Re: Help to find Eugene M. Poirot's book called Our Margin of Life

2003-03-02 Thread Paul Fieber

You can go to they have the book there under 
used books. is selling it for $22.50

  - Original Message - 
  Spiritual Renaissance Center 

  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 9:58 
  Subject: Re: Help to find Eugene M. 
  Poirot's book called "Our Margin of Life"
  Here it is: 
  Margin of Life by 
  Eugene M. Poirot  
  Alberto Machado wrote: 
I ask a favor please if any body knows where can I by the book 
bellow:Eugene M. Poirot wrote a book in 1950 
called "Our Margin of Life". 3 This book 
details his experiences in the restoration of soils and the health benefits 
to animals when fed crops grown on high vitality soils. His son-in-law, a 
veterinarian who practiced in the same town as I did, confirmed the accuracy 
of this account, here quoted from Poirot's book 
Sincerly Albeerto Machado 

RE: Books

2002-03-19 Thread Paul Fieber


I am interested in the books could you send me more information.


Sent:   Monday, March 18, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject:Re: Books

I just wanted you all to know that I have brought out two books, extensions 
of LILIPOH. One is called Practical Home Care Medicine and will help with 
many of the simple childhood ailments, including instructions on compresses 
etc. It was compiled from all the best hints and advice of 18 or more 
anthroposophical physicians, including Dr. Incao, nurses and parents.
The second book is on Cancer and Iscador, but a third book will be out 
shortly and that is on vaccinations from the anthroposophical approach. I am 
hoping that this may help some of you. 
If you are interested call the publisher, Booklight, Inc. for a brochure. 
1-800 758 3756.
Sophia Christine 


RE: Electronics and cancer

2002-03-03 Thread Paul Fieber

Hi Allan, the gentleman you are talking about is Bruce Tainio in Spokane, Washington 
he is using this type of device all over the world with astounding results.  It is 
like a field broadcaster, but uses scaler energy patterns.  He cleaned up an entire 
river in China using this device in Washington.  

From:   Allan Balliett[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Saturday, March 02, 2002 12:49 PM
Subject:Re: Electronics and cancer

scalar waves are appropriate for discussion on BD Now!
- ALLAN BALLIETT, moderator

PS there was a company at the ACRES trade show that was selling a 
scalar service  that originated in Washington state. You could 
contract with these folks to rid your crop of insects, regardless of 
your physical location. The installed a 'relay tower' (my phrase) on 
your property and broadcast waves to you from Washington. They 
promised complete eradication of insects.


RE: Electronics and cancer

2002-03-03 Thread Paul Fieber


Bruce related this story to me himself.  I have had several convesations with him and 
he is doing some incredilble things with his different instruments.  Scott Crandall 
has also spent a week with Bruce and will confirm the China story.  I have Bruce's 
number if you are interested in talking with him.


From:   Allan Balliett[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, March 03, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject:RE: Electronics and cancer

Hi Allan, the gentleman you are talking about is Bruce Tainio in 
Spokane, Washington he is using this type of device all over the 
world with astounding results.  It is like a field broadcaster, but 
uses scaler energy patterns.  He cleaned up an entire river in China 
using this device in Washington.

Call me Thomas, Paul, but do we have any third party verification of 
this astounding story? Not saying they didn't do it, just concerned 
about miracles that occur outside of my own ability to verify.

thanks for the note!



RE: Healing

2002-02-20 Thread Paul Fieber

Hi Jane
I am a holistic practitioner and I have been involved with vibrational energy healing 
over the past two years.  I use EAV ( Electro Accupuncture by VOLL) instrument.  This 
is a non-invasive, computer based, biofeedback device which measures energy flow 
through the body's accupuncture meridians (energy channels).  It is based on the 
Chinese medical theory that improper energy flow through these meridians causes 
imbalances, which in turn can lead to disease.  

The Chinese model stresses that symptoms are not the disease; they are only messengers 
telling you a problem exists and needs to be addressed.  The BioScan biofeedback 
device has he unique ability to interpert what the messengers are saying.  The cause 
of the problem can then be examined and dealt with.  

