<Bioneers strongly supports restorative agriculture and has been a 
friend of biodynamics and biodynamic sensibilities from the 
beginning. I'm sure they are worthy of your support.  -AB>

Dear Bioneers Friend:

Bioneers are improving the environment by changing the world. Help us 
create the world you want to live in.

Here are 3 ways you can help us reach our year-end fundraising goals:

a Bioneers member
a gift membership for a special introductory rate of $25
3. <http://www.bioneers.org/members_conf/print_memform.html>Make a donation
         *If these links don't work for you, see actual text links at 
bottom of email

With your support, we can amplify the voices of the Bioneers to 
resound the world over. Help us reach all those who want to be a part 
of the solution with encouraging examples of how they can be.

With your annual membership donation of $35 for individuals and $25 
for introductory gift memberships, you will receive:

A Voices of the Bioneers sampler audio CD
Subscription to the twice-yearly Bioneers Letter
A 10% discount to the Bioneers Conference
A 10% discount on Wisdom at the End of a Hoe Workshops
You can sign up online now by clicking on the links above, call us toll free at
1-877-246-6337, or fax or mail the attached printable form.

With wishes for a peaceful and restorative future,
The Bioneers Staff

P.S. Your contribution is tax deductible as provided by law.

P.S.S.  If you can't afford a membership contribution, please 
contribute your time by taking action on 
<http://www.bioneers.org/features/now.html>Bioneers Now!

*You can paste in the links below to get to the appropriate areas
1. Become a Bioneers member 
2. Give a gift membership for a special introductory rate of $25 
3. Make a donation 

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