2003-06-30 Thread Peace Beours
biodynamics mentioned in NYTimes
June 29, 2003
   In Search of Meaningful Companionship
   Companion planting, or using one species to bolster the health 
   production of another, has been part of garden folklore for
   centuries. But proving what works - which companion plants 
   beneficial insects or repel pests, and which enrich the soil - 
   about as easy as finding a cure for the common cold. (It's 
   like the mind-body connection: if you believe that basil helps 
   tomatoes, it will.)
   As Arthur O. Tucker and Thomas DeBaggio point out in "The Big 
   of Herbs" (Interweave Press, 2000), the idea was popularized in 
   United States in the 1940's with the introduction of French
   intensive gardening. Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic principles paid
   similar attention to the soil and to the exchange of gases,
   nutrients and compounds.

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GE "Foods" and Basic Human Rights: H.R. 252 coming to a vote Tuesday

2003-06-15 Thread Peace Beours
Dear Christy, All,

Thank you for your "page-turning" summary of the Biodevistation7 conference 
in the 6/8 digest (and at ).  I am forwarding 
it to one of my MCS lists, where a recent posting gave the URL for a website 
where one click can send an email to one's congressrep to protest GE 
foods/seeds.  FOI (For Our Informtion), I enclose that info here:

<< Dear Donnie,

Thank you for posting this info in the 6/10 digest, about action we may take 
by (or through?) this coming Tuesday, 6/17, to let our representatives know 
(in the context of standing up for Europe's right not to have this happen to 
them) what we think about corporations forcing GE food down people's 

(* I am indebted to Christy Korrow at for 
this turn of phrase)

You wrote:
- Original Message -
<< GM food action alert
We have received a request from Representative Dennis Kucinich to have
people immediately call or e-mail their House Representative to oppose a
Resolution that will be brought up in front of the House of
Representatives on Tuesday.
Here is a link to send an e-mail:
The resolution is H. Res. 252 - "Expressing the sense of the House of
Representatives supporting the United States in its efforts within the
World Trade Organization (WTO) to end the European Union's protectionist and 
discriminatory trade practices of the past five years regarding agriculture 

As you are probably aware, the United States has brought a WTO case
against the European Union over their moratorium on genetically
engineered foods. Representative Kucinich and The Campaign oppose the
WTO case and oppose this resolution in support of it.
This is a "Suspension bill" which means there can be no amendments, 40
minutes of debate and 2/3 vote to pass. We only need 145 votes to defeat
the bill.
Please call or e-mail your House Representative.>>
- end of original Message -
(As a quick aside, one can reach both Senators' AND Representatives' offices 
using a tollfree number: 1-800-839-5276  and then <>[I have not tested 
this procedure for current workability but it worked a pretty short while 
ago when I used it with another issue])

Going to the site you gave us Donnie, gives, on the very first page, a very 
easy "click here if you want to send an email" which automaticaly sends a 
to-the-point mesage to one's State representative (automaticaly chosen by 
the site based on your zip code). Short and sweet, it reads:

<< I am writing to ask you to oppose House Resolution 252 which will be 
brought up for a vote on Tuesday, June 10, 2003.

This resolution supports the World Trade Organization case the United States 
has brought against the European Union over their moratorium on genetically 
engineered foods. I don't think we should be forcing genetically engineered 
foods on the Europeans. And I also think we should have these biotech foods 
labeled in the United States.

Please oppose H. Res. 252. Thank you! >>

Here's what I would have written if there hadn't already been a message 

<< Dear Congressman,

As a freedom-loving American, I find it outrageous that, not satisfied with 
forcing genetically engineered foods down the throats of Americans by taking 
away the power of choice that informed consumption (labeling of GE foods, 
which industry refuses to do) in OUR "free market" would bring, NOW 
corporations have managed to get the US Government, formerly a beacon of 
freedom in the world, to bring a case in the WTO against the European Union 
over their moratorium on genetically engineered foods.

Do not the European peoples, have the basic human right to determine what 
goes down their own throats*?  And the basic human right to keep out crops 
that will contaminate non-GE crops and bring ruinous lawsuits upon them (a 
la Percy Schmeiser) for unknowingly "hosting" rogue GE plants that have 
strayed from their owners' fields into the fields of their unwitting *and 
unwilling* recipients?

