Le lun. 24 févr. 2020 à 09:11, Hugo van den Brand <h.vd.br...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Op ma 24 feb. 2020 05:03 schreef <chamelot.tho...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I recently purchased a beaglebone blue and tried it with pre-installed
>> image and the latest debian image from beagleboard.org. Everything is ok
>> and the wifi works perfectly.
>> Now, I want to build my own custom image with buildroot. I have some
>> experience with buildroot and raspberry pi. I managed to have a bootable
>> image with linux console on uart. The problem is that when I try to
>> activate wlan0 (ip link set wlan0 up), the  board hangs. I cannot connect
>> to ssh anymore (USB connection), I cannot access it via the uart linux
>> console (no more log from kernel), the heartbeat LED stops blinking, the
>> only thing i can do is ping the board (through USB).
> That sounds like a kernel panic.
> Is any logging of this event written to a file that you can look at after
> boot?
> Do you get any output the moment it happens?

I do not have any log after the moment it happens, but I do not believe it
is a kernel panic as I can still ping my board through the USB connection.
It means that icmp request are handled by the kernel. I think that what
happens is a kind of deadlock.
Actually, yesterday, I tried with a different kernel version. I forgot to
mention that I was using the branch 4.19-rt from
https://github.com/beagleboard/linux. When changing to the default 4.14
version/branch, I was able to use wifi normally. So I belive it is related
to the preempt-rt patch, but I have to investigate further.

> Do you have the kernel module for wlan compiled into the kernel? You might
> get a bit more logging if it is a module.

I tried both.

>> What I have tried so far,
>> Use different firmware (/lib/firmware/ti-connectivity) from:
>> * Buildroot linux-firmware package
>> * Beaglebone Black wireless firmware (on github)
>> * Pre installed firmware from the official Debian image
>> Use different device-tree
>> * am35x-boneblue.dts built with the linux kernel by buildroot
>> * the devicetree provided in the official Debian image
> I trust you know that the device tree  can be specific for a kernel.
> For my beaglebone black, there are huge differences between the beaglebone
> kernel and the stable kernel from kernel.org.
> I would try it as well with the beaglebone kernel and matching device
> tree.
> https://github.com/beagleboard/linux
> If you see that working you could backtrack where the differences are.

As I told, I was using a kernel from https://github.com/beagleboard/linux.
I even looked for a diff between my working setup am335xx-boneblue.dts and
the 4.19-rt am335xx-boneblue.dts, but they are equivalent.

>> Use different libc
>> * µclibc
>> * glibc
> I don't think that matters that much. Errors in those libraries are not
> that common and would probably cause more errors.
> Glibc is used more, so to be safe stick to that.

I found on google that µclibc do not implement some stuff related to ipv6,
so I gave it a try ^^.

>> At this point I end up every time with the symptoms described before.
>> Could anyone help to investigate further?
>> Thank you,
>> Thomas
>> Anyway, it works now. Thank you for your quick response, it made me
investigate the device-tree further.


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