Dear Everyone:
I am not a farmer in practice yet, but a gardener, and in my heart a farmer.
I am a student of Rudolf Steiners mass works. I am also a mother, and a resident between Heaven and Earth.
I appreciate the content from ALL of the postings.

It is my understanding from my recent new study of RS - Agriculture that y'all are the Priests of the Future, of which I am sensing that the future RS was referring to is NOW!!!
All the attention you put into figuring out how to nurture and care for this divine being is of benefit to all earth's and heavens inhabitants. Please do not stop posting Jane Sherry, it is RELEVANT for the whole picture and you guys/gals are the Knights of the Table Round. Now, help us out, do not censor anything or anyone, listen with your heart perceptivity. Please? okay guys and gals? We each have a specific task to fulfill to sort it out for the whole, at least that is my understanding of karma and destiny.
We must, I believe, take into consideration the effect of this war mongering on our Dear Sophia/Earth.
How can we just think of only the few acres we each farm or the small city plot I currently reside on, and not know that all that is happening is impacting each and every one of us forever? By us I mean all the Earth and Sky and waters and Air...

Peace and Love and Tolerance,

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