Unless you believe that free trade means the violence of forcing others to 
purchase that which they consider to be poison to their lifeblood, I expect 
you will vote NO to H. Res. 252, and to any other proposals that infringe 
upon basic human rights including free choice and self-determination.


P.S. I have just noted that the resolution makes the folowing claim:

<< Whereas Americans have been consuming genetically-modified corn and 
soybean products, which are subject to a rigorous Federal review process, 
for years with no documentation of any adverse health consequences; >>

Gee whilikkers, how can one *document* ANY kind of health effect when 
industry's refusal to label these products makes it imposible for consumers 
not only to draw any conection between symptoms and consumption of the 
product, but even, in most cases, to even be aware of the *posibility* that 

PS to <>

2003-06-15 Thread Peace Beours
P.S.  I beg your pardon(s) on the url for the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem; it 
should have been

One must go to that page to see his line (inacurately rendered in my email 

<< No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion >> due to my 
computer's inability to translate accent marks used by Hopkins to make "new 
words") as Hopkins meant it to be seen.

Another of Hopkins' gems is at the same site. I see its message as echoing 
this (from --no doubt faulty-- memory) in The Matrix movies:

You (we, each of us) are The One .

As I paraphrase that to myself: Unique purpose individually for acting in 
concert with universal harmony in the grace that humility brings as 
instruments of divine will and power, as we live Reality-based Truth.

Gerard Manley Hopkins

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
   As tumbled over rim and roundy wells
   Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
   Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
   Selves- goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.
I say more: the just man justices;
  Keeps gráce: thát keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is--
  Chríst. For Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
  To the Father through the features of men's faces.

After reading the above, I am lifted on a wave of feeling to believe that 
Steiner himself would nominate Hopkins poet-laureate to *Life*, let alone 
simply to the anti-GP movement!  (please forgive me if I "blaspheme")

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Terminology as Medium as Message: GE/GM/GR/GP

2003-06-15 Thread Peace Beours
Dear Allan, Steve, Peter (All),

Thank you for your end-May replies (below) to my question on when to use the 
term genetically "engineered" and when "modified".

I am in accord that, rather than those two rather value-neutral terms, the 
ones you suggested -- "hacked", "prostituted", "raped" and "muddled" -- 
express the truth that this meddling with the very fundamentals of life is 
at "best" intrusive, at "worst" violent, and along that entire range, ending 
in confusion and destruction a la The Tower of Babel.

(On that note, could it be that this Biblical symbol foretells what happens 
to Nature -- MUDDLED -- when information units of DNA get scattered/inserted 
ultimately willy-nilly into lifeforms they never were meant to inhabit, as 
they whisk across the countryside in the form of rogue genetically modified 
pollen that has escaped their fields of origin, and pollute "nontarget" 

"Hacked" seems apt in its sugestion of unauthorized (=not in the spirit of 
life as it has evolved/been created) intrusion and manipulation of others' 
"intellectual property" -- namely the IP of God, or of the Universal Life 
Force (or however you want to conceptualize/feel it) and, ultimately, 
belonging to the Earth's peoples and animals and all lifeforms that depend 
for their/our survival, on Nature's Code as it has evolved over eons.

Hacking can be seen as a "sin of pride".  "Sin" can be/has been, defined as, 
*separation* -- from God/fellow beings/divine order/Reality.

"Prostituted" likewise suggests perverting and thereby damaging a holy 
lifeform (in the Christian tradition : "The [all] body[/ies] is [are] the 
Temple[s] of the Holy Spirit"), by taking what when in its apotheosis is the 
ultimate spiritual experience -- lovemaking -- and, by placing it in a 
one-sided market context, thereby debasing it.  Prostitution is "sin" in its 
participants' separation from their own integrity as holy (integrated) 
bodymindsoul beings.

"Raped", suggesting the violence of taking what is not one's to take, and 
damaging -- perhaps beyond repair depending on the extent of the intrusion 
and the degree of strength both of the victim (human or animal/plant) and of 
the victim's outer support system (surrounding social in the case of humans 
and/or biological environment for both humans and animal/plants) -- also 
seems quite apropos.