A major advantage of the BIoScan over traditional methods of evaluation is that 
thousands of energetic measurements can be produced in less than 5 minutes.  Computer 
printouts of these evaluations then guide the practitioner in confiming energy 
imbalances in the body.  These imbalances are then alleviated with the use of 
homeopathics and herbs as well as mediatiation, yoga and nutrtition.  

Biofeedback and Bioenergitic screening is considered to be one of the most significant 
and advanced brealkthroughs in health care in many years.  It is widely accepted in 
Europe and Canada as a primary method of evaluation for health conditions.  

A total of 12,000 energy vibrations can be measured in a very short period of time.  
It scans all of the major body systems as well as chemicals, heavy metals, geopathic 
stress, yeast, industrial pollutants and allergies along with more than 50 other 
categories.  It also has the ability to look at miasms, which show energy patterns 
from our ancestors.  The energy blocks that are discovered cause the symptoms that 
manifest themselves as disease.  If we free these energy blocks it prevents the 
disease process from occuring.  A big component of the scan is vibrational emotions.  
It will show emotions that have been buried deep in the body for a number of years.  
The Bach Flower Remedies are used to correct these emotional imbalances.  

I quess a better way to put this into easy terms is that it literally looks into our 
future and gives us a picture as to where our health is going.  It is amazing what 
reveals itself in the scans.  We also have the ability to do scans by simply placing a 
hair sample on the instrument and then using ourselves as a proxy which always show  
the energy imbalances on the DNA of the hair sample.  This has also been very 
succesful with pets as they can be scanned using the same procedure.

Even with this incredible device, my personal opinion is that healing iteself must 
begin within us first.  We must have a desire to want change and take responsibilty 
for this change. All the healers or instruments in the world will have no meaning if 
we don't first look within ourselves for the answer.  I have found that most all 
diseases have an unresoved emotional confict as the underlying cause of disharmony.  
This is especally true with Cancer.  It is so easy to run to the doctor and get a pill 
which only masks the symptom and never addresses the real problem. 

True healing begins with loving ourselves as we are and to express love in everything 
we do.  If we were to say everyday to someone I Love You it would change the world.


From:   jsherry[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 20, 2002 6:59 AM
Subject:Re: Healing

Dear Peter, Barbara et al,

Peter, I am the last person you should ask to define terms like ego
according to the many systems which use such terms: Freud, Theosophists,
Jung, and Steiner all mean something slightly different. Perhaps you or the
many others well read and versed in anthroposophy can discuss 'ego' within
the context of Steiner's work, I however am not qualified to do this.

When I talked about the ego, I meant the part of the self  that has been
constructed by us in order to 'hide' the deeper soul parts of ourselves. The
part that allows us to function with our peers and society with a
superficial persona that we wear like a mask. Many folks actually have
constructed very elaborate personas in order to justify the ways in which
they harm others daily just by going to their job, and the ways in which
they harm themselvs and loved ones through the many intricate and societally
acceptable ways there are in which to do this.

The ego in occult terms is the part of personality that must 'die' in order
to be transformed. The initiate would go through a 'death' experience of
that constructed part of the self that is not the true Self.

Barbara, as for 'going with the flow' I mean not robot-like but being in the
moment, being fully present, Mindful.

Thanks for your eloquent message about 'quantum' healing, Barbara! Any
examples of working with the blueprint and 

RE: Healing

2002-02-14 Thread Paul Fieber

Dear List

Please be advised that my wife and I went to one of Dr. Yuen's seminar's at at cost of 
$900.00.  My wife had a personal session and afterwards there was no healing benefit 
of any kind.  We talked with several others at the conference that were actually up on 
the stage for the healing and they also received no benefit from this man.  We 
personally, as well as serveral others felt that we were taken advantage of. 
I would strongly caution anyone to think twice before getting involved.

From:   Wayne and Sharon McEachern[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:43 AM
To: Bio-Dynamic List

Hi Folks!

