Re: C Timings

2003-06-25 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Re: C Timings

Yah, As is said the meaning of life is what our thirdgrade teacher told us pay Attention
ie being present is everything. 
As the ancient Marcus Aurealius hung it out ' If one pays attention, everything happens as it should.'
As you may rightly point out that Socrates was put to death much earlier for asking 'Why not pay attention.'

On a different tack have you read Larry Leastheatmoon's PrairyErth?
On the flint hills of Kansas neat book on really paying attention.

back to your writing - note I said whirlwind as in some time the smoke gets in my eyes.

In Love  BD501ish Light

From: Eric Myren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:58:01 -0600
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: C Timings

You are one who is well versed in the ancient ways. So what you saying is you know your own brain and how fast it can move. 
Unlike some people who do not know whether they are in Kansas any more, you know when to keep your feet on the ground. 


On Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 09:09 AM, Turtle Bend wrote: 

I'm finding this defining and pointing clearly were the whirl wind is in my personal, local  world touch. 


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Re: C Timings

2003-06-24 Thread Eric Myren
You are one who is well versed in the ancient ways. So what you saying is you know your own brain and how fast it can move.
Unlike some people who do not know whether they are in Kansas any more, you know when to keep your feet on the ground. 


On Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 09:09 AM, Turtle Bend wrote:

I'm finding this defining and pointing clearly were the whirl wind is in my personal, local  world touch.


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C Timings

2003-06-23 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: C Timings

I'm finding this defining and pointing clearly were the whirl wind is in my personal, local  world touch.


June 2003 Celestial Timings  
By Carolyn Brent

June 22, Sunday. Moon moved into Aries yesterday energizing the Warrior Amazon/Adventurer, also calling us to commit to whatever we are willing to protect and defend within the cosmic order of life. Saturn (2Cancer25) is trining Mars (2 Pisces25) with the Sun (fuel) moving to conjunct Saturn (structure and form) and trine Mars (sacred masculine) on June 24. Also Uranus (unexpected changes) is in close conjunction with Mars (exact tomorrow) creating the possibility for a total restructuring of the current masculine matrix expressing through the dominate patriarchal control program that has limited the accepted possibilities of valid cultural masculine expressions. Sensitive, nurturing, compassionate and caring expressions of the masculine have been viewed as weak and unacceptable. Uranus in Pisces conjunct Mars begins the process of breaking up the old programs while also inspiring a big picture overview of expanding possibilities and a more conscious return of the Sacred Warrior or from the Pisces lens it might be more accurately described as the Compassionate Peaceful Warrior. The Compassionate Warrior operates from a place of compassion first for himself and then for all those he encounters. The Compassionate Peaceful Warrior does not come from scarcity and a need to compete for what he believes are limited resources, nor does he have a need to dominate others by forcing them to fit into his control based survival program. Instead, the Compassionate Peaceful Warrior has the courage to begin by trusting and accepting his thoughts and feelings as they show up, without trying to fix them. Being willing to allow his feelings to be what they need to be is an important component of compassion towards self and others. In our current culture, men are programmed to fix things, to take action. The Compassionate Peaceful Warrior is willing to engage in constructive action intending to promote harmony and cooperation with those he encounters releasing the need to control, predict or direct the outcome. This simply requires willingness to be present and openhearted in all actions and interactions with an intention to support the experience of peace and wholeness within self and others in every moment. And so it has begun! 

Jun 23, Monday. Mercury (18 Gemini) opposes Pluto (18 Sagittarius) bringing to conscious awareness personal and collective shadow issues particularly related to the current Mercury cycle that began last month in Taurus. These shadow issues may include how we have denied sacred pleasure, beauty and intimacy as a direct experience of the divine. Unexpressed rage, confusion, and hurt may emerge as these aspects of our divine nature have been denied by the judgmental and limiting collective beliefs of the past. Embracing the shadow by creating a safe space for feeling all the feelings without having to fix them or make them be different than what they are is one way to consciously engage this timing. Willingness to embrace our shadow and Being with What Is in loving acceptance, especially when if doesn¹t fit our ideal picture, helps us to access the gifts of power and life force held with in the shadow realms.  Today is the exact Mars conjunction with Uranus (2Pisces43 see June 22) and Moon moves into Taurus late tonight transmitting the mysteries of beauty, abundance and sensual sacred pleasure, that when healthy allows our hearts to sing with gratitude for all the gifts of life. 


Jun 24, Tuesday. This is a very full day of aspects beginning including the annual Sun conjunction with Saturn (2Cancer41) and Saturn and the Sun trine retrograde Uranus and Mars (2Pisces 58). (See June 22). Mars, unlike the outer planets is not retrograde when it trines the Sun and does not go retrograde for at least another month. Thus the Sun, Mars trine has its own unique relationship in this case the Sun is providing fuel and inspiration for the completion and new beginning of the Mars quest. Also today Venus (18 Gemini) reaches opposition to retrograde Pluto (18 Sagittarius) stirring up shadow issues in connection to the Heyokah Shaman who has not been fully recognized or valued in recent times. Indeed, many women who have carried this type of medicine were burned at the stake out of fear of their power. Embracing these and other wounds, releasing the fear and uncertainty through conscious attention helps to restore these mysteries to their proper _expression_ so their gifts may be enjoyed by all. 

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