Rape is, short of murder, the worst sin of all, as it can completely ruin 
and destroy the "ground" of its victim such that the full, joyous (or 
miserable, but "naturally" so) life that victim was equipped at birth to 
participate in, becomes impossible (short of a miracle).

All these terms, in short, seem to me very applicable to substitute for the 
more value-neutral "engineered" and "modified".  Not that anyone asked me 
to, but may I, however, propose that using "genetically polluted" in place 
of ANY of these (either conventional/neutral, or more truthful/value-imbued) 
terms, could have value to enhancing the penetration/carrying capacity, of 
"anti-GE/GM movement" messages?

First of all, and perhaps least importantly, every time I write "GE" or 
"GM", I think of General Electric and General Motors.  As egregious as some 
of the activities of at least the former entity has been (e.g., PCB 
pollution of the Hudson River), they none of them rise, IMHO, to the level 
of destruction threatened by changing Earth's foodweb so fundamentally.  
These companies do not "deserve" to be implicated, even if only incidentally 
and only linguistically/acronymically, with the tarred brush of Genetic 

Genetic Pollution, or GP, is a term that every Earth Citizen who has any 
awareness of the downward spiral of ecological destruction that our 
environment is sustaining (and it is said that most do have this awareness), 
will grok.  The depth of one's bodymind understanding of what it means to 
his/her bodymind to live in a *chemically* polluted world, will, I believe, 
intuitively and naturally carry over, in the "masses", to form the "ground" 
of an understanding of Genetic Pollution's threat to their and Earth's 
"bodymind", on which the structure of "it's harmful because of gut lesions" 
(and whatever else the evidence shows GP food to do/be capable of) can be 

I hope for feedback on this proposal (with apologies if it's already been 
made elsewhere).

Now, as long as I'm proposing stuff, how's about electing Gerard Manley 
Hopkins, poet laureate of the anti-GP (I won't say "forces" as that has 
violent overtones, and we are a peace-loving people) hosts (as in 
"heavenly")?  See, for example, this paean to the purity of (unpolluted) 
Gerard Manley Hopkins
 The Windhover
 To Christ our Lord
 I caught this morning morning's minion king-
dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding
Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding
 High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing
 In hi

ELF - Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields

2003-04-01 Thread Peace Beours
Dear Alberto and list,

Regarding: << ... seeing what they do empirically, and kind of sounding the 
alarm on my own head and seeing what they do empirically, and kind of 
sounding the alarm on what we are now experiencing.

By Dr Robert Beck. President United States Psychotronics Association, 1985. 

Is this the same Dr. Robert Beck who wrote The Body Electric?
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Re: Perry's recent posts

2003-02-09 Thread Peace Beours

Thank you, Perry.

(You wrote:
Subject: Re: Perry's recnt posts
Date: 	Sun, 2 Feb 2003 16:10:16 -0500

Hi,  Different in that I'm not using the bucket anymore... I'm using a large 
tank, making my own Barrel Compost to inoculate the "tea" along with the 
compost and trying to figure out how to use it on our whole farm, not just 
in the garden.  Perry  - You wrote, << I'm doing it differently now, but 
with the same idea... of low cost. >> -- different how if you'd care to 

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OT: "The real tipoff to his [Resident's] intentions..."--NYTimes editorial

2003-01-31 Thread Peace Beours

January 31, 2003
Empty Promises
 Everyone expects a certain amount of hokum in a State of 
 Union address. But for artful misdirection it's hard to 
 the three paragraphs in which President Bush promised to
 protect the environment while promoting energy 
 Set aside for the moment the meagerness of his menu, as 
 as the plain fact that he has spent the last two years 
 back laws and regulations that have long guarded the 
 air, water and public lands. The real tipoff to his 
 lies in the three proposals themselves. Whatever their
 long-term promise, none would do much good in the short 
 and some would actually do harm.>>

Nothing new here, really, other than editorial reinforcement of what we 
already know is going on: an agenda to enrich the rich "By an means 
necesary" -- even to decimation of our ecological and individual health.

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OT: the rush and push to war

2003-01-31 Thread Peace Beours

Check out the double "seig-heil" (sp?) in the photo of the true "power bhind 
the throne" at this url in today's NYTimes:

 Wonder who he's saluting?

