Prediction Center, which monitors weather conditions
in the United States, released data on March, 5, 2002 indicating that almost
a third of the country is suffering from drought. According to Christina
Ward of, If the dry trend continues as expected, many
regions of the country could encounter severe water shortages this spring
and summer. Already, some states have announced drought emergencies and are
drawing water from back-up supplies.

Douglas LeComte, of the Climate Prediction Center told, Since last October, high-pressure systems have
deflected storm patterns to the south and north of affected areas along the
East Coast, missing localities in need of precipitation. La Nina is
considered a factor in the dryness in the West.

Mark Svoboda, a climatologist with the National Drought
Mitigation Center, told the Associated Press. This is a sleeping giant. The
impact is still to come.

From the National Drought Summary:

The East: A storm brought 1 to 2 inches of rain to drought
areas along the Eastern Seaboard on March 2-3, offering some respite from
the persistent dry weather that has dominated the region since autumn.
Although the rain was beneficial, it was not sufficient to significantly
alter the overall drought picture, allowing extreme drought to continue over
Maine, the mid-Atlantic from New Jersey to northern Virginia, and the
Southeast from South Carolina to eastern Georgia. The drought in the
mid-Atlantic and Northeast remains mostly a hydrological drought, with
impacts on ponds, lakes, rivers, wells, and reservoirs. However, there are a
variety of other effects from the drought, including long-term impacts on
vegetation and trees.

According to preliminary data, the Northeast experienced the
second driest September-February in 107 years of record. The 12 months
ending in February were the driest on record in Maine. New Jersey, Delaware,
and Maryland reported the driest February on record.

The Plains and Midwest: The early-March storm had little impact
on dryness in this region, as the heaviest snow and rain mostly fell in
areas not experiencing abnormal dryness. Abnormally dry conditions continued
in the northern Plains, with severe to extreme drought persisting in
southwest Texas. Moderate drought intensified to severe drought in extreme
southern Texas. Drought also intensified to severe levels in western
Oklahoma and southwest Kansas. - Climate Prediction Center, NOAA / / Associated Press - Graphic: Climate Prediction Center -
Map shows ranges from abnormally dry (Yellow) to exceptionally dry (Dark

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Planting Spuds - How do you do it?

2002-03-12 Thread Rural Center for Responsible Living

The Organic Gardening encyclopedia say 30# per 1000 sq ft on sand to 80# per
1000 sq ft on clay will raise the ph one unit. Having put about 4 tons to
the ac of quarry siftings about 9 years ago I would say that their unit
would be a raise from lets say 6.1 to 6.2. I would be a little more
concerned about any change in PH in your case, since 6.8 is at the top of
the range for spuds.

Also if your PH is 6.8 and your calcium is low, There's a good chance that
the sulfur may be lacking which could also show up as a fungal problem in an
off year.


 If I understand correctly, it takes a hell of a lot of high calcium
 lime to actually change the pH. Am I wrong about this?


drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

Hello All,

We did get a moment of rain over a week ago, but have had many days all
summer, fall, and now winter where clouds gather in the sky, promising rain,
only to dissipate either later in the day or even days later producing NO
rain at all. It is clear that the atmosphere is not able to organize a rain

Frankly, I find this more alarming than terrorism, especially because I
consider my government to be one of the leading terrorists in the world.

A trip a couple of weeks ago, up to the northern end of the county, where
the NYC water supply begins, was even more alarming, to see some reservoirs
which were literally bone dry and others down by more than 40 %. It's as if
the land were gasping around the area.

My garden has been great, producing small amounts of kale, turnip greens,
herbs even and a few straggling carrots all winter--further proof as far as
I'm concerned about how compost and preps and communion can enliven and
create protected space. I stand in awe of those of you responsible for
feeding others and farming. As I've said many times before on this list, if
Americans all had to grow their own food, they'd probably starve.

As for the drought, wow, this lazy self may actually have to get out there
and do sequential sprays.


RE: Off: Mandated vaccinations coming

2002-03-12 Thread Chris Trem

My heart goes out 
to you and to all others in this situation. It is truly insane that government 
can just walk in and take your children away if they want to. There is a good 
but hidden reason why the state has the authority to do this to you and your 

The issue has 
to do with sovereignty.Here is what Burney Brushears Author of "Strategic 
Withdrawal" has to say about the marriage license 

"In applying for a marriage license, you 
are doing exactly the same thing as two slaves who approach the plantation owner 
and request permission to mate. Also, like slaves, any offspring would be born 
as slaves and would be the property of the same plantation owner...By signing an 
application for a marriage license, you have made the government a partner and 
co-owner of everything produced by the marriage, including the 

The jist of the issue is that we have 
allowed government to take away our freedoms and rights just by signing our 
name. By our own hand the state is given permission to regulate us. The state 
then has authority to mandate vaccinations for our children and mandate that our 
kids be educated ingovernment (public) schools. 

