Hi everyone,

I'm working on a low-level kernel for the Beaglebone Black. I've gotten to 
a point in my project where I want to specify an IRQ handler and enable 

According to the technical reference manual 
26.1.4), there are two primary locations you can load a disk image to. The 
first is what they call "Public ROM" which seems pretty straightforward. 
You load your image to address 0x20000 and the interrupt vector table is 
the first thing which gets encountered.

The second location you can load an image is "Public RAM" (which I'm 
using). This starts executing at 0x402F0400 and you get 109kb of space for 
your application. The weird part is, *the interrupt vector table appears to 
be located super far away from the entrypoint*, at location 0x4030CE00. 
This is more than 109kb away, so it can't be included in the image which 
gets flashed to the device.

I am at a loss about how to get an instruction to that particular location 
in memory since my image fundamentally can't be that size. Any guidance on 
how to setup the IVT for Public RAM would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

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