Corner Post
Farm & Countryside Commentary by Elbert van Donkersgoed
March 7, 2003

When British and French farmers agree on an issue, it's worth investigating.
Back in January the European Commission published its latest proposal for
reforms of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. These latest
proposals clearly cut farm production subsidies.

French farmers were the first to forcefully reject the plan. France profits
more from farm production subsidies than any other European Union country.

British farmers declared that the new policy does not fit in the United
Kingdom. They too reject the reduction in production subsidies but focus
their criticism on the proposal to reduce the aid payments according to farm
size. Larger farms face bigger percentage cuts, and the UK's farm size is
much bigger than most of Europe.

But this latest plan for reform, which "happens" to cut production
subsidies, has a much bigger agenda.

The most significant goal is a simplified, efficient administration by the
European Commission of what all the member states do in the name of the
Common Agricultural Policy.

The reform proposes a single farm payment, independent of production and
based on the average of whatever subsidies a farm received during the
previous three years. No lengthy application forms backed by proof from
satellite imagery and animal passports to show how much land is in
production or how many animals are kept. Just a single farm income payment.
Easy administration.

A second innovation is just as dramatic. It is a response to the
long-standing criticism of the Common Agricultural Policy: that production
subsidies divide farmers from their markets, suppress innovation, and
destroy economic and environmental value.

The new payments will be linked to respect for the environment, food safety,
occupational safety and countryside stewardship. As long as a farmer keeps
his land in agricultural condition, the farmer will continue to receive the
single farm payment, irrespective of the amount of food produced. Farmers
who deliver an attractive, healthy countryside will be rewarded, making the
environment a selling point, not a sore point, for the sector.

The rationale for this major shift in European farm policy has been building
for a decade. Production subsidies paid to farmers under the Common
Agricultural Policy are now seen as part of the problem rather than the
solution. A new guiding principle has emerged: use public money to pay for
public goods that the public wants and needs.

This is an innovative approach to agricultural subsidies. Will Europe's
environment benefit? No doubt. I am skeptical, however, of the claims by
European politicians that their new approach will reduce over-production.
Total subsidies for European agriculture and the countryside are not
declining. Farmers, with their ingenuity and entrepreneurship, should not be

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