Maybe there's a hint here: <
 and Exchange Commission for its accounting practices. He has also
 repeatedly declined to identify the people who were consulted by his 
energy task force in 2001.>>   (BTW, ever notice how everyone in or 
supportive of this administration seems to "decline" (not refuse, oh no) to 
answer questions in which they are requested to account for their actions, 
to the people who they supposedly are serving (us)??)

And perhaps there's another hint (one linked to the afore-noted refusal to 
ID corporate energy-co. insider influence?) here: <<"Mr. Cheney has been 
consumed by planning for the political reconstruction of a post-Hussein 
Iraq. The plan, so far, is for
 an American military commander to run the country alongside a civilian
 administrator, with an eventual transition to an Iraqi-led [puppet] 

(oops, sorry, my fingers slipped and inserted that [extra] word.)

Or maybe here? <
 now pursuing a plan to offer government incentives to drug companies 
 develop better smallpox and anthrax vaccines.>>

or here?
 the president's economic plan, the elimination of the dividend tax.>>

Heck, "power *behind* the throne" seems naive somehow; here's what Rep. Rob 
Portman, an Ohio Republican says at the article's close: "You feel when 
you've talked to the vice president you've talked to the president".

With that kinda power -- but without the pressure that would over-strain his 
heart (<> -- who needs the figurehead hassles 
of an official presidency?

sorry, just had to let off a bit of steam.

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Pluto-inflicted? (was: Re: to Jane Sherry)

2003-01-30 Thread Peace Beours
From: "Garuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:02:46 +1300

Re: to Jane SherryYes Moon Venus Saturn Pluto is the next few days
Power issues, control, emotional sensitivity, bottom lines are challenged 
all this week. Any persecutor, victim, saviour issues should be on display. 
Relationship hidden or delayed, cum denied matters all come to a head.
Keep an eye on the MArs transit to follow around the 15th Feb. (Can georgey 
boy keep his finger off the trigger from then on?)
Here is the rest of the worlds chance to keep the US back in some form of 
box. CAn we do it???
The perrennial question of Pluto inflicted people - how to manage the 
raging self obcessed psychopath that lives in the basement?.

Is our Resident Pluto-inflicted, then? I thought the problem was a combo of 
brainwashed-to-value-money-mongerers/grubbers-above-all-else (c.f. 
decimation of envt'l regs/elevating of corporate enrichment schemes) and a 
reported IQ of 88.

Jane Parker  wrote
>Is it possible we are acting out of the macrocosmic paradigm right 
now on this micorsosmic scale?
Please we are brothers and sisters here, and I would urge and invite 
us to request of one another and ask of one another not point fingers or 
blame or sound condescending our communications with each and the 

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Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-01-30 Thread Peace Beours

Oustanding site: <> thank you! -- looks like I can put together the bubbler at the link 
you provided 
for a grand total of less than $US12.00 (not counting the 2 5-gallon pails, 
which I already have, s/h for the aquarium supplies, and $ for the 
molasses).  That is:
$6.95 for air pump part#TL2
2.45 for aquarium 3-way gang valve part #810333, and
1.75 for 5 feet of aquarium air tubing part #FT316

A sweet deal indeed for a compost tea maker!

You wrote, << I'm doing it differently now, but with the same
   idea... of low cost. >> -- diferent how if you'd care to detail?
---original message---

Perry Clutts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: Perry's recnt posts
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:11:15 [snip]

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digest mode ...dust, and drought

2003-01-30 Thread Peace Beours
Points well take, Martha and Friendly Moderator :),  regarding digests vs. 
individual posts, but since i'm lucky if i can do email as much as once per 
24 hrs, I don't think my conversation will lag much more with digests, and 
w/my slow modem, it saves time to open only one document than what lookslike 

Regarding dust and drought, this shocking article:
Huge dust cloud threatens Asia
 By Geoffrey Lean in Washington
 26 January 2003
 Gigantic dust clouds swirling over China are threatening the world's 
 populous country with the first-ever "ecological meltdown", experts 
here warn.