ASocial Security number (SSN),isa 
co-signerI.D. to 
thenational debt. 
Ifyou have a driver’s license, 
thenyou have willingly given 
upyour constitutional right to 
freepassage. The drivers license 
contract converted that right into a taxable privilege so that we now have no 
right to travel under any conditions except by those imposed by the licenser – 
the government.The IRS has the authority to lootbank accounts, 
lienproperty and garnishwages without a court order to authorize 
it because when we went to the bank to open 
an account using a SSN we had to sign a bank signature card – another legal 
contract. When we signed the bankcard we consented to abide by the rules of the 
bank The rules of the bank state 
that we are obligated to abide by the “administrative rules of the department of 
the Treasury”. IRS agents will file these signature card contracts as exhibits 
at a trial and the judge will enforce this voluntary contract. A person is 
presumed to understand and concur with that which bears his signature! 

More from 
title 28 USC 3002(15) the term "United States" includes any federal 
corporation, federal agency, or instrumentality of the United States. The agency 
that exercises jurisdiction under the Buck Act is the United States, by and 
through the Secretary of the Treasury, who is a wholly-owned, 
bought-and-paid-for, stooge for the International Monetary 

"A legal 
"instrument" is any written document such as a contract, deed, or a lease. An 
"Instrumentality" is the person who is created by, bound by, or obligated upon 
the face of an instrument. When your name is on an instrument called a Social 
Security Card, voter registration card, or driver's license, you are the 
instrumentality obligated by that instrument. Because you are the bankrupt 
United States, ( the US publicly admitted bankruptcy on March 7, 1933) then you 
have no right to buy, own, or use property. You are subject to taxation and 
regulation in the form of traffic fines, user fees, licenses, and so forth. The 
remedy is the rescission of the contracts and instruments." 

Be a free sovereign 
and live under God's laws, or be a state slave and live under man's corrupt 
laws.Can't do both. The choice is ours.

Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer 
RochesterSent: Friday, March 08, 2002 12:48 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Off: Mandated vaccinations 

  Me too Bonnie. My 5 yr old is autistic due to vaccination.
  We totaly don't 'do' the doctor thing, but this last week I thought my 
  child had appendicitis (sp?), so I took her to the hospital to find out. 
  Turned out she had a kidney infection. They were notgoing to let us 
  leave without seeingher take some antibiotics first. As this was 
  happening, I was praying, askinghow the heck we could get out of this 
  one. Ireally didn't think we could. Well, as soon asshe tasted the 
  antibiotic, she threw up BIG-TIME! As the nurse stepped out of the room to get 
  something to clean it up, I dumped the rest down the sink :-) 
  We went to the health food store the next morning and got some great 
  herbal tea that has a few natural antibiotics in it, as well as some good 
  tasting chewable tablets that were madefrom cranberries. The infection 
  is almost completely gone now, without antibiotics (of course!) 
  Anyway, CPS just showed about 10 minutes ago, because the hospital turned 
  us in for not vaccinating! My heart is still in my throat!!! She said she just 
  needed to make sure it wasn't a money issue or anything like that. She says 
  we're ok, but I have had friends who have had their children taken away 
  because of this issue, so I am having a bit if a hard time 

Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-12 Thread Anthony Nelson-Smith

Chris - surely the whole point about Chi is that you cannot retain it:  you
may 'gather' it, but it's only passing through.  Thus it can scarcely be
'parasitic' to obtain it from natural surroundings - it returns to them soon
enough !   Tony N-S.

Re: What Brewer are You using? was Re: BD 508 equesetum

2002-03-12 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/11/02 1:09:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am making my own, finally using my BS in marine biology.SStorch

wanna talk about it?

What are you using as a compost bag?  No compost bag, I let it fee flow with 
the water.  I build an upwelling pipe and lift the water with air.

What are you using for aeration?  I use a really high grade aquarium pump

For pumping?  There is no pumping, I move the liquid exclusively with air and 
gravity feed into the spray tank.

For a tank?  I have a variety of cylindrical tanks, cone bottom tanks and 
aqua-culture tanks.

(Did I leave anything out?)
If you want to put it on the schedule for the fall I will bring the newest 
stirring machine and a compost tea brewer to the fall conference  SStorch

Re: What Brewer are You using? was Re: BD 508 equesetum

2002-03-12 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/11/02 12:50:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Above or below ground?  some tanks in ground, some above
remedies added at start? inoculate with bc and other ingredients at start
at finish?
~clarity at completion?  cloudy brown at completion, if it goes clear it is 
gone past peak and you have to reinoculate with food source

then stirring in spray tank to keep it in suspension?  mild agitation by 
sprayer bypass

Color of your prayers /:*) white

In Love   Light'all that stuff

Steve Storch Stirs Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and FarmingConference was Re: What Brewer are You using? was Re: BD 508 equesetum

2002-03-12 Thread Allan Balliett

(Did I leave anything out?)
If you want to put it on the schedule for the fall I will bring the newest
stirring machine and a compost tea brewer to the fall conference  SStorch

OK, Steve, you're on!! -Allan

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-12 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 Dear Glen, Lloyd, David and felow list members,
 The eight pointed star exercise raises some interesting questions as to why
 you can stand on this pattern and actually feel that there is a difference
 between different spots on the star. 