As we have hit a healing thread here, and I need to get this said so
that I can get on with my personal list of things to do -- I need to
share some special information with you regarding healing.

First, I want to encourage all of you -- no matter your interest in
being a healing practitioner or not -- to visit the following website:

The website is one of those with lots of movement -- and once you find
out who Kam Yuen is, you will understand why the movement.  Also, the
website is a little picky -- it doesn't accommodate all browsers -- it
does work with MS Explorer.  Even if you are not using MS Explorer, you
most likely have it available on your computer if you have a PC.

Visit the site and spend a day reading the testimonies.  Yes, it could
take that long

Sharon has completed the three levels of classes which Dr. Yuen offers
and now is starting on her second time through in order that she
complete the Mastery program next year which would enable her to teach
this protocol.
I have not started take the three levels of classes as I am impressed
beyond wordsThis is the beginning of our full time ministry
which includes working and promoting this protocol.  I would encourage
anyone -- whether you think that you could be a healer or not -- to take
the classes.  Yes, you can do it.  There is a very well defined protocol
that is easy to learn and follow.

The ministry which I am speaking of actually began about two years ago
and will include the above as well as supporting our continued work on
the Land in Quantum Gardening and Ag.

I need to add one more thing.  Sharon's work is a little different in
some manners than what you will read about on the passed along webpage
above.  She has actually incorporated Dr. Yuen's work into her
practice.  She is quite gifted and very intuitive and works with a
subject to identify the out of harmony aspects of the subject -- sends
frequencies (all of which are at her disposal) which will she is guided
to direct throughout the energetic fields.  These frequencies have a
very interesting effect on the subject which falls into a category of
healing on all levels.  If I were to define her work with one word, I
would call it evolutionary.

All of this work can be performed local (in person) or in phone sessions
-- or without phones.

Feel free to contact me / us with questions and / or comments.




Sharon and Wayne McEachern


A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Expressing the Light

A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process



RE: Albrecht System for soil testing and fertilisation

2002-01-01 Thread Paul Fieber

Hi I would appreicte the forms for Green Gold Laboratories.  Thanks.

From:   Green Gold[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:41 AM
Subject:Re: Albrecht System for soil testing and fertilisation

Dear Ms. Jaeger, 
An Albrecht analysis is the only analysis worth purchasing in our opinion and even 
then the labs vary.  For a full Albrecht that doesn't fudge on the calcium analysis 
requires the proper equipment and therefore I  recommend Green Gold Laboratories in 
America.  A full, standard soil analysis with Cations and Trace minerals is $35.  This 
shows available colloidal minerals, organic matter, cations, trace minerals, pH, and 
other pertinent information.  It is a tell tale for performing and non performing 
soils.  Tests for compost, other mediums and their prices are also available. 

For a consultant to review the analysis and make crop specific and geographic specific 
recommendations for minerals, application amounts, dates for applications, an 
additional $75 is charged.  This is a report based on the soil analysis, which 
includes specific indigenous minerals, compost, etc., and all recommendations are in 
accordance with the California Organic Foods Act of 1990 for unlimited use in organic 
food production. 

Anyone who is interested can e-mail  for a form on how to properly take a soil sample 
or the forms on where the one cup of soil is to be mailed. 

Holiday Greetings to All! 

Cecilia Harmon  


  Hi all, 

  May I ask, if anyone has any experience or knowledge of the Albrecht System for 
  soil analysis and fertiliser recommendations versus the 'conventional' 
  laboratory approach? 

  In the organic circles in Australia the Albrecht system is being hailed as the 
  best one to use.  Except for anecdotal evidence that some growers say that it 
  works for them, I have not seen any other literature about it, especially in 
  regards to its adaptation to Australian soils. 

  I am writing as research officer for organic vegetables with the Department of 
  Natural Resources  Environment - Agriculture Victoria, and am thinking of 
  writing an Agnote on soil testing. 

  Many thanks for your time and any information you may have to offer. 

  PS: I also have a small patch to grow organic vegies on and some data would help 
  me to decide, if I should use the Albrecht System. 

  Christiane Jaeger

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