Re: Please Read James' Brilliant Post

2003-02-04 Thread John Buckley

I concur ... John Buckley
- Original Message - 
From: Roger Pye 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Please Read James' Brilliant Post

Allan Balliett wrote:> I'm reposting this post because it cuts 
to the heart of the globalnews > issue. I think there is some very good 
advice here and I hope it will > be taken to heart. -Allan 
>  cut 

Re: Please Read James' Brilliant Post

2003-02-04 Thread Roger Pye
Allan Balliett wrote:

I'm reposting this post because it cuts to the heart of the globalnews 
issue. I think there is some very good advice here and I hope it will 
be taken to heart. -Allan 

 The list and it's effectiveness is in the sense of building community
amongst the list members. If a few hundred members of the list cannot 
tolerance to each other, and allow that the opinions of other members 
merit, we may as well all go home to the weapons of mass distraction and
forget about trying to make the world a better place.

James Hedley

We can all individually subscribe to the NYT, globalnews, as many 
newsletters as we like, and individually preen ourselves on how the 
views of the commentators and the politicians and the spin doctors 
coincide with our own - and then look around and wonder why the world is 
going to hell in a bucket!

For me, a thing that holds my interest in BDNOW! is 'interaction', that 
is, the way we respond to each other on the world and our own news of 
the day whether it be Merla's roadway weeds or BD or RS or CT or the war 
with Iraq we all apparently agree is unwarranted but looks to happen 
just the same.

For those who want another list, go ahead and do it. Restrict its topic 
to biodynamics and nothing else, impose your own type of censorship. At 
the same time count the number who join, the number of posts you 
receive, the length of time people stay, and rationalise it all with the 
hours and heartache you put into the running of the thing. When it fails 
BDNOW! will still be here, uncensored, interacting on all manner of 
topics, providing an invaluable service to the members of this 
community, and will welcome you back with open arms.

BDNOW! is not just a list, not a group of disassociated individuals - it 
is a community of people with common beliefs and targets, common and 
uncommon ideas, a community interacting to benefit all who care to 
listen. Chopping off the flow of information from any direction could 
signify the beginning of the end for BDNOW! - today Jane's information, 
tomorrow explorations into something else unconnected directly with 
biodynamics - and it will ultimately lapse into the homogeneity and 
humdrum-ity so evident in the mainstream media and the majority of 
internet mailing lists.

Allan Balliett does a really fantastic job with BDNOW! - Let's hear it 
for Allan!!! :)  - one of his major strengths being that he DOES NOT 
censor incoming information, does not impose his own standards, likes or 
dislikes on contributors, but allows the conversations and discussions 
flow unimpeded this and that way - and we all benefit!

Why can't you, the detractors, do the same?

Those messages you don't want to know about, or read about right now 
this instant, they're your problem, not mine or James' or Allan's or 
many more of BDNOW!'s members. So put filters in so they don't become 
(to you) so much useless clutter in your inbox but divert into folders 
you may read or destroy at your leisure.  It only takes a few seconds to 
destroy one or a thousand emails.