 The clouds – which stretch for thousands of miles over Asia and have 
 reached across the Pacific to North America – are rising from a 
 growing dust bowl in northern China that far outstrips the notorious 
 in the United States in the 1930s.
 It threatens to drive up the price of food and greatly increase 
 worldwide, and could lead to tens of millions of desperate Chinese
 environmental refugees.
 "No country has ever faced a potential ecological catastrophe on the 
 of the dust bowl now developing in China," says Lester Brown, 
president of
 the Earth Policy Institute, based in Washington. "Merely grasping its
 dimensions and consequences poses a serious analytical challenge."
 Dust storms have been recorded in China for at least 2,700 years, but 
 are now increasing alarmingly both in size and in number. The Chinese
 Meteorological Agency says there were just five major storms in the
 country in the whole of the 1950s. This rose to 23 in the 1990s. But 
 first two years of this decade have almost equalled this figure 
already, with 20.

 The storms – which peak in late winter and early spring – can blot out
 daylight in Beijing and other cities, make it hard for millions of 
 to breathe and destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of crops. They 
 closed schools and airports in South Korea and Japan, and caused a 
 car factory to shrink-wrap its vehicles as soon as they come off the
 production line to stop them being spoiled.
 They have even occasionally crossed the Pacific: one in April 2001 
 the west of North America from Canada to Arizona with dust.
 The clouds sweep up millions of tons of precious topsoil from Chinese
 fields and pastures. Gone in a single day, the soil will take 
centuries to
 replace. But this is just the most dramatic symptom of the 
 spread of deserts across the country, which is home to nearly one in 
 four people on the planet.
 Between 1994 and 1999, the country's Environmental Protection Agency
 reports, the Gobi Desert expanded by 20,240 square miles, to within 
 150 miles of Beijing, New, smaller, areas of desert are erupting all 
 the country. In all, this "desertification" is affecting 40 per cent 
 the country's land. Partly as a result, harvests – which more than
 quadrupled between 1950 and 1998 – have fallen sharply, even as 
 population and appetite grow.
 In Ganzu province alone, some 4,000 villages are facing being 
submerged by
 drifting sands, and the Earth Policy Institute believes that 
 the country tens of millions of people may be forced off their land,
 dwarfing the migrations of the "Okies" from the American dust bowl.
 The institute blames "over-cultivation, overgrazing, over-cutting and
 over-pumping" for the escalating catastrophe. Marginal land is being
 increasingly pressed into cultivation, but quickly turns to dust under 
 strain. The country's 290 million sheep and goats strip the vegetation 
 grazing lands. Cutting down forests removes the trees that bind soil 
 the ground. And excessive pumping of water from underground acquifers
 dramatically lowers water tables, drying out the earth.
 China is belatedly trying to get to grips with the crisis. It is 
 26 million acres – a tenth of its grain-growing area – with trees. But
 many die because the soil is already too thin; and, say critics, too 
 are being planted around Beijing so as to try to "green" the city – 
 clean the air – before the 2008 Olympics.
 As the crisis continues, Mr Brown predicts, the world will soon feel 
 pinch. So far China has compensated for its falling harvests by eating
 stocks, but soon it will have to buy massive amounts of grain on world
 markets. He warns: "Grain prices could double – impoverishing more 
 in a shorter period of time than any event in history. It would create 
 world food economy dominated by scarcity rather than by surpluses, as 
 been the case over most of the last half a 

Perry's recnt posts

2003-01-30 Thread Peace Beours

Hi, Perry, you gave some appreciated info in 2 recent posts... here's a 
couple followup questions:

<<"Perry Clutts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  BD NOW!! subscribe/unsubscribe
  Date :  Tue, 28 Jan 2003 07:56:01 -0500

   The BDNOW E-mail list is open to all. Subscribing is easy: ...
   To unsubscribe from bdnow, simply ... >>

***Perry, is there an equally simple way to get a digest form of the list 

   This list is archived at:

   However, I found this site that has a much better search

*** Excellent indeed, thank you!

<<"Perry Clutts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: NYT Article/Homemade Compost tea Machine
   Hi Merla,

   Check out this site.
   It gives good instructions  (w/ photos) on how to build a small 
   machine... not really a machine, but a bucket bubbler. The
   instructions show a manifold and several hoses. I just use a 
   airstone that fits across the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket.>>

*** What is an airstone?

Thank you for this URL.

Also, does anyone know of an online source for the gang valve ("manifold"), 
aquarium hose and pump called for?  No aquarium shop anywhere near me.

TIA :)

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