What is the difference in the experience you have when you stand on the
primary cross as opposed to the secondary cross?

Big hint
Observe your ability to stand still.


Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-12 Thread SBruno75

Hi Jane, how is the bc I sent you???  Did you use it all???  Do you have some 

Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-12 Thread Gil Robertson

jsherry wrote: , especially because I consider my government to be one of the
leading terrorists in the world.

Thank you for posting that. I thought I was the only one who thought that way. I
fear the agencies of the US Government much more than I do any other force in
the world. It also worries me that both our Prime Minister and that of the UK
are trotting along in little Bush's wake..


Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-12 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

jsherry wrote: , especially because I consider my government to be one of the
leading terrorists in the world.

Thank you for posting that. I thought I was the only one who thought that way. I
fear the agencies of the US Government much more than I do any other force in
the world. It also worries me that both our Prime Minister and that of the UK
are trotting along in little Bush's wake..

you treat them all too kindly
the brown streaks smell bad as well as being unsightly


Re: Shatnez

2002-03-12 Thread Gil Robertson

My understanding of the Shatnez is based on research by Phil Callahan and from
private correspondence, which included copies of his pathology reports on his

A Shatnez is a Paramagnetic/ Diamagnetic resonator.

Lost you already?

It was originally a vest like garment made from a natural fibre capable of
holding moisture, saturated with water with an electrolyte. Probably hemp or
linen. But one can use hessian or burlap - sugar bag chaff bag what

The Rabbi's of Biblical times wore the garment for protection when working
with the sick. The electrolyte can be sweat or sea salt and water (never
table salt). It is better if wood ash is included in the water. I use a
mixture of several Australian hardwoods and some fruit woods. I prepare the
ash, taking care to see nothing else is mixed and usually use the heat to
burn peppers at the same time.

The original garment was re wet when it dried out. Phil had his wife make
his to fit, then covered it with Glad Wrap,  Cling Wrap what ever you
local product is.

I found that the Shatnez has a sizeable force field and felt it did not need
to be huge. I make mine to fit in Press Seal plastic bags, different sizes for
applications. I use two layers of hessian, edge stitch with over locker and
make a St George Cross and a St Andrews Cross with the sewing machine, (looks a bit
like a Union Jack!), which holds it all nice and flat. I soak it for three hours in
sea salt and ash,
with some added super fine highly paramagnetic rock dust (70micron). I then
drain and put in the press seal bag while still very wet. They will stand at
least a year of use, without rewetting. (Best Shatnez to date!!). I also
make neat little pillow cases out of polly cotton, to cover the plastic bag. I
supply a spare, so one
can be in the wash while the other is in use. In some cases, a pillow case
can be tacked inside a garment and left there during washing (with the
Shatnez removed).

I had a vertebra collapse and was in huge pain and was threatened with
spinal fusion etc. I wore a small shatnez day and night, while taking super
fine agricultural dolomite and the same of paramagnetic rock dust. From
being wedge shaped and displacing the ones each side, it now, two years later, can
not be
picked in the X-Ray I had last week.

The Shatnez acts as both antenna and resonator, attracting healing energy
and converting it to the required frequency. Read Phil Callahan's work for what
frequencies, most of my understanding is based on Phil's work and that of several
others working on his line, here in Oz. I have many stories of people getting great
help from mine.

Does that help?

If you make them and use them, I would be interested in feed back on how you
get on with them. I should publish on them and could do with some other
peoples experiences to get a larger range of situations.


Allan Balliett wrote:

 How'd you make this Shatnez, Gil.

 I had dinner with Callahan one night at ACRES and he simply referred
 to the 'bandage' as a Reichian accumulator. It was alternating layers
 of organic/inorganic material, wasn't it?


 Allan Balliett wrote: Incidentally, Phil Callahan is fond of saying that a
 Reichian acculator-based poltice he made for his chest cured him of cancer.
 I did not know Phil credited it to Reich. He calls it a Shatnez and uses
 Biblical referees.
 I have experimented with it and made some design developments to
 make it easier to
 One example:- Fran, my wife a a few days from an advanced Massage Training
 workshop, when she broke two or three ribs. The area was too painful
 to touch and
 her use of the left arm made it very painful. If she missed this workshop, her
 tactile therapies studies would be put back a year. She wore a
 Shatnez night and
 day and when the workshop came she was fine and could have the area
 massaged and
 could massage without pain. I do not know of a similar recovery and was most